ened a new t in Salis- iter’s store. and clean, spect. , and Salt ate. pr Fat Cat- ry, Hides, SE YOU be con- your wants VAHL, Butcher. —We have a supply of ng extracts 15s law pass- 1e Pennsyl- notices are with blank oy will last ther. Every 1e of them, yners to post y protection’ ass law ever 0 TaE Seas: i # . Sold at All Leading Hotels. 3 Nits A | Don’t fail to see our line of Christmas Goods, this year. We have the largest and finest assortment ever offered in Salisbury. Before you plan your Christmas dinner, call and see our line of Dressed Poultry, Cranberries, Célery, Lettuce, Grapes, Oranges, Bananas, Dates, Figs, Apples, Candies and Nuts. Fancy Gro- We lave the best = the market affords, and it is our highest aim to please our customers in every particular. S.A. Lichhiter, Salisbury, Pa. Carpet And Rug Weaving I still have my loom in operation and do all kinds of Carpet and Rug Weaving, also fancy weaving on Shawls, Mufflers, etc. RUGS, CARPET AND CARPET CHAIN IN STOCK. Our weaving is its own best recommendation. Call and ex- amine the goods for yourself. We guarantee satisfaction or re- fund your money. Our prices are very reasonable. Mail orders given prompt attention. Mrs. J. D. Miller, - Salisbury, Pa. WANTED Reliable Lady or Gentleman, Girl or Boy to act as our representative in this vicinity and solicit orders for our High Grade Groceries, and give away, absolutely free, to each and every customer, a com- plete set of Roger’s High Grade Guaranteed Table Silverware, consisting of 26 pieces, exquisitely engraved and artistically finished, packed in an elegant satin- lined leatherette case, a set that retails at $12.00. Write today for full particulars, if you desire to be the lucky person whom we shall appoint in this locality to act as our agent and assist us in introducing our line of High Grade Groceries, in connection with the most remarkable and liberal plan of securing customers, by free gift distributions of elegant and cost- ly table silverware ever made use of by any reliable concern. Address: AMERICAN MFG. CO. . Leechburg, Pa. LAUREL FLOUR, West Salisbury Feed Co. Staple and | m<&-Buy Laurel; get trading stamps on all goods sold at our store. Z (i Is Good BEER! We use the best malt and hops, and pure Sand Spring water. We produce a good, wholesome beverage. Orders Promptly Delivered. ® YOU ARE TO BE THE JUDCE! We will send you, FREIGHT PREPAID, upon receipt of your request, one of our FAULT LESS SPRUNG WASHING MAGHINES for thirky dave’ practical test FRE: at Tas most seasonable Pros, Le a n= with the SUCTION and SQUEEZ- ING principle, and does not grind the clothes to pieces, like mos BF the ole eo the daintiest fabric to the coarsest clothing, one piece or a whole tub all With! ihe 4 jane . sass and ’s truly a wonder.w 1s We'll take all the in to prove its merits to you. Write to-day for farther info) AMERICAN MFC. CO. 7 to9 Main St. Lockland, Ohio. Finest of Groceries, Mi Supplies, Shoes, Clothing, Etc. best Powder and Squibs a Specialty. ( | EIT 0, 10. &-_Salisbury, Pa—~§¢ Foreion and Domest DRY GOODS, Hardware, Miners’ The For Buiter - And Fogs. (. A. HASELBARTH & SON. ® Farmers Favorite Grain Drills, Corn Drills, 1900 Wash Machines, Syracuse, Perfection, Imperial and Oliver Chill Plows, Garden Tools, Farm Tools, ete., and still offer Special Buguing in Buggies, Spring Wagons, ELC Food, and all kinds of Horse prices are the lowest. E® Also headquarters for Nutrioton-Ashland Stock and Cattle Powders. Our because it is the magazine. Why? volume. and the question of life insurance. scriptions for 1906. 