ed 2 new in Salis- r's store. d clean, ect. and Salt Fat Cat- y, Hides, t YOU )e con- yur wants AHL, itcher. ne and see rT new room tain, willbe 5; ty. AY, Mgr. JUDGE! pon receipt of re not satisfied nost reasonable [ and SQUEEZ- to pieces, like c to the coarsest ) SAMO oAss An here’s no doubt prove its merits Fa (L) ned, Ohio. EEE | 4aa041 MD IR UBARANE SL Art FEB. 10th TO 28th, 1906. Not a sale of old, shop-worn goods, but of good, Our reason for having a cut-price sale every year is to keep our stock fresh desirable merchandise. and clean. § Much money saved to tl | ==ydvantage of this sale!=== o those who take : s Boys’ $2.50 Overcoats. ............. 1.50 | Ladies’ 25¢c. Fleece-lined Under- Men’s heavy Cotton 50c. Overshirts, 39 GS Bargains m Dry Goods. Boys’ $8.50 Overcoats............. 2.50 WORE coon nesesnrsnsesannsvy .20 | Men’s Working Coats reduced from $3 : _| Boys’ $4.00 and $4,50 Overcoats.. .. 3.00 | Ladies’ 50c. Fleece-lined Under- $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 to 98ec, OA 4 Calignes; per yard or ie > Boys’ $6.00 Overcoats............. 3.50 Wear .v.:e eh.sss odessa an 39 $1.15 and $1.50. 9 BI 8 $ DOF JARO... o> “~| Boys’ $7.00 and $7.50 Overcoats.... 5.00 Ladies’ red and gray $1.00 Wool Boys’ $1.25 Working Coats........ 98 S Outing Cloth, 7c: quality, reduced to .05 > : . ee . bi Men’s $8.50 Suits... cc ccoeeeaenr 6.00 UNAGIWEAT ..cvceverrrsncsnnne 75 Twenty 9 off on all Umbrellas. Outing Cloth, 10c. quality,reduced to 08 3 7.50 Ladies’ es All-Wool Flannel, 25e. quality, re- Men’s $10 Suits. .......covviiennne 3 adies’ 26 and 50c. Fascinators, 19 2 ? Men’s $12.50 and $14.00 Suits...... 9.50 and 39c. duced to ....... rssh renee 18 isan Shoes Men’s $15 Suits ..coeeieienniianes 10.60 ® Cotton Blankets, formerly 60c., re- 3 Cloth—Red, Blue, Gray and Brown, Twenty % off on all Boys’ Clothin duced to 50 po - 50¢. quality, reduced to..... i i Sy on all Meo and i Dress Men’s $3.50 King Quality Shoes... $2.50 Cotton Blankets forterh 85e, 2 ® &5, Cloth—Black, 50 inches wide, $1.00 9 Men’s $4.00 King Quality Shoes... 3.00 ? y ” z => quality, reduced to........... 9 Panis. Odds and ends in Ladies’ and Chil- a A ar 5 ? ’ > : Ten 9% off on all Men's and Boys’ Cordu- Jren’s Sb . ial pri Comforts, formerly $1.00, reduced . 3 . roy and Jeans Pants. rer's Shoes at specis’ prices. BO scsi ieee ants sais 79 5 Big Reductions : : B . z G 1 Comforts, formerly $2.25, reduced % : : arealns In eneral. BO. i. sae ee ini 1.60 28 in Clothing. Underwear. g 8 20 9 off on Men's, Ladies’ and OF Men’s heavy 50c. Fleece-lined Un- Men’s and Boys’ 50c. Sweaters... . .39 Children’s Leggings. Men's $6.50 and $7.00 Overcoats... $ 4.90 QOIWERT ...iiseveenvrnsrneies 391 Men’s and Boys’ 50c. Cloth and 20 9% off on Men’s, Ladies’ and Men’s $8.50 and $9.00 Overcoats... 6.50} Men’s heavy b0c. Ribbed Under- Plush Caps... ............... 39 Children’s Cloth Overshoes and Men’s $10 Overcoats............-. 7.50 WORT os deservsvnssvenasinos 391 Men’s and Boys 25¢. Caps .. ..... 19 Aretics. Men’s $12 Overcoats.............. 8.50 | Men’s red and gray $1.00 Wool Un- Men’s $1.00 and $1.50 Blue Flannel 20 9% off on Men's, Ladies’ and Men's $14 Overcoats............-. 9.50, QETWERT vavvesressisrssnnnrran 76 Shirts, 75¢. and $1.00. Children’s Felts. early and Hot Water Bottles ef all kinds, from $1.00 up, at the Elk Lick Drug Store. tf WANTED AT ONCE !—Two good girls, either white or color- ed, for kitchen work, at Hay’s Hotel. Address D. I. Hay, Elk Lick, Pa. tf etl Headley’s Choice Chocalates and Bon Bons in 4, % and 1-1bsboxes, always on hand, and fresh, at the Elk Lick} Drug Store. tf PIANO LESSONS !|—Pupils taken by Miss Linna M. Perry, graduate in music. Theory and harmony taught. Grant street, Salisbury, Pa. tf These are only a few of the many things secure the pick of the bargains. ~ BARCHUS & LIVENGOOD, SALISBURY, PA. Ask for Free Calendars and Alma- nacs at the Elk Lick Drug Store. tf tee te College of Musie. For instruction in Music, and well cared for, go to THE COLLEGE OF Music at Freeburg, Snyder County, Pa. Pu- pils from the beginner to the advanced are admitted. Terms begin. May 9 June 12 and July 24. For catalogue, address. HEeNRrY B. MOYER. A Present Need. Frost Cream for Chapped Hands, Face and Lips; 15 and 25c. bottles at the Elk Lick Drug Store. tf etl H. G. Wilbelmi is ready right now to DPlissmhina gerve you well in the line of Plumbing, Tinning and Steamfitting. New shop in Statler building. 