TS phia, adel- the com- ceed Ridg-~ The “ the Gov- Har- head- from The rision State 0B. Bren- bh, Of arys; ames ‘rank 1S vans orted result leship Fish- unday elec- y. xd the point- ng of %Ing- Brad- ent. Shartel k§ 10 10 per nd 10 viding 20 per lowing Major eneral, tice of ahoma; asters: Vilmer- H. S. 3. . M. - ree. of the Wales ired by vessel trials. he high ylinder TS. ted in . Bessie rial and 22. Pitts- 3 equip- of from Nicholas land on France ww York Railroad « he capi- ected. pay 5 loan of egotiat- tria and 1 reports for last 100 per ed. appoint- Buffalo, county, iIry on a ounty of S70 and 1 a like nts were which ed graft- purchase h . street ixty-fifth “PE-RU-NA WORKED SIMPLY MARVELOUS” Suffered Severely With Headaches-- Unable to Work. Miss Lucy V. McGivney, 452 3rd Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., writes: g i ‘For many months 1 suffered se- verely yrom headaches and pains in the side and back, sometimes being unable to attend to my daily work. ‘1 am better, now, thanks to Peru- na, and am asactiveasever and have no more headaches. ‘The way Peruna worked in wy case was simply marvelous,’’ We have in our files many grateful let- ters from women who have suffered with the symptoms named above. Lack of space prevents our giving more than one | testimonial here. It is impossible to even rpproximate the eat amount of suffering which Peruna has relieved, or the number of women who have been restored to health and strength by its faithful use. “From tho cradle fo the baby chair’ I. rave You A RABY? .€ liso, you ought fo have J : PHOENIX | WALKING CHAIR: I . ~~ (PATENTED) “AN IDEAL SELF-=INSTRUCTOR." UR PHOENIX Walking Chair holds the child securely, pre- venting those painful falls and ® bumps which aresofrequent when i baby learns to walk. “BETTER THAN A NURSE." The chair is provided with a re Bl movable, sanitary cloth seat, which B® supports the weizht of the child Bf ond prevents bow-legs ard spinal { troubles; italso has a table attach- gf ment which enables baby to find f amusement in its toys, etc., with- out any attention. “Ag Indispensable ag a cradle.” It is so constructed that it pre- vents sciled clothes, sickness from drafts snd floor germs, and is recommended by physicians and endorsed by both mother and baby. : Combines pleasure and utility. {i Xo baby should be without one. Call at your furniture dealer and ask to see one. STTOTCITEERN — MANUFACTURED ONLY BY J PHOENIX CHAIR CO, GHEBOYQGAN, WIS. FREED RE 2 3 TP OURS EAN) PRR BE @ Can only be had of your furniture doaler. 5 BE a y rrr > B00 $9.00 C 33:59 ™ 3 — S i OE MEN QLOCUGLe, L.. DOUGLAS W. L. Douglas $4.00 Ciit Edge Line rt SHOES WwW. FOR cannot be equalled atany price. ALL PRICES W. 1. DOUGLAS MAKES & SELLS MORE MEN'S $3.50 SHOES THAN ANY OTHER MARUFACTURER IN THE WORLD. $1 0 000 REWARD to anyone who can 3 disprove this statement. HI could take you inte my three large factories at Brockton, Meass., and show you the infinite care with which every pair cf shoes is made, you would realize why W. L.. Douglas $3.50 shoes cost more to make, why they hold their sh y fit better, wear longe d are of greater fotrinsic value than eny other $3.50 shoe. . I. Bougias Strong Mads Shoes for Men, 32.50, $2.00. Bays’ School & Dress frees, 82. 50,%2,$7.75,$1.50 TIC —Insi CAUTION st upon having W.L.Dot las shoe titute. None ge ith i d on bo will not wear bras m. 3Y. Eyele r Illust W. L. DC Mr. { duced to a jc Ail Makin expressing his ] reco 1 have :, of course idea-—or b= were kuow, but—a nat- t of mn, a that sor v is why—y £1 e—in rate regu- nes 2000 Years Oid. esting ar ecological dis- recently made at Lea- > Luton, - England, by the unearthing of two skeletons, esti- nated to be duite 2,000 years old. Beside the bones were also found a quantity of bronze ornaments. The skeletons are believed to be the re- mains of two females, dating back to late Celtic times, since the mode of burial was typical of that period. Both bodies, says the Scientific American, were in a doubled-up po- sition, with the head to the west. Some of the bones were in a re- markably good state of preservation, especially the skull h al- t rk: of Maj. Price, of the Artillery Corps, it came out that