The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, February 16, 1905, Image 4

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    According to Charles Gibson, the | tisement in this issue and learn all
i hs COUNTY STAR Indian story writer, when an Indian | about it, If you fail to attend the | eat
man loses one of his eyes he believes | great hour sale, you will lose money
Livexcoon, Editor and Publisher.
Entered at the Postoflice at Elk Lick, Pa.
as mail matter of the Second Class.
Subscription Rates.
TIE STAR is published every Thursday,at
salisbury, ( €1k Lick, P. 0.) Somerset Coun-
t¥, Pa., at the following rates
se year, if paid spot cash in av ance.. i 23
if not paid strictly in advance .
BINZIoCOPICS.... ....covetreseininsisrnsnians 05
To avoid multiplicity of small accounts,
=i! subscriptions for three months or less
must be paid in advance. These rates and
serms will be rigidly adhered to.
Advertising Rates.
Transient Reading Notices, icents a line
sach insertion. To regular advertisers, 5
vents a line for first insertion and 3 cents a
ine for each succeeding insertion. No busi-
mess lacals will be mixed with local news
items or editorial matter for less than 10
sents n line for each insertion, except on
y=arly contracts.
Rates for Display Advertisments will be
snade known on applicati
Editorial advertising, RT iably 10 cents
Legal Advertisements at legal rates.
Marriage, Birth and Death Notices not
exceeding fifteen lines, inserted free. All
mdditional lines, 5 cents each.
rds of Thanks will be published free for
prtrons of the paper. Non: -patrons will
charged 10 cents a lin
Resolutions of i will be published
for 5 cents a line.
All advertisements will be run and charg-
#d for until ordered discontinued.
No advertisement will be taken for less
Shan 25 cents.
W. D. Thompson was visited by his
Father, from Bedford, Pa., this week.
Fine piano for sale at a bargain.
Call on or address H. McCulloh, Elk
Lick, Pa. tf
The father of Druggist Miller, from
Washington county, Pa., arrived here
Jest week for a visit.
Joseph Patton, who moved to Ohio,
¥ast spring, was seen on our streets
this week. He looks just as natural as
The Salisbury Normal will be an-
wounced in this paper in due time.
The principal has been very successful
in this line of work. It will pay you to
attend here.
For cracked hands, chapped lips, and
rough skin, Pinesalve is the nicest,
quickest, best cure. One application
in one night proves it. Sold by Elk
Lick Supply Co. 3-1
Mrs. Herman Farner had the mis-
fortune, one day last week, tofall down
stairs and break one of her “collar
bones.” Dr. Perry was called and soon
had her resting easy.
Wm. R. Haselbarth is all smiles oyer
the arrival of a bouncing boy born on
Tuesday. That’s the kind of a valen-
tine to get, and “Billy” will sell furni-
tare cneaper than ever, now,
C.T. Hay is greatly improving the
interior of the Wilt building, which he
traded for some time ago. As an im-
prover of property and town, Mr. Hay
has ever been in the forefront.
When you need a pill it is always
best to buy the best. Dade’s Little
Liver Pills are the best. Try them
They have a way of theirown. Sold by
Elk Lick Supply Co. 3-1
Last Friday the genial manager of
the Donges Theater, of Meyersdale, was
a pleasant caller at THE Star office.
He is making the new Donges Theater
famous by engaging only first class at-
WANTED 10 men in each state to
travel, tack signs and distribute
samples and circulars of our goods.
salary, $75.00 per month. $3.00 per day
for expenses. KUHLMAN CO., Dept.
8 SAtlas Building, Chicago. 3-2
J. BR. Joy, who for some timw has
been holding down the office of Chief
of Police in Somerset, caine home sick
on Monday. able to be
[Te will re-
feels fit
He is about,
bat is not yet a well man.
main at Lis home here until he
for duty again.
One of Ring’s Dyspepsia Tablets after
eating. even if you can eat but little,
will digest the little you do eat, and
eure Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Sour
Stomach, Belehing, and Weak Heart.
Nold by Elk Lick Supply Co. 3-1
David Beachy, of Kansas, a son of
the late Samuel Beachy, Sr., arrived
¥ere on Tuesday. He will visit the
friends of his youth in and about Salis-
bury for some time. Mr. Beachy, do
not forget to call on Tue Star family.
The latch string is out.
Mrs. Robert Murray, of West Salis-
bury, who suffered long and intensely
with cancer, died several days ago.
The funeral took place yesterday, Rev.
