EE the earthgauke. Destruction Wrought Cities on Pacific Barthquake Followed by Fires Which Gonsumé the Ruins and Sweep thse Grsatsr Part of | Congress Votes $1,000,000 and the 3 People in All Sections Subscribe the Gity of San Fransisco—Hundreds Citistatly tc ihe Fund. Killed and Injursd—Great Loss. in MILLIONS FOR SUFFERERS gast the Unfortunate on the Coast. PROMPT RELIEF OFFERINGS Operating through the army, the navy, the marine corps and the rev- Earthquake and fire have SOME BUILDINGS DESTROYED enue cutter service, the Federal gov- destroyed the city of San Francisco | a ehnment moved with commen p 1 3 yrompiness and energy to re ieye the and a number of towns along the} gypensive Structures in San Fran- oh 3 ling distr is inane the un- Pacific Coast. The fire which | : | appalling alsiress atiending x out in the ruins of San cisco Now a Mass of Ruins— | precedented catastrophe at San ne Ss San x uw if : he es : got beyond control owing to Contents a Total Loss. Francisco and in the surrounding rita C3 of = cities and towns. of water and the flames spread ei : 4 . : Ney ‘ongress { p riate 000,0 three-fourths of the city. The Hon a landmarks hat have C ongTess: Appropriate d 31, a 0, 00 ber of lives lost cannot be accurate Among the landmarks tha ave | 4vailable immediately for relief of er ° byes ns : Tn oe Reo Th been swept away by the fire are the | the sufferers. * stated, bu Wi 10t exceed Hulu. ne | = * pull oy ean re stimated at from/| following I'he secretary of the treasury au- property loss is estimated at Irom thorized the telegraphic transfer of $200.000,000 to $300,000,000. The Olympic club, Post and Mason | 310,000.01 0 Ae ol Fi uly toasty at 3 ig ~ ia : | ,00 rom » sub-treasury « ) a OW! around »an Francisco ots ha nldest recularly rors Ze id ' . ~ . . hy d B mage by eathquake streets, the oldest regularly organized | New York to San Francisco. The as escape image ; . ake. os United | athletic association in the At Redwood City all business build- cash will be deposited in New York ings are in ruins. The new Carnegie States and ous for its appoint- | and immediately paid out on the or- dre L it ol C i » Q. Ao ar : . library is totally destroyed. men and for the number of ath-| a Ba Francisco banks entitled : . : c rae . 0 e 8¢ >, At Alameda, the terra cotta and| letes has developed, was burned | "9 1, oo a as sewerpipe plant of Clark & Sons is| to a skeleton The building was L The a Spore oils Beye in ruins. The huge chimney caved | worth $300.000 and its furnishings een making estimates of .the losses 3 : ls ine vy e gover e The in, crushing the machinery beneath. | we st quality. ustained by the government. San. Fran- ] Quick Response to the Needs of | | | { { | { ing of ~ 3a : 3 2 ) S The employes had several narrow es- ; \ Flood building, built | quartermaster’ s Stores in Fran; s Of tunih as 1 result of Yiv 7 Flood at a cost of $4,000,- | cisco were in rented buildings anc capes from death as a result ol ny «© lo00 hr a cos | the loss in goods stored there by the acenni ahr « roar y, earthquake. 040 0 cupied about a yews ?2go | quartermaster’ s department is rough- | According to Mr. Duffy there were Merchants Exchange Iv es ted ] $3,500,000. Tl ; a 'g he 1g | y ia street, erected | estimated at about $3.5 )0 1e about 200 persons killed in the d California reel, | 108s cf the commissary supplies Is truction of the three hotels of Sani $2,500,000. estimated: at $200,000 : | Rosa, and not fewer than 500 in the r 1 z at Montzom- | ™F a he roar contrifutions whole town of Santa Rosa. The busi-| ery and et ‘streets, worth $1] = Dn 1 ness section of Santa Rosa collapsed | were the following: eal rr rte no ra) x buildin: at Pos Mystic Shriners, $100,000; Andrew inside of five minutes. Then the fire Shr rove building at O5L | Carnegie $100,000; James D. Phelan | burned Fourth street from one end | street { Grant avenue, costing $2,- | Moor of Son ects $1,000, > to the other, starting at each end and | 000,0¢ and occupied on April 1 by 000 into of : Massachusetts $500, Z| meeting in the middle, t weep i st jewelry store on the coast. 