me pn ahhh Lomi v wll A I: SOMERSET COUNTY Ih P. L. Livexcoop, Editor and Publisher. Entered at the Postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa as mail matter of the Second Class. Subscription Rates. THE STAR is published every Thursday,at Salisbury, (Elk Lick, P. O.) Somerset Coun- ty, Pa., at the following rate One year, if paid spot cash in at ance.. $1.25 if not paid strictly in advance........... 1.50 8ix months Single copies To avoid multiplicity ‘of small’ ‘accounts, all subscriptions for three months or less must be oh in advance. These rates and germs wii be rigidly adhered to. Advertising Rates. Transient Reading Notices, 5 cents a line each insertion. To regular advertisers, 5 | cents a line for first insertion and 3 cents a line for each succeeding insertion. No busi- ness lacals will be mixed with local news items or editorial matter for less than 10 eents a line for each insertion,except on yearly contracts. tes for Display JAdvarsisments will be made known on applicatior Editorial advertising, Invariably 10 cents a line. Legal Advertisements at legal rates. Marriage, Birth and Death Notices not exceeding fifteen lines, inserted free. All additional lines, 5 cents each. Cards of Thanks will be published free for prtrons of the paper. Non-patrons will be charged 10 cents a line. Resolutions of Respect will be published for 5 cents a line. All advertisements will be run and charg- ed.for until ordered discontinued. No advertisement will be taken for less than 25 cents. LOCAL IND GENERAL NEWS. NEWSY ITEMS GATHERED HERE AND THERE, WITH AN OCCASIONAL JOKE ADDED FOR SPICE. “One kiss I beg,” he softly sighed To golden-hnired Marie; “If one is all you want,” she cried, “You'll get no kiss from me!” —Philadelphia Bulletin. “The wages of sin is death.” “Love is the fulfilling of the law.” “Be not wise in your own conceits.” “The poor always ye have with you.” “Render therefore to all their dues.” “A soft answer turneth away wrath.” “Unto the pure all things are pure.” “Every man shall bear his own bur- den.” “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” “Every man’s. work shall be made manifest.” “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” “Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.” “Ye blind guides! which strain at a gnat, and swallow a cammél.” “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of Gc “Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith.” “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid.” Rev. W. A. Reininger, who is now lo- cated in Somerset, was a business visit- or in Salisbury, this week. The scriptural quotations in this is- sue of the great paper are all good ones to remember and make use of in eur daily life. Rev. E. S. Johnston requests THE STAR to announce that there will be no services in the Lutheran church next Sunday, Jan. 15th. For cracked hands, chapped lips, and rough skin, Pinesalve is the nicest, quickest, best cure. One application in one night proves it. Sold by Elk Lick Supply Co. 3-1 J. R. Joy, who is still holding the of- fice of Chief of Police, in Somerset, eame home last Saturday evening and remained with his family until Tuesday morning. He may move to Somerset in the near future. WANTED 10 men in each state to travel, tack signs and distribute samples and circulars of our goods. Salary, $75.00 per month. $3.00 per day for expenses. KUHLMAN CO., Dept. 8, Atlas Building, Chicago. 3-2 Ex-Governor Lloyd Lowndes, of Maryland, dropped dead at his home in Cumberland, Sunday morning last. He was aged nearly 59 years and was prominent in Maryland politics and business affairs for more than thirty years. Thousands of newspaper pasragraph- ers are writing paragraphs against Mr. Rockefeller and the oil trust by the light of oil affording the cheapest light in the world. The writer of this para- graph has not and never had any oil stock. “Bad roads in a settled community are. an open verdict convicting the people of ignorance and shiftlessness. On the other hand, good roads are a sure indication of thrift and intelligence amongst the people residing along their course.” The health and (fragrance and strength of the great pine forests are condensed in Pineules—a new digcov- ery put