The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, March 02, 1905, Image 4

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® L. Livexcoop, Editor and Publisher.
Entered at the Postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa.
3 mail matter of the Second Class.
Subscription Rates.
THE STAR is pabijshed every Thursday, at
¥alisbury, ( K1k Lick, P.O.) Homerset C ruii-
3x, Pa, at the STP. rate
©me year, if paid spot cash in ai ance.. $1.25
31 not paid strictly in advance. 1.50
=ix months..
Zhre¢ months. .
Sengle copies...
To avoid multiplicity of small accounts,
ad} subscriptions for three months or less
mnst be paid in advance. These rates and
#sesmas will be rigidly adhered to.
Advertising Rates.
‘Transient Reading Notices, 5 cents a line
ach insertion. To regular advertisers, 5
welrts a line for first insertion and 3 cents a
Sime for each succeeding insertion. No busi-
mess 1acals will be mixed with local news
keane or editorial matter for less than 10
vents a line for each insertion,except on
Fearly contracts.
Bates for Display Adv oTHisinerits will be
made known on applicatio
Editor ial advertising, i rTably 10 cents
oa Advertisements at legal rates.
Marriage, Birth and Death Notices not
sxceeding fifteen lines, inserted free. All
aaditional line 8, b cents each.
©ards of Thanks will be published free for
wrirons of the paper. Non-patrons will be
aharged 10 cents a line
Resolutions of Respect will be published
¥or 5 cents a line.
All advertisements will be run and charg-
#8 for until ordered discontinued.
No advertisement will be taken for less
Shan 25 cents.
March came in
Fine piano for sale at a bargain.
©all on or address H. McCulloh, Elk
Lick, Pa. tf
Our friend Floyd Morrison was re-
gently appointed postmaster at Mac-
donaldton, vice H. H. Murray, resined.
Everything you eat will taste good
and do good it you take Ring’s Dyspep-
sia Tablets. Sold by Elk Lick Supply
go. 6-1
E. E. Coder, the jeweler, has a very
attraetive new sign at his place of bus-
It attracts quite a lot of atten-
like a lamb well
It is a pleasure to take Dr. Dade’s
Little Liver Pills and enjoy their tonic
effect upon the liver. Sold by Elk Lick
Supply Co. 6-1
A peculiar fact is that 1905 began on
Sunday and will end on Sunday, and
therefore has 53 Sundays. This will
not occur again in 110 years.
Milton H. Fike, of Meyersdale, was a
enller at THE Star office, Tuesday
morning. He is a candidate for the
office of Clerk of the Courts.
Pinesalve acts like a poultice. Best
thing in the world for boils, burns,
eracked hands. tetter, etc. Sold by
Elk Lick Supply Co. 6-1
There will be preaching in the church
of the Evangelical Association, on Gay
street, Sunday next, at 10:30 a. m., by
Rev. W. E. Fredericks. All welcome.
Word was received here last week
that our esteemed friend, Mr. F. J.
Anspach, was ill at his country home
in New Jersey. We trust that he has
recovered ere this.
Qur genial friend H. C. Farner, the
popular Sand Patch hotel man, was
very ill with pneumonia, last week,
but we are glad to report that he is
again able to be about.
Holy Communion will be adminis-
tered in the Lutheran church, of this
place, next Sunday morning, March
5th, at 10 o'clock. Preparatory ser-
vices on Saturday, Feb. 4th, at 2:30 p.
WANTED 10 men in each state to
travel, tack signs and distribute
samples and circulars of our goods.
Salary, $75.00 per month. $3.00 per day
for expenses. KUHLMAN CO., Dept.
82Atlas Building, Chicago. 3-2
A man who has taken a paper from
thé postoffice for several years, and
then refuses to lift it without having
first paid his indebtedness for it, gives
prima facie evidence of being a fraud,
deadbeat and scoundrel.—Rockwood
One night is all the time necessary to
prove that Pineules is the best remedy
in the world for backache and .all kid-
=mey and it] .dder troubles. If you have
sheumatism or any other blood disease,
a single dose will give relief. Sold by
Elk Lick Supply Co. 6-1
The snowstorm in “Way Down East,”
which ie to be at the New Donges
Theatre, Meyersdale, soon, is so realis-
tic that the people in the audience turn
wp their coat collars and imagine they
are cold. Hypnotism itself is merely
You can apply ManZan inside, right
where the pain is? * Tt is put up in col-
lapsable tubes with nozzle attachment
for introducing it. ManZan stops pain
instantly and cures all kinds of blind,
bleeding, itching and protruding piles.
