The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, August 31, 1905, Image 4

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?. L. Livexcoopn, Editor and Publisher.
says: “The Democratic primaries held
here on last Saturday were in striking
J. C. Balliet started for his old home
county in the eastern part of the state,
Sunday morning last. He will attend | contrast to those held by the Republi-
his home county fair and try to secure | cans a week or two previous. There
a few orders for traction engines man- | was neither boodle nor booze as a
ufactured by our home company. We | weapon of warfare and all went off to
wish him success.
the entire satisfaction of the ‘‘unter-
One dose of Pineules taken at bed-
Y Meat
| ~~... 8 .
| Market!
| MY |:
Entered at the Postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa.
ss mail matter of the Second Class.
Capital stock. .$
i Subscription Rates. time will entirely relieve the most ob- While returning from Meyersdale, 20,000.00
: : : | stinate case of backache before morn- Monday afternoon, J. L. Barchus, E. H. Surplus fund.. 60,000.00 | Take notice that I have opened a new We d
THE STAR is published every Thursday,at | | 2 A . s : x rR . +
Salisbury, (Elk Lick, P. 0.) Somerset Coun- | Ing. Pineules is a certain cure for all | Miller and Ernest Livengood had quite Deposits (over) 960,000.00 | and up-to-date meat market in Salis- e)., fresh
a he Os aos 1a advance. 51.25 | kidney and bladder troubles. Sold by | an exciting experience. A loosened bury, one door south of Lichliter’s store. ogh.
H not paid strictly in advance........... 1.50 | Elk Lick Supply Co. 9-1 |singletree caused their team to take Everything is new, neat and clean, Minnek
INODLNS, .cccrvenusrrarrecnnnss . 05 : .
hres months cirnrsiseserecess «BA private mailing card which is being fright and proceed to un away. All . THREE PER CENT. INTEREST and it is a model in every respeet. Call -
C: BB... assess ssssss srs ansnensnis of 3 LL 3 - .
To avoid multiplicity of small aceounts, | circulated throughout the country jumped out of the “rig,” but in some PAID ON DEPOSITS. I deal in all kinds of Fresh and Salt
an Bpbser tions for thy 86 fuonths oF lesg | contains this Atchison doggerel : “There | WaY Mr. Barchus got his foot caught : Meats, Poultry, Fresh Fish, ete. 4 :
and was dragged about 25 feet before
he and his companions could bring the
horses to a standstill. Luckily no one
was hurt, but if Mr. Barchus hadpn’t
I pay highest cash prices for Fat Cat-
Drafts on all parts of the world. i
Accounts of individuals and firms invited. He, Pork, Ves), Mutton, Poultry, Hides,
Deposits sent by mail and all correspondence given prompt and careful at- P
serms will be rigidly adhered to. was a man in Atchison whose trousers
had rough patchison; he found them
great, he’d often state. to scratch those
parlor matchison.”
Advertising Rates.
Reed Band, which was advertised, fail-
ed to put in its appearance.
The most pleasant and positive cure
* for indigestion, heartburn and all
stomach troubles is Ring’s Dyspepsia
Tablets. They aid digestion, tone and
strengthen the stomach. Sold by Elk
Lick Supply Co. 9-1
day of last week, for a visit with Mrs.
Johnson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
J. Keim. Mr. Johnson is suffering
from two paralytic strokes which came
upon him recently, but we are glad to
note that his condition is improving.
He is a prominent business man of
all winter.
George O. Dilling has in his posses-
sion a nest of small squirrels and the
mother, which was taken from a bunch
of bananas yesterday. The bananas,
which were purchased from a whole-
sale fruit merchant of this city, were
you buy a postage
stamp or card, or noth-
ing at all, come in any-
way, and rest.
best Powder and Squibs a Specialty.