up in a new way. A cure for all Kidney, Blood and Bladder diseases, Baekache, Lumbago and every form of | Rheumatism. Pineules rid the system | | of impurities. Sold by Elk Lick Sup- | | by Miss Larue. | the loving female “vimmin/ When you need a pill it is always best to buy the best. Dade’s Little Liver Pills are the best. Try them. They have a way of their own. Sold by Elk Lick Supply Co. 3-1 “Ease of intercommunication, secure and ample highways, mark the spirit both of democratic fellowship ard of rational economic conditions. The ex- travagance of parsimony has no better | illustration than in the neglect of our public roads.” Constable John Swindell, of Meyers- dale, was in town to-day. He came up to arrest our old friend and college chum, Samuel Horchler, on a charge of loving more fondly than wisely. The information was maae before Justice of the Peace Wm. H. Hay, of Meyer=dnle, “Sammy,” Shere? of Our old friend and neighbor Wm. H. Fair, who is now helping Casper Wahl, the old reliable butcher, to conduct his meat shop, fills his position very satis- factorily to his employer and the cus- tomers of the shop. He is courteous, cleanly and knows just how to wait on customers. William is a handy and clever man anywhere you place him. One of Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets after eating, even if you can eaf but little, will digest the little you do eat, and cure Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Belching, and Weak Heart. Sold by Elk Lick Supply Co. 3-1 Abraham A. Miller, of Summit Mills, >a, recently fell and injured one of his arms so badly that Dr. E. H. Perry and a Meyersdale doctor had to ampu- tate the injured member above the el- bow. Mr. Miller’s other arm is also in very bad condition, as he broke it some time ago, and it is very slow about healing. Ue surely deserves sympathy. od We are informed that “Doc” De- Lozier has sworn never again to vote the Scullocratic ticket, saying that J. C. Lowry had him arrested for horse- stealing. some time ago, whieh has driven him out of the Scull faction. According to “Doe,” a fellow has to be a much bigger thief than a mere horse thief to remain in good standing with the Scull party. ManZsan is the Pile Remedy that reaches the spot and stops all pile pain instantly. If you suffer with Blind, Bleeding. Itching or Protruding Piles and want to be cured it is only neces- sary to use ManZan, the Great Pile Cure. Sold by Elk Lick Supply Co. 3-1 V. R. Saylor, Esq., Deputy Grand Chancellor of the Knights of Pythias of Somerset county, Pa., was in Salisbury on Monday evening, installing the of- ficers of Star lodge No. 409. The in- stallation was public. Before leaving town Mr. Saylor made THE STAR a friendly visit. We never saw him looking better, and we are glad to note that he is prospering nicely in his pro- fession. Mourn, ye son: and daughters of men, for behold the righteous ure fall- en! Pious old Joe Hartline, whom many expected to see escorted to heav- en in a fiery chariot, after the manner of good old Elijah of old, has fallen. He has indulged in horse-trading, and it is an unwritten law that it is as hard for a horse trader to enter the kindom of heaven is for an elephant to pack his own trunk and send it by ex- press into the jungle: of darkest Africa. A Jefferson county woman, observ- ing the advertisement of a Pittsburg firm of stock brokers, wrote a letter to them in which she stated that if the brokers would send $100 to her she would buy them two fresh cows. The communication was turned over to Watters & (o., stock brokers of this place, requesting them to inform the woman that the Pittsburg firm could not handle the cows, as they were on the bull side of the market at the present.—Oil City Blizzard. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar is an improvement over all Cough. Lung and Bronchial remedies. It acts on the bowels—drives the cold out of the sys- tem, cures Croup, Whooping Cough, wards off Pneumonia and strengthens the lungs. Bee’s Laxative Honey and Tar is the best Cough Syrup for chil- dren. Tastes good. Sold by Elk Lick Supply Co. 3-1 Our friend Samuel A. Beachy, = prominent and well known “farmer of Elk Lick township, recently returned from Philadelphia, where he went some time ago to take expert treatment for one of his eyes, which was injured dur- ing his childhood and has lately been giving him considerable trouble. Mr. Beachy reports that he was greatly benefited by his visit to the city, and he is using a treatment now that is helping his eye right along, all of which his many friends will be glad to learn. John. W. Ringler, who for years had been trying to get a much deserved pension, received notice this week that his claim has been allowed. He appli- ed under the old law and gets $10.00 per month and $1,276 back pension. We congratulate our old friend on his success, and he deserves it all, having seen about four years of service in the War of the Rebellion, and he was a first class soldier, too. Shake “Daddy,” shake, and may you live long and pros- per. Nothing is too good for a man who has been a good soldier in the ply Co. 8-1 | War of the Rebsllion. Look out for Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. They are dangerous at this season of the year. They lead to pneumonia or consump- tion. You can prevent or cure all such complaints with Bee’s Laxative Honey and Tar—an improvement over ali cough, lung and bronchial remedies: and the best Cough Syrup. 3- County Treasurer Matthews, in re- newing his subscription to Tne STag, says: “My dear old friend. a happy and prosperous 1905 to you.” We are also under obligations to Miss Marion D. Buchanan, of Newport, Tenn., for kind wishes expressed in a very neatly written letter with check enclosed for renewal of subscription. Many of our home friends, who have been calling in person, and renewing their “subs” also have our thanks for kind wishes and words of approval; but they are so numerous that space and time forbids their mention. We are none the less thankful, however, and may God be good to all of them. On Monday - evening the Valley House was the scene of a very pleasant secinl gathering, the event being a sur- prise party in honor of the 50th birth- day of Mrs. Henry Loechel, the good hostess of the house, and the 27th anni- versary of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Edward Loechel. The surprise was complete, and the event was participat- ed in by a large number of admiring friends. who report one of the best times of their lives. The house was thrown wide open to the guests, and music, dancing and refreshments were features of the evening. It was a late hour when the guests departed, and as they did =o, one and all wished the la- dies in whose honor the affair was got- ten up, many happy returns of the day. Pineules is the name of a new dis- covery put upin a new way. A certain cure for all Kidney. Blood and Bladder diseases, and every form of Rheuma- tism. Pineules relieve Backache and Kidney pains permanently. If you need such a remedy let us show you the"wonderful Pineules. Sold by Elk Lick Supply Co. 3-1 The Rockwood public school build- ing is to be greatly enriched by a geo- graphical collection of specimens from the Philadelphia Museum, as soon as the cases can be constructed to hold them. This gift has been secured through the kindly offices of Mr. J. C. Weller, of Gebharts. The collection comprises specimens of the world’s vegetable and animal products, and of mineral substanees from all parts of the world in bottles, mounted and photographed, and consists of about three hundred articles. Two hundred feet of shelving will be necessary to hold the collection, and this is being constructed by Barron Bros., and will be inclosed in a case opening with glass doors, to be erected in the main en- trance hall of the first floor. Mr. Wel- ler assuredly has the hearty thanks of the school for his efforts in its behalfy and the school patrons of Roekwood and all whose ambition looks to un- surpassed schools in the borough will remember his service in behalf of this end with gratitude. —Gazette. Communion Serviees. The -econd quarterly communion services will be held in the United Evangelieal church, Sunday, Jan. 22nd. Rev. J. J. Carmany, Presiding Elder, of Ohio, will preach on Saturday even- ing, also on Sunday at 10.30 a. m. and 7p. m. All are invited to attend. 