000+ Cannan 2100.000 + W Ww Astor, ! over the ruins and b ; the Jewelry Company car- $100 dod: Stanirl on oo $100,000; { prisoned people. Santa Rosa is 75 worth $2,000,000. U.S. Stecl "Corporation, ues miles north of San Francisco. the Phelan buiid- | hicago, $250,000; C 7 Burr: ge, Latest reports show that 20 persons it attempts at a | BEC on? An O00 : : erties | $100,000: Woodmen of America, $100,- | were killed by the earthquake in architecture. | 000: Philadelphia, $100,000; TW. H. | Jose. The Hall of Records is des- on Montgomery Harriman, “$200 000 pi hundreds of | troyved. as well as the Hall of Justice the headquarters for | Others chy a ? Tis cwaller | All the main buildings are damaged | si Ro . | R. H. Tucker, in charge of the Lick House, built by the phil- | ¢ A stbscription of $10,000 for the | servator Says: James Lick. { a a? A ae 18 done to th The Old fe Hon 3¢€ : also on Mont | relief of the San Francisco sufferers . ane Q as ne ( 1e ne SK ILUSS 1( S86, alk A = struments or the prlidings of tht | ha street | yas made by Robert Lebaudy, the je 8 0 as i the { gomery Stireel. . : i. : i: » : WT ‘ ench phil: ropist, hrough he | servatory by the earthquake. | Hayward building at California and | French philanthropist, through t ambassador. Y ! French 4 sggage sent April 20, 2 p. m.| Montgomery, modern structure of | % ili The fire 7 iad est 5 loptgomen: 2 ) | John 1. Rockefeller authorized his ys: he $n sitively | : ii Lin v EE stated to be under control, with the re Gothic style California | a ih rayon by expand probability that one quarter of the me al Bank : 000 Tor the reel o ie Niomeress city lyin we t of Franklin st t an 1} : Fi f Na ional Bank | and destitute of that city. ly Ing wes Fre veel, an( ie I's Nations { us, Bo ot » on | _Ladenberg, Thalmann & "Co. of Commerce. known as the western addition, no =| Canadian Bank of wiil be saved.) | New York, telegraphed to Thornwell | | | | | THE SUDDEN CALAMITY Frantic and Homeless People Throng | Streets and Parks FA It shock ro rounding ently was flimsy The when tions low was ern only a wire o'clock the pend. Electric street cars did ferry and tions. fire ings. Following the another nearly so there Reports San lost 20 pe of the fires sity perso was ford, Curts, are 1 with juries, the «raph shut Union of business Junius Fled to Other LLING was 5:13 the cked lasted almost structur water fir there and company out of Fires departient do anything wichin seve was a San SONS We Vendon brcke ou and Palo At Sanford many buildings were ns were Pa., and off for from Francisco damage. many WALL o'cl 18th when country. two immediate es all supply broke was nothing to do buildings was p and the powel raged ail was except dy five re. out the that ock the whole city One minutes to telephone a time. city. was not ru beats also indicat Jose buildings 1e h iv. 3 BO and re killed. otel Sta Alto su demolished, killed. ( Robert the a fireman. ying in the bruises, cuts all California st of Ha other Six Palo and over was While M Places. on the a terrific and sur- appar- | shock and any 8 KILL MANY morn- ear th | there collapse city. the burn stopped cut off in various sec- but Te of and al- le- | communication | The West- | ut completely Postal managed out | was the to get About Postal was forced to 10 sus- and | n. Railroads ceased day and ope powerless namite but hours la build- | outside e widespr miles from The collapsed nford ffered the me of nna, of was other Alto udents. south, 15 an th Brad- | tto | students hospital | internal O ra- | the to first shock there was! minutes, Three slight quake. districts not | ter of | ad to 1ex and | univer- | greatly. handsome | and t WoO em in- | The court house at Redwood City and Menlo other Park, buildings collapsed. Burlingame and other fashionable places suffered greatly. Thot and many sands of people are homeless | are huddled in the parks and public squares beside the house- hold goods they were able to save. The city is under martial law and | all the downtown streets are patrolled by cavalry an troops are also guarding the banks. ict surrounded The entire distr Vallejo, Howard, streets, embracing entire wholesale portion of the ci swept clean by district has been Also the d infantry. practically the bounded by Details of | by East and Sansome | the fire. Market, Eighth and Folsom streets, has been