barkeepers are in the habit of keeping a fake whisky to give to those who have al- ready had too much stimulant. The barkeeper testified that this imita- tion whisky was made of ginger ale and Jamaica ginger. If they would only go a little further and give this fake whisky to every man who shouldn’t touch liquor they would be real benefactors to humanity. rh much disc contact with the earth. The bodies were found 15 feet dpart. Take Whisky. { ng the court-martial at New DON'T MISS _ THIS. A Cure For Stomach Trouble—A New Method, by Absorption=No Drags. Do You Belch? It means a diseased Stomach. Are you afflicted with Short Breath, Gas, Sour Kructations. Heart ’ains, indigestion, Dys- pepsia, Burning P’ains and lead Weight in Pit cf Stomach, Acid Stomach, Distended Abdomen, Dizziness, Colic?” Bad Breath or Any Other Stomach Tor- ture? Let us send you a box of Mull’s Anti- Beleh Wafers free to convince you that it cures, : : Nothing else like it knewn. It's sure Cures by absorption. and very pleasant. Harmless. No drugs. Stomach rouble can’t be cured otherwise—so says Medical Science. Drugs won’t do—they eat up the Stomach and make you worse. We know Mull’'s Anti-Belch \Vafers cure and we want you to know it, hence this offer. This coffer may not appear again. 4286 GOOD FOR 23c. 144 Send this coupon with your mame and address and your druggist’s name and 1l0c. in stamps or silver, and we will supply you a sample iree if you ave never used Mull’s Anti-Belch Wafers, and will also send you a cer- tificate good for 25c. toward the pur- chase of more Belch Wafers. You will find them invaluable for stomach trou- ble; cures by absorption. Address Murr’s GrAPE ‘Tonic Co., 328 3d Ave., Rock lslaad, Il. Give Full Address and Write Plainly. All druggists 50c. per Lox, or by mail upon receipt of price. Stamps accepled. Must Not Be Surpassed. The prince of Wales, having kill- ed nine tigers and three panthers in India, may expect to receive a letter of congratulation from Washington.— Pittsburg Gazette. Congratulations—don’t think it. Our Nimrod of the White House will be more likely to take the first op- portunity to beat the prince’s record. We must not be surpassed either by the size of British warships or their hunting exploits. No doubt you'll need a 406 TOWER’S FiSH BRAND SUT ar Sticker | this season. . Make no mistake — it’s the kind g that’s guaranteed to keep you dry § and comfortable in the hardest storm. Made in Black or Yel- low. Sold by allreliable dealers. A.J. TOWER CO., BOSTON, U.8.A. TOWER CANADIAN 00., Ltd. Toronto, Can. °F 4) 0 That Delightful Aid to Health Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic ! Whitens the teeth— purifies mouth and breath —cures nasal catarrh, sore throat, sore eyes, and by direct application cures } all inflamed, ulcerated and # catarrhal conditions caused by feminine ills. Paxtine possesses extraordinary cleansing, healing and germi- cidal qualities unlike anything else. Atall druggists. so cents LARGE PACKAGE FREE TRIAL DROPSY® worst eases. | Wree. Dr ter of facr. ¢ org thing-—esy when the resem-’ { hian fag thot 1at any- Die that they locked understand—but INGE ID TRIE REVEW DUN’S WEEKLY SUMMARY Lack of Material Retards Building— All Branches of Industry Show i ‘Favorable Reports. Stringency in the money market has caused no interruption of the whole- some progress-‘of trade and industry, although tending to develop conser- vatism in speculative departments. Whether conditions accelerate the distribution of seasonable merchan- dise and retail business is of large volume outside the immediate vi- cinity of the coal mines and a few other places where local controversies have their influence. Building operations are only limit- ed by the supply. of labor and mater- ial, which cause frequent delays, and the heavy consumption of all com- modities is shown by the highest lev- el of quotations since February. 