# THe a COUNTY STAR P. L. Livexcoon, Editor and Publisher. Entered at the Postoflice at Elk Lick, Pa. as mail matter of the Second Class. Subscription Rates. THE STAR is bublistied every Thursday,st Salisbury, (Blk Lick, P. O.) pomerset Coun- ty, Pa. at the following rate Dne yer ar, if paid spot cash in av ance.. if mot paid Strictly) in advance ®ix months........ sais atenes 0D Three months. Single copies “Po avoid multiplicity of small accounts, all subscriptions for three months or less must be paid in advance. These rates and terms will be rigidly adhered to. $1.25 1.50 Advertising Rates. Transient Reading Notices, 5 cents a line each insertion. To regular advertisers, 5 gents a line for first insertion and 3 cents a gine for each succeeding insertion. No busi- ness lacals will be mixed with local news items or editorial matter for less than 10 eemis a line for each insertion,except on yearly contracts Rates for Display Acvertisments will be made known on applicati Sditonal advertising, Ar aTiably 10 cents Poet Advertisements at legal rates. Marriage, Birth and Death Notices not exceeding fifteen lines, inserted free. All additional lines, 5 cents each. Cards of Thanks will be published free or prirons of the paper. Non-patrons will b charged 10 cents a line Resolutions of Respect will be published for 5 cents a line. All advertisements will be run and charg- ed for until ordered discontinued. Wo advertisement will be taken for less than 25 cents. LoeH BAD GENERAL NEWS. EEWSY [TENS GATHERED GATHERED HERE AND THERE, WITH AN OCCASIONAL JOKE ADDED FOR SPICE. Albert Reitz has broken ground for a fine new residence on Union street. John W. Coleman has a new resi- dence on Gay street rapidly nearing completion. The Misses Della and Alice Beal have workmen excavating for a new resi- dence on Grant street. Geo. B. Dodson has moved to Drake town, this county, where Tuk Star will make him weekly visits. The Somerset Standard came out in a new dress of type, last week. We admire the change, except the heading. Everything you eat will taste good and do good it you take Ring’s Dyspep- sia Tablets. Sold by Elk Lick Supply Co. 6-1 Irvin J. Engle has let a contract for a fine new residence to be erected on the lot he purchased from Dr. T. F. Livengood, last year. It is a pleasure to take Dr. Dade’s Little Liver Pills and enjoy their tonic effect upon the liver. Sold by Elk Lick Supply Co. 6-1 =mSugar-making is a thing of the past in this locality, for this season. The season was a very poor one, but the product was never better. Pinesalve acts like a poultice. Best thing in the world for boils, burns, cracked hands, tetter, ete. Sold by Elk Lick Supply Co. 6-1 Harvey Tedrow has erected a small residence on his lot fronting on Loar avenue. “Gabe” says he is going to “bach” in it, but we ahout half suspect that he’s going to get a wife. A Catholic church is to be erected at Macdonaldton, the new coal town near Berlin, the coming summer. Ground for that purpose has been donated by the W. K. Niver Coal Company. An exchange wants to know how a Russian ship ever came by so simple a name as Lena. Well, the Japs shot about four yards of vichskilovski off the tailendski of the original nameski, that’s how. “Cat” Harding and Thomas Eckerd, Jr, were before Burgess Livengood during the past week on charges of disturbing the peace, by fighting, swearing, etc. They were properly fined, as they should have been. S. P. Young has decided to move out of the M. J. Glotfelty building, owing to what he considers excessive rent. He has rented the Wm. J. Lichty resi- dence and will move his stock of mil- linery goods into the Elizabeth Dively building. One night is all the time necessary to prove that Pineules is the best remedy in the world for backache and all kid- ney and bladder troubles. If you have rheumatism or any other blood disease, a single dose will give relief. Sold by Elk Lick Supply Co. 8-1 Governor Pennypacker has signed ihe bill permitting children residing in sehool districts in which no public school is maintained, to attend a high school in some other district located pear their homes, and providing for the payment of costs of tuition and school books. Croup is quickly relieved, and Whooping Cough will not “run its course” if you use the original Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar. This Cough Syrup is different from all