8. M. Cousins, Pastor. SAVED FROM TERRIBLE DEATH The family of Mrs. M. L. Bobbitt, of Bargerton, Tenn., saw her dying and were powerless to save her. The most skillful physicians and every remedy used, failed, while consumption was slowly but surely taking her life. In this terrible hour Dr. King’s New Dis- eovery for Consumption turned de- spair into joy. The first bottle brought immediate relief, and its continued use completely cured her. Tt’s the most certain cure in the world for all throat and lang troubles. Guaranteed bot- tles 50c¢ and $1.00. Trial Bottles Free at E. H. Miller’s Drug Store. 2-1 Republican Township Caucus. Committeeman John J. Bowser has issued a call for a Republican caucus to be held in the West Salisbury school house, Saturday, Jan. 21st, 1905, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of nomi. nating candidates to fill the various offices of Elk Lick township, as follows: One person for Judge of Election, one for Inspector, two for School Directors, one for Constable, two for Auditors, three for Road Supervisors and one for Township Clerk. hee TONIC TO THE SYSTEM. For liver troubles and constipation there is nothing better than DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little Pills. They do not weaken the stomach. Their action upon the system is mild, pleasant and harmless. Bob Moore, of LaFayette, Ind.,says. “No use talking, DeWitt’s Little Early Risers do their work. All other pills I have used gripe and make me sick in the stomach and never cure me. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers proved to be the long sought re- lief. They are simply perfect.” Per- sons traveling find Little Early Risers the most reliable remedy to carry with them. Sold by E. H. Miller. 2-1 I Ji ORY. SAVINGS DEPARTNE Drafts on all parts of the world. Accounts of individuals and firms invited. Deposits sent by mail and all correspondence given prompt and careful at- tention. This bank is the only United States depository in the George’s Creek Valley. Bank open Saturday nights from 7 te 10 o’clock. { , THREE PER CENT. INTEREST 150,000.00 80, 000.00 | Capital stock. ad Surplus fund. PAID ON DEPOSITS Meat finn. Market! MY, > Take notice that I have opened a new Deposits (ov or) 000.00 | | and up-to-date meat market in Salis- | bury, one door south of Lichliter’s store. Everything is new, neat and clean, and it is a model in every respect. I deal in all kinds of Fresh and Salt Poultry, Fresh Fish, ete. I pay highest cash prices for Fat Cat- Ae OFFICERS: esa. | vinced Marx Wineland, President. ame. DIRECTORS: Duncan Sinclair, Timothy Griffith, Marx Wineland, Roberdeau Annan, Cashier. | Robert R. Henderson. Roberdeau Annan. SR RBRIBB BRDBBLBLBLVBVBECOOBOOBRDBVBE 20 Per Cent. % | | Meats, | { { tle. Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, Hides, 1 CRANE 0 PLEASE YOU and want you to call and be con- that I ean best supply your wants in the meat line. CASPER WAHL, The 01d Reliable Buteher. DUCTION n N On All Men's and Boys’ & @ NX Oo) ND =O vercoats!l= 0 i a en x This is a good chance to secure an up-to-date Over- coat for little money. BARCHUS & LIVENGOOD, BBBRBOEHBBBB sulipury, Pu. CN at Rock Bottom Prices For the subscription scason of 1go4-os we present the following serics of special subscription bargains. These combinations and premium offers present incomparable bargains in that which is best in wholesome reading. OUR SPECIAL LIST OF PERIODICALS CLASS A Pearson's Magazine . $1.00 Success . . . $LOO Coamopelitan . 1.00 Leslie's Monthly Magazine 1.00 Good Housekesping . 1.00 right novels worth - Dorotliy Vernon of Haddon Hall...... The Master Christian By Charles Major ve. By Maris Corelli Dy George 1}. Cable Three Incomparable Independent. . 10 . . . Booklover's Magazine 3.00 Subscription Bargains | Gms testers . 20 PEARSON’S MAGAZINE, One Year - $1.00 Upplacett’s . . 2.80 Any one of the following clothwbosnd | Sopy~ Both for $1.25 SPECIAL CLASS 0 ‘The Mississippi Bubble. The Right of Way... Ia the Palace of the King. y ¥. Marion Crawford David Harum. ...coceeeeess. By Edward Noyes Westcott Harper's The Vhrpinlan....ooonviisioniniiiia ves By Owen Wistcr The Hound of the Baskervilles...... Ey A. Conam Doyle | [Periodicals may bs sent te «Dy Winston Churchill When Knighthood was in Flower..... By Charles Major as, or and Castle Craneycrow......... By George Barr AlcCutcheon NOTH—These books are mot a trashy edition but handsome cloth-bound books most of them originally published at $1.30 (WR PAY DRLIVERY CHARGES.) Bazar . . 