devastated. | were | nightfall of est and In the latter district included most of the city’s fin- most substantial buildings. The area covered by the flames up to | eight red city ings | great shocks. Reports from cities near San Fran- rard to the Presidio, J on and San Francisco Bank, | The a Ry m 1 I i ae S$ avenu n Cal fo nia 3% t : | Mullally, at San Francisco, to place sta ade ¢ anNess avenue | on California street. ras generally uae ful, the fl on o 3 i wr American Bank | at the disposal of Mayor Schmitz the as geners successful, the flames | 8 / rice 3ank. | crossing that avenue to th oY st in| S: x | sum of $75,000 as a contribution to ¥ : 4 Bye] ul tos _ | the relief fund from the United Rail- only a few places. | German-American Sav- e 8 eh a : : iV tio a3 ul ! ways Investment Co., Ladenberg, I'he following message was receiv- | in ank, also on California street. |, dalle ed at Washington from Gen. Funston, | ‘alifo nia Lote and theater on} Thalmann & Co., Patrick Calhoun, C. ad & as zt 01 en. Funston, » California hote ate | @ pd 3 € Sus : : toed bet . re | Sidney Shepard and Ford, Bacon & in command of the Federal troops at| 1 street, near Montgomery. I Davie. S54 “rancisco: | Grand Opera House on Mis- Bye. : > : San Fra 1800: 1 EF Fra On ke ms Lazard Frers and J. & W. Selig- About £00,000 people home | sion street, where he Conreid Opera | 5 i 4 : or i Evervthing quiet TrOOUS . 2 De for a series man have each subscribed $10,000 | operating 0 the i "opera : ® | for the San Francisco sufferers. hy inevitab! a All Iarge ot SE lostroyod: The | Brown Bros. & Co, No. 53 Wall ain li a Ty ie The i sireet, New York, subscribed $10,000 | stores have been burned. Th Columbia, The Alca-| es | i PE rt or toil tn Eve ta for the earthquake sufferers. energetic efforts from outs ic, The Central, Fish- s . only provent frightfld sufferin N Guggenheim’s Sons notified \ reven rightful suffering. « ~ : + prey : its Gen. Funston that they had ;contri-| Tequest that everything posyinle EAD buted ),006 for the relief of the done in the way of food supp FAVORABLE REPORTS La ¥ : > i . San Francisco sufferers. tentage and blankets. No oto Toa J rt 5 td o troops needed at present.” Famine in San Francisco Averted No | From all parts of the country re- For the purpose of determining Contagion Has Broken Out. the boundaries of the fires which . : . . raged in San Francisco, following the ows Aon San Francisco 13 earth shocks, a party of newspaper ? oven than could have been men set out in an automobile and i The need for relief, of skirted ihe fire on its four sides. The is still Presmng, because. al register of this machine at the end the immedi ate winty ars mn of the trip showed that it had travel-| Wav Of being supplied, it will be a ed 26 miles, which therefore may be| much longer time before the home- taken as the length of the line along] !©S8 population is again able to sup- By are coming in. Over $61,000 ‘was raised in Pittshurg the day following the disaster. SEND 1,000,000 RATIONS Will Be Supplied by Subsistence De- partment of the Army direction of the Secretary of whielr the flames traveled. This port itself. But, owing to the prompt yya; the commissary general of the area included the financial, commer | 20d generous response of the coul-|ayy was ordered to send 200,000 cial and most of the densely popu-, Y and the gels eR Cp more rations from Denver and other lated portion of the residence d ayerh impending famine, She western supply depots to San Fran- trict. with all the splendid instit L] Comnyjtres was able on Sunday 10 cisco. This makes a total of 400,000 tions and mansions announce that there was not a man, ' rations ordered to San Francisco. that had grown i : up with the progress of the city. | woman or child hungry in the deso- The Department of Commerce and The reports of disease are, happi- the lighthouse inspector at San Fran- Until the authorities took charge of | lated city. The nearer ‘cities have | J apor will lend all possible aid to the the small provisions stores through- { rushed food and supplies, which have | gan Francisco sufferers so far as its out the city exhorbitant prices wore | arrived nene too soon, facilities - extend. In dispatches to demanded for all kinds of foodstuffs. the Health De- cisco, Eges sold for $1 each, bread g1 | lv, proved unfounded, > and to the officials of the fish BRR Er idties nt 81 : | partment and the army medical staff | commission, Secretary Metcalf has a loaf, sardines at $1.50 a can,| iv crackers, 19 cents each and canned | reporting that the health of the city | directed the lighthouse tender, Ma- 3 ; ents ea £ ined | goods $2 a can "he master | js excellent considering what it has drono, and the United States steam- s .