H.S. May officiating. The deceased
was interred at Meyersdale. She is
survived by her husband and, we think,
wo children.
Bee’s Laxative Honey and Tar is an
improvement over all Cough, Lung and |
Bronchial remedies. It
bowels—drives the cold out of the sys- |
gem, cures Croup, Whooping Cough, |
wards off Pneumonia and strengthens
the lungs. Bee’s Laxative Honey and |
Tar is the best Cough Syrup for chil- |
dren. Tastes good.
Supply Co. 3-1
acts on the |
Sold by Elk Lick |
| hours.
that he is entitled to two wives—and
generally gets them. That will open
the remaining eye wide enough to al-
low him to see about all he cares to
see, says an exchange.
Lloyd Shroyer, the second son of the
late John Shroyer, who resided here
some years ago, was killed iu a railroad
wreck somewhere out west, last week
The remains were brought here for
burial, last Sunday. The deceased was
fireman on the train that was wrecked
and caused his death. He was aged
about 35 years.
ManZan is the Pile Remedy that
reaches the spot and stops all pile pain
instantly. If you suffer with Blind,
Bleeding, Itching or Protruding Piles
and want to be cured it is only neces-
sary to use ManZan, the Great Pile
Cure. Sold by Elk Lick Supply Co.
The New-York Tribune Farmer is
the most thoroughly practical, helpful,
useful, entertaining, national illustrat-
ed agricultural and family weekly in
the United States. Send your name
and address for free sample copy to
The New-York Tribune Farmer, Trib-
une Building, New York City. You
may secure it with THE SOMERSET
County Star, Elk Lick, Pa., both pa-
pers, one year, for $1.50.
Our old triend and college chum,
“Newtie” Lenhart, has invited us to
“come up” and get some of those po-
litical “peaches” and “plums” mention-
ed in last week’s Star. “They’re ripe,
now,” says “Newtie.” That will be
news to most people acquainted with
the wormy fruit we mentioned last
week, which is known to be very green.
Some of the “peaches” and ‘‘plums”
mentioned, such *“Newtie,” for in-
stance, are soft enough to be ripe, but
rotten and wormy fruit gets just as soft
as ripe fruit.
Look out for Coughs, Colds, Croup
and Whooping Cough. They are
dangerous at this season of the year.
They lead to pneumonia or consump-
tion. You can prevent or cure all such
complaints with Bee’s Laxative Honey
and Tar—an improvement all
cough, lung and bronchial remedies
and the best Cough Syrup. 3-1
H. P. Gillet has a flock of hens that
for the year 1904 was a big paying in-
vestment. His flock consists of 14
hens, and during the year he received
2,054 eggs, or an average of 147 eggs
per hen. At 18 cents a dozen the re-
ceipts for eggs amounted to $30 81, and
the chickens sold and consumed
amount to $19.60, bringing the total re-
ceipts for the flock up to $50.41. Dur-
ing the year the amount of feed bought
was $17.50, leaving a net balance in
favor of the hens of $32.19, or $2.35 a
hen.—Waterford Leader
Warning has been sent out by the
Postoffice Department to hotel keepers,
merchants and others, in various xec-
tions of the country. to beware of
purchasing postal money orders,
swindlers are now operating with them
extensively.—They purchase an order
for sums like $6 or $8. and then raise it
to $60 or $80 With the increased order
they pay hotel bills or purchase
merchandise for small amounts and
get $50 or $60, as the case many be, in
change. When the order is presented
at the postoffice for payment, of courss
it does not agree with the advice, and
by that time the “traveling man” has
vanished to another town.
The health and fragrance and
strength of the great pine forest: are
condensed in Pineules—a new discov-
ery put up in a new way. A cure for
all Kidney, Blood and Bladder diseases,
Backache, Lumbago and every form of
Rheumatism. Pineules rid the sysiam
of impurities. Sold by Elk Lick Suj-
ply Co. 3-1
George Krausse, who is a Freshman
at the Williamson School of Mechanic-
al Trades, near Philadelphia, is making
fine progress in his studies. A large
number of Freshmen were recently
examined for promotion, but only seven
were successful. However, George
was one of the successful ones, and
hence will be put into the Junior class.
His father, Mr. B. F. Krausse, showed
us a letter he received from the boy a
| few days ago, and it was indeed a very |
creditable letter, well written, well
composed and well punctuated. George
is one of the present crop of
| boys that will amount to something
when he reaches man’s estate.