others be- | eause it acts on the bowels. You can pot cure Croup and Whooping Cough until you rid the system of all conges- tion, by working off the cold through a | eopious action of the bowels. Bee’s | Laxative Honey and Tar does this, and | cures all Coughs, Croup, W hooping | | Cough, etc. No opiates. Sold by Elk | Lick Supply Co. 6-1 At one o'clock p. m., Thursday, April 13th, 1905, Wm. J. Lichty will sell at public sale, at his residence in this borough, a large lot of very desirable household goods, consisting of articles too numerous to mention. Be sure to attend the sale and secure some of the great bargains that people will get the benefit of. You can apply ManZan inside, right where the pain is? It is put up in col- lapsable tubes with nozzle attachment for introducing it. ManZan stops pain instantly and cures all kinds of blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles. Sold by Elk Lick Supply Co. 6-1 Ten years ago a farmer put his initials on a dollar, went to town and spent it with a merchant. Before the year was out he got the dollar back. Four times in six years the doliar came back to him for produce, and three times he heard of it in the pockets of his neigh- bors. The last time he got it four years ago, he sent it to a mail order house. He has not xeen that dollar since, and never will. That dollar will never pay any more school or road tax for him, will never build up any or brighten the homes of the cummunity. He sent it entirely out of the circle of usefulness to himself. The old “Betsy” Wagner house is being pulled down this week to make room for an handsome residence to be erected by C. R. Haselbarth. The old building was sold to “Bennie” Wagner, who will use the lumber in the erec- tion of a new work shop. The old house was built about 56 years ago, prior to which time most houses in this community were built of logs. Nearly all of the old log houses have been pulled down and replaced by frame and brick structures, but a few of them still remain and are in a fair state of preservation. The oldest house in Salisbury is the one occupied by Bur- gess Livengood. The old “Betsy” Wagner house was one of the first frame buildings to be erected in Salis- bury, and many years ago the late John Glotfelty and the editor’s father conducted a general store in it. Backache is never known to those persons who take an oceasional dose of Pineules. The value of the resin ob- tained from the Pine tree has long been recognized in the treatment of diseases of the bladder and kidneys. One dose of Pineules will .give relief, and one bottle will cure. Sold by Elk Lick Supply Co. 6-1 In a village “back yonder” on the pike an old deacon, in shaving himself on Sunday prior to church time, made a slight cut with the razor on the ex- treme end of his nose. Quickly calling his wife, he asked her if she had any courtplaster in the house. “You will find some in my sewing basket,” she said. Finding it, he soon had the cut covered, and at church, in assisting with the collection, he noticed every one smile as he passed the plate, and some of the younger people laughed outright. Very much annoyed, he asked one of his assistants if there was anything wrong with his appearance. “Why, I should say there was,” an- swered the assistant. “What is that upon your nose?” “Courtplaster, of course.” “Why. no,” said his friend, “that is the Inbel from a spool of cot- ton, reading, ‘Warranted 200 yards long.” ” It is generally known that Great Salt Lake, which in its line has but one rival, the Dead Sea of Palestine, is gradually drying up; but it may not be so generally known that there is expert opinion which affirms that our Salt Lake is certain to disappear within the lifetime of people who are now in their thirties, even of some now in their for- ties. Nay, more, there are scientists who have made careful studies of the fluctuations of the lake during the past several years, and who declared that it will be practically dried up within a quarter of a century. During the past eighteen years there has been a total fall of considerably over twelve feet. and the water now in the north arm, the deepest part of the lake, is now less than forty feet in depth. Three causes have been assigned for the shrinkage of depth: evaporation, irrigation, and a subterranean outlet. There are ardent advocates of each of these theories. Western Pennsylvanian. It is difficult to cure a cough or free yourself from the discomforts of a cold unless you move the bowels. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar acts on the bowels and drives all cold cut of the system. Then comes its soothing effect and strengthening influence upon the throat and lungs. For Croup, Whoop- ing Cough, Colds, and all Lung amd- Bronchial affections, no remedy is equal to the original Laxative Honey and Tar. Sold by Elk Lick Supply Co. 6-1 Some idea of the peculiar notions our foreign population have of our laws can be gleaned from a story hailing from one of the towns in the southern part of the county. A short time ago led, a couple called at the office of a justice of the peace and made application for a marriage license. The Justice filled | out the usual application and forward- ed it to Register Charles C. Shafer, who returned the license promptly. After lifting and paying for the license, the | apparently happy couple went on their way rejoicing, but to the utter surprise | of the Justice, the bridegroom return- the other day, and wanted his money back. When the officer asked him why he wanted to do that, he re- plied: “Me live with woman four days and no like her. Me want money back.” This request was refused, and the son of sunny Italy cannot yet un- derstand why the usual bargain counter privileges do not extend to the matrimonial market.—Somerset Stand- ard. Last week the Court issued to M. D. Thomas a Constable’s commission. No one was elected to that office at the last borough election, »s the vote was a tie between Mr. Thomas and John J. Walker. Both of the candidates peti- tioned to court shortly after the elec- tion, each trying to land the office for himself. The knowing ones, of course, declared that the Court would appoint peither of the applicants, but they didn’t know as much as they pretended to know, and that’s usually the way with blowhards. The majority of the best people of this town had no fears at any time that Mr. Thomas would not be appointed, as he had far the stronger petition of the two. and most of our substantial citizens voted for him at the polls. The other fellow’s support- ers were principally striking miners and a few others who have unjust personal grudges at Mr. Thomas. M, D. has served as Constable before, and he proved himself a very good officer in that capacity. Mr. Walker also served us Constable one term, but his official record during the past year was not such as to enable him to retain his former great popularity with the sub- stantial citizens of the town. CHEATED DEATH. Kidney trouble often ends fatally, but by choosing the right medicine, E. H. Wolf, of Bear Grove, Iowa, cheated death. He says: “Two years ago I had Kidney Trouble, which caused me great pain, suffering and anxiety, but I took Electric Bitters, which effected a complete cure. Ihave also found them of great benefit in general debility and nerve-trouble, and keep them constant- ly on hand, since, as I find they have no equal.” E. H. Miller, the druggist, guarantees them at 50c. 5-1 Railroad Improvements at Roek- wood. A new machine shop is to be built at Rockwood by the B. & O. The struc- ture will be 40 by 75. feet in size and will have one track for engines. The building will be equipped with lathes and other up-to-date machinery for ex- tensive repairs on engines and cars, and this will require the employment of several additional machinists. An oil and sand house is also to be construct- ed. The Rockwood depot is to be overhauled, painted and supplied with a basement heater and other modern appliances. It is reliably stated that not less than $200,000 bas been appro- priated for B. & O. improvements in Rockwood, according to various news- paper reports. A TRIED AND TRUE | FRIEND. One Minute Cough Cure contains not an atom of any harmful drug, and it has been curing Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough so long that it has proven itself to be a tried and true friend to the many who use it. Mrs. Gertrude E. Fenner, Marion, Ind. gays: “Coughing and straining so weakened me that I run down in weight from 148 to 92 pounds. After trying a number of remedies to no avail, One Minute Cough Cure entirely eured me.” Sold by E. H. Miller. 