DEIR THE SOMERSET COUNTY MSH hen Te P. L. Livexcoon, Editor and Publisher. Entered at the Postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa. as mail matter of the Second Class. Subscription Rates. THE STAR is pRbijsned every Thursday,st Dajisbury, (Elk Lick, P. 0.) So me rset Coun- , Pa.,at the SP rates She year, if paid spot cash in advance e. : 3% 25 If not paid strictly in advanc 1.50 Bix months....... '% Three months. Single copies. © avol multiplicity of small accounts all subseliptions for three months or less must be n advance. These rates and terms ohh rigidly adhered to. Advertising Rates. Transient Reading Notices,5 cents a line sach insertion. To regular advertisers, 5 oonts » Mine for first insertion and 3 cents a’ ine each succeeding insertion. No busi- moss dacals will be mixed with local news ispms or editorial matter for less than 10 cents a line Tor each insertion,except on yearly contra Kates for tv Advertisments will be and e wn on applica Editorial ont 12% ably 10 cents Toeat Advertisements at legal rates. a ine Birth and Death Notices not ¥xeeeding fifteen lines, inserted free. All additional lines, 5 cents each. Cards of Thanks will be published free for prirons of the paper. os OE-patrons will be eharged 10 cents a lin Resolutions of ornock will be published cents a lin All hd AR willbe run and charg- od for until ordered discontinue o advertisement will be taken for less than 25 cents. 7 g and Colds There is a remedy over sixty years old —Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Of course you have heard of it,probably have used it. Oncein the family, it stays; the one household remedy for coughs and hard colds on the chest. Askyour doctoraboutit. © “I have had pneumonia three times, and Aver Ss ar ny Pectoral has brought me safely through each time. I have just recovered rom my last attack, hve xty-seven. N. {i Yonder praise it.” 20h HIGGINS, Stevens Made Dydd, C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. Also Nae SIRSAPARILLA ers it HAIR VIGOR. Ayer’s Pills Increase the activity oi the liver, and thus aid recovery, HAL AN D GENERAL NEWS. NEWSY TENS GATHERED H HERE AND THERE, WITH AN OCCASIONAL JOKE ADDED FOR SPIGE. Santa Claus’ headquarters at Lich- liter’s store, this year. 12-20 Just received full line of Heinz’s bot- tled goods, at Lichliter’s. 12-20 Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Barchus went to Pittsburg, Sunday, where they remain- ad several days. Your Christmas dinner will not be complete without some of Heinz’s goods, at Lichliter’s. 12-20 Albert Reitz, cashier of the First National Bank, went t6 Pittsburg, this morning on business. Grapes, oranges, bananas, nuts, ap- ples, cranberries, lettuce, celery, etc. in abundance, at Lichliter’s. 12-20 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Musser, of Ber- din, Pa., arrived here Sunday last for a visit with Mrs. Musser’s mother, Mrs. -J. D. Livengood. You will want a cup of good coffee for your Christmas dinner. Try a can -of Gillie’s 3c. coffee, at Lichlitar’s, and you will have it. Edward Reitz and wife will move into the W. J. Lichty residence on Gay : street, about Dec. 15th, and Mr. Lichty will have his home with them. If you want a Business Education, attend the Meyersdale Commercial « College, Meyersdale, Pa. It’s The Best hool. Catalogue Free. tf Mr. Newton Brown, of Cumberland, Md., who had been here visiting Mrs. Geo. Robinson and her children, de- » parted for his home on Tuesday. Mrs. S. P. Schell, who spent the . greater portion of the year in Salis- ‘bury, for the benefit of her health, re- turned to her husband at Ambridge, Pa., last Wednesday. Mrs. Brehm, of Johnstown, mother of Mrs. Chas. F. Cochrane, arrived here last Saturday evening for a visit with Mrs. Cochrane. She brought four of her other children with her. J. T. Smearman moved his family and household effects to New Haven, Fayette county, Pa., this week, where he has employment in a meat market. We wish them success in their new location. The regularly appointed State Evan- gelist and County W. C. T. U. Presi- dent, A. Jones, of Meyer:dale, will hold a temperance meeting in the Methodist church, Sunday, at 3 o'clock, December 16th, 19086. For chapped and cracked hands noth- ing is quite as good “as an application of PeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Put it on before going to bed, use an old pair of gloves and see what a difference the morning will bring. Sold by ¥ = Miller. 12-20 + WANTED :—Lady to advertise our Several weeks home day for expenses. SAUNDERS CO, Dept. W, 48-48 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Ill. 1-17. S. P. Young and family and Morgan Williams and family moved away from our town yesterday, the former to Rockwood, the latter to Johnstown, where we hope they will prosper as well, at least, as they did here. It is a mistake to use a violent ca- thartic to open the howels. A gentle movement will accomplish the same re- sults without causing distress or se- rious consequences later. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are recommended. Sold by E. H. Miller. 