1884. Dun’s index number on April 1, being $106,066 against $104,204 a month previous and $99,206 a year ago. Since the month opened there has been a further advance. Manufacturing plants are fully en- gaged, pig iron production is at the miximum, shipments of footwear from Boston exceed those of any previous year and a stronger tone is reported at the textile mills. Railway earnings for the first week of April were 8.1 per cent. larger than last year's al- though prices of securities have weakened somewhat in response to the ‘highest money market at this season in many years. Official statistics of foreign .com- merce for the month of March indicate that exports of farm staples were valued at $69,750,000, an increase of $2,250,000 as compared with the cor- responding period last year when the movement was exceptionally heavy. Structural shapes and steel rails con- tinue the permanent features of the iron and steel industry, although every department has recently broad- ened in interest. Leather is also more quiet but no less firm. Failures numbered 193 in the United States against 214 last year and 20 in Canada, compared with 20 a year ago. MARKETS, PITTSBURG. Grain, Flour and Feed. Wheat—No. 2 red.. -.$ 8 ]3 NO. 2.......,.. 3 74 y
  • pr should be rejected because they are injurious to the system. R they find it necessary to resort to misrep 2 off on a customer a preparation under t fA does not bear the full name of the C war study and many hours of daily toil. Figs is an excellent laxative remedy and that it gives universal are selling many millions of bottles annu 3 any excellent remedies, Ilse brands, or imitation medicines. thing in their line, which usually includes \ adjuncts of a first-class pharmacy and the finest, and d many useful accessories and remedial appliances. ith the satisfaction which arises from a knowledge of the benefits Oy tainments and high integrity, in supplying the best of remedies and ance with physicians’ Druggists of the better class man: ‘acture m always under original or officinal names and they never sell fa They are the men to deal with when in need of anv all standard remedies and corresponding y best of toilet articles and preparations an The earning of a fair living, w prescriptions and but and assistance to the medical profession, is usually their greatest so pleasant, prompt su They all know that Syrup of satisfaction, and therefore they : ally to the well informed purchasers of the choicest remedies, and they always take pleasure in handing out the genuine article bearing the full [£3 name of the Company—California Fig Syrup Co.—printed on the front of every package. aches attended by biliousness and constipation and owels, arising from irregular habits, indigestion, or and beneficial in its effects as yrup of Figs, the universal satisfaction which it gives and the and condemned, but there are aintain the dignity and principles ment, and who do not hesitate a larger profit. rup” and of some piratical concern, age, but they never have the full name of inted on the front of the package Such preparations The imitations In order to sell the imitations resentation or deception. and whenever a dealer passes the name of “Syrup of Figs” or “Fig Syrup,” which alifornia Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of the package, he is attempting to deceive and mislead the patron who has been so unfortunate as to enter his establishment, whether it be large or small, for if the dealer resorts and deception in one case he will do so with other medicin physicians’ prescriptions, and should be avoided by every Knowing that the great majority of druggists are relial for our excellent remedy where, California Fig any imitation which may be sold to them. : g Syrup Co.—printed on the front « C article and to demand the return of your money, and in fut druggists who will sell you what you wish and the best of everyt et 8 11 11 does f every package, k re TERE ry al agents, one who values health and happiness. able, we supply the immense demand i entirely through the druggists, of whom : ere, In original packages only, at the regu! : f exist it is necessary to inform the publi to misrepresentation and and in the filling of | it may be purchased every- ar price of fifty cents per bottle, but as exceptions lic of the facts, in order that all may decline or return not bear the full name of the Company— ] do not hesitate to return the go to one of the better clags of ing in his line at reasonable prices. OS rere ry tS