at rket! emg ened a new et in Salis- liter’s store. and clean, spect. h and Salt ete. for Fat Cat- Itry, Hides, ASE YOU | be con- your wants WAHL, Butcher. el andis- gen- . . x Can be best supplied at HOy's Deparment Sor. Call and see our immense line of pretty White Goods, 2 Laces, Lace Curtains, Ladies’ Skirts and Suits, Boys’ and Youths’ Suits, Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Shoes, Straw Hats, ete. We Hove Them All Beat For Varily, Sie And Big Value. Don’t take our word for it, but come and judge for yourselves. New goods arriving right along, and they who buy without see- ing our immense stock are making an expensive mistake. HAY'S DEPARTMENT STORE, C.T. HAY, Mgr. Granulated LIME! Best and most economical for all crops. Also most convenient to use, and much cheaper than Commercial Fertilizers. My Lime is Pure! We grind no coal cinders or other ref- use with it. At my quarry you get just what you pay for—the best lime in the county. A trial will convince you. Isaiah Bare, R.F.D.No.1, Sand Patch, Pa. Quarry and Kiln 3 miles east of Salisbury. YOU ARE TO BE THE JUDGE! ‘We will send you, FREIGHT PREPAID, upon receipt of your request, one of our FAULTLESS SPRUNG WASHING MACHINES or thirty days’ practical test ou are not satisfied that it a fhe bu washer “made, and and at SE most reasonable ce, return it at our e: Pris is the only washer with the SUCTION and SQUEEZ- ING hiding aod 08s not grind the clothes to pieces, lik most of the other It washes thes RD the daintiest fabric to the SosrRedt from clothin, ne Jace or whole tub full, with the same ease satisf truly a wonder washer'and there's no et about it. OTe take al the ; to prove its merits to you. Write to-day for further info AMERICAN MFC. CO. 7 to9 Main St. Lockland, Ohio. Lem Farmers, it is big money in your pockets to sow only pure and perfect seed. When you sow thoroughly clean and perfect Wheat, Oats or Cloverseed, less seed per acre is required, while the yield is much greater and of better quality. THE REIST & SON GRAIN AND SEED GRADER speedily removes all imperfect grains, foreign substances, weed seeds, ete. It is a model of mechanical perfection, weighs only 90 pounds, is worth many times its cost, every year to any farmer. It is considered indispensable by all farmers who have tried it. AGENTS WANTED! Apply to 1..C. Balik. Elk Lick, Pa, General Agent for Somerset and Adjoining Counties. Here is something worthy of Your attention. THE LINDEMAN PIANO) In the lead for 70 years. TIME IS THE TEST OF MERIT. Beware of Imitations. ‘We believe that the 70 years’ experi- ence and reputation we put into our Piano, the care and attention we put into ts construction, have resulted in one of the most sa tory instruments ever po on the market. Has all the latest provements. Every one warranted. WHY NOT BUY THE BEST? when the price is within the reach of any one wanting a Piano. Send for free illus- ogue and full information. trated ca fas 548-550 West 23rd St, New York. ~ Our Fine Easter Millinery Opening April 12,138, & 14th. All the new and latest shapes. Our Summer opening will be on MAY 4th And oth. S. P. Young. ANYONE oan) bait a cheap bug, Lop it requires skilled me- chanics, alerial an d years of perience to i - produce a vehicle that on give satisfy ‘When you invest your moneys in Sa b y you gst Jo moneys worth. Every and buil es shecifications to is you, rg ordering, hu width o racks and kind Offimie material wanted. ustralian wool indigo dy dyed an cloth= INE Bedford Cord or Machine Buffed Leather. Any changes wanted should be Sarenanly Sederibed in Your letter, Seing mple nufacturers mal zal. to, at you. All bu uggies s completo with igh bend double braced sh: ley Shaft Couplers side bn storm RN apron and wren: Tx AN Wo ck each ohio 80 as to obtain the Zs 2 7 lowest tariff freight rate to your town. ’ 485 Price in Solid Rubber Tires - $96.00. LING & VANSICKLE BUGGY CO., Middletown, Ohlo. LAUREL "F1LOURYE It. West Salisbury Feed Co. m<®=Buy Laurel; get trading stamps on all TERS refer, rder I you on a with order ands: In) rut th o; ls us $16 p through your nearest Tr ex office to col- a dletown, Ohio, goods sold at our store. WEA present duty: Subscribe for THE STAR. New Firm! G. G. De Lozier, GROGER AND GONFEGTIONER. Having purchased the well known Jeffery grocery opposite the postoffice,I want the public to know that I will add greatly to the stock and improve the store in every way. Itis my aim to conduct a first class grocery and confectionery store,and to give Big Value For Cash. I solicit a fair share of your patronage, and I promise asquare deal and courteous treatment to all customers. My line will consist of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Choice Confectionery, Country Produce, Cigars, Tobacco, ete. