i, BERKEY & SHAVER, Attorneys-at-l.aw, SOMERSET, PA. Coffroth & Ruppel Building. ERNEST 0. KOOSER, Attorney-At-I.aw, SOMERSET, PA. R. E. MEYERS, DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Attorney-at-Liaw, BOMERSET, PA. Office in Court House. W. H. KOONTZ. J. G. OGLE KOONTZ & OGLE Attorneys-At-Law, SOMERSET, PENN'A Office opposite Court House. VIRGIL R. SAYLOR, Attorney-at-Liaw, SOMERSET, PA. Office in Mammoth Block. E. H. PERRY, Physician and Surgeon, SALISBURY, PENN’A. Office cornet Grant and Union Streets B.& 0. R.R.SCHEDULE. Winter Arrangement.—In Ef- fect Sunday, Nov. 27, 1904. Under the new schedule there will be 14 daily passenger trains on the Pittsburg Di- vision, due at Meyersdale as follows: Fast Bound. No. 48—Accommodation ............ 11:02 A. M No. 6—Fast Line.................... 11:50 A. M No. 46—Through train.............. 4:41 P. X +No. 16—Accommodation........... 5:16 Pp. M *No.l2—Duquesne Iamited........... 9:35 P. M No. 10—Night Expresf.............. 12:57 A. M No.208—Johnstown Accommo........ 7:46 PF M We«t Bound. *No. 9—Night Express............... 3:28 A. X No. 11—Duguense. iis 5:58 A. M +No. 15 AvCoOmmoantion ceinanaes. B42 A.M No. 47—Through train. 10:54 A. M No. 5—Fast Line. en ee 4:28 Pr. M No. 15 Accommodation. vain: shes 4:50 P. M No.207—Johnstown Accommo.......6:20 A. M Ask telephone central for time of trains. £&@=*Do not stop. D@ Daily except Sunday. W.D.STILWELIL, Agent. Rockers for the Home AT FACTORY PRICES Shipped direct to the Customer. “Solid Comfort.” «"§O0Y SeSjosjOy ,, No. 42 ‘White-Schram Convolute Spring Rocker. Golden Oak, Polished, Genuine Leather Up- holstered S ne Seat, Veneer Back. ce eacn., Our line CPR at an established repu- tation for elegant finish, comfort and dur- ility. Send for complete Catalogue. TOMLINSON CHAIR MFG. CO., i “The Chair House.” High Point, KN. C.} “HERD” Fanning MILL We guarantee that the HERO will do better work in the separ- ation of succotash and cleaning of grain, than any other fanning mill. All screens furnished with the mill complete for cleaning and separ- ating all the grains raised in your locality. Write for prices. We pay the freight. TWIN CITY SEPARATOR CO. Minneapolis, Minn. DeWitt DeWitt is the name to look for when you go to buy Witch Hazel Salv~. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the original and only genuine. Ir fact DeWitt'sis the only Witch Hazs Salve that is made from the unaduiterated Witch-Hazel All others are counterfeits—base imi- tations, cheap and worthless— even dangerous, DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is a specific for Piles; Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Protruding Piles. AlsoCuts, Burns, Bruises, Sprains, Lacerations, Contusions, Boils, Carbuncles, Eczema, Loten Salt Rheum, and all other Skin Diseas=s, SALVE PREPARED BY E.C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago SOLD BY E, H, MILLER, | A Bad and Unfair Piece of Légis- lation. ! Benator Brown, a member of the | present Legislature of Pennsylvania, | did a very detestable thing when he | prepared his bill to make it illegal to sell proprietary medicines containing alcohol, except under a physician’s prescription. Physicians in Pennsyl- vania already have too much unfair legislation in their favor, and much of it is n disgrace to the statute books of the state and a dastardly outrage upon a free people. No other profession in Pennsylvania is so thoroughly and shamefully given to graft and protect- ed therein as the medical profession. Senator Brown’s bill is the ne plus ultra of graft legislation, and we en- ‘dorse every word of the following ar- raignment against it, which is contrib- uted by E. C. DeWitt & Co., the manu- facturers of the well known DeWitt remedies: “Senator Brown has introduced in the Senate of your state a bill designed to make it illegal to sell proprietary med- icines containing alcohol, except under unfair and unnecessary restrictions. It forbids the sale absolutely and com- pletely of every compound or product, whether made by proprietors, druggists or any other person, except that such medicine be sold under a physician’s prescription. We do not defend any intoxicant sold under the guise of a medicine, but, in common with every drug interest, we do protest against the enactment of a bill born in ignorance of pharmaceutical laws and principles and fostered by unjust influences brought to bear upon the public mind. They claim that alcohol is the cause of intemperance, but there is a great dif- ference between alcohol and whiskey. If a substitute for alcohol could be found for use in the manufacture of medicines, its discovery would render a great service in the field of pharma- ceuticals, drugs, medicines, science and art, because alcohol iz an exceedingly expensive ingredient and a cheaper substitute would be gladly accepted. The word alcohol is associated with bar-rooms, drunkenness and all forms of degradation and vice. This is due to a lack of knowledge by the general public that it is an indispensable req- uisite in drugs, tinctures and. fluid extracts. There are but few tinctures in any drug store that do not contain 80 to 70 per cent. and sometimes 90 per cent. of alcohol. Fluid extracts con- tain it in even greater proportions. There is seldom a physician’s prescrip- tion that does not contain alcohol, and hut few liquid medicines can be com- nonnded without it. For this reason the privileges of physicians are very studiously safeguarded, and such a lnw might as well be made to prohibit the :nle of medicines, except when pre- cribed by physicians. Alcohol is re- quired to dissolve substances not sol- uble in water and contributes to their preservation when dissolved, leaving behind some inert substance which can usually be dissolved by water. Diluted alcohol is generally employed in fluid extracts ; but wherever alcohol is used in » medicine strictly as a solvent, ir i-