For Buiter
: : tention
3 3 i : stuck to the lines and kept his presence oy : 2 ! : See
ysugtens Reading Noten Soonis tins Mr. E. D. Miller is again able to be of mind, he might have been killed. This bank is the only United States depository in the George’s Creek Valley. = ” em——
sents a line for first insertion and 3 cents s about town. He was a very sick man, hi Mand bi Bank open Saturday nights from 7 to 10 o'clock.
Bm Aa Cte nseriton, Xo BU | and probably approached as near to the | | ESE MELEE | A for ra oul wo you to oll and be eon= H
s : . i i.
sem Of piitorial matter for joss than 10 brink of the silent river us one may ap Bre = pre ip Marx Wineland, President. Roberdeau.Annan, Cashier. vinced that I can best supply your wants
yearly contracts. ,except on | ooo without crossing over. May his | Bea he display advertisement of the — DIRECTORS: in the meat line. ay
os for Display Adveriisments Will be recovery be fall and permanent.— Bix Morse Schools of Telegraphy. in Marx Wineland, Duncan Sinolair, Robert R. Henderson. CASPER WAHL, /
Editorial advertising, invariably 10 cents | Rockwood Gazette. this ne Joe pow Sagly hd Timothy Griffith. Roberdeau Annan. The Old Reliable Buteher. : ©
= Hine. *
Legal Advertisements at loyal sotes; : “The only business man we ever met A MI elograp 3
arriage, r an ea otices no : sat ” . ST OARS TR ATR RY q SG a < ? aa TARTAR 9 TA Oa SOA 2 A
i who kept busy without advertising, OP ET 5 ET; OP OT OT TD ETB OP ED EB SEXED IA EAE CIR ERX A ;
po goes a tee. an Pp h y “w n inh A western farmer came to the pastor NUN UD UN GUN SEES @ io a9 ISAT BE (SA 2 1 O
Cards of Thanks will be published free for Saye an exchange, 25 2 f bhi ti nd asked that his rR
prirons of the paper. Non-patrons will be | grocer who was: afflicted with the Of bis congregation and asked tha = testim
an ons et will be published | seven-year itch and carried a Water- hame be taken off the church Dogks, 9 £ 9 on Sil
OE ent willbe run and charg- bury watch. Whenhe was not scratch- What is the Jroable, Brother Jones? OS when
ed for until ordered discontinued. | ing himself he was winding his watch.” asked the surprised pastor. 1 sup- $2 price |
No advertisement will be taken for less Sirs, Geo. C. Bi i to Frederick posed you were a faithful follower of a
Shan Z5cenis, ors: —~ le gl bg 0 ro : the Lamb.” “Well, I sorter belived ® 2 ! THE
Son Lg Sito > cay that myself, but there is just no use % » SE
: 2 ? 5 talking, a man can’t serve the Lord 8B
Ld LOCAL IND GENERAL NEWS loosing very onal: sod Ne sdmiis i when be has to milk four cows in fly @
a o] 20 > miss, "wifey very i Ss time. After the first heavy frost rn v °
_——— always the case when a fello 88 8 | try this church besiness again, but just Y ’
WS EHS GATTERD LAE AND VEE LE are Ba [oe rest vavstosei ihe re ie Q HY
| » | ence. Ss |
: ; . _ {up the church or be a durned hypo- 3 4 5 Ads
| WITH AN OCCASIONAL JOKE ADDED FOR SPICE. | Pinesalve contains the antiseptic | erie.” It will be to your interest to look over our large 9
re Th bb 3 oie gus SE She was a Jennings girl, and they stock of Boys’ School Suits before fitting the boys 9 )
1 ese be busy d for th t > ’ ? ? 2 g
A lirosbarmcih J days for the steam | cms and all other skin diseases. were at the basen aps ast Satur out for the winter term of school. 4
: \ =. Heals a sore, cut or burn without a day. She had Wolly enthusiastic & a
0 Theodore Ringler, of Pittsburg. ar-|gcar. Sold by Elk Lick Supply Co. 9-1 heart, understanding the game, and he We have them in Double-breasted Norfolk, 3
