smerny DOES = al OB ket! esau ! ened a new t in Salis- iter’s store. and clean, spect. and Salt te. or Fat Cat- try, Hides, 3t YOU be con- your wants —l VAHL, 3utecher. ’ February 1st to 18th, 19058. Not a sale of old, shop-worn goods, but of good, desirable merchandise. Our reason for doing this every year is to keep our stock fresh and clean. Much money saved to those who take ==qadvantage of this salel=s= Lees AB KIRSCHBAUM & CO . . _, §Men’s $10 Overcoats...... ... veee $750} Ten 9% off on all Men’s an ove’ -} Odds and ends in Ladies’ and Children’s Bargains m Dry Goods. Men’s $12 Overcoats.............. 8.50 na Jeans Pants. 4 Boyes Gordy Shoes at special prices. All Calieos, per yard, reciente 5¢ | Men’s $14 Overcoats ........... 9.50 YT ae. Lancaster Gingham, per yard,...... 514¢ | Boys’ $2.50 Overcoats............. 1.50 Underwear. Baroni . G orl 4-4 Brown Muslin, Laurel Brand,... b5%¢ | Boys’ $3.50 Overcoats............. 2.50 | Men’s heavy 50¢ Fleece-lined Under- al gaims in eneral. Good Outing, 8¢ quality, reduced to 6¢ | Boys’ $4.00 and 4.50 Overcoats .... 3.00 WORF... ......o ib es 39¢ | Men’s and Boys’ 50¢ Sweaters 39¢ All-wool Flannel in stripes and check 18¢ | Boys’ $5.00 Overcoats............. 3.50 § Men’s heavy 50¢ Ribbed Underwear, 39¢| nen’s and Boys’ 50¢ Cloth and Plush Cloth, red, blue, gray and brown, 50¢ Boys’ $7.00 and 7.50 Overcoats..... 5.00 | Men’s red and gray $1.00 Wool Under- Osps. ov... 39¢ quality, reduced to........... .... 39¢ Men’s $8.50 Suits............... sve 6.00 WEAL.....v snensironss einstein nie 75¢ | Men’s and Boys’ 25¢ Caps aE 19¢ Cloth, black, 50 inches wide, $1.00 Mors $10 SUIS... coverurinerses 7.50 | Ladies’ 25¢ Fleece-lined Underwear, 20¢ | Men's $1.00 and 1.50 Blue Flannel Shirts i 79¢ | Men’s $12.50 and 14.00 Suits....... 9.50 | Ladies’ 507 Fleece-lined Underwear, 39¢| 79¢ and $1.00. : = i Men’s $16 Suits. ........coovvinntn 10.50 | Ladies’ red and gray $1.00 Wool Un- Men’s heavy Cotton 50¢ Overshirts, 39¢. Big Reductions Special lot Men’s Suits, sizes 34 and 35 only, derwesr..............«...... Ll 75¢ | Men’s Working Coats reduced from $1.25, . . * reduced from !; to }4 of former prices. y 1.50 and 2.00 to 98¢, 1.15 and 1.50. 1m Clothing *| Twenty % off on all Boys’ Clothing. Shoes. Boys’ $1.25 Working Coats, 98¢. Men's $6.50 and $7.00 Overcoats... $ 4.90] Twenty % off on all Men’s and Boys’ Dress | Men’s $3.50 King Quality Shoes.... $2.75} Twenty 3 off on all Umbrellas. Men's $8.50 and $9.00 Overcoats... 6.50] Pants. Men’s $4.00 King Quality Shoes.... 3.10} Ladies’ 25 and 50¢ Fascinators, 19 and 39¢. early and secure the AEB AR EH SEES pick of the bargains. BARCHLS & LIVENGOUD, Salishury, Pa. ERENCE Y GGG These are only a few of the many items we can save you money on during this sale. Come EAR EAE REBRBS 000 X XE OB APE DE IT ATT A IR ITSP TIA HIPAA OPTI ONIONS EAT LICHLITER'S 3 ACSA LALLA TAAL IAM A III MRIS : You will always get the best fresh Groceries. We do not keep goods, we sell them ; therefore they are always fresh. We have on hand the three leading brands of flour— Minnehaha, Pillsbury’s Best and Vienna. Call to see us, and you will be treated courteously and right. 0.1. LIGHTER, sols, Po t's Nao Sal Hedol Dyspepsia Cure DeWitt's fd alve ¥. Francis J. » 1905, .Of said day. J. Coleman, ¥, hereby is- 10tice to all d, and to all 1 there tried, rt. OLEMAN, Sheriff: EEA present duty: Subscribe for THE STAR. Knows the Difference between good and bad food. German Medicated j ~~ Stock Food Will save your Horse and save money. It is the best food on the market. Also for Cows, | ee Sheep and Hogs. No more Hog Cholera. For sale by dealers. Send for Circulars. GERMAN STOCK FOOD CO., The oldest Stock Feed Ce. in the Werld, Winneapolis, Minn. Foley’s Honey aa¢ Tar heels lungs and stops the cough. Zno TAR An improvement over all Cough, "| Lung ‘and Bronchial Remedies. Cures Coughs, Strengthens the Lungs, gently moves the Bowels. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for Young and Olid. Prepared by PINEULE BEDICINE CO.,Chicago, U. 8.8. SOLD BY ELK LICK SUPPLY CO. TREASURES OF THE ROCKIES F R E E A beautifully illustrated 32 page booklet will be mailed absolutely free to every read- er of this: paper who is interested in the problem of mining gold for profit. I am seeking this means to got acquainted with you. Just a postalocard is all that is neces- sary. Address, | G. McCLELLAND, 1083 17th St., Denver, Col. (COURT PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, the HoN. FRANCIS J. Koeskr, President Judge of the Court of Comamen Please, of the County e erset, being the Sixteenth Judicial dist and Justice of the Cours of Oyerand dniner and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the said district, and HoN. A. F. DICKRY, Associate Judge ef the Court of Common Pleas, and Justice of the Cours of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the County of: reel, have issued their precepts; and tao me directed, for holding a Cours of Cemmon Pleas and General Quarter Sessiows of the Peace and General Jail Delivery,and Courts of Oyer and Terminer at Somerset, on MONDAY, FEB. 37. 