Safe, — Reliable Regulator Enperior to other remedies sold at higy Prices. 5 aranteed. Successfully use $60. 0,000 Wo omen. Price, 23 Cents, Y ve: gists ‘or by mail. Te: stimontals & booklet free. Dr. LaFranco, Philadelphia, Pa. Franklin Breadmaker FREE A family that uses Wheatlet, in Flour or Franklin Pancake Flour can secure a Particulars in every ackas or mai uy TLS oy FRANKEL WELLE Ser 15.8 co. uy Lock; B.& 0. R.R.SCHEDULE. Winter Arrangement.—In Ef- fect Sunday, Nov. 19, 1905. Under the new schedule there will be 14 iaily passenger trains on the Pittsburg Di- vision, due at Meyersdale as follows: Faust Bound. *No. 8—Accommodation ........... 11:08 A. M *No. 6—-Fast Line................... 11:30 A. M *No. 14—Through train............. 4:54 P. M +No. l6—Accommodation........... 5:81 P.M *No.12—Duquesne Limited........... 9:85 P. M *No.208—Johnstown Accommo.......7:46 P. M West Bound. *No. 11—Duquense.. ansdeienee DISS AL tNo. 18— Acconimodniion. isda SHS AGW *No. 16—Through train............. 11:20 A. M *No. Fast Line................... 4:28 P. M *No. 49—Accommodation ........... :50P. M *No.207—Johnstown Accommo...... 6:20 A. M Ask telephone central for time of trains. L@=*Dally. + Daily except Sunday. W.D.STILWELL, Agent. pleasure’s sake, take one also for health’s sake. DR. C. BOUVIER’S BUGHU GIN combines these purposes. It is just as beneficial to the kidneys and bladder, as it is exhilarating and delightful in its immediate effects. Better for you than any medicine. BR. ©. BOUVIER'S SPECIALTY CO., LOUISVILLE, KY. On All Bars—Take No Other Is Thoroughl tested an De genders ed b e bes FACTS ABOUT YOUR KIDNEYS. The Kidneys are the most important organs of the body. Nine-tenths of the sickness is caused by impure blood. Impure blood is caused by diseased Kidneys. Dr. Cole, Ohio. ‘Kindly send me 1,000 Edney Pellets. Give this ya earliest at- mtion. Am entirely out and cannot do my patients Justice Withon Kline; They are Fd or any and al ney and Bladd rouble that I eter used.” y = Dru, G. Kramer, Mic City, Ina, goin L “I am getting good reports from them. One box sells another.” If your druggist does not keep them send direct to us, same will be sent prepaid on receipt of price. The ANTISEPTIC REMEDY CO. South Bend, Ind. Sour Stomach No appetite, loss of strength, nervous- ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol cures indigestion. This new discov- represents the natural juices of diges- tion as they exist in a healthy stomach, | combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys- pepsia Cure does not only cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy eures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Ball, of Ravenswood, W, Va., says:— ** I sms troubled with sour a for twenty years. Kodo) ex cured me and we are now using it in milk Kodol Digests What You Eat. Bottles ly. $1.00 Size holding 234 times the trial e, which sells for 50 cents. Prepared er ‘E OC. DeWITT & 00., CHICAGO, SOLD BY E, H., MILLER. sive Early Risers The famous little pliis. f day of the week. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Hester Fisher to J. W. Burkhplder, Summit, $1100. W. H. Powell to C. M. Lick, $1000. Chan’y Bowman to C. M. Jefferson, $1. Wm. Camp to C. L. set township, $1900. W. B. Putman to C. dlecreek, $925. John Kimmell to S. ferson, $300. W. K. DuPont et al. Conemaugh, $10,000. I.izzie Holtzhower Meyersdale. $1000. J. S. Wiltrout to T. R. Pritts, $600. Amaniah Lohr to Federal Coal Co., Quemahoning, $300. Norman Newman to Ida A. Newman, Salisbury. $1400. Ankeny, Elk Ankeny, Ankney, Somer- B. Putman, Mid- 8S. Kimmel, Jef- to A. C. Govier, to Emma Cook, Black, aa TORTURE OF A PREACHER. The story of the torture of Rev. O. D. Moore, pastor of the Baptist church, of Harpersville, N. Y., will interest you. He says: “I suffered agonies, because of a persistent cough, resulting from the grip. I had to sleep sitting up in bed. I tried many remedies, without relief, until I took Dr. King’s New Dis- covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. which entirely cured my cough, and saved me from consumption.” A grand cure for diseased conditions of Throat and Lungs. At E. H. Miller's, 1ruggist ; price 50c. and $1.00, guaran- teed. Trial bottle free. 1-1 The Wabash Coming. A small army of engineers has been on a “forced march” up the Yough and Casselman valleys for several weeks past, running lines of survey, but for whom and what, has been the question of the hour. By some it was claimed to be the P. & L. E., intending to ex- tend its lines from New Haven east- ward. Our first reliable information as to identity of the work, was in the fact that certain supplies were furnish- ed by the Western Md. Ry., which, of course, is a Wabash property, which convinced us that the work here is in the interest of the Wabash. That in- formation we obtained several weeks ago. Since then the Western Md. has has bought the George's Creek Ry.. which connects it with Frostburg, and the engineers who ran the survey enstward from here, moved a few days ago from Confluence to Mt. Savage, which 1s about 12 miles air line from Meyersdale. It is a very practical, comparatively easy, and shorter route, thas to follow up the Yough and Cas- <»lman to Meyersdale, and thence to where the George’s Creek is reacheds than any other route thinkable. Surely it is only a question of time when some corporation will cover that route, whatever may be the purpose of the present surveys.—Turkeyfoot News. a GIVE YOUR STOMACH REST. Nothing will cure indigestion that doesn’t digest the food itself, and give the stomach rest. You ean’t expect that a weak stomach will regain its strength and get well when it iz com- nelled to do the full work that a sound