How many valentines did you get?
| We got four, and one of them came
from Boynton. It was addressed in
the same hand that appears on a cer-
| tain letter sent to a Somerset notary
public, some time ago. We have a
good notion to write to the Somerset
{ notary public and have this valentine |
| business stopped, for it works on our
| feelings like a rough file—“nit.” But we |
| guess the notary public is kept busy
notifying people to keep the names of
| Boynton statesmen out of the news-
{ papers. Guess we’ll have to call on
| some good road supervisor or dog
catcher to stop the valentine business,
| for really it’s getting just too “orful.”
The Elk Lick
ing something new for
| an hour sale,
Feb. 23d, 24th and 25th. During those
| three days certain goods will be sold at
greatly reduced prices during certain
Read the firm’s large adver-
Salisbury |
c Supply Co. is advertis- |
It is |
which will be held on |
by it, for the goods oJered are of the
very best, while the prices are aston-
ishingly low. None but the best of
goods are ever found at the busy, big
~tore on the corner of Grant and Ord
streets, for they sell goods there, not
keep them, and their stock is always
clean, fresh and up-to-date.
A few weeks ago some of the stone
cutters employed at the new court
house at Somerset volunteered to
chisel a block of Bedford limestone in-
to a handsome setting for a clock,
with the understanding that it should
be chanced off and the proceeds do-
nated to Lesder Otho Walter, of the
Somerset Orchestra, who has been sick
for nearly a y=ar. The proposition of
the stone cutters was eagerly accepted
by Mr. Walter's friends, and as a re
sult the handsome time piece was Sat-
urday night awarded to William 8S.
Anderson, chief draughtsman for Cald-
well & Drake, who held the lucky
number. At the same time Mr. Walter
was presented with a purse containing
$136 in gold. Mr. Anderson afterwards
presented the clock to the Musical
Pineules is the name of a new dis-
covery put up in a new way. A certain
cure for all Kidney, Blood and Bladder
diseases, and every form of Rheuma-
tism. Pineules relieve Backache and
Kidney pains permanently. If you
need such a remedy let us show you
the wonderful Pineules. Sold by Elk
Lick Supply Co. 3-1
Joseph F. Joy, a son of J. R. Joy, who
several year ago began working about
electric and mining machinery, has
been keeping his eyes open and doing
some thinking. He has turned out to
be quite an inventor, and is now the
owner of some patents that promise
rich returns. He has five patents in
all, among which are the following:
A device for oiling cars while they are
in motion, an improvement on the
Jeffery mining machine, and a mine
locomotive. At present he resides in
Monongahela City, where he has or-
ganized a stock company for the manu-
facture of his oiling device. Joseph is
general manager of the company, at a
nice salary. We wish the young man
great success with his inventions. He
is a first rate, hard-working, studious
fellow, and all right thinking people
like to see such young men succeed in
their undertakings.
Barchus & Livengood’s annual clear-
nance sale, which has been in progress
since Keb. 1st, has been the most suc-
cessful sale of the kind that the firm
has ever had. Last Saturday was the
banner business day in that firm's
history, the sales far exceeding those
of any other day since the firm is in
business. Barchus & Livengood have
learned that in order to move a large
stock of goods quickly, it is only neces-
sary to offer good values at attractive
prices, and then invest liberally in
printers’ ink. In that way they have
been avoiding the accumulation of un-
seasonable and out-of-date merchan-
dise. They never allow their goods to
become shop-worn, unseasonable or
out of date. They sell everything
while it is yet in good condition and in
season, no matter what reductions are
necessary when the season for certain
lines is drawing to a close. In that
way they always keep their stock clean
and fresh, and such storekeeping is al-
ways appreciated by the purchasing
Dr. A. F. Speicher’s 50th Birthday
The Star received the following so-
ciety item from a friend in Los Angeles,
Cal. It will interest those of our read-
ers who are acquainted with Dr. A. F.
Speicher and family:
“At the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. F.
Speicher, 3005 Vermont Ave., Los An-
geles, Cal, a very pleasant social funec-
tion took place Jan. 10th, 1905, it being
the occasion of the fiftieth ‘mile stone’
reached in the doctor’s earthly pilgrim-
age. It was a complete surpri-e to the
doctor, and he could scarcely realize
his position he ushered in
among his friends and guests. It was
a very enjoyable occasion, and
a pleasant evening spent
together in games, music, refresh-
ments and social enjoyment. The
guests all wished the doctor a return of
fifty more similar occasions, and such
| a thing could be possible, should he
| continue to reside in the land of sun-
shine and flowers. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. W. 8S. Livengood. Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Benford, Mr. and Mrs.
i S. A. Harper, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Barer,
| Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Runkle, Misses Ada
| Bailey, Cora Harper, Grace Hawley
and Dr. E. H. McMillen.”