$2 a ean. 18 of Oakiand have agreed to s passed through. There are very few | ship Albatross to go at once to the to To oe olla SH charges m ip | COD acicus cases—few even if con- stricken city and do everything prac- SLi WI ne ef noe n i: y S - five counts a loaf for iy were norme ticable to aid sufferers. 200 Bodies Grematod ABRTHQUAKES IN MICHIGAN PACKER'S TRIAL A FARCE lies ated. The 200 bodies found in the 7 ; pen i ne trict south of Shan non One Man Killed in a WMine—Buildings President Roosevelt Sends Special in oS Lil « ad in the vicinity of the Union Rock and Chimneys Fall. Message to Congress. works, were cremated at the L An earthquake shock, which was In a ‘special message delivered to House by order of Coroner throughout Hancock | Congress President Roosevelt declar- Thic infarmati rac ained ty A nn vs ps my aL . and was most pro-|ed that the result of the recent trial | the Board of ealth headquarters. | wa : SiTYes, : So many dead were found in th nounced se Quincy mine, killed | of the beef packers in Chicago was | limited area that cremation was Timothy ; nd injured four oth- a “miscarriage of justice,” and that deemed absolutely necessary to pre- ¢ one mile below the 40 jpterpretation placed by Judge vent disease. The names of ot wo Pre bcked, | OLS Humphrey on the will of Con- | se core i iv ulidings rocked, of the dead were learned. but Ir Da a in gress “is such as to make that: will majority of cases identification dish ne stan absolutely abortive.” i seth ,3 y ho nt and (2 : ¢ i impossible owing to tne mut and children The message, which is most sen- the features. en, an atinnal tn character is based lair Le tn thei Many «ational in character, is based largely hiymes. Speed . \ift refused to letter to the President from General W. H. Moody, in on a day ’ Attorney the Twelve Killed in a Church Fight. belo cisco eral. ports of prompt and liberal offerings | | °| 3 | | mic d i | parable A procession of 2,000 Catl which the latter reviews the pro-| from neighboring villages tri Quake Shakes Ship at Sea ceedings of the case of the govern-| recapture their church at lLesn 3 : nent against the packers. | iand A futious fight with The steamer Alliance, which ar- TEE vites ensued, in the course of at Astoria, Ore., from Eureka Postal Clerks Rescued. 12 persons were killed that the Point Arena light-| Eleven postal clerks, all alive, | wounded. was destroyed by the earth-| were taken from the debris of the The vessel, while off Eureka | g, ahels yostomice | San Ft Epo post : morning, was severely | ware ought to be dead, [oe Bo although they All at first but it was were bur- | Wa abash wrecked at switch Won ope Io captain thought the vessel had jed in. the stones, every one was papers, thrown from ® o bottom, after making alive. They had been for three days broke the arms of the switcn she was in 12 | without food or water. All the mail Five people were injured. in ‘the postoflice was saved. Would Abolish Immunity CITY WILL BE IMPROVED Miners Refuse to Arbitrate. Administration prem—— The international executive board abolish the kind or { When Ruins Are Cleared Away— of the United Mine Workers of | ed the beef | America jected the proposition of New Structures Will Arise. The City of the Gol phrey, of in the Se > oper tors of Western Pennsyl- len Gate, laid | van Illinois, Indiana and Ohio who jouse Dy in the last few days DY |are opposing the payment of the Martin of South Dakota fre, will rise from | 1903 wage scale to coal miners, and! of the resolution under : and better than | Who, through J. H. Winder, their r vestigation into the Tho rien Of the | chairman, offered to submit the differ- aff: ir gs of Z coast combination Ww ences to arbitration. metropolis