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE, SALISBURY, PA. GET THE BEST Highest Award LLORES ik LOUIS YEAS fa AINE Recently Enlarged 25,000 New Words New Gazetteer of the World with more than 25,000 titles, based on the latest census returns. NewBiographical Dictionary ‘containing the names of over 10,000 noted persons, date of birth, death, etc. Edited by W. T. HARRIS, Ph.D., LL.D., United States Commissioner of Education. 2380 Quarto Pages New Plates. 5000 Illustrations, Rich Bindings, Neededin EveryHome Also Webster's Coliogiate Dictionary 1116 Pages, Regular Edition ra a, ae De Luxe Edition 6)x8%x1%4 in. Printed from same plates, on bible paper. 8 beautiful bindings, FREE, “Dictionary Wrinkles.” Illustrated pamphlets. G. 86 C. MERRIAM CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass. aet acquainted with SMITHS qf SMITHS MAGAZINE and you are strangers we will send you the magazine three months free that you may get acquainted. q SMITH'S is the biggest illus- trated magazine in the world— 170 pages of reading matter and pic- tues, the same size page as the big standard magazines like Harper's and Century. q SMITH'S is made up of the best of everything—best stories that can be obtained, best illustra- tions that clever artists can draw, and the best special articles, written by writers who know their subject thoroughly and. write as entertain- ingly as they are instructive. q SMITH'S also prints every month a score or more pretty portraits, in colors, of beautiful women. ken all in all, there is no better magazine than SMITH'S— * in fact, none nearly as good, no matter what the cost. q Write to-day. A postal will do. Address Dept. F, Smith's Magazine, 85 Seventh Avenue, New York City ows Early Risers The famous little pills. Kodol Dyspepsia Gure Digests what you eat. Wie Early Risers The famous little pills. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar Cures al) Coughs, and expels Colds from tho systom by gently meving the bowels. DR. C. BOUVIER’S combines these purposes. It is just as beneficial to the kidneys and bladder, as it is exhilarating and delightful in its immediate effects. Better for you than any medicine. DR. C. BOUVIER'S SPECIALTY CO., INC. LOUISVILLE, KY. Oz All Bars—Take No Other THE “HOME RULE® Oil and Gasoline Can. SAFE- OLEAN: NEAT-CONVENIENT. SIZE, 5 GALS. Lamps are filled directly by the ump, and an Taste i bole Has a bi Ppt o fitting ‘Hin god Cover over the top and are rain, dirt and evaporation tight. This is the only Ideal Family Can BP and is needed in # every home where Oll or Gasoline is used; does away with the obj jection g Cans, and the an- that le : k and waste contents. This is truly the HOUSEKEEPER’S FRIEND. EVERY HOUSEWIFE SHOULD READ “The Joy ot Home Making.” a Send to us for a free copy at once. THE WINFIELD MANFG. CO., Warren, C. PO NOT ACCEPT SURSTITUTES. Fits the Lunch! Fits the Pocket! "THE IDEAL FOLDING LUNCH BOX Jopresehis the end of Shiiity in a Launch Box, the reason that i onl feature that a pr po! sess, and has more than one valuable advan- tage tht no other lunch box ever had. t is strong and durable, and will give years of continued service. It convenient to carry both in and out of use. It is attractive in appearance, and because of its being used for more p an one, is a great relief to sensitive Olt who dislike the idea o being seen with a dinner basket. © Ideal Lunch Box is so low in price anyone can afford to buy it. Can be rolded up in a moment to fit pocket, with no more inconvenience than an ordinary pocketbook. ROCHESTER LUNCH BOX MFG. CO., Cox Building, ROCHESTER, N. Y. 60 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Ansogs sending a sketch and room hoi may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention 8 probably patentable. Com tions stri otly Confidential. HANDBOOK sent treo. Oldest aj Patents taken t| ro Rg special notice, without charge, in ti "Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cig culation of any Solentins ournal. Terms, $3 : year; four months, $1. Sold byall newsdealerd MUNN & Co,3818roacway. New York Branch Office. 625 ' St.. Washington. D. C. THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE GOUGH SYRUP The Red Clover Blos- som and the Honey Bes § is on every bottle. 