The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, October 25, 1906, Image 4

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ee ———— RAB * wees
wan Aa
ey RRR a
. Editor and Publisher.
L. LiveExcGoor
Entered at the Postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa.
as mail matter of the Second Class.
Subscription Rates.
THE STAR is published every Thursday, at |
Salisbury, (Elk Lick, P. 0.) Somerset C soun-
ty, Pa.,at the following rates: ;
One year, if paid spot cash in advance.. £1.25 |
if not paid strictly in advance.. 1.
Single copies.
To avoid multiplicity of small accounts
all subscriptions for three months or less |
must be paid in advance. These rates and
germs will be rigidly adhered to.
Advertising Rates.
Transient Reading Notices, 5 cents a line
sach insertion. To regular advertisers, 5
cents a line for first insertion and 3 cents a
Mine for each succeeding insertion. No busi-
ness lacals will be mixed with local news
items or vditorial matter for less than 10
cents a line for each insertion,except on
yearly contracts.
Rates for Display
made known on application.
» lea torial advertising, invariably 10 cents
Advertisments will be
2 feoenl Advertisements at legal rates.
Marriage, Birth and Death Notices not
exceeding fifteen lines, inserted free. All
additional lines, b cents each.
Cards of Thanks will be published free for
prtrons of the paper. Gon-pairons will be
charged 10 cents a lin
Resolutions of Rael will be published
for 5 cents a lin
All al ooents willbe run and charg-
ed for until ordered discontinue
No advertisement will be taken for less
than 25 cents.
There is one thing that will
cure it—Ayer’s Hair Vigor.
It is a regular scalp-medicine.
It quickly destroys the germs
which cause this disease. |
The unhealthy scalp becomes
healthy. The dandruff disap-
pears, had to disappear. A
healthyscalp means a greatdeal
to you— healthy hair, no dan-
druff,no pimples, no eruptions.
The best kind of a testimonial —
“801d for over sixty years.”
Made by 3. O. Ayer Co., Lowell,
oy Caer Don Lave
yers iE.
N. George Keim, of Elkins, W. Va.
was in town last Saturday.
The arrival of a young son is report-
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. M.
Willis Smith, of Pittsburg. is here
visiting his aged father, Mr. William
Smith, and other relatives and friends.
If you want a Business Education, at-
tend the Meyersdale Commercial Col-
lege, Meyersdale, Pa. It’s The Best
School. Catalogue Free. tf
Walter Williams has decided to sell
his livery equipments at public sale,
Tuesday next, at 10 a. m. He has not
yet decided what he will engage in
If you want a BusinessgEducation,
attend the Meyersdale Commercial
College, Meyersdale, Pa. It’s The Best
School. Catalogue Free. tf
Work on the trolley line goes merrily
on with a larger force of men than
ever. The company now pays $1.50 per
day of 9% hours, and the strike is all
Married, at the Brethren, parsonage,
Meyersdale, Pa., by Rev. John H.
Knepper, Oct. 24th, 1908, Mr. Robt. L.
Fritz, of Pine Hill, Pa., and Miss Emma
E. Cober, of Berlin, Pa.
Mrs. H. H. Reitz went to Johnstown,
Monday, to visit her danghter Eliza-
beth. who was taken sick in that city,
where she has been holding a position
as book-keeper for some months.
W. D. Thompson will move to Elkins,
W. Va, Nov. 1st. He has accepted a
position with a coke and railway com-
pany. By his removal there will be a
vacancy in our borough council.
A cold is much more easily cured
when the bowels are open. Kennedy's
Laxative Honey and Tar opens the
. bowels and drives the cold out of the
system in young and old. Sold by E.
H. Miller. 11-1
A Kansas editor says that every man
ought to ask himseld whether or not
he is a darned fool. The Kansas broth-
er forgets that lots of us get plenty of
information along that line without
asking questions.
Vote the straight Republican ticket,
Nov. 6th. It always spoils a Democrat
to elect him to office in a Republican
community, county or state, and most
of them are spoiled to some extent be-
fore they get into office.