of the already ma them with t struct are | Chief D. J. cisco’s fire deparlu jnjuries received on the coverer of rad- nd killed by a lace Dauphine, { of San Fr: died t morning magni ifi- he place of fron n res to take low. 1 C¢ | those laid 000. square ly damaged show Santa At Napa, the Rosa, by the first day miles, blocks. untouched or Most the by destruction 50 many was about several hund- of the the miles bu flames Ww ea ild- ere rth was gen- north, was damaged to the extent of $1,000,- buildings w ere shattered and the loss will amount to $300,000. At Valiejo the damag comparison other cities. $10,000. News comes from “Niles, with that The loss ed will be ab No loss of life is reported. ec was slight in suffer in out a small town in the Santa Clara valley, about 15 miles from San Jose, stating that the earthquake demolished the State insane asylum at Agnews, near San | Jose, burying many of the inmates in the ruins. suffered severely. This It is stated that San J news brought by an automobile from San | ose | was Jose to. points where wire communi- cation had been established with Los Angeles temporarily. Jight dead Italians were of an Italian that St. of justice at San Jose, ed at ished. A o'clock info On have insane asylum there are probably in the | ture message at nigt ‘mation: e hundred been tal ruins was hotel at San Jose. place the Presbyterian datrick’s cathedral and the High school were destroyed. from a cost of $300,000, it gave Kell The and near out San 150 The just was Salinas, te twenty of the more Jose, taken out At church, new hall complei- demol- at 11 | foliowing bodies A AST lew and corpses magnificent strue- demolished. All but two of the university bu ild- ings at Leland Stanford are in ruins. Ioma Prieta, 18 miles from San- At ta Cruz, side of a mountain in the rains. California h back isturbance, as suffered from sc more or less, makes as history | 100 years it is estimated 10 as record. that subterranean .forces have been m manifest ed effect It 200 with is a matter of dispute ! | the convulsion of 1868 was as great In March times, a mine house slipped on the burying men | oig far In the ade but the combin- in that period is not com- the result of this ap- | palling catastrophe. | a ealamity as that i of the latter year heaval ried in the of 18 the devastation over hundreds of small villages were dest was between loss of life w sq uare =o 3 A re was an an area mile: IN PHILIPPINE FIRE Towns Destroyed and Fire quina, in thou and is 11 Fir town ings | are Hema People has swept 1¥e sands of starving. are in 1ing as of Cebu were bur homeless. Rizal persons TV ruins. ned istance ‘e also des and Thousands eless. town © wo thousand T1 ae of 35. f Mz: M whether up- | Invo valey which car- | of Ten | roved and the | 50 and 590. any homeless dwell- | vernment to the sufferers. royed Pasil, n Two hu ndred many ear dw pers the ell- sons T0 PROSECUTE ANILADADS \ of Justice Facts from Companies’ Books. HAS EVIDENCE IN HAND Decisions of Supreme Court in Paper | and Tobacco Trust Cases Aid Attorney General. trust have Department of { sHuminous 3 cided on coal by the Jus- General Moody Hughes of New York and nder Simpson, Jr., of Philadel- | Sucures | { that oust of the ! same SS TANGLES UP PROPERTY | Suprems Court Decision Makes Il= legal 500 Divorces in Chicago. It is estimated by Chicago lawyers the decision of the supreme United os illegal all divorces, except where botl | Sart to the suit resided within a jurisdiction, will make illegal diverces that have been granted in that city alone, and pave the way | for all manner of complications in the next generation over inheritance, States 500 | | and the rights to properiy. { property. engaged | who | vorces now held to be illegal. Several prominent attorneys de- cutions of the anthracite and | clare that the decision means chaos, been de- | in regard to the title to Complications particularly in the married personal will arise, cases where en after obtaining di- Prop- erty left by men so divorced and so to conduct the cases. Hughes | 1 -emarried must go to children of the | was "the man who conducted the | first marriage, and cannot be held by { searching into the insurance scan- | children born of the subsequent