0 Cures all Coughs and assists in expelling Colds from the System by gently moving the bowels. gf for croup and whooping-cough. (Trade Mark Registered.) bi’ § RE KENNEDY'S waxamive HONEY TAR PREPARED AT THE LABORATORY OF E. O. DeWITT & ©O., CHICAGO, U. 8. A. SOLD BY E, H, MILLER. APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. Notice is hereby given that an applica- tion will be made to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, on the 8th day of May, 1906, at 10 o’clock a. m.,by C. H Jennings, H. H. Maust, J. L. Barchus, Geo. W. Kipp, D. H. Clark and John M. W right, under an Act of the General Assembly en- titled “An Act to provide for the incorpora- tion and regulation of certain corpora- tions,” approved April 29,1874, and the sup- plements thereto for the charter of an in- tended corporation to be known as the “Pennsylvania & Maryland Street Railway Company,” the character and object of which is to build, maintain and operate a railroad with power other than locomotive, to begin at the borough of Somerset; thence over the public roads to the borough of Berlin, and over the streets of said bor- ough; thence over the public roads leading to the borough of Garrett, and over streets of said borough; thence over the public road to the borough of Meyersdale, and over the streets of the said borough; thence over the public road to the borough of Salisbury, and streets of said borough; thence over the public road to the Maryland line, and for these purposes to have and possess all the rights, benefits and privileges of said ct of Assembly and the supplements Ae J. C. LOWERY, BERKEY & SHAVER, 4-26 Solicitors. Delinquent Tax Notice. The various treasurers who receive and receipt for State, County, Borough and School taxes collected by me, have given notice that I must pay over all taxes my duplicates call for, by June 1st, each year. Therefore, in order to protect myself and comply with my sworn duties, notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Salisbury borough that all their taxes must be paid to me by the last day of May, each year, if they want to avoid officers and addi- tional costs. M. J. GLOTFELTY, 4-26 Tax Collector. Have you tried Thompson’s home- made Gingerbread? Just the kind your grandmother baked. Get it at Thompson’s, opposite Hay’s Hotel. tf SALISBURY NORMAL. The Salisbury Normal School will open Monday, May 7, 1906, and close with the Teachers’ Examination by the County Superintendent. Provision can be made for all grades. Any information concerning the school will be given cheerfully. 5-3 JANET O. McKINLEY. Everybody is talking about the man- ner Oysters are put up in at Thomp- son’s. Any style. tf A Present Need. Frost Cream for Chapped Hands, Face and Lips; 15 and 25c. bottles at the Elk Lick Drug Store. tf Ask for Free Calendars and Alma- nacs at the Elk Lick Drug Store. tf Bring your friends to Thompson’s and try a plain or milk stew of McGee’s Seal Counts. tf DRESS SHIRTS !—The finest line that ever came to town, at Hay’s Depart- ment Store. Prices, 50¢., 75¢. and $1.00. tf C. T. Hay, Manager. Thompson has them. What? Why, McGee's celebrated Seal Count Oysters W. J. Lichty’s old stand. tf Headley’s Choice Chocalates and Bon Bons in 14, 14 and 1-1b. boxes, always on hand, and fresh, at the Elk Lick Drug Store. tf Hot Water Bottles of all kinds, from $1.00 up, at the Elk Lick Drug Store. tf Thompson’s is the place where you can get your fine Confections. Head- ley’s Chocolates in bulk" and fancy packages. Also fresh roasted Jumbo Peanuts. tf erg An SHOE BARGAINS!—We have the biggest and best stock of Men’s. Wom- en’s and Children’s Shoes in town, and we are offering special bargains in Shoes at this time. Call and save money. Hay’s DEPARTMENT STORE. 174 FOR SALE!—Two yearling Male Short Horn Calves, eligeble to register. Color,dark red. Apply to J. L. Yost, Grantsville, Md. 4-19 Chest Protectors from 25c. up to $2.00, at the Elk Lick Drug Store. tf — tr —_— Sugar Camp Burned by Thieves. Last Thursday night Chas. Snyder, who resides on the Wm. Stanton farm, near Grantsville, Md., suffered the loss of his sugar camp, a large lot of syrup and sugar, also tanks, other utensils, ete. The fire is supposed to have been the work of thieves who stole some of the sugar and syrup, then fired the camp to conceal their crime, judging from tracks leading eastward from the camp, and which could be plainly seen in the soft earth. Snyder seems to be having a hard streak of luok all around. Some time ago a shed roof gave way under a heavy weight of snow, smashing a good binder for him, and he also recently lost a mare, a colt and sixteen pigs. DON’T TIE YOURSELF UP. Don’t tie a cough or a cold up in your system by taking a remedy that binds the bowels. Take Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar. It is different from all other cough syrups. It