2.22 Chest Protectors from 25¢. up to $2.00, at the Elk Lick Drug Store. tf All kinds of Legal and Commercial Blanks, Judgment Notes, ete., for sale at THE STAR office. tf IT IS BAD BUSINESS to allow peo- ple to look in vain through the col- umns of Tee Star for an advertise- ment of your business. tf THE BLANKS WE KEEP. The following blanks canbe obtained at all times at Tre Star office: Leases, Mortgages, Deeds, Judgment Bonds, Common Bonds, Judgment Notes, Re- ceipt Books, Landlord s Notice to Ten- ants, Constable Sale Blanks, Summons Execution for Debt, Notice of Claims for Collection, Commitments, Subpoe- nas, Criminal Warrants, ete. tf we can save you money on during this sale. Come (CloURT PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, the Hox. FRAXCIS J. KOOSER, President Judge of the Court of Common Please, of the County of Somerses being the Sixteenth Judicial district, and Justice of the Court of Oyerand Terminer and Ge neral Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the said district, and HoN. A. F. DICKEY, Associate judge of Court of Common Pleas, and Justice of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and Gene Jail Delivery for the trial of all sapiial and other offenders in the County of merset, have issued their precepts, and to me directed, for holding a Court of Common Pleas and General quaner Sessions of the Peace and General Jail Delivery, and Courts of Oyer and Terminer at Somerset, on MONDAY, FEB. 26, 1906. NOTICE is hereby given to all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Constables within the said county of Somerset, that they be then and there in their proper persons with their rolls, records, ing - tions, examinations and other remems- brances, to do those things which te their office and in that behalf appertain to be done, and also they who will prosecute against the prisoners that are ors all be in the jail of Somerset County, to then and there to prosecute against them as shall be Just. WILLIAM C. BEGLEY, Sheriff. Applications For Wholesale Liquor LICGRSeS. The following named persons have filed with the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Ses sions, of Somerset County, Pa. their petis tions for Wholesale, Distillers’ or Brewers’ liquor licenses, which will be heard on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY, 28, 1008. ‘WHOLESALE. Robert Lochrie, Boswell. Louis Kennell, Garrett. John Lochrie, Windber. Patrick Hogan, Windber. Daniel 8. Buterbaugh, Windber. DISTILLERS. Shultz Distilling Co., Brothersvalley. Tue Somerset Distilling €o., Conemaugh. °. ] Buhl & Gatesman, Meyer Mary Rees, Northampton. John M. Topper, New Baltimore. Somon P. Sweitzer, Somerset Borough. Barney J. Johnston, Summit. BREWERS. Meyersdale Brewing Co., Moyersdale. Rookwood Brewing Co., Milford. Windber Brewing » Windber. . H. FIKE, 2-16 Clerk of Quarter Session Court: No. 8106. REPORT OF THE OONDITIOK OF The First Hational Bank of Salisbury, at Elk Lick, in the State of Pennsyl- vania, at the Olose of Business, January 29th, 1906. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts.......cc..... $189 111 67 Overdrafts, secured & unsecured. 116 00 U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation. 50 000 00 Premiums on U. 8. Bonds.......... 2 760 00 Bonds, securities, etc.... we TW B Furniture and fixtures............. 1 988 76 Due from State Banks & Bankers 2 904 63 Due from approved reserve agts.. 23 4377 Checks and other cash items...... 1 004 98 Notes of other National Banks... 1 440 00 Fractional paper currency, nick- els and cents ......coieiianennns 822 27 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie... ....coiineinnanis $10 066 05 Legal-tender notes....... 