The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, February 01, 1906, Image 4

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P. L. Livexcoop, Editor and Publisher.
Entered at the Postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa.
as mail matter of the Second Class.
Subscription Rates.
THE STAR is published every Thursday,st
Salisbury, ( €1k Lick, P. 0.) Somerset Coun-
ty, Pa.,at the following rates:
One year, if paid spot cash in advance.. $1.25
if not paid strictly in advance... . 1.50
8ix months.... . «ID
Three months. 50
Single copies 5
To avoid multiplicity of small accounts
all subscriptions for three months or less
must be paid in advance. These rates and
terms will be rigidly adhered to.
Advertising Rates.
Transient Reading Notices, 5 cents a line
each insertion. To regular advertisers, 5
cents a line for first insertion and 8 cents a
line for each succeeding insertion. No busi-
ness lacals will be mixed with local news
items or editorial matter for less than 10
cents a line for each insertion,except on
yearly contracts.
Rates for Display Advertisments will be
made known on application.
Fditorial advertising, invariably 10 cents
a line.
Legal Advertisements at legal rates.
Marriage, Birth and Death Notices not
exceeding fifteen lines, inserted free. All
additional lines, 5 cents each.
Cards of Thanks will be published free for
prtrons of the paper. Non-patrons will
charged 10 cents a line.
Resolutions of Respect will be published
for 5 cents & line.
All advertisements willbe run and charg-
ed for until ordered discontinued.
No advertisement will be taken for less
than 25 cents.
For Lung
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral cer-
tainly cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis,consumption. And
it certainly strengthens weak
throats and weak lungs.
There can bé no mistake about
this. You know itistrue. And
your own doctor will say so.
« My little boy had a terrible cough. I tried
everything I'eould hear of but in vain until
I tried Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. The first
night he was better, and he Steadii} improved
until he was perfectly well.” —
STEELE, Alton, Ill.
Made bys C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.
A manufacturers of
Keep the bowels regular with Ayer’s
Pills and thus hasten recovery.
To a woman who wants to but can’t
get. to be a Mrs., a miss is as bad as a
mile, says the Johnstown Tribune.
Pinesalve is the best Salve for sores,
burns, boils, tetter, eczema, skin dis-
eases and piles. Sold by Elk Lick
Pharmacy. 3-1
James Easton returned home from
Georgia, last Sunday, to remain for a
short time, after which he will go to
West Virginia to work for the same
drilling company that had him employ-
ed in Georgia and Tennessee.
The season of Indigestion is now at
hand. Ring’s Dyspepsia Tablets relieve
indigestion, and correct all stomach
disorders. Sold by Elk Lick Phsr-
macy. 3-1
Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. M.H. Hoover,
who reside at Watsondale, Pa., came
here with their deceased babe, which
was aged less than ayear, and interred
inthe I. O. O. F.cemetery. The service
was conducted by Rev. H. S. May.
The reason Dr. Dade’s Little Liver
Pills give perfect satisfaction is due to
their tonic effect on the liver. They
never gripe. Sold by Elk Lick Phar-
macy. 3-1
Miss Margaret Glotfelty, who for the
past two years has been a student at
the State Normal, at California, Pa,
returned home, several days ago, on ac-
count of badly impaired eyesight. Miss
Margaret has been having a great deal
of trouble with her eyes for some time.
Any one suffering from Kidney pains.
backache, bladdergtrouble or rheuma-
tism who will take a dose of Pineules
upon retiring at night shall be relieved
before morning. Sold by Elk Lick
Pharmacy. 3-1
Landlord Chas. Paschke has just put
a large water tank into his attic, and
be will soon have a fine water plant of
his own in operation. The West Salis-
bury Hotel is one of the best equipped
hotels in the southern part of the coun-
ty, and Mr. Paschke is the right man
to run it.
John D. Rockefeller’s wealth equals
the annual budget of fifteen European
states. His fortune in dollars would
form a double circle around the earth,
and if his wealth would be transformed
into pieces of silver it would weigh as
much as two fully armored and equip-
ped cruisers.
WANTED! 10 men in each state to
travel, post signs, advertise and leave
samples of our goods. Salary $75.00
per month ; $3.00 per day for expenses.