8S. 8S. McCLURE COMPANY, 47 "Why Buy Mec Clurc's? MeClure’s Magazine is bought and read in homes not because it is « magazine, but FIRST—THE PRICE. It costs but one dollar a year, or less than ten cents a num- ber. for over thirteen hundred two-column pages of reading matter. tual bulk to twenty or twenty-five books costinganywhere from a dollar to two dollars a This amounts in ac- SECOND—QUALITY. The reading matter is written by America’s leading writers —the best short story writers, the best writers on timely articles, the best writers of im- portant serials, such as Sehurz’s Reminiscences of Baker’s Railroad articles. THIRD-TIMELINESS. The reading matter in McClure’s is not only good; it is not only entertaining, amusing, instructive and inspiring—it is also about the subjects in which you and all Americansare most interested at the time. No subjects in the next twelve months are going to be so important as the question of railroad rates and rebates Both of these questions will be discussed by authori- ties in an impartial, careful, interesting way. FOURTH—ITS CHARACTER McClure’s Magazine is not edited for children, but at the same time, there is never a line in it that any young girl might not read. Its ad- vertising pages are as clean as its editorial pages. MecClure’s Magazine in your home is intended to work only for good. Send $1.00 to-day for one year’s subscrip- tion, or leave an order at your book-store. November and December free with new sub East 23d Street NEW YORK. You can earn a good ingome by taking up the business of securing subscribers for McClure’s. It is clean and self-respecting— publication any man or woman would like to represent. The pay is 25 cents for each $1.00 subscription, in addition to big cash prizes for the best work. Write to-day for full particulars. THE SALISBURY HACK LINE % o AND LIVERY. C.W. STATLER, - - Proprietor. Two hacks daily, except Sunday, be- tween Salisbury .and Meyersdale, connect- ing with trains east and west. Schedule: Hack No.1 leaves Salisbury at........ SA. M Hack No.2 leaves Salisbury at........ 1PM Returning, No 1 leaves Meyersdale at 1 P.M No.2 leaves Meyersdaleat............. 6P.M @— First class rigs for all kinds of trav- el,at reasonable prices. 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending as sksigh and deser} tion may fr ether an tor a lon t, 1! Old Pa ants won & | Cor one tents taken ti a Munn special notice, Without o arge, in t “Scientific American, Ln Lp py ol tae ky on on of any scientific MUNN four MOR: $L So s formal byall ana NN & Co,zetereaver. New York "Branch Of KILL COUCH ano CURE vve LUNCS «= Pr. King's New Discovery ONSUMPTION __ Pries FOR OUGHS and 80c &$1.00 Free Trial. Burest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB- LES, or MONET BACK. To our many patrons and ¥ friends, and to all their § friends, we wish A MERRY | CHRISTMAS. # May all theis cares and a 2: + oF ¢ sorrows, collectively and individually, melt as does the snow before the mid- day sun.’ COHEN BROS, Meyersdale, Pa. # & # i # & i i i i a ORIGINAL LAXATIVE HONEY ap TAR An improvement over all Cough, Lung and Bronchial Remedies. Cures Coughs, Strangtheans the Lungs, gently moves the Bowels. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for Young and Old. Prosared by PINEULE MEDICINE 60.,Chieage, U. 0.4 » : 7 SOLD BY ELK LICK PHARMACY. TORNADO Bug Destroyer and Disinfectant. An Exterminator ~ That Exterminates. A Modern Scientific Preparation. A Perfect Insectid, Germicide and Deodorizer. Will positively provent Contagious Diseases. Positive Death to All Insect Life. And their nits or money refunded. Sold by all druggists or sent by mail, Price 25 Cents. TORNADO MFC. CO., Columbus, Ohio. Election Notice, First National Bank of Salisbury, Pa. The annual meeting of the stockhold- ers for the election of directors toserve for the ensuing year will be held at the banking room of this bank, Tuesday, January 9th, 1906, between the hours of one and two o’clock p. m. 1-4 ALBERT REITZ, Cashier. They will please you—our assort- ment of 40 different odors in Xmas Per- fumes. tf Tae Erk Lick Dru STORE. 