gazine, but nts a nume untsin ac- o dollars a Ing writers ers of im« good; it is subjects in 1» the next nd rebates y authori. 1ildren, but d. Its ad- 1€e 's subscrip- h new sub- cribers for buld like to ash prizes AL YRUP The Red Clover Blos~ gce1and the Eoney Bee is on eve! bottle. if a KATIVE ER OF ). U. 8. A. ER. ; 7) CATION school.” 1 College ng, Short- JLLEGE, rsdale, Pa. ¥ LINE ~~ oprietor. inday, be- , connect- vaive 6P.M rice &$1.00 2 Trial. Sers ills. Cure at. and Tar olds from e bowels. * * re x >—Salisbury, Pa—~§ Hotes Are Pi Gountp Star. EBD EY 5h A DEN 25 C C AOD I SRS We are ready for the Spring busi- ness of 1906, in —_==® CARPETS, RUG AND MATTINGS. Our Cut Order Line has been filled with many new patterns in Axmins- §3 ters, Brussels, Velvets, Best, Extra and Gem Tap- estries. Our Roll Carpets in all the late designs and colorings in All-Wool, Half-Wool, Brussels and the cheaper grades, are ready for you to examine. Our Mattings, Japan and China, in plain and colored, are also ready, and the styles are all that could be desired. Blk Lick ply 0, NATIONAL BA OF SALISBURY. Capital paid in, $50,000. Surplus & undiyided profits, $8,000. § PER GENT. INTEREST oo Deposits. J. L. BarcHuUs, President. H. H. MausT, Vice President. ALeerT REITZ, Cashier. DIRECTORS :—J. L. Barehus, H. H. Maust, Norman D. Hay, A.M. Lichty, F. A. Maust, A. E. Livengood, L. L. > Boas: : ee 1, 0 DRY Foreion and Domestic “Coons Finest of Groceries, Hardware, Miners’ The best Powder and Squibs a Specialty. For Butter And Eggs. ST TA TITTY ILS A CHOICE LINE OF STAPLE GROCERIES (VAS ON AND We sell Axa and Minnehaha Flour, the brands to buy if you want good bread. S. A. LICHLITER. Supplies, Shoes, Clothing, Ete. TO PINT SPAT ANOPOYY BRERKEY & SHAVER, SOMERSET, PA. Coffroth & Ruppel Building. ERNEST 0. KOOSER, Attorney-At-Liaw, SOMERSET, PA. R. E.MEYERS, DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Attorney-at-Liaw, SOMERSET, PA. Office in Court House. W. H. KOONTZ. KOONTZ & OGLE Attorneys-At-Law, SOMERSET, PENN’A J. G. OGLE Office opposite Court House. VIRGIL R. SAYLOR, Attorney-at-Liaw, SOMERSET, PA. Office in Mammoth Block. E. H. PERRY, Physician and Surgeon, SALISBURY, PENXN’A. Office corner Grant and Union Streets E.C.SAYLOR, D. D. S,, SALISBURY, PA. Office in Henry Dellavon Residence, Union Special attention given to the preserva- tion of the natural teeth. Artificial sets in- serted in the best possible manner. E. E. CODER, WaIhes, Clocks and Jewelry, SALISBURY, PA Repairing neatly, promptly and substan- tially done. Prices very reasonable. Murphy Bros. RESTAURANT! ZAIN Headquarters for best Oysters, Ice Cream, Lunches, Soft Drinks, ete. Try our Short-Order Meals—Beef- steak, Ham and Eggs, Sausage, Hot Coffee, etc. Meals to Order at All ae. Hours! sm We also handle a line of Groceries, Confectionery, Tobacco, Cigars, ete. We try to please our patrons, and we would thank you for a share of your buying. MURPHY BROTHERS, McKINLEY BLOCK, SALISBURY, PA. LUMBAGO, SCIATICA NEURALGIA and KIDNEY TROUBLE **5-DROPS" taken internally, rids the bland stance and removing it from the system. DR. 8. D. BLAND Of Brewton, Ga., writes: had been A Sufjerer for a number of years Lumbago an eumatism in my arms reli bain es.” If you are grijering with Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Kid ROPS." and test it yourself. io, can be used any length of § time without acquiring a ‘drug habit,” as It is entirely free of opium, cocaine, aloohol, laudanum, and other similar §& § ingredients. DR oo ttle, “S.-DROPS” (800 Dose Large en at so Detes) BH SWANSON EHEUMATIC QURE COMPARY, Dept. 86, 160 Lake Street, Chicage. SUNN LEL EE I ~ AALADLALID JALAL GDI LEAR JLA LER LALLA IOLA SLA LEN LADALA GB ANL GRAIL oa county. May 26, 1906. SALISBURY. ELK LICK POSTOFFICE. PA., THURSDAY, APRIL 12. 