ROYAL SUPPLY CO.; Dept. W, Atlas
Block, Chicago. 3-18
Colonel George Washington Slick
(Jesse) is now general utility man at
Hay’s hotel. He has a host of friends,
and is a useful and obliging man in
any capacity about a hotel. We are
glad to see him located in this thriving
town, and one of these days we may
elect him mayor.
WaxTED: District Managers to post
signs, advertise and distribute samples.
Salary $18.00 weekly, $3.00 per day for
expenses. State age and present em-
ployment. IDEAL SHEAR CO. 39
Randolph St., Chicago. 5-17
We are sorry to learn that Clyde
Balliet recently had to go to the West
Penn Hospital. at Pittsburg, on ac-
count of a leg which he broke about a
year ago, and which has been giving’
him considerable trouble ever since.
We trust that Clyde will soon be a
sound man again.
WANTED: Men in each state to
travel, post signs, advertise and leave
samples of our goods. Salary $7500
per month ; $3.00 per day for expenses.
James Mimna moved to Meyersdale,
this week, but Tre Star will keep him
posted on the doings in and around
Salisbury. Well, here’s luck to you,
James, in your new home, but most
people who move from Salisbury to
Meyersdale, soon move back again.
We've got the best town, see?
Blind, bleeding, itching and protrud-
ing piles are instantly relieved by Man-
Zan. This remedy is put up in collap-
sible tubes with nozzle attachment, so
that the medicine may be applied in-
side dircetly where the trouble origi-
nates. ManZan - relieves instantly.
Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 3-1
On Monday night a ball was held at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. W.
DeLozier, in honor of their daughter,
Mrs. R. P. Petry, who was here on a
visit, and was 33 years old that day.
Refreshments were served, and a good,
old-fashioned time had by all present.
The dancing lasted till the wee, small
hours of morning.
They never gripe or sicken, but
; cleanse and strengthen the stomach,
liver and bowels.
This is the universal
verdict of the many thousands who use
DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. These
famous little pills relieve headache,
constipation, biliousness, jaundice,
torpid liver, sallow complexion, ete.
Try Little Early Risers. Sold by E. H.
Miller. 3-1
Last Thursday night a good many of
our citizens of Scotch birth went to
Meyersdale to take part in a big blow-
out in honor of the birth of their fa-
vorite poet, Robert Burns. The affair
was a great success, and was enjoyed
to the limit by all present. Gen.
Koontz, of Somerset, made an appro-
priate address in which he paid a high
tribute to the great poet that the
Scotch people are so justly proud of.
Mr. S. A. Beachy has returned from
Bristol, Tenn., where he had been tak-
ing treatment for his eyes. He called
at THE STAR office yesterday evening,
feeling very hopeful that the treatment
would prove beneficial. He reports
seeing snow in Southern Virginia about
a foot deep, and he also reports having
encountered a terriffic sleet storm down
in that country. During the same
period we had nice warm weather here,
The children’s jubilee of good healih
follows the use of Bee’s Laxative Honey
and Tar, the cough syrup that expels
all cold from the system by acting as a
cathartic on the bowels. A certain
remedy for Croup, Whooping Cough
and all lung and bronchial affections.
Sold by Elk Lick Pharmacy. 3-1
Last Saturday, Jan. 27th, Mr. Harvey
Mull, of near Sand Patch, Pa., and Miss
Alice DeLozier, of Salisbury, were
married in Cumberland, Md. The
groom is a son of Peter Mull, and the
bride the third daughter of Mr and
Mrs. H. W. Del.ozier, at whose home a
rousing reception was given to the
couple the day after the wedding.
Many guests were invited, and a very
good time is reported by all who par-
ticipated in the happy event. The
bride and groom are both popular
young people, and THE STAR joins their
many friends in wishing them much
happiness and prosperity.
Now is the time to guard the health
and strength of the lungs. The best
remedy to use for coughs and colds is
Bee’s Laxative Honey and Tar. The
only cough syrup that does not consti-
pate the bowels, but which onthe other
band, expels all cold from the system
by acting as a pleasant laxative. Best
for coughs, colds, croup, whooping
cough, etc. Sold by Elk Lick Phar-
macy. 3-1
Over in Connellsville the people are
greatly excited over the birth of a 15-
pound baby, and the way the news-
papers take on about it is sometking
awful. When it comes to big children,
however, we believe that THE STAR
family easily takes the premium in
this and all the adjoining counties.