1-1 Rav. Gillen, President of Ashland College, Ohio, will fill the regular ap- pointment at the Brethren church, next Sunday. Rev. Gillen is a very able talker, and all who turn out to hear him will be sure to hear a very excel- lent sermon. Piles get quick relief from Dr. Shoop’ s Magic Ointment. Remember it’s made alone for Piles—and it works with cer- tainty and satisfaction. Itching, pain- ful, protruding, or blind piles’disappear like magic by its use. Try it and 23! Elk Lick Pharmacy. Newton and Lawrence Wagner I moved their families and household effects to Jerome, one of the new coal towns irf the north of the county. Sal. isbury is getting to be pretty well rep- resented at Jerome, and we trust that all our people who go there will pros. per. It is noticeable a cold seldom comes on when the bowels are freely open. Neither can it stay if they are open. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup tastes as pleasant as maple sugar. Free from all opiates. Contains Honey and Tar. Conforms to the National Pare Food and Drug Law. Sold by E. Miller. 1-1 gi store decorations of Salisbury are very fine now, and Holiday shop- pers can do no better than to buy of our home merchants. Our advertisers are all the best kind of people to deal with, and some of them have window displays and store decorations worth going miles to see. Open the bowels and get the coid out of your system. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup opens the bowels and at the same time allays the inflammation of the mucous membranes. Contains Honey and Tar. Drives out the cold and stops the cough. Absolutely free from any opiates. Conforms to the Na- tional Pure Food and Drug Law. Pleas- ant to take. Sold by E. H. Miller. 1-1 The Economy Telephone Company, a concern headed by Greenville town- ship farmers, has built 57 miles of new line during the past year, and has es- tablished exchanges in Meyersdale and Somerset. Another exchange is about to be put in at Salisbury. The Econ- omy line extends as far north as Hoov- ersville. Catarrh of the nose and throat should lead you to at least ask us for a free trial box of Dr. Shoop’s Catarrh Cure Nothing so surely proves merit as a real, actual test—and Dr. Shoop, to prove this, earnestly desires that we let you make that test. This creamy. Snow White healing balm, soothes the throat and nostrils, and quickly purifies a foul or feverish breath. Call and in- vestigate. Elk Lick Pharmacy. 1-1 Edward Haselbarth returned home from Philadelphia this morning,and he brought the cheering news that his wife, who recently underwent a sur- gical operation in that city, is getting along very nicely. We are certainly glad to hear this, and we hope the good lady will soon be able to return in good health. If “taken at the Sneeze Stage” Pre- ventics—a toothsome candy Tablet— will surely and quickly check an ap- proaching cold or Lagrippe. When you first catch cold—or feel it coming on— take Dr. S8hoop’s Preventics, and the prompt effect will certainly surprise and please you. Preventics surely supply the proverbial “ounce of preven- tion.” Sold in 5 cent and 25 cent boxes by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 1-1 The residence of Ephraim K. Blough, at Springs, was destroyed by fire yes- terday morning. The conflagration is supposed to have been caused by a defective lue. We hava not learned the full particu "irs of the fire, but un- derstand that Mr. Blough succeeded in saving some of his furniture and other household effeets. To have beautiful, perfect, pink, vel- vet-like lips, apply at bedtime a light coating of Dr. Shoop’s Green Salve. Then, next morning, notice carefully the effect. Dry, cracked, or colorless lips mean feverishness, and are as well ill appearing. Dr. Shoop’s Green Salve is a soft, creamy, healing ointment, that will quickly correct any skin blem- ish or ailment. Get a free trial box at our store and be convinced. Large, Glass Jars, 26cts. Elk Lick Pharmacy. 1-1 Our citizens can now retire with a feeling of comparative security since we have the services of so competent an official as Joy, and the element that had heretofore persisted in creating disturbances realize that there is a man on duty that shows no favoriteism and will stand for no violations of the borough ordinances.—Berlin Record. E. C. DeWitt & Co., of Chicago, at whose laboratory Kodol is prepared, assure us that this remarkable digest- ant and corrective for the stomach eon- forms fully to all provisions of the Na- tional Pure Food and Drug Law. The Kodol laboratory is a very large one, but if all sufferers from indigestion and stomach troubles could know the vir- tues of Kodol it would be impossible for the manufacturers to keep up with the demand, Kodol is sold here by > H. Miller. Rev. 8. H. Bashor, a well known leec- turer and evangelist of the Brethren church, preached in Salisbury on Sun- day, Monday and Tuesday evenings. His sermons were as able and interest- ing as usual, and his many old-time friends here were all delighted to see and hear him. Rev. Bashor first preached here in 1876, making many converts. He is now located in Colo- rado. A man with a sprained ankle will use a crutch, rest the ankle and let it get well. A man or woman with an over- worked stomach can’t use a crutch, but the stomach must have rest, just the same. It can be rested, too, without starvation. Kodol will do it. Xodol performs the digestive work of the tired stomach and corrects the diges- tive apparatus.: Kodol fully conforms to the provisions of the National Pure Food and Drug Laws. Recommended and sold by E. H. Miller. 