1906. CHARLEY RISHEBARGER. Through the solicitation of my friends I have decided to be- come a candidate for the office of Assemblyman for Somerset My candidacy will be subject to the decision of the county primaries of the Republican party to be held Saturday, In submitting my name to the people for their consideration I desire to state that should I be nominated and elected to the office, it will be my highest aim to discharge the several duties of the said office in a way and manner which I hope will meet with the approval of all good, fair minded citizens of this Commonwealth, and especially the so-called “Frosty Sons of Thunder” of Somerset county. Earnestly soliciting your vote and support, I am, Yours very truly, CHARLEY RISHEBARGER, Addison, Somerset County, Pennsylvania. PENNSYLVANIA hag one of the finest stite capitol buildings in the United States, and it is said that this state ir the only one in the Union that has ever erected a building of that kind within the cost decided upon for the same, and within the time specified for its erection. Furthermore, Pennsyl- vania is entirely out of debt. which is a great drawback to the calamity howl- ers. Last week some of the big daily pa- pers published under glaring head lines a half-column article concerning a litter of kittens that President Roose- velt’s cat gave birth to. In a former issue some of them published a society item concerning a cat party that was given by a female idiot in high society, who gave a party and requested all her fool female guests to bring their cats with them. Poor fools! How lucky they were to escape the fool-killer, and how weary some of the big dailies make a long-suffering public by giving prominence and publicity to things that are simply slobber and gush. ea Dowig, the self-styled Elijah, has come to grief at last. He iscompletely shorn of his power,isuspended from the church he founded, and even his wife and son havelgturned against him. Dowie’s casej demonstrates how easy it iz for a shrewd, designing scoundrel to found ajchurch and get thousands of followers. His followers may all be fools, but many of them are very smart fools, and enjoy easy, and profitable positions at the expense of their dupes: The church Dowie founded is little bet- ter than its founder, but it will live and flourish, just as the Morman church has done, and as long as time lasts there will be a big crop of fools ever eager to be imposod upon by false prophets and false teachers. TrE outcomefofithefgreat coal wage scale struggle is very satisfactory in Western Pennsylvania. In some re- gions the miners are striking, but throughout Western Pennsylvania in general the miners fare at work and making lots of money. The scale of 1803 has been signed pretty generally: and that insures peace and prosperity for at least two years. Over at Wind- ber. however, the miners have been foolish enough to allow themselves to be led into a strike by a lot of worth- less agitators, and they are now strik- ing for recognition of the union. That is the most foolish kind of a strike, and the men who are not satisfied to let well enough alone, will richly deserve the defeat and loss of good wages that they are bringing upon themselves. a Meversdale Commercial Gets a Jolt from 01d Fayette. The Meyersdale Commercial referr- ing to the coming congressional situ- ation in this district, says Somerset’s attitude toward Congressman Cooper's renomination and reelection will be governed largely by some postoffice appointments soon due in that county. What a lofty view to take of a man’s usefulness to his district as a member of congress! Whether Congressman Cooper deserves to be reelected, in the view of the Commercial, depends on whether he recommends this or that faction’s man for postmaster at this or that place. Any newspaper of standing ought to be ashamed of itself to set up such a standard of fitness for a con- gressman. As the Meyersdale Commercial has been playing mugwump, fusion, bolter and about everything else, except that of a regular Republican for the last several years, its word ill hardly be accepted by the loyal Republicans of Somerset in the present ultimatum it lays down, and as to the complexion of coming postmasters over there, we have no doubt they will be of the reg- ular Republican sort, and not of the hybrid elass for which the Meyersdale Commercial stands.—Uuiontown News Standard. DEVIL’S ISLAND TORTURE is no worse than the terrible case of Piles that afflicted me 10 years. Then I was advised to apply Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, and less than a box permanently cured me, writes L. 8. Napier, of Rugles, Ky. Heals all wounds, Burns and Sores like magic. 25¢ at E. H. Miller’s, druggist. 