The editor and his wife have been
blessed with seven children—three
sons and four daughters—and the
weight of the children at birth was as
follows: Three of the babies weighed
11 pounds each, two 12 pounds each,
one 13 pounds, and the other 15.
& WEDDING Invitations at Taz
Star office. A nics new stock justre-
ceived. tL.
Manager Allen, of Meyersdale, Pa,
has secured a most excellent attrac-
tion at the Donges New Theatre, called
“The High Flyers” composed of two
distinct and funny comedies, entitled
“The Female Seminary.” and “Fufi in
the Subway.” Twenty pretty girls
sing fascinating melodies. The come-
dians are genuine fun-makers—speci-
alties intermingled make this perform-
ance one of the best ever played at
Manager Allen’s theatre, and he thinks
business will be a record breaker, as
the show carries carloads of new
scenery, and thirty people. Friday,
Feb. 2nd. Order seats by ’phone. F.
B. Thomas Drug Store. 1t
In the garden of a great man, six
persons were sitting, a scientific man, a
merchant, a poet, a young man—very
much in love—a lawyer and a lady,
The wind was blowing rather hard, and
six apples fell down. Each took one.
The scientific man took his apple and
discovered a new law of nature. The
merchant sold his. The poet ate his.
The young man, who was very much
in love, gave his to his sweetheart.
The lawyer went to law against the
owner of the tree, on account of being
hit by the fallen apple. But the lady
took her apple to the owner of the
tree, gained bis affections, and as he
was rich, she had lots of money all the
rest of her life.—Fables of Eugen
The newspaper is for everybody, and
hence must publish something for
everybody, says another paper. If you
gee something which is of little inter-
est to you, remember that there are
others, and that the entire paper is
not printed especially for you. The
very thing that is dull and uninterest-
ing to you may be the very best thing
in the paper for some other reader, and
other readers have as good a right to
be pleased as you have. There are
whole pages in the daily papers that |.
are of no interest to others. A paper
which contained nothing but such
matter as would interest any of us,
would have a limited number or
readers. There are many people of
many minds, and there must be some-
thing in it for every one.
It is a sin to suffer with backache
and pains over the Kidneys, when a
single dose of Pineules will give re-
lief in one night. Suffering women
should heed these warnings ere it is too
late. Female troubles may result.
Pineules will strengthen the Kidneys
and bladder, clense the blood and re-
lieve the aches and pains of Neuralgia
and Rheumatism. Sold by Elk Lick
Pharmacy. 3-1
“It ill becomes any of us to criticise
lapses in grammar,” says an authority,
“when we, all of us, consent to and
constantly make use of one such lapse
ourselves. To speak of the ‘setting
gun’ is wholly incorrect. You may set
a book on a table, or even set a son on
a chair, if he be big enough not to fall
off, but what does the orb of day set,
and where does it set? No, sir, queer
as it may sound to those grown accus-
tomed to universal form, the sun sits.
If it sets anything, why doesn’t it raise
scmething? If it shouldn’t be the ris-
ing and the sitting sun, it should be
the raising and the setting sun. Think
it over. and when you get it arranged
.to your satisfaction, try to find out
what you mean when you speak of a
setting hen.”—Philadelphia Record.
Mr. David Lichty, who for years has
been paying for more subscriptions to
THE STAR than any other man, called
at our office this morning, bright and
early, and planked down the cash for
seven subscriptions to the “Twinkler”
in advance, as is his annual custom,
and the groundhog is no more punc-
tual on Feb. 2nd than Mr. Lichty slways
is on the first. Mr. Lichty had been
quite unwell for about three weeks,
but we are glad to note thet he has
again recovered his former good health.
He is now nearly 74 years old, walks
very erect, has a firm and steady step,
and seldom wears an overcoat. He
still tips the beam at from 245 to 255
pounds, is the possessor of an allert,
active mind, and is a great reader of
the newspapers, taking special pride
and interest in his home paper, as all
good citizens do. :
A libel case tried at Reading under
the Pennypacker-Durbham “press muz-
zler” allowing action for “personal suf-
fering” has just been decided in favor
of defendant.
A fish dealer sued the Reading Her-
ald for $1,000 damages for printing an
account of his arrest on a charge of
larceny. Judge Endlich in his charge
to the jury said there is no libel in
printing a plain statement of fact, and
he also characterized as absurd the at-
tempt to show that the publication re-
sulted in “physical suffering.”