1.1 A reward of $1,000 is now offered for the capture and conviction of the mur- derer of Mrs. Catherine Stauffer, who was brutally slain at her home in Stonycreek township, several weeks ago. The county puts up half of the reward, and the neighbors of the mur- dered woman the balance. It is be- lieved that the murderer is well known in the neighborhood, and that the re- ward will soon bring about his arrest. Mahlon Livengood, a - brother of Archibald, Elijah, Harvey and John W. Livengood. died very suddenly, last Sunday. He was in good health, as usual, and shortly after the noon hour went out to feed his hogs. He did not return, and an hour or more later he was found deal in his hog pen. De- ceased was a farmer about 556 years of age, and he resided near Fort Hill His death is supposed to be due to heart failure or appoplexy. Alexander Shultz died at his home on the 25th of November, 1908, at Hutchinson, Kansas, at the age of 77 years. He was one of the 18 children of Adam Shultz, who died in Grants- ville, Garrett county, Md., in 1864, aged 76 years. This very numerous and prominent family left that neighbor- hood about the close of the Civil war for the West, with the exception of the first born of the family, Eliza Royer, and strange to say she remains near her first home on the top of Keyser’s Ridge, Garrett county, considerably up in her nineties.—Oakland Republican. Reprint, News-Herald: “There is at least one effectual, safe, and reliable Cough Cure—Dr. Shoop’s—that we re- gard as suitable, even for the youngest child. For years, Dr. Shoop bitterly opposed the use of opiates or narcotics in medicine, offering $10 per drop to any one finding Opium, Chloroform, or any other poisonous or narcotic ingre- dient in Dr. Shoop’s Cough Cure. And the challenge is as yet unanswered. Here is one manufacturing physician, who welcomed with much satisfaction, the new Government Pure Food and Drug Law. The public can now pro- tect Ra at all times, by insisting on having Dr. Shoop’s when a cough rem- edy is needed.” Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 1-1 One of the fellows who poses as one who is wise above that which is writ- ten, recently answered the following advertisement in an eastern 15-cent paper: “We will send 11 cents for 1902 pennies.” He scraped around un- til he got fifty of the 1902 mintage, and forwarded them in a registered letter. He received immediate reply saying that when he sent 1852 more pennies, sufficient to make up the number— 1902—he would receive his 11 cents. He gave himself a kick, borrowed enough to subscribe for this paper and proposes in the future to keep posted on these little graft games. Elder Jonathan Kelso died at his home near Carleton, Neb., one day last week, aged about 81 years. Elder Kelso resided for many years in Elk Lick township, this county, where he followed preaching, farming, cabinet- making and. brick-making. He was prominent in the German Baptist Brethren church, and for many years was Bishop of the Elk Lick congrega- tion. Elder Kelso was twice merried, first to Susan Lichty, and after her death to Mrs. William Horner, who also passed to the spirit world some years ago. He is survived by two sons and one daughter, namely, David and Edward Kelso, of Carleton, Neb, and Mrs. Mollie Shoemaker, of Okla- homa Rev. U. D. Brougher Dies of Appo- plexy and Exposure. Somerset, Dec. 8.—Urias D. Brougher, aged 72 years, a German Baptist min- ister, died Friday. On Monday while driving from here to Kingwood he suf- fered an attack of appoplexy and fell out of the buggy. When discovered an hour later his body was almost buried in the snow, his face covered with a thick coat of ice and his hair frozen in a solid mass. A TEXAS WONDER. There’s a Hill at Bowie, Tex., that’s twice as big as last year. This wonder is W. L. Hill, who from a weight of 90 pounds has grown to over 180. He says: “I suffered with a terrible cough, and doctors gave me up to die of Con- sumption. I was reduced to 90 pounds, when I began taking Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Now, after taking 12 bot- tles, I have more than doubled in weight and am completely cured.” Only sure Cough and Cold cure. Guar- anteed by E. H. Miller, Druggist. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. 1-1 ST NATIONAL Capital stock..$ 50,000.00 ~“rrosteurG. mp. BA NK. Surplus fund 65,000.00 | DEF TORY. 22 2 Deposits (over) 960,000.00 1,088,000.00 . THREE PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. L.) SHINGS DEPARTE Drafts on all parts of the world. Accounts of individuals and firms invited. Deposits sent by mail and all correspondence given prompt ang careful at-|® tention. Bank open Saturday nights from 7 to 10 o'clock. £m OFFICERS: ena. Roberdeau Annan. President. Olin Beall. Cashier. dm DIRE CTORS ; neat. Robert R. Henderson. Duncan Sinclair, Timothy Griffith, Roberdeau Aunan. Co EE ER | Practical Things | For Christmas Gifts! | Meat ~