———— i: | 3 [HE SOMERSET GOUNTY STAR P. L. Livexcoop, Editor and Publisher. Entered at the Postoflice ut Elk Lick, Pa. as mail matter of the Second Class. Subscription Rates. THE STAR is published every Thursday, at Salisbury, ( Elk Lick, P. 0.) Somerset Coun- ty, Pa, at the following rates: One year, if paid spot cash in advance.. §1.25 If not paid strictly in advance........... 1.50 Bix months..................... Three months of Single copes . 0b To avoid multiplicity of small accounts all subscriptions for three months or less must be paid in advance. These rates and germs will be rigidly adhered to. Advertising Rates. Transient Reading Notices, 5 cents a line sach insertion. To regular advertisers, 5 cents a line for first insertion and 3 cents a tine for each succeeding insertion. No pusi- ness lacals will be mixed with local news items or editorial matter for less than 10 cents a line for each insertion, except on yearly contracts. Rates for Display Advertisments will be made known on application. Editorial advertising, invariably 10 cents a line. Legal Advertisements at legal rates. Marriage, Birth and Death Notices not exceeding fifteen lines, inserted free. All additional lines, 5 cents each. rds of Thanks will be published free for prtrons of the paper. Non-patrons will be charged 10 cents a line. Resolutions of Respect will be published for 6 cents a line. All advertisements willbe run and charg- ed for until ordered discontinued. No advertisement will be taken for less shan 25 cents. Weak Lungs] Bronchitis For over sixty years doctors have endorsed Ayer’s Cherry ' Pectoral for coughs, colds, ‘weak lungs, bronchitis, con- sumption. You can trust a medicine the best doctors ap- prove. Then trustthis the next The Carroll Comedy Company, now playing a week’s engagement in Hay’s opera house, is composed of good ac- tors. Those who have been attending their shows express themselves well pleased, but the audiences have not been as large as the company deserves. Clear up the complexion, cleanse the liver and tone the system. You can best do this by a dose or two of De- Witt’s Little Early Risers. Safe, re- liable little pills with a reputation. The pills that every one knows. Rec- ommended by E. A. Miller. 2-1 David Keim opened his sugar camp one day last week, and since that time he has gathered over 100 barrels of sugar-water. Among the sugar-makers, David is always the “early bird,” and the sugar made early in the year is always of the finest quality and brings the highest prices. WANTED !—10 men in each state to travel, distribute samples of our goods and tack signs. Salary $85.00 per month; $3.00 per day for expenses. SAUNDERS CO., Department P. No. 46 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago. Ills. 3-28 The fame of the high class traction engines manufactured at our home engine works, is rapidly spreading. This week men from Illinois and Roch- ester, New York, came here to iuvest in the celebrated Twentieth Century engipes, which are manufactured right here in good old Elk Lick. “They hike the taste as well as maple sugar,” is what one mother wrote of Kennedy’s Laxative Cough Syrup. This modern cough syrup is absolutely free from any opiate or narcotic. Con- tains Honey Tar. Conforms to the National Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold by E. H. Miller. 2-1 The grass is greening, the mud is deepening, the flies are unlimbering their joints, the wheels of the gas meter are slowing down, the ice man is frowning, and the coal dealer looking black, all because of this summer weather in January. What shall the harvest be?—Canonsburg Notes. Mothers who give their children Ken- nedy’s Laxative Cough Syrup invariably time you have a hard cough. “1 had an awful cough for over a year. an: nothing seemed to do me any good. I tried Ayer’'s Cherry Pectoral and was soon cured. 1 recornmen they have a_ cough.” — Miss DM. Washington, D, C. it to all my friends whenever MEYERS, Made by J.C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. Also manufacturers of 9 SARSAPARILLA. ers ium | Ayers Pllis keep the bowels regular. All vegetable and gently laxative. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. NEWSY ITENS GATHERED HERE AND THERE, WITH AN OCCASIONAL JOKE ADDED FOR SPICE. Otto Petry and Fred Wagner recent- ly secured employmeni in Johnstown, Pa., and are now in that city. If you want a Business Education, attend the Meyersdale Commercial College, Meyersdale, Pa. It’s The Best School. Catalogue Free. tf Druggist E. H. Miller and family are enjoying a visit from Mr. Miller's mother and sister, who reside at Clays- ville, Washington county, Pa. Rev. Geo. Letchworth arrived in town yesterday. He came to attend the funeral of his nephew, the deceased son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Easton. The boilers for the trolley line power House arrived a day or two ago. Sev- eral additional carloads of steel rails for the trolley, also arrived recently. An infant child of Rev. and Mrs. 8. M. Cousins died on Tuesday morning. The babe was aged only about 6 weeks, and was ill from the time of its birth. The funeral took place yesterday. Miss Annie Wagner, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Wagner, is down with diphtheria. She has a pretty bad case of it, but her father informs us that her condition is slowly improving. WANTED :—Lady to advertise our goods locally. Several weeks home work. Salary $12.00 per week, $1.00 a day for expenses. SAUNDERS CO, Dept. W, 48-48 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. 1-17. Mr. Michael Hocking, a noted mu- sician of Frostburg, Md., will sing in St. John’s Lutheran church, Salisbury, on Sunday evening, Jan. 13th. Services at 7 o'clock, and everybody is cordially invited to attend. Miss Mary Coleman has decided to quit house-keeping, and on Saturday, Jan. 19th, she will sell her household effects at public sale. . She will also offer her snug Gay street home at pub- lic sale, same day. ” Piles get quick relief from Dr. Shoop’s Magic Ointment. Remember it’s made alone for Piles—and it works with cer- tainty and satisfaction. Itching, pain- ful, protruding, or blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Try it and see! Elk Lick Pharmacy. 2-1 On January 1 the town of Western- port, Allegany county, Md., was 105 years old. January1l,1802, Rostmaster- General Gideon Granger, of Connecti- eut, established there a postoffice and appointed William H, Barns postmas- ter. When the cold winds dry and crack the skin a box of salve can save much discomfort. In buying salve look for the name on the box to avoid any imi- tations, and be sure you get the origin- al DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Sold Wy E. H. Miller. 2-1 indorse it. Children like it because the taste is so pleasant. Contains Honey and Tar. It isthe Original Lax- ative Cough Syrup and is unrivaled for the relief of eroup. Drives the cold out through the bowels. Conforms to the National Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold by E. H. Miller. 2-1 We are just in receipt on an account of the marriage of our esteemed friend Prof. E. J. Egan. The item was re- ceived too late for publication in this issue of the “Twinkler,” but it will ap- pear next week. In the meantime we extend our heartiest congratulations and best wishes to Prof. Egan and bride. Croup can positively be stopped in 20 minutes. No vomiting—nothing to sicken or distress your child. A sweet, pleasant, and safe Syrup, called Dr. Shoop’s Croup Cure, does the work and does it quickly. Dr. Shoop’s Croup Cure is for Croup alone, remember. It does not claim to cure a dozen ailments. It’s for Croup, that’s all. Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 2-1 Jonas J. Keim, of Indiana, arrived here last Friday for a short vi it with his mother, Mrs. 8. C. Keim. Jonas has been farming in the “lloosier state” for a number of years, but we understand that he bas about decided to move to Elkins, WW. Va. The many old-time friends of Joss were all gl d to see him. As rumored some weeks ago the Som- erset Democrat is now under new man- agement. A. Bruce Coffroth, a son of the late A. H. Coffroth, becomes owner and publisher, and George H. Suhrie, an experienced newspaper man and practical printer, will fake charge of the mechanical department, says the Somerset Standard. To stop a Cold with *“Preventics” is gafer than to let it run and cure it af- terwards. Taken at the “sneeze stage” Preventies will head off all colds and Grippe, and perhaps save you from Pneumonia or Bronchitis. Preventics are little toothsome candy cold cure tablets selling in 5 cent and 25 cent boxes. Ifyou are chilly, if you begin to sneeze, try Preventics. They will surely check the cold, and please you. Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 2-1 James Gaghagen, of Somerset, was a welcome caller at Tae Star office, Monday morning. While here he in- formed us that he expects to move his family back to Salisbury in the near future, on account of owning their own home here. But Mr. Gaghagen will continue in the coal business, over at Somerset, where he is doing well. The marriage of Mr. Milton Lentz and Miss Emma Cummins, both of Somerset, which took place at Cum- berland about two weeks ago, has been announced. The former is a telegraph operator at the B. & O. depot, and his bride is in the Bell central office. They are receiving the congratulations of their circle of friends.—Somerset Standard. Nearly every person who is subject to attacks from the stomach suffers from a morbid dread of a dietetic treatment for relief, that is three-fourths starva- tion, and one-fourth toast and milk. On the other hand you can eat as you please and digest the food by the aid of a good digestant, thus giving the tired stomach equally as much rest. Eat what you please and take a little Ko- dol For Indigestion after your meals. It digests what you eat. Sold by E. H. Miller. 2-1 J. R.Joy’s sale, last Saturday, was well attended. Goods brought fair prices, considering the time of year, ete. J. L. Durst, of Jennings, Md., was the auctioneer, and Albert Reitz and P. L. Livengood did the clerking. Mr. Joy’s family left here on Tuesday for their new home at Donora, Pa.,but Mr. Joy is still here settling up his affairs and waiting for a car to ship some of his goods in. We acknowledge receipt of a check for another year’s subscription in ad- vance from Mrs. 8S. E. Buchanan, of Newport, Tenn. The good lady also sends her kindest regards and best wishes for our entire family, for which we return thanks as well as for her check. We also extend our best wishes to the Buchanan family, who made a host of friends in Salisbury during the time they resided here. Albert Robinson is holding down a nice position with the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, in Altoona. He is on the company’s clerical force in that city, and writes that he likes his position very much. He orders THE STAR sent to his address, as all intel- ligent young men do when they leave Salisbury. Albert is a trustworthy young man, and we think he will make good in the railroad service. John Hawn recently caught an enor- mgusly large wild cat in a steel trap, and when he approached it, the cat prepared for battle. John did the same thing, and by the vigorous use of a heavy cane, the cat soon yielded up its life. John says the animal made “clear awful” with its hideous squalls, and judging from what he says, Silas Durst’s panther wasn’t “in it” for noise. Old John, however, wasn’t born in the woods to be scared by wild animals, or steam whistles, either. But how about Silas? Food don’t digest? Because the stomach lacks some one of the essen- tial digestants or the digestive juices are not properly balanced. Then, too, it is this undigested food that causes sourness and painful indigestion. Ko- dol For Indigestion should be used for relief. Kodol is asolution of vegetable acids. It digests what you eat, and corrects the deficiencies of the diges- tion. Kodol conforms to the National Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold here by E. H. Miller. 2-1 We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Haselbarth on their return from Philadelphia, this morning, where Mrs. Haselbarth spent many weary weeks in a hospital. We know what a happy day it was for us when Mrs. Livengood returned from a Philadelphia hospital, year before last, and if Mr. Haselbarth is only half as happy as we were on that occasion, he is easily the happiest man in town. We are glad to note that Mrs. Haselbarth stood the trip well and is now getting along nicely. Now, may she enjoy many years of good health. It’s a pleasure to tell our readers about a Cough Cure like Dr. Shoop’s. For years Dr. Shoop has fought against the use of Opium, Chloroform, or other unsafe ingredients commonly fourd in Cough remedies. Dr. Shoop, it seems, has welcomed the Pure Food and Drug Law recently enacted, for he has work- ed along similar lines many years. For nearly 20 years Dr. Shoop’s Congh Cure containers have had a warning printed on them against Opium and other narcotic poisons. He has thus made it possible for mothers to protect their children by simply insisting on having Dr. Shoop’s Cough Cure. Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 2-1 It now turns out that the panther that almost frightened Silas Durst out of his boots, one morning last week, was nothing but the hideous squalls of a new alarm whistle recently added to the power house equipment of the Citizens’ Light, Heat and Power Com- pany. Silas went out at daybreak that morning to plow, and hearing the whistle aforesaid for the first time, be- came frightened worse than Tam O’Shanter when the goblins were after him, and then the horses became frightened at Silas, and oh, Lord, what a prancing, snorting time there was in that field near the woods! Only for the fact that he was too badly scared and not quite swift enough, Silas would have done like the man we have all read about in Mother Goose’s Nursery Rhymes—“ran fourteen miles in fifteen days and never looked behind him.” Ministers have often resorted to un- usual methods in order to arouse their parishioners, and the advertising which fills theatres and circus has often been used to advantage. Among the many peculiar devices used to arouse an in- terest in church work, the one used by a Methodist minister at Bluffton, Ind., is not without its unique features. Discouraged by the lack of interest in church work in his community, and having exhausted the usual means of bringing the unheeding ones to a re- alization of their duty, the minister went tothe church at an early hour one Sunday evening and began tolling the hell. Immediately the people gather- ed to learn who had passed into the greet beyond. Then the minister re- marked that while he knew of no one who had physically died recently, he knew of a great many who were mor- ally and spiritually dead, and it was for these he tolled the bell. A number of those who gathered to learn the news admitted that they belonged on the roster of the deceased, and ex- pressed a desire for a resurrection.— Ex. WHEN A MAN TELLS YOU it does not pay to advertise, he is simply ad- mitting that he is conducting a busi- ness that is not worth advertising, a business ‘conducted by a man unfit to do business, and a business which should be advertised for sale. tf L.) SAVINGS DEPARTMENT: Drafts on all parts of the world. Accounts of individuals and firms invited. Deposits sent by mail and all correspondence given prompt and careful at- tention. Bank open Saturday nights from 7 to 10 o’clock. Robert R. Henderson. ST NATIONAL FROSTBURG, MD. B A am OF FICERS : ean. Roberdeau Annan, President. ame DIRECTORS: mantis. Duncan Sinclair, Roberdeau Aunan. Daniel Annan. DEPOSITORY, = == . THREE PER CENT. INTEREST | Capital stock..$ 50,000.00 | Surplus fund.. 65,000.00 PAID ON DEPOSITS. Olin Beall. Cashier. Timothy Griffith, Meat Market! MN, ce Take notice that I have opened a new and up-to-date meat market in Salis- bury, one door south of Lichliter’s store. Everything is new, neat and clean, and it is a model in every respect. I deal in all kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats, Poultry, Fresh Fish, ete. I pay highest cash prices for Fat Cat- tle, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, Hides, | COARANTEE TO PLEASE YOU and want you to call and be con- vinced that I can best supply your wants in the meat line. CASPER WAHL, The 01d Reliable Butcher. A A OE EO RE 25 Per Cent REDUCTION =O 1= / Men's & Boys Overcoats, =Aat= Barchus & Livengood. OR 0 RR RRB RB BBR) OO BO Oa ur Great SPECIAL SALE Begins Thursday Jan. 10th. 20 Per Cent Reduction on all goods in our big store until further notice. =()ne-Fourth Off=s= the prices of all our Gran- iteware, Tinware & Plain Oueensware. C. T. HAY'S DEPARTMENT STORE. New Store! New Goods! We have opened a fine new general store in the M. J. . Glotfelty building, Ord St., Salisbury, Pa., and invite you « to come and inspect our nice, new line of Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, etc. Prices As Low As The Lowest! We start with an entire new stock, and we handle only the best and purest brands of goods. ronage, and we guarantee a square deal and satisfaction to all. Howard Meager & Co. / We solicit a share of your pat- owivs Early Risers The famous little plile. sews Early Risers The famous little pitls. THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE GOUGH SYRUP Cures all Coughs and ) coiled assists in expelling om aud the Colds from the Honey Bes System by gently moving the bowels. A certain cure (Gey \ SI IIA ES for croup and i eT whooping-cough. Gl gh (Trade Mark Registered.) i KENNEDY'S waxamve HONEY TAR PREPARED AT THE LABORATORY OF E. O. DeWITT & ©O., CHICAGO, U. 8. A. SOLD RY E. H. MILLER. - i a . No alo. ¥ . i * ' | n . “4 i . i | » . { | 11" @ 3 5 3 Go A_~ ads mmmb. aad &