rE —— Baker Lucy 1e, Ida lische, ry W.. ix. esday holder icinda utter, Joseph erger, enger, Joe cutor. Arence John sesido Frank H. R. on.:> ention rance sthren h and am: M. ittees itions, Jones. y Wil- n the lay. w do use?” , Mrs. Vogel, y gen- CK. omp- r the Cook, inley. perin- CK. Mrs. ry A. surer. GUE. ount as your chair shine your scape to be 3 not You d be sh or : oats, attle, epot? sup- your and f the zr the and con- tend and 38 Or send es? g to ve to 1e of thing yern- your h no call Nn 580 buy and io as keep ng to TS SRO 5 The Somerset 4 SS DENC County Star. VOL. XII. SALISBURY. ELK LICK POSTOFFICE. PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1906. NO. 34. We are now closing out all Sum- mer Goods at reduced prices to make more room for fall and winter stock. Lawns, Dimities, Dress Ginghams and Suitings, all go at sacrafice prices. WE ALSO have a few Oxfords in White, Tan and Black Leather, that we are sell- ing out at this season for greatly re- duced prices. I BBB BBG ODOR OBEY UGG OF SALISBURY. 2 Capital paid in, $50,000. Surplus & undiyided profiits, $15,000. & Assets over $300,000. On Time d PER GENT. INTEREST epee. H. H. Mavusr, Vice President, J. L. BArcHUS, President. ALBERT REITZ, Cashier. DIRECTORS :—J. L. Barchus, H. H. Maust, Norman D. Hay, A. M. Lichty, F. A. Maust, A. E. Livengood, L. L. Beachy. on om ARYA NCR in | erie tn, 10 : { >—Salisbury, Pa—<¢ - Foreion and Domes fies * DRY 16 "Goops, Finest of Groceries, Hardware, Miners’ Supplies, Shoes, Clothing, Etc. The best Powder and Squibs a Specialty. i] For Butter And Eggs. TSH ALS Crockery! Just received a carload of Crocks for Applebutter. ~