The conspicuous object lessons of
“physical suffering” in the year 1905
were furnished by the repudiated Phil-
adelphia gangsters, Durham et al, who
railroaded that absurd piece of libel
spitework through a servile legislature.
Not a single conviction has occurred
under that law, while its chief Phila-
delphia authors have been put out of
business. Governor Pennypacker
should have included a recommenda-
tion for its repeal in his special session
call, says the Uniontown News Stand-
ard, and so say we sll.
Drafts on all parts of the world.
Marx Wineland, President.
Marx Wineland,
Timothy Griffith.
Capital stock..$ 50,000.00
Surplus fund.. 60,000.00
Deposits (over)
Accounts of individuals and firms invited.
Deposits sent by mail and all correspondence given prompt and careful at-
This bank is the only United States depository in the George’s Creek Valley.
Bank open Saturday nights from 7 to 10 o’clock.
de OF FICERS: mm.
Roberdeau Annan, Cashier.
Duncan Sinclair,
Robert R. Henderson.
Roberdeau Aunan.
Take notice that I have opened a new
and up-to-date meat market in Salis.
bury, one door south of Lichliter’s store.
Everything is new, neat and clean,
and it is a model in every respect.
I deal in all kinds of Fresh and Salt
Meats, Poultry, Fresh Fish, ete. '
I pay highest cash prices for Fat Cat-
tle, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, Hides,
and want you to call and be con-
vineced that I can best supply your wants |
in the meat line.
The Old Reliable Buteher.
bared A Liven
0 DEP 3X
Marriage Licenses.
Curtis Horner. ........c.orv.. Jenner
June Bowman..............:... Jenner
Michael Slavik............... Windber
LizzieBaecso.... ....-..v..... Windber
A BE. Small......... eta Johnstown
RoseC.Gorden. .............. Windber
Wm. L. Betts... ..c.......0.. Kantner
Anna M. Powell................. Shade
Michael Skarzenski...... .....Elk Lick
Mary Poreevska.............. Elk Lick
Geo. Ryniak .......... ...... Elk Lick
AntoninaSech................ Elk Lick
John Mileczki...... ..... ....Windber
Rosa Osontos................. Windber
James Koswork.............. Paint bor
Victoria Serupski............. Windber
Joseph A. Knecht...... West Salisbury
Margaret Sloan.. .......... .... Lilly
PretroVespa.......covuene oo Windber
lisa Antonicea.............. Windber
Frank Flowers................ Garrett
Cora E. Hoover ................. Garrett
idoyd J. Miller.......... ..... Lincoln
Lottie Pearl Bowman....Somerset twp
Alex. Fisher... ...... c.......... Berlin
Parlie V.Ross.................. Berlin
Harry L. Barron
Jennie L. Barron
Frod Younkin......... ........ Ursina
Mary Mayfield....... ....... Humbert
Lyman M. Pyle........... Middlecreek
Elsie Countryman........... Jefferson |
Wm. Berkebile............... Rummel
ElsieStatler..... .. ..-c.c.... Windber |
Wilson E. Bockes.............. Summit
Jda Shumate. ................ Summit
Forest Weller. ............5.. Summit |
GarrieKeim................., Elk Lick
Wm. B. Pebley........... Hooversville
Laura L. Ashbrook... ...... Hooversville
Emmett D. Show........... Confluence
Jennie A. Ruble............ Confluence
Adam Johnson................ Summit
Bell Morgan... ...... .......... Summit
John lorentz................. Windber
Exter Kovies.... ............ Windber
Charles Nimiller..............,. Black
Clara B. Meyers................. Black
Frank C.Elden................ Boswell
Myrtle G. Morrison........ Bakersville
Daniel W. Bittner..........s...: Black
Sadie E. Miller...... Upper Turkeyfoot
Emanuel J. Berkey. ...... Conemaugh
Leah Gindlesperger....... Conemaugh
William A. Knierien. ..... Meyersdale
Cora J. Speigle............. Carlos, Md
has recently been discovered. It bears;
a close resemblance to the malaria
germ. To free the system from disease
germs, the most effective remedy is
Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Guaran-
teed to cure all diseases due to malaria
poison and constipation. 25e¢. at E. H.
Miller's Drug Store. 31
Henry Kurtz’s administrator to Re-
becca Kurtz, Confluence, $940.