Sold by Elk Lick Supply Co. 6-1
W. H. Kretchman, principal of the
Meyersdale schools; C. L. Spencer,
principal of the Paint borough schools,
and Miss Mildred Bills, of the Somer-
set schools, have been appointed a per-
manent certificate committee for this
eounty for three years, by State Super-
intendent N. C.
While returning from his work at
the mines, one evening last week,
Henry Engle, a good citizen residing
near Meyersdale, was set upon by three
strikers and so badly kickedinnd beaten
that he may die. He knows his assail-
ants, but at last report they had not
yet been captured.
Backache is never known to those
persons who take an occasional dose of
Pineules. The value of the resin ob-
tained from the Pine tree has long been
recognized in the treatment of diseases
of the bladder and kidneys. One dose
of Pineulss will give relief, and one
bottle will cure. Sold by Elk Lick
Supply Co. 6-1
And now Director Freak,or whatever
his name is, is reported to have said
that the schools may go to hell. That’s
where they would go in a very short
time if all school directors were like
Director Freak. He would permit a
rotten and baleful brand of unionism
to creep into the schools and poison
education at its fountain.
Old Saint Matthias, who is supposed
to break the ice and release us from
the grasp of winter, worked at his bus-
iness pretty well for several days dur-
ing the past week, but his recent ac-
tions indicate that he has joined the
miners’ union and gotten himself on
the relief. It’s just possible that St.
Joseph Hartline is to blame for it.
George Cook and family, who resided
moved to
here since last summer,
Franklin county, Pa., this week. Mr.
Cook proved himself a good citizen
while he resided here, and we are sor-
ry to note his removal. However, we
wish the family much happiness and
prosperity in their new home, where
Tur Star will visit them weekly and
keep them posted on doings here.
At a recent teachers’ institute in
Clearfield county. the following signif-
icant question was debated: *“Resolv-
ed, that a man who takes a newspaper
without paying for it cannot be =
Christian.” When the teachers of our
youth take up this question for consid-
eration, there is some hope that some
time, in the sweet bye and bye, news-
paper men may be fairly recompensed
for their labors.—Ex.
It is difficult to cure a cough or free
yourself from the discomforts of a cold
unless you move the bowels. Bee's
Laxative Honey and Tar acts on the
bowels and drives all cold out of the
system. Then comes its soothing effect
and strengthening influence upon the
throat and lungs. For Croup, Whoop-
ing Cough, Colds, and all Lung and
Bronchial affections, no remedy is
equal to the original Laxative Honey
and Tar. Sold by Elk Lick Supply
Co. 8-1
“Way Down East,” which has been so
successful the past six years, will be
seen at the New Donges Theatre, Mey-
ersdale, on Friday, March 3rd. It isa
delightful play of New England life,
and will be presented as heretofore un-
der the direction of Joseph R. Grismer,
who is certainly a master of stage
craft. The farm pictures and the snow-
storm scene lend themselves well to
stage realism The scenic effects will
be very beautiful »nd elaborate. The
compuny has been selected carefully
for its individual qualifications. The
sdle of seats open at F. B. Thomas’
Drug Store, Meyersdale, Pa.
Croup is quickly relieved, and
Whooping Cough will not “run its
course” if you use the original Bee's
Laxative Honey and Tar. This Cough
Syrup is different from all others be-
cause it acts on the bowels. You can
not cure Croup and Whooping Cough
until you rid the system of all conge:-
tion, by working off the cold through a
copious action of the boweis. Bee's
Laxative Honey and Tar does this, and
cures all Coughs, Croup, Whooping
Cough, ete. No opiates. Sold by Elk
Lick Supply Co. 6-1
We are under obligations to Eli 8.
Miller for a head of lettuce large
onough to make a meal for a good-
gized family. The lettuce was very
crisp and fresh, and was a sample from
Mr. Miller's own greenhouse. Mr.
Miller has been bringing large quan-
tities of his palatable home-grown let-
tuce to town during the psesent winter.
and it is far superior to that shipped
here from the cities. It is claimed by
some medical men that eating lettuce
freely during the winter months is a
sure preventative against smallpox.
We do not kuow whether there is any
such virtue in lettuce or not, but we
do know that it is a very wholesome
diet, and webelieve that Mr. Miller's
lettuce has had much to do with the
general good health of this community
during the present winter.