5-1 NO. 13. LOSES VACCINATION CASE. Health Department Fails in its Suit Against School Board. The case of the State Health Depart- ment against the School Board of Jack- son township, Dauphin county, ended last week when Judge George Kunkel instructed the jury that the proseca- tion had failed to make out a case. The School Board had instructed the teachers in the township to admit ue- vaccinated pupils to the schools, and the department charged the board with conspiracy. This is indeed good news—the best kind of news. Old Doe. Dixon, the tyrant who presides over the Health department of Pennsylvania, is not much to be feared after all. His threats and bellowings should not be taken seriously by school directors and teachers anywhere. In most places his tyrannical orders are ignored, bat some hysterical “sissies,” here and there, become terribly frightened when the old fakir threatens to have all teachers and directors arrested and fined who refuse or fail to carry out his hideous vaccination edicts. However, those who igriore Dixon’s orders have nothing to fear, and the present uam- just vaccination law is becoming a desd letter. People are getting tired of hav- ing their rights tramped upon, their children’s lives and health sacrificed to the greed of the medical profession, ete., and it is a hopeful sign for the re- peal of the unjust law, when courts and juries are beginning to ignore it and show all manner of contempt for it. —— DOES IT DO ANY GOOD? What good does it do to you to eat if your stomach fails to digest the food? None. It doesyouharm—causes belch- ing, sour stomach. flatulence, ete When the stomach fails a little Kodol Dyspepsia Cure after each meal will digest what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. Kodol is a thorough digestant and will afford relief from any disorder due to imperfect digestion or mal-assimilation. Sold by E. H. Miller. 5-1 The Herald Called Down. The Somerset Herald says the far- mers scarcely know what a mortgage or a judgement looks like these days, whereas formerly Somerset county was plastered with them. The sale of their coal lands has made Somerset county farmers rich. Instead of owing mortgages, they own them. With this prosperity heaped about on every side, The Herald opposed the building of a new court house. There was never a better time to build it and never perhaps will be. It is suspected that there was more politics than bus- iness in The Herald’s opposition to the new Temple of Justice.—Connellsville Courier. A CHANCE FOR SATISFACTION. If you ever bought a box of Witch Hazel Salve that failed to give satisfac- tion the chances are it did not have the name “E. C. DeWitt & Co.” printed on the wrapper and pressed in the box. The original DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve never fails to give satisfaction for burns, sores, boils, tetter, cracked hands,etec. For blind, bleeding, itching and protruding Piles it offords almost immediate relief. It stops the pain. Sold by E. H. Miller. 5-1 THE CARNEGIE KISS. Southern Woman Tells of its De- lights—A Pointer for Young Men. Atlanta, April 8—"The Carnegie kiss leaves nothing to de desired,” is the verdict of Mrs. J. H. Eichberg, whose lips were saluted by the iron-master at the reception given him in Atlanta. “The pressure of Mr. Carnegie’s lips caused the most satisfying sensation I have ever experienced. The Carnegie kiss thrills, and it also soothes. There is a clinging quality about Mr. Car- negie’s lips that make it perfect in an osculatory way. Mr. Carnegie may be old in years, but he is young enough in kissing ability. “The Carnegie kiss is superior im every way to the kiss of Hobson. “I was kissed by the Merrimac hero when he was here some years ago, but got little joy out of it. Hobson is too hasty. He just pecks at a woman's mouth and quits. That doesn’t satisfy. Mr. Carnegie covers your lips with his and keeps them covered. The Hobson kiss is immature; the Carnegie kiss is mature.” The best safeguard against headache, constipation and liver troubles is De- Witt’s Little Early Risers. Keep a vial of these famous little pills in the house and take a dose at bed time when you feel that the stomach and bowels need cleansing. ‘ They don’ gripe. Sold by E. H. Miller. 4-1