5-1 Well Known People Undergo Sur- gical Operations. John Meager, whose health had been rapidly failing for nearly a year, was operated upon at his home, last Satur- day, by Dr. Miller, the noted Cumber- land surgeon. Mr. Meager’s case had been diagnosed as gall stones, and the operation proved it to be correct. In addition to the gall stones, the patient’s liver was found to be greatly enlarged, but it is now believed that he will rap- idly recover, as the operation seems to have been very successful, and the patient is getting along nicely, which his many friends will all be glad to ed on a daughter of Daniel I. Miller, of Springs, for the same trouble that Mr. Meager had been suffering with. The operation was very successful, and we understand that 23 gall stones were re- moved. We are told that Dr. Miller will operate on another patient in this vicinity before returning home, but have not learned full particulars. = Pender and His Company. The Pender Cempany, which will ap- pear at Hay’s Opera House, Salisbury, Pa., Wednesday and Thursday even- ings, Apr. 12th and 13th, ranks among the best of its kind now touring Amer- ica. The performance does not consist of magic alone as is the case with most magicians, for Pendar presents a varied program, magic, ventriloguism, thought transference, music, ete. Pender is ventriloquism before the public today. His work is clean, witty and full of | laughter and merriment. You will | miss a rare treat if you miss the Pender show. Foley’: S s Honey and Tar heals lungs and stops the cough. everal days later Dr. Miller operat- undoubtedly the foremost exponent of ! SAVINGS DEPARIAE Drafts on all parts of the world. tention. Marx Wineland, Marx Wineland, Timothy Griffith, 8 JT Tih. 2 . THREE PER CENT. INTEREST Accounts of individuals and firms invited. i Deposits sent by mail and all correspondence given prompt and careful at- This bank is the only United States depository in the George’s Creek Valley. Bank open Saturday nights from 7 to 10 o’clock. a OFFICERS: President. me. DIRECTORS: Duncan Sinclair, Surplus rd 60,000.00 Deposits (over) 960,000.00 Assets (over).. 1,088,000.00 PAID ON DEPOSITS. ———.. . Roberdeau Annan, Cashier. Robert R. Henderson. Roberdeau Annan. Meat tlm... Market! Take notice that I have opened a new and up-to-date meat market in Salis- bury, one door south of Lichliter’s store. Everything is new, neat and clean, and it is a model in every respect. 1 deal in all kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats, Poultry, Fresh Fish, ete. 1 pay highest cash prices for Fat Cat- tle. Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, Hides, | GUARANTEE 10 PLERGE YOU and want you to call and be con- vinced that I can best supply your wants in the meat line. CASPER WAHL, The Old Reliable Buteher. BBB HHT LRBIBS BBE Jo0¢ etc» C lear O riginat 1. oud U nrivaled M usical BS rimiant 1 nspiring A ttractive Paris 1800 All the new styles in Men's Shoes are here, and our showing of spring goods in all lines is ready for your inspection. BARCHUS & LIVENGOOD. i BR BB AH WBE BBB BLD BPBBE RBBB olumbia Men's Spring Suits! We have just receiv- Suits. of styles is complete, and we think the prices will meet your approv- vu he DS " and Boys’ Grand Prize Sy. Louis, 71904 ed a large shipment of / Men's Stylish Spring | "Phe assortment | raphophones RED 3 7 00 ED Rx CREB A AEE "> ois Caps and BBR PNA BEST TALKING MACHINES MADE Cylinder Machines $7.50 to $100 Disc Machines $12 to The Graphophone reproduces all kinds of music perfectly == band, orchestra, violin, vocal and Instrumental solos, quartottes, It is an endless source of amusement $65 Rien BE ntertalning C aptivating O utwearing R esonant D elightful S uperior Cc COLUMBIA Gold Moulded Cylinder Records LH Grand Pr 0 OPERATIVE MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE , | A Bll a er avid I WwW. ET. Sec. Ruppel, No ad- Write for information. Pres. COLUMBIA F=inch, 850 cents each; 10=inch, $1 eachs DISC RECORDS $5 per dozen $10 per dozen Grand Opera Records, (made in 10-inch discs only) $2 each Send for latest catalogues of machines and records. We have all the newest popular hits in both styles of records -- cylinders and discs. . ‘One Minute Gough Cure For Goughs, Colds and Croup. | Foley’s Honey and Tar for children,safe,sure. No opiates, | Columbia Phonograph Company, 613 Penn Avenue, PITTSBURG, PA. Errand Prize memes 8, Louis, 71904 DeWitt’s witoh Salve For Piles, Burns, Sores. Wes Early Risers The famous little plils. i i J A ni i A ni