{ rived in town last week for a visit with The M. E. church at Boynton will be loved her more than if she had been : . : 3 I
) the home folks. qe, mon y his sister. “It reminds me of the Sailor and Russian styles. Fancy cassimeres, chev- f GN
dedicated, Sunday, Sep. 3rd. Rev. J. household,” he said, “the plate, the : 3 8 impro
There will be preaching in the church | F. Murray, D. D,, will have charge of batter, the fouls and the flies” “And iots, light and heavy serges, in medium and dark | &h 2 other
of the Evangelical Association, Gay | the services. Rev.J. W. Langdale, A. it reminds me of marriage,” she added : = :
street, at 10 a. m., Sunday morning | B., of Meyersdale, will preach in the «First the diamond where they afc on colorings. GS
} next. afternoon. Services: 10:30 a. m. 3 p.| 0.4 the Seuggic and tte hits when SS
: . C. T. Hay and daughter Hattie went m. and 7:30 p.m. Everybely cordially gos on go out, and finally the difli- P 1 ice rR ro | on oar
3 vy: ~r . ., | invited. a hm 9 S al 1 cS —Corn
to Elkins, W. Va., Monday, to visit ) : culty they have in getting home. 8 very re:
friends and attend the Elkins fair and While at Jennings, Md., last Satur- | Then the Salisbury youth sat and
races. day, we had the pleasure of meeting thought. . ad
Elmer Fair, of Braddock, Pa., was|°%f old friend and schoolmate, Alvin | ,p 519 time cough syrups were de- — . o O <u, “| ow a
Bere last week to attend the funeral of Getty. Mr, Getty holds 5 good pos signed to treat throat, lung and bron- Fro
. his nephew, Lesier Fair, of West Salis- sition Jn ie he Retiona) Bans of chial affections without;due regard for ) |
bury, Pa. Cupenans, i RA en the stomach and bowels, hence most of i ; . | |
Miss Annie Smith returned from ay A ns 21 va them produce constipation. Bee's, the 2% {
Somerset, Monday evening, where she : . : original Laxative Honey and Tar, GS |
had been visiting her friend Mrs. Owing to the heavy rains, this year.| gently moves the bowels and cures all School Shoes, Hose, Uuderwear, Hats, Caps and every- es
Joseph Levy, oh Gi roan 2 Jig 0 ik coughs, colds, croup, ete. Bee's Laxa- : . : & este
i Atnores Badaleats, wheal ET ee oe vs Homey A the original | & thing to fit them out complete at attractive prices. 5 | seat
been visiting Salisbury friends during | oy © cq00 in he dines 3 Soria Laxative Cough Syrup. Look for the | B v | The
the past three weeks, returned to her I hecined wv muwnen of letter B in red on every package. Sold | /# : ° 2 pout
home at Gibbons Glade, Monday. b ? . ; by Elk Lick Supply Co. 8-1 ¥ oo The
wheat from 5!s acres. That's good . Se AB) swee
Mrs. Chas. Boucher and children, of | gnough for any year. Miss Mabel Beachy, of Somerset, the 5 ° GD | ol
¢ Duquesne, Pa., who have been visiting : 1 f los is | Y 200g Yoman so badly injured in the |G oo co aaa OT ET: TP TED EP O05 SP U5 CTP OP CP 3 5 CT OP EP EI ED ETD CI ETD < vl our ;
; friends in Salisbury for a couple of li ae he yon wreck on the §. & C. branch | SSEBEBER BBB BBRBH RRB BHBBBIE RBBB BBRBBBH HRS DRA
weeks, will return home this week. : » P p Pp that it’ was thought for a day or. two lr i
2 with nozzle attached. It reaches the The could nok recover, was discharged
: For young and old the best pill sold | spot, stops pain instantly, and cures all 1 > os a ay the Johnst Ba
is Dr. Dade’s Little Liver Pills. Never | kinds of blind, bleeding, itching or pro- ast “hurs 2 2 ne : 8 © y . °
gripe, never fail to cleanse the system | truding piles. Sold by Elk Lick Sup- hospital. Although still very weak,
and tone the liver. Sold by Elk Lick | ply Co. g.1 |sShehas practically recovered from her .