“Way Down East,” Lottie Blair Park-
er’s play of New England life, comes to
the New Donges Theatre, Meyersdale,
on Friday, March 3rd. It appeals not
to a limited class, but to everybody
with a spark of sympathy, a liking for
an interesting story and a relish for
clean wholesome fun. There are many
reasons for its popularity; its pathetic
theme, its genial humor, its charming
pictures of country life, its quaint
characters and striking realism; but
its more potent element undoubtedly
is the strong human interest that per-
meates every scene.
Miss Parker’s work, so admirably
| Mr. Jos. Grismer,
Schaefer. | lec
duced under the skillful direction of
will be interpreted
by ac st that has been Sspee} ially se-
or their different racters
In the course of a few weeks at the
longest, the editor will take his wife to
the Medico-Chirurgical Hospital, in
Philadelphia, for special treatment.
Mrs. Livengood has been ailing for
more than a year and a half, suffering
intensely during a great portion of the
time, and her physician has advised
expert treatment at a good hospital.
She shall have the treatment, and we
hope to have her restored to health in
due time. Inthe meantime, those of
our patrons who know themselves to be
indebted to us, will confer a special
favor at this time by paying something
on their nccounts, as we will need the
money. If you owe us and can’t pay
in full, pay what you
Every little helps, and now is the time
to show that you appreciate the confi-
dence we have put in you. We have
been carrying the aceounts of sone of
you for years, and we trust that our
confidence has been put only in honest
and worthy patrons.
It would have been incredible brutal-
ity if Chas. F. Lemberger, of Syracuse,
N.Y, had not done the best he could
for his suffering son. “My boy.” he
says, “cut a fearful gash over his eye,
so 1 applied Bucklen’s Arnica Salve,
which quickly healed it and saved his
eye. Good for burns and ulcers, too.
Only 25c. at E. H. Miller's drug store.
please can.
er eel ere
LaziestjMan in Maryland.
It is said that the laziest man in
Maryland lives in Frederick City and
used the second floor of his home, and
the stairway to furnish firewood for
this winter; but (Garrett county can go
them one and call their hand with a
farmer who had his child carry a stool
after him in the cornfield that he
might sit down and hoe his corn.—
Oakland Journal.
We know of lazier men around here
than the Garrett county farmer. Some
of our citizens, if they were to hoe
corn, would lie down: on a good lounge
and compel their wives and children to
do the hoeing.
Chas. Drake, a mail carrier at Chap-
inville, Conn., says: “Choamberlain’s
Pain Balm is the champion of all lini-
ments. The past year I was troubled
a great deal with rheumatism in my
shoulder. After trying several cures
the storekeeper here recommended this
remedy and it completely cured me.”
There is no use of anyone suffering
from that painful ailment when this
liniment can be obtained for a small
sum. One application gives prompt
relief and its continued use for a short
time will produce a permanent cure.
For sale by} BE. H. Miller. 4-1
Big Timber Purchase.
8. A. Kendall, of this city, J. C. Ken-
dall, of Pittsburg, and J. A. Guiler, of
Connellsville, purchased from the
Stewart heirs a large body of timber
land comprising 2800 acres, surround-
ing the village of Ohiopyle, with the
large summer hotel known as “Fern
Cliff,” and “Fern Cliff Park,” and the
Ohiopyle Falls,and the hotel building
opposite the B. & O. depot. and the
water power at the same point. This
alone will prove a valuable asset at no
distant day, as by making a short canal
they can send the entire Youghiogheny
river down a fall of 90 feet.—Meyers-
dale Republican.
Colonel John M. Fuller, of Honey
Grove, Texas, nearly met his Waterloo,
from Liver and Kidney trouble. In a
recent letter, he says: “I was nearly
dead, of these complaints, and, although
I tried my family doctor, he did me no
good; 80 T got a 50c. bottle of your
great Electric Bitters, which cured me.
I consider them the best medicine on
earth, and thank God who gave you
the knowledge to make them,” Sold,
and guaranteed to cure, Dyspepsia.
Biliousness and Kidney Disease, by E.
H. Miller, druggist, at 50c. a bottle.
Handsome and Popular New Cen-
terville Widow Weds.
SoMERsET, PA, March 1.—The many
Somerset friends of Noah Blough, the
wealthy live stock dealer of Geistown,
Cambria county, are delighted to learn
of his marriage to Mrs. Georgia Van-
dersloot, of New Centreville borough, a
beautiful and accomplished young
widow. The nuptials were solemnized
by the Rev. George W. Knepper, pastor
of the Somerset Christian church, at
Rockwood, just before the happy couple
started for the East and South on an
extended wedding tour. The Rev. Mr.
