ST, 'UNDED. nd Peace Is Im- burg cor- OWS: . and no parts to- the auto- mechani- which, > people. 1e entire mination xe which e. The use and over to 5 that in but one Trepoff, of Keiff, f the in- ent says, racy has Russian sts have ortresses urg cor- ort that 0 to the ~ circula- tt Grand ssinated. 1, merely 's where- OVEN. /erdict in th Kill- first de- 1 against yurndale, ial since ss Mabel r's home it March. the State penalty. e finding 1+ Tucker foreman led from street to condition d in his r stimu- sician. > mother the an- on’s fate ight. At counsel- he court- d for the news she BATTLE. ead and retired, 1st Reg. Minute Men, in a letter writes: p 4 J “HV Peruna has always been a great favorite with the military men, both in the army and navy. The strongest kind of testimonials are received from officers of high rank con- gerning the virtues of Peruna for all ca- tarrhal ailments. Only a small per cent. of these can be used for publication for want of space. Mr. Harrison I. Deam, Burnside Post No. 8. Department of the Potomac, Colonel Encampment No. 69, Union Veterans’ Le- gion, dona Green Clay Smith Regiment No. 17. , Department of the Poto- mac, Military Order Loyal Legion, De- partment of Columbia, Major 34th Indiana Veteran Volunteer Infantry, writes: “There is no longer any question asto ihe curative qualities of Peruna in all catarrhal troubles. Its suc- cessful use by many of my friends entitles it to confidence and endorse- ment,” CANDY CATHARTIQ GUARANTEED CURE : for all bowel rors appendicitis, bilistsriess, bad breath, “bad blood, wind on the stomach, bloated bowels, foul mouth, headache, indigestion, pimples, E pains ‘after eatin, § regularly you are sick. , liver trouble, sallow skin and dizziness. No matter what ails yu, start taking: CASCARETS today, for you will never get well and stay well until you get your bowels right Take our advice, start with Cascarets today ander absolute guarantee to cure or money refunded. booklet free. The genuine tablet stamped C CC. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. Never sold in bulk... Sample and : 502." Drinking Less Tea. Figures published by the Brokers’ Association of London for the five months ending October: 31, this year, show a diminution. in the consumption of tea in the British Isles to the extent of 4,000,000 pounds as compared with the corresponding time in 1903, an indication of dire pover- ty. 15 YEARS OF TORTURE Itching and Painful Sores tod Head and Body—Cured in Week by Cuticura. “For fifteen years my scalp.and fore- head was one mass of scabs, and my body was covered with sores. Words cannot ex- press how I suffered from the itching and pain. I had given up hope when a friend told me to get Cuticura. After bathing with Cuticura Soap and applying Cuticura Ointment for three days, my head was as clear as ever, and to my surprise and joy, one cake of soap and one box of ointment made a complete cure in one week. (Signed) H. B. Franklin, 717 Washington St., Allegheny, Pa.” 5 Parkman's demse of Justice. A friend met Francis Parkman walk- ing along the street holding two street boys by their coat collars. In reply to his friend’s request for an explanation Parkman said: “I found this boy bad eaten an apple without dividing with his little brother. Now I'm going to buy one for the little boy and make the big one look on while he eats it.”’— St. Nicholas. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by localapplications as they cannot reachthe diseased portion oftheear. Thereis only one way to cure deafness, and that is by consti- tutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. Whenthis tube is in- flamed you have a rumblingsound or imper- fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness isthe result. and unless the inflam- mation can be taken out and this tube re- stored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,which isnothingbutan inflamed condition of the mueous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrn)that can- notbecured by Hall's Catarrh Care. Send for circularsfree: F.J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall’ s Fami © con stipation. has been figuring out the number of wordS a man utters in a year and finds the average to be - 800.000. Some one Nimeteon planos’ every one of which was a wedding present, are in the pos- session of the Prince and Prineess of Wales, Tea “From A cradle lo tio baby chale” HAVE YOU A BABY? if so, you aught to have & “AN IDEAL SELF=-INSTRUCTOR." Quz PHOENIX Vol Chair holds the child securely, pre venting those painful f bumps which are so frequent a baby learns to walk. SBEYTER THAN A NURSE." e chair is provided with & re- movable, sanitary cloth seat, which supports the weight of the child and prevents bow-l and spinal troubles; it also has a table attach- ment which enables baby to find amusement in its toys, etc., with. out any attention. ~~ “As indispensable as a cradle.” It is so constructed that it pre. vents soiled clothes, sickness irom drafts and floor germs, and is recommended by physicians and endorsed by both mother and baby. Combines pleasure and utility. No baby should be without one. Call at your furniture dealer and ask to see one. PETTITTE MANUFACTURED ONLY BY PHOENIX CHAIR CO. : SHEBOYGAN, WIS. 6 Can Bony io had o your RAGS Sealefs SEND STAMP—Get description of 50 cheapess farms in Ohio. H. N. Bancroft, Jefferson, O. P. N. UJ. 5. 1905. Ea Ee St FAN FAIS, “coR 5 wh Best Longs gam Sold b When your bowelsdon’t move fi. Constipation kills more people than all other diseases together. It starts chronic ailments and long years of suffering.