mar- | dals. | riage. | The coal-carrying . roads, which | EE | own the anthracite coal mines, will | PENNSYLVANIA DEMOCRATS | be defendants in the case. These | — | roads include the Pennsylvania, Charles P. Bornelly, of Philadelphia, | Baltimore & Ohio, Reading, Lehigh | Elected Chairman. i yon Delay Vanna He oe | Charles P. Donnelly, of Philadel- | Brie, New York, Ontario & Western, | phia, was elected chairman of the | New York, Susquehanna & Western | Pennsylvania State Democratic com- | and the Central Railroad of New |mijitee by acclamation to: succeed Jersey. Proceedings will also be | State Senator J. K. P. Hall, of Ridg- brought against the different roads | way, at its annual meeting. The | in the bituminous coal fields. | committee also decided to hold the This is the first action of the De- confirmation of candidates for Gov- partment of Justice under the di- ! ernor and other State officers at Har- rections of the Supreme Court in the | rishurg on June 27. State head- and tobacco trust cases, bol aes will be transferred from which the court held that corpora- | Harrisburg to Philadelphia The | tions were anted immunity from | following were clected division is} use the officials of | chairmen, who constitute the State the furnished evidence on osecutions could be based, and that these officials must | produce the books of the tions. In the announcemen ment of of the Justice corpora- | nen, Depart- | relating to the selec-| 1. ! B. Rhodes, of tion of the two lawyers to conduct | the case it is admitted that the | | Government now has in its possession | tones which will enable the Gov- | ernment to go into court and show | | that the coal roads have | the sale »f coal | merce, swhich is forbidden by law, especially as there has been discrimi- | nations against mine owners not in | the trust. The two lawyers | been engaged to advise with the At- torney General and actually to co duct the prosecution which wi brought. WARRANTS s FoR DOWIE'S ARREST | The Prophet Must Keep Away from Zion City. Overseer Wilbur G. swore out warrants for the arrest of | engaged in in inter-State com- | Voliva, | | | have | ig night, 11 be | | | | | | John Alexander Dowie charging him | with three serious crimes. i An ultimatum has been served on | Dowie that he must remain away | | from Zion or the warrants, which are | | in readiness, will be served. The | | wa drafted by Judge V. V.| accuse Dowie of violation of | | the anking laws, obtaining money | { under false pretenses and fraud. {| In a formal announcement, Dea-| con Fielding H. Wilhite and his wife, | Deacon John Lewis and Deacon James I rs were expelled from | | the church and banished from Zion City for re mainte loval to Dowie. jexican, War Veteran Dead. | | | of the explosion on | shaw, to executive committee: John Waller, of Lebanon; E. 8. Doty of Bedford; William J. Bren- of Pittsburg; W. H. Kneib, of Erie: D. J. Driscoll, of St. Marys; W. T. Creasy, of Catawissa; James Blakeslee, of Mauch Chunk; Frank Media. MORE KEARSARGE DEATHS Court Is Appointed by Admiral Evans to Investigate Explosion. Two more deaths were reported | to the navy department as the result the battleship Frederick Thomas Fish- mate, died Sunday and James S. McArdle, elec- trician, first class, died Monday. Rear Admiral Evans has cabled the navy department that he has appoint- ed a court of inquiry, consisting of Rear Admiral Brownson, Capt. Ing- ersoll and Lieut.-Commander Brad- investigate the accident. Kearsarge. er, chief gunner’s SOME EARTHQUAKE RECORDS. Year. Place. Lives Lost. 1703 Yoddo....... co. couse iain. 190 000 1731 Pekin. 95 000 1754 Cairo . 40 000 1755 Lisbon. 35000 1797 Quito .. 41 000 1893 Persia.. 12 000 1894 Japan.. ee 10 000 1502 St. Pierre, Martinique. 30 000 1903 Ferghana, Turkestan. 10 000 1905 India. 15 000 1905 Calabr R70 1405 Shemakal « 30) 1905 Tamazula, Mexico. 