is better. It opens the bowels—expels all cold from the system, relieves coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, ete. An ideal remedy for young and old. Children REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Edward W. Walker to Mahlon Sny- der, in Summit, $135 L. F. Bittle to Henry F. Schell, in Somerset bor., $300. Henry F. Schell to Sarah Jane Hoch- stetler, in Somerset bor., $400. Jacob F. Latshaw to Clyde Dennison, in Somerset twp., $2150. Elizabeth Crist to Annie E. Foust, in Paint bor., $150. Geo. P. Brubaker to Malinda Ream, in Berlin, $150. Savilla S. Whitford to Alford E. Bar- ron, in Lavansville, $300. Mary C. Suhrie to Thomas Hichey, in New Baltimore, $153. Frank A. Fritz to Nelson B. Miller, in Somerset bor., $4000. John Lochrie to Oxel Fromberg, in Windber, $150. W. A. Washer to Peter P. Boyer, in Quemahoning, $800. Earl Miller to Otto Park, in Cone- maugh, $1050. Watson Dively to William Rubright, in Berlin, $250. Edwin Deal to the Connellsville, Uniontown & Wheeling Company, in Greenville and Larimer, $700. Noah Keefer to Ralph 8. Zimmerman, in Somerset twp, $300. J. B. Weigle to D. B. Zimmerman, in Somerset twp., $2337. W. J. Murphy to Mrs. E. C. Murphy, in Windber, $4000. Elias Fike to C. U. & W. R. R.Co,, in Larimer, $400. Herman G. Tressler to same, in Lari- mer, $1000. J. A. Friedline et al. to Mary Ann Trimpey, in Upper Turkeyfoot, $2400. Oxel Fromberg to Harriet C. Smith. in Windber, $1000. E. L. Fox to John H. Seibert, in Som- erset bor., $175. Reinhold Fox to Charles Maguski, in Summit, $1100 Charles P. Lepley to Israel Schrock, id Meyersdale, $2000. Christian Mankemeyer to the Evan- gelical Association, in Meyersdale, $600. C. A. Humbert to Fred Rowe, in Summit, $215. Mary A. Shaffer to John Shaffer, in Paint twp., $1 John C. Foust to Frank L. Reed, in- Stonycreek, $800. Co., in Larimer, $1900. Susanna Mock to T. P. Bantly, in Ogle, $300. William A. Dunshee to A. H. Ferner, in Black, $1363. A LUCKY POSTMISTRESS is Mrs. Alexander, of Cary, Me., who has found Dr. King’s New Life Pills to be the best remedy she ever tried for keeping the Stomach, Liver and Bowels in perfect order. You'll agree with her if you try these painless purifiers that infuse new life. Guaranteed by E. H. Miller, druggist. Price 25c. 5-1 West Salisbury Feed Company Sells Out. The West Salisbury Feed Co. has sold out to Herbert Engle and Edward and James Davis. The deal includes the store building and stock. The firm formerly consisted of Elijah Livengood, J. B. Keim, Richard. Nevin and Elijah Newman, Wm. Dee- ter. John A. Knecht and Wm. P. Coch- rane. The firm has been doing a big business, but too many stockholders were in it to participate in the divi- dends. The young men who have purchased the business are all first rate fellows, honest, obliging and full of energy. They will take full charge of the fine, large store on May 1st, and of their success there is little doubt. Mr. Engle is a son of Jacob Engle, the well-known tax collector of Elk Lick township, and his partners are sons of Elder John N. Davis, the well- known surveyor. Daniel Livengood, the genial and popular manager of the old firm, has not yet decided what he will engage in next, but “Dan” is all right, and will make good any old place he is hooked up. CC -— The State’s Oldest Bank Cashier. The possessor of a healthy body and a clear mind, Calvin Blythe North, who is serving his forty-third annual term as cashier of the Selinsgrove First National Bank, has passed the eighty- third milestone of life and consequent- ly is accorded the distinction of being older in actual years and term of ser- vice than any other bank cashier in Pennsylvanja—perhaps in the United States. The keynotes of Mr. North's success are regularity and moderation. Carrying a heavy oak cane, head erect and long, vigorous strides, he walks several miles before the opening and after the close of each banking day. Ice-sheeted pavements and zero weath- er are no serious impediments, for this octogenarian would not allow heat nor cold to deprive him of his “constitu- tionals.” This remarkable man is a total abstainer from alcoholic liquors and is very temperate in his eating and smoking. GROW STRONG AGAIN. Nothing will relieve indigestion that is not a thorough digestant, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. and allows the stomach to rest—recu- perate—grow strong again, A few doses of Kodol after meals will soon re- store the stomach and digestive organs to a full performance of their functions like it. Sold by E. H. Miller. 5-1 naturally. Sold by E. H. Miller. 5-1 Russel Smith to the C. U. & W.R. R. .