1000 SILK COCOONS !—I will send 6 cocoons to any teacher for 10 cents. 1t L. J. Beacny, Grantsville, Md. You will be surprised at the beauty of the little 25¢. Novelties for Xmas Presents that are on display at the Elk Lick Drug Store. tf FOR SALE CHEAP !—A Self-filling Oil Tank, capacity 170 gollons, ir good condition. Just what some up-to-date store-keeper wants. 12-28 C. W. Tuompson, Elk Lick, Pa. GAMES, Games, Games! Over 50 different kinds of games to select from, at the Elk Lick Drug Store. tf PICTURE FRAMING, clock, guh, bicycle and umbrella repairing a spec- ialty. When in ne of anything enumerated here, call on Ben. Wagner, General Mechanic and Repairman, Sal- isbury, Pa. tf FOUNTAIN PENS !-—Gold-mounted and plain, for Xmas Presents for ladies or gentlemen, from $1.00 to $4.00. Ten different styles, at the Elk Lick Drug Store. tf PIANQ LESSONS !—Pupils taken by Miss Linna M. Perry, graduate in music. Theory and harmony taught. Grant street, Salisbury, Pa. tf Over 500 Novelties of different kinds to select your Xmas Presents from, at the Elk Lick Drug Store. tf WANTED AT ONCE !—Two good girls, either white or color- ed, for kitchen work, at Hay’s Hotel. Address D. I. Hay, En Lick, Pa. Christmas Cards from 1 to 10c. A big assortment. tf Ecux Lick Drug STORE. FINE GUN FOR SALE!—A fancy new double-barrel Shotgun, brand new, 12 gauge, made extra strong for smoke- less powder. One of the finest guns on the market. Will be sold for less than its value. Inquire at Star office, Elk Lick, Pa. \ tf DON’T WAIT till you want to buy, come in now and rest while we show you our line of Xmas Presents and quote you prices. Then see if you can match them elsewhere in price or qual- ity. tt Tue Eig Lick DrRuG STORE. GIVEN AWAY FREE |—A beautiful Enameled Steel Tray, with each pur- chase of Xmas goods amounting to $1.00 or over. Be sure to buy early, as we have only a limited number of these faye . Irae Bu Kk Lick Drua STORE. OLD PAPERS for sale at THE Star office. They are just the thing for pantry shelves, ‘wrapping paper and cartridge paper for the miners. Five cents buys a large roll of them. tf Burnt Leather Novelties for Xmas Presents at the Elk Lick Drug Store. Dinkey Christmas Books for boys and girls, in both paper and linen, from 5 to 35¢., at the Elk Lick Drug Store. tf IF YOUR BUSINESS will not st:nd advertising, advertise it for sale. You cannot afford to follow a business that will +t stand advertising. WHEN A MAN TELLS YOU it does not pay to advertise, her is simply ad- mitting that he is conducting a busi- ness that is not worth advertising, a business conducted by a man unfit to do business, and a business which should be advertised for sale. tf tf | REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. White’s Creek Coal Co. to White's Coal Mining Co., in Addison, $10. Henry Hamiiton to R. R. Henderson, in Meyersdale, $700. Wilmore Coal Co. to 8. B. Allison, in Windber. $1035. : Benz Hoffman to Erastus Fry, in Paint bor., $125. Bena Hoffman to Charles Verostek, in Paint bor., $200. Daniel Seese to Israel Scese, in Paint twp., $350. Daniel Demmits Trustee to Ella Bird, in Confluence, $750. Wilmore Coal Co. to Peter Olsen, in Windber, $600. Wm. Miller to Gearge Molesauyk, in Windber, $700. Joseph