1ges. NOTICE is hereby Shed té 81 the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and €onstabl within the said county ef Semerset, that they ‘pe then and there im their proper persons with their rolls, reeerds, inquisi- tions, examinations and other rémem- brances, to do those things which to théir office and in shat behalf sppertain to be done, and also they whe will prosecute against the prisoners thas are or shall be in the jail of Somerses County, te be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be NDREW J.COLEMAN Sheriff | just. | @@ CLOCK REPAIRING, Gun { amithing and many other kinds of re- | pair work done neatly, promptly and | substantially, All work left at the | Theoph. Wagner residenee will be | promptly attended to, st reasonable | prices, by the undersigned. SCHOOL BONDS FOR SALE. The School District of Salis- bury Borough, in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, offers for sale the bonds of said Borough to the amount of Thirteen Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Dollars, bearing interest at five per cent., payable annual- ly. The payments falling due on the first day of January of the years 1906 to'1932 inclusive. Sealed bids for the same will be received at the office of the Sec- retary, up until the 9th day of February, 1905, at noon. The School Directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids. C. S. LICHLITER, 1t Secretary. BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD. —T0— WASHINGTON, ACCOUNT INAUGURATION OF PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT. ——=VERY LOW RATES. From Points 100 Miles or Less from Wasnington, tickets will be sold at One. and One-third fare for the round trip, good going March 3rd and 4th, and re- turning, good leaving Washington un- til March 8th, 1905, inclusive. From Points More than 100 Miles from Washington, East of Ohio River, tickets will be sold at One Fare, plus 25 cents, for the round trip, good going March 2nd, 3rd and 4th, and returning, good leaving Washington until March 8th, 1905, inclusive. By depositing ticket with joint agent at Washington not later than March 8th, and on payment of fee of $1.00 at time of deposit, an extension of final return limit will be granted to leave Washington not later than March 18th, 1905, inclusive. For additional information call on Ticket Agents Baltimore & Ohio Rail- road. 3-2 BOLTERS PAYING UP. A Few Silly Committeemen and Other Willing Dupes are Gain- ing Some Valuable Exper- ience. Readers of this paper will remember - that at about this time one year ago the clique of bolter leaders at Somer- set induced a tew of their followers in the three local districts, and in Quema- honing township, to file at the Pro- thonotary’s office papers pre-empting the name “Citizens Party;” that a while later, after the Republican nomi- nations had been made, independent tickets under the guise of “citizens” were put up; that some alleged Re- publicans accepted places on the tick- ets and worked openly for the success of the same; that when the annual county primary election was held, several months later,such persous were refused the privilege of voting; that twelve of that number instituted suits against the committeemen, and that all of the suits were ignored by the grand jury and costs placed on the prosecutors. The costs in the twelve cases were only fully paid this week, but by whom the writer has not learned. Some of the prosecutors have declared openly that the money did not come from their jeans, and that before the suits were brought, the clique that led them into the trouble promised to foot the bills. In order that the citizens of the county may know what this tomfoolery cost, the figures are here given. Four cases against Henry F. Barron, $59.80; three cases against S. U. Shober, $40; four cases against J. G. Bender, $55.69; and one case against D. B. Specht, $8.75. Total, $165.44. So far as the Standard is concerned, the gentlemen who in- spired these prosecutions are welcome to all the enjoyment they derive from their bolting careers, but if they per- sist in saddling a needless expense on the county, they should be made pay the costs as prosecutors in other suits do. The costs in the above cases were paid on the installment plan—those of one case the week the cases were thrown out of court; four others two weeks ago, and the remaining ones on Monday. It must have been painful for those who had to “duff up” to sepa- rate themselves from their money. The $165.44 referred to above does not pay all of the costs incurred by the bolters, and it is reported that attach- ments will be asked for to force pay- ment of the balance due. In January of last year Clyde MeDonald, Elmer E. Moore, Roscoe Welfley and Elmer E.. Pugh—at the instance of the bolter leaders—undertook to have Charles C. Shafer, chairman of the Republican county eommittee declared not the le- ‘gal chairman. The effort failed, and Judge Robert E. Umbel, of Uniontown, before whom the proceeding was taken, es | ordered the persons named above to pay the costs. These costs, amounting to $48.20, have not been paid, but one of the plaintiffs told an'officer the other day he would “go up and see why ‘they’ didn’t psy the bill as ‘they’ promised to do.” And now the officer in looking for him to “come down” with the cash. Another bill that remains unpaid is that for pre-empting the name “Citi- zens Party” in the three Somerset dis- tricts last year. The only way to break up this praec- tice is to make the persons responsible for it pay the bills. —Somerset Stand- | BEN. WAGNER, | tf Salisbury, Pa. ard.