Supply Co. 9-1 New. contlemens sald blond terrible ordeal. and will, it is expected, %
5 : 3 : ’ ’ be herself again in a couple of weeks.
i . : :
i John Ginawasky, a foreign miner em- | to his guests, as the ladies left the | pi, the hospital she was taken to the 2
ployed at Merchants mine No. 2, Was | room, “let us understand each other; | .ocidence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
recently hurt by a fall of roof coal and | gre we to drink like men or like | witt of No. 304 Haynes street, where & | . .
sent 0 3 Jobnstown hospital, where he | brutes?” The guests, somewhat indig- | ghe remained a day or two before go- ) ) zl"
died of his injuries, last Sunday. pant, exclaimed, “Like men, of course.” | ino home to Somerset. This sore’is & Pets |
: John KX. Shaw, Sr., the well known | “Then,” replied he, “we are going to : g s ; -
Baltimore coal merchant, brother of | get jolly drunk, for brutes never drink Mr. Q. A. McClure showed the editor lar hive for convenien- a 1 sb l 1 i V | a .
the late Major Alexander Shaw, died | more than they want.” a pumpkin vine in his garden, Tuesday, J wl 1a
several days ago. Another brother,| The little borough of Stoyestown will that is truly a wonder. The vine Sas ces. When you are Sold
William, also died very recently. vote on bonding the town for water 42 feet long on Tuesday morning, and tad . 1 vot . i
The Postoffice Department has given | works, Saturday, Sept. 9th, and it is for Some ie In bt, athe tireq, come in ong rest. DRY
t notice that the Coal Run postoffice will | believed that the proposition will carry re 8 : y. a Look about you and t=
: i : is . of the stems are 20 inches long and 4}% ’ »
be discontinued after Sept. 30, next. | by a snug majority. In the meantime, |." i cumference, while the ;
The rural free delivery service is grad- | Salisbury, which is more than four ne : : > : : note the many things, 9
2 : : largest of the leaves measure 30 inches i
ually knocking out the little country | times as large and wealthy as Stoyes- «s. Five nice pumpkins are grow- fuland tal ie
postoffices, everywhere. town, is making no effort for a water me Re py » Mr os useful and ornamental, . . {
. . ~ a . 5 12 ’ . ° ° ’
The pienic held here by the German | plant. And it is to Salisbury, | Ly, roe number of other pumpkins that you never thought | | Finest of Groceries, Hardware, Miners | —
: Beneficial Union, last Saturday, was either. in his garden, two of them weighing d 4 i "K
a not as largely attended as was hoped | Mr. A. D. Johnson and family, of | shout 75 a h.h consid you wanted until you | 1 1
by its promoters, and the Johnstown | Uniontown Pa., arrived in town, Fri- Bom : Don pan : ORT Sonsiner Supplies, Shoes, Clothing, Ete. The “| »
? ’ * ’ Limselt solid for luscious pumpkin pies saw them. Whether ANI
And Eggs.
delivered to Mr. Dilling yesterday af-
ternoon. As he was cutting the bunch
into small quantities he came across a
nest in which were four small squirrels,
each about three inches in length, and
Pineules contain the slterative and
diuretic properties found in the native
pine. A certain cure for all liver, kid-
ney and bladder diseases. A single
dose of Pineules will relieve the worst
i Miss Lizzie Livengood, of Pittsburg, trouble to show goods
arrived in town last week for a visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John J.