§fJohn L. Beachy, of McKeesport, Pa.,
and Harry Slocum, of Homestead, Pa.,
arrived here last Saturday, departing
for home on Tuesday, accompanied by
their wives, who had beea visiting
friends-here for about a week.
Are The One to Suffer
y the “penny-wise pound-fool-
ish” policy of mixing your own
paints. Buy Lawrence Ready
Mixed Paint—prepared from
the best pigment and the purest
linseed oil—with scientific accu-
racy. Guaranteed by the maker.
True and tried friends of the family
—DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. Best
for results and best to take. Rosy
cheeks and sparkling eyes follow the
use of these dependable little pills.
They do not gripe or sicken. Sold by
E. H. Miller. 11-1
The potato crop in this locality, ow-
ing to the great acreage, will not be
.as short as was supposed a month or
more ago. There are plenty of pota-
toes in the country, and the price
ought not to be more than 50 to 60
cents per bushel.
In a letter just received from Elder
Howard H. Kein, of Ladoga, Ind., that
gentleman says: “Go on giving it to
the vaccinationists.” Elder Keim is a
scholar, a reader and a thinker, and
most men of that kind know that vac-
cination is a fraud and a crime against
Keep the bowels open when you have
a cold, and use a good remedy to allay
the inflammation of the mucous mem-
branes. The best is Kennedy’s Laxa-
tive Honey and Tar. It contains no
opiates, moves the bowels, drives out
the cold. Is reliable and tastes good
Sold by E. H. Miller. 11-1
B. Worth Jennings, a brother of C.
H. Jennings, the well known lumber-
man and street railway magnate, died
at Elkins, W. Va. last week, from the
effects of a self-inflicted bullet wound.
The shooting occurred about three
weeks ago, and more extended mention
of the affair was made in these columns
at that time.
Piles quickly and positively cured
with Dr. Shoop’s Magic Ointment. It’s
made for Piles alone—and it does the
wbrk snrely and with satisfaction.
Itching, painful, protruding or blind
piles disappear like magic by its use.
Large, nickel capped glass jars, 50
cents. Sold and recommended by Elk
Lick Pharmacy. 11-1
Thousands of bushels of apples were
damaged in Somerset county, Pa., and
Garrett county, Md., by the hard freeze
and snow of the 11th inst. Jacob Glot-
felty, who resides on the Gephart farm,
near Grantsville, had a fine crop of
about 700 bushels of choice apples,
and it is said that he will lose practic-
ally the entire crop.
Albert G. Keim, formerly of this
place, but who now resides in Missouri,
is now located in Jefferson City, the
capital of that siate, where he is bold-
ing down a position in the State Au-
ditor’s office, at $1.00 per year. Al-
bert writes that he is right in the
swim with the Republicans of Missouri,
on which we congratulate him.
If an article is imitated, the original
is always best. Think it over, and
when you go to buy that box of salve
to keep around the house, get DeWitt’s
Witch Hazel Salve. It is the original,
and the name is stamped on every box.
Good for eczema, tetter, boils, cuts and
bruises, and especially recommended
for piles. Sold by E. H. Miller. 11-1
John, Lester and Stanley Boucher
returned from a visit to their brother
George, in the wilds of West Virginia,
last week. While there they did some
bunting, and Stanley claims to have
fired a load of shot into a bear at long
range, after which bruin ran as fast as
he could in one direction, and Stanley
made tracks as rapidly as possible in
A. G. Price and family this week
moved to Jerome, one of the new coal
towns in the north of the county.
“Gus” is a good citizen, owns a snug
little home here, and we are sorry he
has decided to cast his lot elsewhere.
However, he thinks he can do better at
Jerome than here, and we trust that
his fondest hopes may be realized. The
Twinkler will visit him weekly in his
new home.