Meyers to Henry Meyers, in Conemaugh, $625. Lydia Landis to Annie L. Landis, in Meyersdale, $250. E. E. Bach to D. F. Kimmell, in Rock- wood, $300. Berlin Imp. Co. to Frank Miller, in Berlin, $171. Sem Kaufman to Wm. Keim, in Con- emaugh, $1100. Thomas Flanigan to Taylor Glover, in L. Turkeyfoot, $1000. Geo. Ridenour to J. C. Kreitzburg, in Boswell, $10,500. Jas, W. Swan to A. L. Bird, in Con- fluence, $500. Mary B. Appel to D. B. Zimmerman, in Jenner, $375. Wm. Deitz to same, in Jenner, $112. Susan D. Smith to John E. Fair, in Larimer, $400. Sem Johns to Lydia Cable, in Cone- maugh, $580. K. Kurtz to L. A. Kurtz, in Conflu- ence, $1450. Samuel Miller's heirs to John A. Mil- ler, in Allegheny, $3700. Jesse Liston to G. W. Lenhart, in Ad- dison, $125. Jesse Liston to Susie Spindler, in Ad- dison, $50. Wilmore Coal Co. to Windber Lum- ber Co., in Windber, $400. Mary G. Cunningham to same, in Windber, $1100. D.B. Zimmerman to Quemahoning Coal Co., in Jenner, $15,000. Albert 8S. Weigle to Chas. E. Weigle, in Stonycreek, $1000. Chas. L. Yutzy to Margaret sLowry, in Summit, $100. Jacob H. Flick to Albert Flick, in Jefferson, $1900. Eli Martz to Rebecca Keel, in South- ampton, $450. Geo. H. Duncombe to Bertha A. Stanton, in Meyersdale, $2000. TORTURE OF A PREACHER. The story of the torture of Rev. O. D. Moore, pastor of the Baptist church, of Harpersville, N. Y., will interest you. He says: “I suffered agonies, because of a persistent gough, resulting from the grip. I had to sleep sitting up in bed. I tried many remedies, without relief, until I took Dr. King’s New Dis- covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which entirely cured my cough, and saved me from consumption.” A grand cure for diseased conditions of Throat and Lungs. At E. H. Miller's, druggist ; price 50c. and $1.00, guaran- teed. Trial bottle free. 1-1 The finest assortment of useful holi- day goods, at moderate prices, will be found at Cohen’s. Wabash Extension. A corps of Wabash engineers is now making a survey across the mountain at Frostburg, through Wolf’s Gap, and from here on to Pittsburg. It is claim- ed a line can be run with a grade of 1.00 per cent. to the mile. This would be the lightest of any trunk line that erosses the Allegany Mountains, and would be the shortest from Baltimore to Chicago. The route, it is said, will connect with the Georges Creek and Cumberland railroad, which the Wa- bash is said to have bought. The first car of freight, lumber con- signed to Jobn W. George & Co., Cum- berland, reached Cumberland Satur- day, over the Western Maryland con- necting link. It was loaded at Stump’s Lock, Oldtown. The entire road is abodt completed.—-Georges Creek Press. IN MAD CHASE. Millions rush in mad chase after health, from one extreme of fadism to another, when, if they would only eat good food, and keep their bowels regu- lar with Dr. King’s New Life Pills, their troubles would all pass away. Prompt relief and quick cure for liver and stomach trouble, 25¢. at E. H. Miller’s drug store; gnaraniesd, 1-1 See the handsome Children’ s Fur Sets for 98 cts. the set, worth $1.25 at Cobhen’s. ; The Editor’s Revenge. The country editor is long-suffering in the matter of delinquent subscribers, but, if he lives long enough, he some- times has his revenge. An Indian Ter- ritory editor recently took the occa- sion of the death of a reader to write this little obituary: “Deceased was a mild-mannered man, with a mouth for whisky. He came here at night with another man’s wife and joined the church at the first opportunity. He owed us $7 on the paper.” - a A cushion would make him a very nice present. Kull line at Cohan’s. .