Livengood. Lizzie is looking remark-
ably well, and all the time she is look-
and quote prices. ‘
: the mother. The small animals, which 5 “wr
ing younger while growing older. gate of backache in one night. Sole by are of the species of the squirrel which i
This is the season of the year when Elk Lick Supply Co. 9-1 | bound in the tropical regions, had : 3
the good housewife keeps “hubby” busy Geo. P. Walker, of Coal Run, was a | evidently made the nest in the bunch
buying sugar for use in making jellies | welcome caller at THE STAR office, last | of bananas before the fruit had ripened TELEGRAPHERS| e : °
and preserves. It requires a good in- week. We had a good, long chat with | sufficient to be sent here.—Altoona —e——— |S ole
eome for “hubby” to supply all the him, and we have always found George | Times. NEEDED ’ . . . 1
aitey” ; : esas Farmers’ Fav |
Foe hs ie” wate hi sn 0 rly lnelloted men | faut suey Lanter 1. Farner |p te sspeetiznaent @ Corn Drill Unie Gran ells
* : 2 “| and wife, Thomas Garlitz and other | Wnt YOUNG | elegraph Companies. We $5 O00 W 1 ;
In mentioning some names, last week, y opposed to te Sissy inzents of the | 200 atch people arranged for a pie- pant YOUNG MEN and LADIES of good | gS orn I'liiS, 9 ash Machines, -
; ; Joal Run postoffice, of which the Post-| . : IR : : i ‘qu
of good people who have been favoring em) _ Arn Las a EE nic in the woods near Simon Glotfelty’s LEARN TELEGRAPHY Syracuse, Perfection, Imperial and In
Tae Star with cash on subseription, D g sawmill, in Greenville township, where 89
We furnish 75 per cent. of the Operators |
and Station Agents in America. Our six |§
schools are the args exclusive Telegraph 3
Schools IN THE WORLD. Established 20 | Se
go into effect on Sept. 30th.
A little boy who takes an interest in
statistics has figured out that the
we credited M. D. Miller with $2.00 by
mistake. We should have said L. W,
Miller, and we cheerfully make the
Oliver Chill Plows, Garden Tools,
they were joined by H. W. DeLozier 8
Farm Tools, ete., and still offer !
and family, W. H. Engle and family, A.
A. Sharp and family, G. G. DeLozier
The original is always the best—imi-
gations are cheap. Bee's Laxative
Honey and Tar is the original Laxative
Cough Syrup. It is different from all
others—it is better than all others—it
ss better than all others, because it
eures all coughs and colds and leaves
the system stronger than before. The
Jetter B in red is on every package.
Sold by Elk Lick Supply Ce. 9-1
spanking he got at home for breaking
one plate was thirty per cent. more
severe than the one he got at his grand-
ma’s for breaking ten plates; also that
his grandmother has seventy-three per
cent. more to eat on the table than his
mother, but spends seven per cent. less
time in the kitchen getting it ready.
Democrats in Oakland, Md., according
to the Journal, of that place, which
They must have a strange brand of |
the picnickers his
vote of thanks.
and family, Howard Yaist and family,
Grant Watkins and family, Simon Ted-
row, W. B. Stevanus, Frank Wagner
and “Bert” Snyder, all of Salisbury.
They had a large supply of choice eat-
ables, ete., and report a good time.
Genial “Jake” Glotfelty kindly loaned
Hathaway cook
stove in which to bake their sweetpo-
tatoes, for which they tender him a
years and endorsed by all leading Railroad
We execute a $250 Bond to every student
to furnish him or her a position paying
Rocky Mountains, or from $75 to $100 a
month in States west of the Rockies, IM-
of our Schools write direct to our executive
office at Cincinnati, 0. Catalogue free.
Oincinnati, Ohio.
Atlanta, Ga.
Texarkana. Tex.
LaCrosse, Wis.
San Francisco, Cal.
from $40 to $60 a month in States east of the GS
Students can enter at any time. No va- 9
For full particulars regarding any | §
Buffalo, N. Y. | €
prices are the lowest.
SDecial Bargains In Buggies, dorng Wagons, EX.
x E® Also headquarters for {Nutrioton-Ashland Stock &
3 Food, and all kinds of Horse and Cattle Powders.