It needs but littie foresight, to oll.
that when your stomach and liver are
badly affected, grave trouble is ahead,
| unless you take the proper. medicine |
| for your disease, Mrs. John A.
| Young, of Clay, N. Y., did. She says:
| “I had neuralgia of the liver and
stomach, my heart was weakened, and
I could not eat. I was very bad for a
long time, but in Electric Bitters, IT
found just what I needed, for they
as was
| quickly relieved and cured me.” Best
medicine for weak women. Sold under
guarantee by E. H. Miller, druggist, at |
50c a bottle. 3-1
| seeking t
Drafts on all parts of the world.
Actounts of individuals and firms invited.
Deposits sent by mail and all correspondence given prompt and careful st-
This bank isthe only United States.depository in the George's Crewk Valley.
Bank open Saturday nights from 7 te 10 o'clock.
Marx Wineland, President.
arom DIRECTORS: em.
Duncan Sinclair,
Marx Wineland,
Timothy Griilith,
Capital stock. .$
. 60,000.00
Surplus fund.
Deposits (over)
Roberdeau Annan. Cashier.
Robert R. Henderson.
Roberdeau Annan.
Take notice that I have opened a new
and up-to-date meat market in Salis-
bury, one door south of Lichliter’s store.
Everything is new, neat and clean,
and it is a model in every respect.
I deal in all kinds of Fresh and Salt
Meats, Poultry, Fresh Fish, ete.
I pay highest cash prices for Fat Cat-
ie, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Posiieys Hides,
and want you to call and be con-
vineed that I can best supply your wants
in the meat line.
The Old Reliable Butcher.
On account of the great merit and popularity
Coughs, Colds and Lung Trouble, several
manufacturers are advertising imitations with
similar sounding names with the view of
profiting by the favorably known reputation
We originated HoNEY AND TAR as a Throat
and Lung Remedy and unless you get
FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR you do not get
the original and genuine.
Remember the name and insist upon having
FoLEY’s HONEY AND TAR. Do not risk your
life or health by taking imitations,
you the same as the genuine.
which cost
up in three sizes—25c, soc and $1.00.
FOLEY & CO., 92-94-96 Ohio Street, Chicago, Illinois.
A Horse
Knows the
between good and bad food.
~~ _
Stock Food
Will save your Horse and save
money. It is the best food on
the market. Also for Cows,
Sheep and Hogs. No
Hog Cholera.
For sale by dealers.
Send for Circulars.
The oldest Stock Food Co. in the World,
Minneapolis, Minn.
} itifully illustrated 32 page booklet
will iled absolutely free to every read-
er of this paper who is interested in the
problem of mining gold for profit. I am
his means to get acquainted with
you. Just 2 postal card is all that is nec es-
say Y.
COLE LLAND, 1033 17th St., Denver,Col.
ee =e
Quarter Sessions and Orphans, Court,
3 puarantecd. 8:
223,000 Women,
risisorby mal.
r. Lafranco,
WHEREAS, The Honor able Francis J.
Kooser, President Judge of the Sixteenth |
Judicis ul district has Side red that a special |
or adjourned Court of Common Ple as, of |
for |
the trial of cases herein, held |
Somerset, Pa., on :
Monday, February 20, 1905,
commencing at 10 o’clock A. M. of said day. |
Now, therefore, 1, Andrew J. Cole sma,
| High She riff of Somerse t county, hereby is
Sue my proclamation giving notice to all
shall be
| jurors and witnesses summoned, and to all |
parties in causes to be then and th
to be in attendance at said Cour Sie ried,
Couches and Carpet!
Call and see my nice line of Coucees at
$12 and up. TI also have a nice line of
Carpet Samples. Before buying your
new carpet, this spring, call and learn
of the splendid values I can give you in
that line; I think 1 can save you money.
Shell ;
‘We also mugufseinte sewing machines that
retail 1} £12, up.
The ’ Rotary runs as silent as the
tick St x ch, Makes 800 stitches while
other machines make 200,
Apply to our local deal er, or if there is no
dealer in your town, address
Standard Sewing Machine Co.,
Reich & Plock, Agts., Meyersdale, Pa.
Foley’s Honey ana Tar
for children, safe,sure. No opiates.
~ re—
" ’