1960 00 12 026 05 Redemption fund with U.S. Treas- urer (5% of circulation)........ 2 500 00 OLR] + .oeusissrsssosesnsnsasisaveasanrss $275 838 39 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paidin.........ooceee $ 50 000 00 Surplus fund........oooeeeiiiniecaans 9 000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid... ......ocoveineen 7 960 40 National Bank notes outstanding 48 700 00 Ingdi’l deposits subject to check.. 108 497 49 Demand certificates of deposit... 1 382 56 Time certificates of deposit. ..... 49 788 95 TOLAL .coveiverrrenntresnnsssrsnascanns $275 338 39 State of Pennsylvania, County of Somerset, $8: I, Albert Reitz, Cashier of the above nam- ed bank, do solemnly afirm that the above statement is true to the best of my knowl- edge and belief. ALBERT REITZ, Cashier, Subscribed and aflirmed to before me this 3rd day of Feb. 1906. L. C. BOYER, Notary Public. L.L. BEACHY, A.M. LICHTY, N. D. : Directors. CORRECT—ATTEST: ABNER M’KINLEY’S ESTATE. Several Depositions Filed in Somer- set County Courts. Somerset, Feb. 5—Under a rule is- sued by Judge Francis J. Kooser of the Somerset court, several weeks, ago dep- ositions relative to the estate of Abner McKinley, late of Somerset, taken by Commissioner Owen E. Abraham of New York, were received here yester- day by Clerk of Orphans’ Court Charles F. Cook. Dr. Hermanus L. Baer, Ferdinand F. Hobby, Jr., and James Scole were examined. The depositions were taken following exceptions filed to the ac- count of Mrs. Annie E. McKinley, executrix of the McKinley estate, by creditors of Abner McKinley, who al- leged the executrix did not account for life insurance policies issued on the life of Abner McKinley, which are said to aggregate about $80,000, and which, it is alleged, are a part of the estate. Bedford County’s Apple Crop. Since apple shipment began last fall, and up to the present time, 100 carloads BBBBBBBBBE REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Flood Damages. of apples have been shipped from point£on the Bedford division to east- ern markets. This means 50,000 bush- els of apples at a price which gives the apple growers about $50,000. This does not include shipments from points on Poter Beeghly to Annie DeHaven, in The recent high waters in many | the Huntingdon & Broad Top Railroad, streams of this county has caused the | which will no doubt be as much more. Rockwood, $65. loss of many county bridges that were | Eighty-two of the one hundred car- W. M. Stoddard to George Burket, in buil 1 uilt only a few years ago. In some |Joads were shipped from Bedford, six Edgewood, $178. sections, particularly in the northern | from Napier, seven from Mann’s Choice, Michael Good to Frank B. Good,in 12 | part of the county, the loss has been | three from Buffalo Mills and two from Somerset twp., $6000. i oy C. H. Knapp to E. C. Kyle, in Mey- ersdale, consideration private. C. W. Gary to Francis Knepper, in Brothersvalley, $1700. A.J. Coleman (Sheriff) to Jasper Au- gustine, in Addison, $2335. W. F. Mitchel to same, in Addison, | $50. Chas. A. Mitehell to same, in Addi- son, $3500. | very considerable, and many of the bridges are a total loss. The county only a few years since was compelled to make an extra levy for the replacing of bridges lost in this | manner, and as long as we have the | cheap and unsafe wooden structures, | so long will we be compelled to renew | them after each flood. —Oakland Jour- nal. { wettest. H.L. Dean to same, in Addison, $1000. M@ WEDDING Invitations at THE Hiram Musselman’s Ex’tr to George | Star office. A nice new stock just re- B. Bumgardner, in Paint bor., $3600. ceived. rh Fossilville. KODOL DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT. -Just a little Kodol after meals will releave that fulness, belching, gas on stomach, and all other symptons of in- digestion. Kodol digests what you eat, and enables the stomach and digestive organs to perform their functions nat- urally. Kodol is a thorough digestant and will afford relief from any disorder due to imperfect digestion or mal-as- similation. Sold by E. H. Miller. 3-1