Think of Dr. Shoop’s Catarrh Cure if
your nose and throat discharges—if
your breath is foul or feverish. This
snow white soothing balm contains Oil
of Eucalyptus, Thymol, Menthol, etc,
incorporated into an imported, cream-
like, velvety petrolatum. It soothes,
heals, purifies, controls. Call at our
store for free trial box. Elk Lick Phar-
macy. 11-1
‘| early, when you first feel that a cold is
Even Roscoe Welfley turned ouc to
| the big Republican rally, Tuesday
{ | night, but for some reason he failed to
| have his supply of Emery buttons with |
| him. When Emery spoke at Meyers- |
dale, Roscoe was one of the chief |
| rooters of the occasion, and he and a |
chum of his were quite busy trying to |
induce voters to wear Emery buttons,
and both of them seemed to be quite
well lubricated.
Preventics. as the name implies, pre-
vent all Colds and Grippe when “taken
at the sneeze stage.” Preventics are
toothsome candy tablets. Preventics
dissipate all colds quickly, and taken
coming, they check and prevent them.
Preventics are thoroughly safe for
children, and as effectual for adults.
Sold and recommended in 5 cent and
25 cent boxes by Elk Lick Pharmacy.
Genial Ed. Shoemaker, the medicine
man from Berkley, near Meyersdale,
was a welcome and paying caller at
Tne Star office today. Mr. Shoemaker
manufactures a line of medicines that
have a great reputation, and he reports
his business in a very prosperous and
growing condition. He reports the po-
litical outlook in his township as very
favorable to the Republicans, and he
thinks Wm. H. Koontz is a dead sure
When a horse is so overworked it lies
down and in other ways declares its
inability to go further, you would con-
sider it criminal to use force. Many a
man of humane impulses, who would
not willingly harm a kitten, is guilty of
cruelty where his own stomach is con-
cerned. Overdriven,overworked, when
what it needs is something that will di-
gest the food eaten and help the stom-
ach to recuperate. Something like Ko-
dol For Dyspepsia that is sold by E. H.
Miller. 11-1
Be natural. Do not try to impress
people with your importance. If you
are really important they will find it
out. If you are of no account you will
not deceive any one by acting as though
great interests rested in your keeping.
The day of pomposity is past, we hope
never to return. More people than
ever before are intelligent and able to
judge those with whom they come in
contact. This means that they are
able to judge you and place a true
rather than a false estimate on your
When the tip of a dog’s nose is cold
and moist, that dog is not sick. A fe-
verish, dry nose means sickness with a
dog. And so with the human lips.
Dry, cracked and colorless lips mean
feverishness, and are as well ill appear-
ing. To have beautiful, pink, velvet-
like lips, apply at bedtime a coating of
Dr. Shoop’s Green Salve. It will soften
and heal any skin ailment. Get a free.
trial box, at our store, and be convine-
ed. Large nickel capped glass jars, 25
cents. Elk Lick Pharmacy. 11-1
Our brother, W. 8. Livengood, who
went through the trying ordeal of the
San Francisco earthquake and fire, has
again returned to that stricken city,
where he is now employed by the San
Francisco Call. Since the earthquake
he was employed by the Portland
(Oregon) Daily Journal, and the Seat-
tle Post Intelligencer. After complet-
ing his engagement with the latter pa-
per, he was offered several very desir-
able positions, accepting the best one.
It takes more than an earthquake to
scare “Bill” away from a good position.
Can you win? You realize that to
win in anything these days, requires
strength, with mind and body in tune.
A man or woman with disordered di-
gestive organs is not ine shape for a
day’s work or a day’s play. How can
they expect to win?
a healthy stomach and will put your
stomach in shape to perform its im-
portant function of supplying the body
and brain with strength building blood.
Digests what you eat, relieves Indiges-
tion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Palpi-
tation of the Heart and Constipation.