Nosh Berkebile to Jacob Berkeybile,
Paint township, $25.
Jesuele Falbo et al. to Nuncio Vesps,
Windber, $100.
Penrose Wolf to Ananias Growall,
Rockwood, $1010.
Alexander Sanner to Levi Sanner,
Black, $7386.75.
Valentine Hay to A. G. Will, Milford,
W. H. Meyers to Fannie B. Martz,
Meyersdale, $300.
Nelson Gerhard et al. to Jacob B.
Gerhard, Upper Turkeyfoot, $2,012.
Harry S. Endsley to Robert McKen-
drick, Windber, $300.
Harry 8. Endsley to Amelia Hay,
Jenner, $1.00.
All old-time Cough Syrups bind the
bowels. This is wrong. A new idea
was advanced two years ago in Ken-
nedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar. This
remedy acts on the mucus membranes
of the throat and lungs and loosens the
bowels at the same time. It expels all
cold from the system. It clears the
throat, strengthens the mucus mem-
branes, relieves coughs, colds, croup,
whooping cough, ete. Sold by E. H.
Miller. 31
Sam Kimmel Again Heard From.
Our friend Sam Kimmel is now lo- *»
cated at Ely, Nevada, and in ordering
TrE STAR sent to his address, he gives
us the following information of general ~
interest: :
“This country looks good to me from
Joel Austin to Robert McKendrick, 2 mineral standpoint, and I am going
Windber, $300.
Jacob B. Gerhard to William H.|
Trimpey, Upper Turkeyfoot, $2,800.
to put forth every effort to make a
‘dig’ within the next few years. Ely is
just on the verge of a great boom, and
Nancy McNair to R. R. Souser, Rock- | many predict that 1500 people will be
wood, $525.
Philip Wolfersberger’s assignee to
Daniel W. Will, Black, $1,678.05.
Daniel Fadely et al, to Samuel Fade-
ly, Somerset township, $500.
W. A. Keefer to C. W. Saylor, Ber-
lin, $325.
Mary A. Wilhelmi to Fearson Maust,
Salisbury, $375.
Lydia Barclay to Lenhart Resa, Ad- |
dison, $1.00.
Valentine Hay to. .H. 8. Spangler,
Milford, $70.
William 8. Stumbaugh to Harvey H.
Ling, Somerset twp., $650.
Edward J. Berwind to Wilmore Coal
Co., Paint twp., $1.00.
Cambria Steel Co., to Newton Lohr,
Conemaugh, $5.00.
Samuel W. Knavel to Wilmore Coal
Co., Paint twp., $13,000. :
Wilmore Coal Co. to H. A. Berwind
et al., Windber, $1.00.
in the district before the end of the
year. Iam too late to get a claim on
the great copper belt, which is now lo-
cated for ten miles around. However,
there are great areas left of mineral-
bearing land, and I feel hopeful of be-
ing among the lucky. I had a ‘hunch’
last spring to locate here, but at that
time had other prospects that looked
promising. I should have located here
then and taken claims, many of which
were vacant, but have since been taken,
and have proven to be in the heart of
the copper belt, and selling readily
now for $5,000 to $50,000 a claim. »
Ely, at present, is only a small vill-
age, 90 miles from railroad, but will be
connected early in the summer. Large
smelters will be constructed the com-.#
ing summer, and the mines developed
extensively. Town lots have increased
in value from a few hundreds to sever:
al‘thousands of dollars during the past
six months. A very great future is
Jasper Augustine to H. M. Berkeley, | predicted for Ely in a very short time.”
Addison, $1,000.
Chas. W. Moore, a machinist, of Ford
City, Pa., had his hand {rightfully
burned in an electrical furnace. He
applied Bucklen’s Arnica Salve with
the usual result: “a quick and perfect
Greatest healer on earth for
Burns, Wounds, Sores, Eczema and
25¢. at E. H. Miller's, Druggist.
Just a little Kodol after meals will
releave that fulness, belching, gas OB.
stomach, and all other symptons of it
digestion. Kodol digests what you eat,
and enables the stomach and digestive
organs to perform their functions nats,
urally. Kodol is a thorough digestant
and will afford relief from any disorder
due to imperfect digestion or mal-as-
similation. Sold by E. H. Miller, 3-2
wm eed NA
oa Rah.