Knepper forgot his marriage ritual, but
this deficiency was made up by the use
of a marriage formula which was gra-
ciously offered by a Rockwood minis-
Mr. Blough has for many years
purhased live stock from the farmers
of Somerset county, and he is very
popular among the Somerset farmers
and local stock dealers. In the race
for the hand of the vivacious Centre-
ville widow there were a dozen wealthy
To this all classes |
and creeds must yield their sympathy. |
pro- |
widowers from Somerset, Johnstown
and Pittsburg, but the Geistown bach-
elor easily distanced all competitors.
Mr. and Mrs. Blough will make their
future home at New Centreville, where |
Mrs. Blough owns an excellent hotel
| property with a fine farm adjoining.
Drafts on all parts of the world.
Marx Wineland, President.
Marx Wineland,
Timothy Griftith,
Capital stock..$ 50,000.00
Surplus fund.. 60,000.00
Deposits (over) 960,000.00
t Assets (over).. 1088,000.00
Accounts of individuals and firms invited.
Deposits sent by mail and all correspondence given prompt and careful at-
This bank is the only United States depository in the George’s Creek Valley.
Bank open Saturday nights from 7 to 10 o’clock.
sie OFFICERS: mt,
Roberdeau Annan, Cashier.
owe DIRECTORS: mmm.
Duncan Sinclair,
Robert R. Henderson.
Roberdeau Annan.
and Lung
you the same
On account of the great merit and popularity
Coughs, Colds and Lung Trouble, several
manufacturers are advertising imitations with
similar sounding names with the view of
profiting by the favorably known reputation
We originated HONEY AND TAR as a Throat
Remedy and unless you get
FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR you do not get
the original and genuine.
Remember the name and insist upon having
FoLeEY’s HONEY AND TAR. Do not risk your
life or health by taking imitations, which cost
as the genuine.
up in three sizes—25c, soc and $1.00.
FOLEY & 00., 92-94-96 Ohio Street, Chicago, lllineis.
A Horse
Knows the
| Difference
between good and bad food.
| Stock Food
} Will save your Horse and save
money. It is the best food on
the market. Also for Cows,
Sheep and Hogs. No more
Hog Cholera.
: For sale by dealers.
Send for Circulars.
The eldest Stock Food Co. in the World,
Minneapolis, Minn.
A beautifully illustrated 32 page booklet
will be mailed absolutely free to every read-
er of this paper who is interested in the
problem of mining gold for profit. I
| seeking this means to get acquainted
| Jou. Just a Postal card is all that is nec
| G&McCLELLAND, 103 17th St., Denver, Col.
. |
' Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator
Ar merior to other-remedles sold at high prices.
ce Xuszons teed. Sutpensiully Us ced ¥ by over
203. 000 Women. Pri rt Centn, ds Te
stv or by mail. on anal & Lookiet
on LaFranco, Philadelphia, © Ta.
Couches and Carpet!
Call and see my nice line of Couches at
$12 and up. TI also have a nice line of
Carpet Samples. Before buying your
new carpet, this spring, eall and learn
of the splendid values I can give you in
that line; T think 1 can save you money.
The Windsor Hotel.
Between 12th and 13th 8ts., on Filbert St.,
Philadelphia, |Pa.
Three minutes from the Reading Terminal.
Five minutes from P. R. R. Depot. Euro-
pean pian, $1.00 per day and upwards. Amer-
ican plan, $2.00 per day.
Digests what you eat.
| Meat
Take notice that I have opened a new
and up-to-date meat market in Salis-
bury, one door south of Lichliter’s store.
Everything is new, neat and clean,
and it is a model in every respect.
TI deal in all kinds of Fresh and Salt
Meats, Poultry, Fresh Fish, ete.
I pay highest cash prices for Fat Cat-
tle. Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, Hides,
and want you to call and be con-
vinced that I can best supply your wants
in the meat line.
The Old Reliable Butcher.
We also Ta Dulscture sewing machines that
Teiaht from $12.00
e ‘‘Standard” ary runs as silent asthe
Hae of a watch, Makes 300 stitches while
other machines make 2
alBRy. to our local Qealer, or if there is no
T in your town, address
Standard Sewing Machiae Co.,
Reich & Plock, Agts., Meyersdale, Pa.
Foley’s 's Honey ana Tar
for 1 sure. No opiates.
4 *