Sold by E. H. Miller. 11-1
“The Man Against the Masses,” on
which subject Rev. Frank Dixon, of
Washington, D. C., delivered an ad-
dress in Hay’s opera house, last Satur-
day ~vening, was greatly enjoyed by
the large audience hearing it. It was
decidedly the finest lecture ever de-
livered in Salisbury, and those who
missed it missed a rare treat. Dixon
is an orator, a thinker and philosopher,
and his definition of socialism and its
natural tendencies ought to appeal to
all who believe in individualism, the
thing that in all ages has been respon-
sible for the greatest good and advance-
ment of mankind. Mr. Dixon took a
fling at the people who imagine that
legislation and government control can
remedy all existing evils, and he showed
how erroneous their ideas are. He
also took a fling at those who would
compel people to patronize doctors
whether they had faith in medical
treatment or not, and his remarks
along that line and on the Nebraska
man who wanted a law passed prohib-
iting the wearing of corsets, no doubt
made the few compulsory vaccination
cranks in the audience feel about as
small as they really are. More power
to Dixon the lecturer, and less to the
old fakir by the same name who pre-
sides over our State Health Depart-
Kodol For Dys-
pepsia contains the digestive juices of
[. DEN [0R),
Drafts on all parts of the world.
Capital stock. .$
Surplus fund. . 50000)
Deposits (over)
Assets (over). . . 1,088,0C 088, 000.00 00
Accounts of individuals and firms invited.
Deposits sent by mail and all correspondence given prompt and careful at- sie
This bank is the only United States depository in the George’s Creek Valley.
Bank open Saturday nights from 7 to 10 o’clock.
Roberdeau Annan. President.
Olin Beall. Cashier.
ae DIRECTORS: amas.
Duncan Sinclair,
Robert R. Henderson.
Timothy Griffith,
Roberdeau Aunan.
New Store!
now ready for your inspection.
styles and prices.
at reasonable cost.
pay elsewhere.
and boys’ suits.
Barchus & Iivengood.
> New Fall
you can see the best makes of Clothing,
Shoes and Hats in a wide assortment of
Everything is “spic and span,”
and fresh from the hands of the mak-
ers, and bound to greatly interest every
man and youth who wants to dress
Before buying your Fall Suit or Ov- [
ercoat, come in and learn our prices, |
then compare with what you have to
mE Exceedingly low prices on youth
MN. ~~
Take notice that I have opened a new
bury, one door south of Lichliter’s store.
Everything is new, neat and clean,
and it is a model in every respeett.
I deel in all kinds of Fresh and Salt
Meats, Poultry, Fresh Fish, ete.
I pay highest cash prices for Fat Cat-
tle, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, Hides,
and want you to call and be con-
vinced that I can best supply your wants
in the meat line.
The Old Reliable Butcher.
Our stock of Hats is by far the largest
and finest ever shown in Salisbury. The
prices range from $1.00 to 3.50.
Men’s fancy dress Suits from $7.50 to
15.00, and, mind you, the same quality
other dealers sell at $10.00 to 20.00. Cor-
duroy Suits, extra good ones, only $6.00.
Overcoats, fine and dandy, $10.00 to
15.00. Children’s Suits, $2.50 to 5.00, and
A Youths’ $8.00 to 15.00.
m<E==For biggest values,
this store every time.
Hay's Department Store,
New Goods!
We have opened a fine new general store in the M. J.
. Glotfelty building; Ord St., Salisbury, Pa., and invite you
« (0 come and inspect our nice, new line of Dry Goods,
Shoes, Sie ete.
We start ith an entire new ath and we we only the
best and purest brands of goods.
ronage, and we guarantee a square deal and satisfaction to all.
Howard Meager & Co.
We solicit a share of your pat-
swiss Early Risers
The famous little plils.
ohivs Early Risers
The famous littie pile.
Hats, Suits, Overcoats!
The most up-to-date assortment ever
shown in Salisbury, and prices the most
Come and see our immense
new stock, comprising all the latest styles.
The little fellow, the big fellow and the
medium sized fellow can all be best fitted
out here, and for .the least money.
Cures all Coughs and ) oie Red
assists in expelling aa ne
Colds from the i
System by over
gently moving UF 7
the bowels, WA: >
A certain cure Gi i
for croup and eiNI0AS
whooping-cough. 7 Nea
(Trade Mark Registered.)
KENNEDY'S vaxamive
E. O. DeWITT & ©O., CHICAGO, U. 8. A.
: .