100 WASHINGTON NEWS NOTES. The House passed the Shartel bill authorizing national banks to loan to individual depositors 10 per cent of their capital stock and 10 per cent. of their surplus, providing . : i 3 | Captain Upton H. Herbert, one of | the total shall not exceed 20 per | the few surviving veterans of the | cent. of the capital stock. B Mexican war died at Alexandria, Va., | The President sent the following | 2 after an operation to remove a piece nominations to thc senate: Major E 5 r 1lle = 2: > | of shell or bull let that has at times | general to be lieutenant general, | made him almost a cripple. He | Henry C. Corbin; associate justice of | commanded the Fairfax Company in| {pq supreme court of Oklahoma} the fifties, and during the Civil War | aijton C. Garber. iat doatore: ! had charge of Mount Vernon mansion and gi1 rounds. President Wants Insurance Law i President Roosevelt transmitted to Congre an important | lating to insurance legislation. Ac- | | company ing the message were the | | report and recommendations of the | insurance convention held in Chicago | message re- | bill | was undergoing i last February. Among the recom- | { mendations is the draft of a which Congress is urged to enact in- to law, with Ww on m suzgest. RAILROAD FINED such amendments as its | Burlington Pays $40,000 and Each of | Two Officials $10,000. {| The Chicago, Burlington Quincy railroad, Darius Miller i 1 jurnham, found guilty in the Chicago, of hed granting and | ; and officials of the | bates in violation of law. The rail- road corporation was fined $40,600 and the two officials $10,000 each. | Pennsylvania—H. D. Patch, Wilmer- | ding; C. W. Houser, Durvea; H. S. Williams, Fairchance. ©Ohio—C. M. Ingram, Marysville. - Boiler Explosion Kills Three. Three members of the crew of the British battleship Princess of Wales were killed and four were injured by a boiler explosion while the vessel her speed trials. | The connecting rod bolts on the high | pressure engine and the top cylinder | coverings were fractured. CURRENT NEWS EVENTS. Richard G. Ivans, convicted in | Chicago of the murder of Mrs. Bessie Hollister, was denied a new trial and was sentenced to hang June 22. The Buffalo, Rochester & Pitts- Feder- burg railway will augment its equip- re- : ment this year at a total cost of from | $900,000 to $1,100,000. The fines were Pi at once, the | | defendants going to the office | | United States Marshal Ames, where | made out for the three fines. i a check was amount of Fire Fatal to Four. Four lives were which swept away a stable an | the full a . | lost early in a fire board of directors and Mrs. Nicholas | Longworth will sail for England on June 2, young by way of France on August 2 Representative The stockholders of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Company voted to increase the capi- tal stock of the company from $150,- 000,000 to $250,0060,600. The old was re-elected. Russia has stipulated to pay 5 per cent. interest on the loan of $40,000,000 which she has negotiat- ed in France, England, Austria and Holland. No portion of it has been ! taken in the United States or Ger- | of three-story frame flat houses in i t Second street, near Park Place, | | Coney Island, and nearly : fami- | i lies were rendered homeless The | dead i McGra aged | { 75; his son, 35; John Brown, 34, and James Garvin, | the Philippine endered to the American Tr forces Passenger Car. (perimental stec the leader in s, has sur- 1 gross | many. Marconi Wireless Telegraph reports earnings of $32,209 for last year, an increase of over 160 per cent. as compared with 1904. Federal Official Indicted. Fred O. Murray, recently appoint- ed collector of the port of Buifalo, Pennsyl- | ne Al- | >d over to | cars | ago 1 held | ! nger equipment order [ ye seen how the steel | would work, but the den nand for | | ne passenger cars was So ent | th 1al wooden cars cel | fi were contracted for. | and former treasurer of Erie county, was indicted by the grand jury on a charge of stealing from the county of sums aggregating $38,870 and receiving stolen property in a like amount. In all, 17 indictments were handed in by the grand jury, which as been investigating alleged graft- ing in connection with the purchase by the county of the North street cemetery as a e for the Sixty-fifth regiment armory. “PE- SIM Suffer Miss Brookly ‘For verely the sid unable “1 ai na, an NO MOI “The case w We h ters fro the syi gpace p testimorn It is i eat a as relic ‘have be by its fe HI couls at Brockt care with would res cost more fit better intrinsic without t Fast Color Write fo