100 different may be either new or resewal loms. Special Combination Offers ( One Your ian tor...$2.00 : AL SHAKESPEARE THE TMPERIAL SHAKESPEARE presents in ene serviceable volume ths thirty-es hit great works of the impiortal bard,—size of the volume nine by fourt --n ches, stron: buckram binding. (We pay delivery charges.) A Ten-Volume Set of the Works of $3.00 | EDGAR ALLAN POE Buys TOGETHER WITH A YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION TO PEARSON'S AND A YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION TO SUCCESS THE POE SET is a beautiful Library Pocket Edition, printed on fine paper, clear type, cloth-bound covers, modern flat back, with title, and Ane au- thor's portrait a embellished on the cover ; each set nicely boxed. ‘We pay delivery charges. TEA KSON' : Ss IoAki0nS Oug Year, 3:90) past tor... S150 Any ether publication in Class ““ A" mav be substituted for Success. PEARSON'S One, Year id Harprr's Bazar Any p blication in c'ass A ' may be subsioned for Ilarper's Bazar. PEARSON'S One Year $1.00 LirpINCOTT'S 07 " Both for..... $2.50 SyaARrT SrT 8.30 “ PEARSON'S One Year $:.00 ReviEw oF REVIEWS ¢7 Loon for. vos $2.78 INDEPENDENT 2.30 PEARSON'S One Yeur $1.00 CURRENT LITERATURE 3 o All three for $3.60 LxsLie’ er a ii Any publication in Class “* A” may be A psidtuted for Leslie's Monthly Magazine. PEARSON'S Success Ome, Year $1.00 1.60 All three for $3.00 Outing Any other publication ia Class “B* may 3 Se aubatitted for Outing. PEARSON'S One Year $1. WorLp's Work Woman's Home Companion ** 00 3200 All three for $3.35 Any publication in Class “A" may be ne owiiuted for Woman's Home Companion PEARSON'S WorLp’s Wer Country LiFk In Auzrica | Success Any publication in Class “B" aris PA for World's Work. One Year $1.00 I All four for $5.25 THE STAR, Erk Lick, Pa. Success All three for $2.60 SEN» ALL ORDERS TO EDGAR ALLAN POE’S WORKS This splendid ten-volume library p: cet and most thrilling of Poe's m Ea xs Stories ge x mparable in originality ef "conception Jersatllity and execution. lin; he 3 tales of a ORT ie, mystery an ective stories: such as Light in the Rue Morgue,” * The Po Tea Lotter od 2 ae of Marie Roget,” demonstrate the suthor's wonderful capably for correctly analyzing the mysteries of the human mind ny recognized authiorliies claim that the modern. Sherlock Holmes' Sinries Were fepired b " a 8 55 The similarity in the gognetic 3 those ong ov Sherlock Holmes reaches his conclusions venture, bits of brilliant ti travaga: fascl- nating tales of itohery and papers of rita ol CR fry Minor rite: hi Tor Poe the en! c admiration of Charles Diken with rs of Dealty, and melody, ie as *“ Annabel Lee,” fe nd death of the 7) ye gg nA dconcepion of the atmosphere in which this wonderful writer lived and died. PEARSON'S MAGAZINE FOR 1903 The editorial poliey of Pzarsox’s is, in a nutshell, to com talument with Jstrictivencas While the publiter ‘ways tries to inl he J BER mecives tage Barer han ye 55% sf Bsist op upon the articles Bars thematic agazine readers have mo Lo 100k in LO fisTecome find some Hii Ammons ia the pin besome a Bx pula hero of the Er a most famous N- racters are- oN STEUER a Va . THE INTERNE riohaL, Ld and DONG.” Plans ing year include a new series of stories by author of of Cpisia io Rott and a new Serles of Historie M Series pe ALLE ¥ D, the author of “The Revelations nter- aational Spy.” H.G. WELLS (of * The Wars of the Worlds’ * * fame) will be a prominent contributor with a series of his inimitable sho tio bullt upon such semi-scientific lines as to give to his most extravagant sh ral of Sesion tue form of comvineing truth, a roy tons ao tdh) une: aracter The verre nl bh Americ sh 3 a type of the less-minded sons of the heart haves the true pluck an LR icles entitle i Sitisies will show the Usited ‘States as it Decline of she Reprise” fonts They will draw parallels between th oti the se ancient mes oof Ba ize very prosperity aad ¢ facing Salchier eople of fondant eXtiava 5 Babylon. Rote, Kibets tad Pompeii wif ts tee wnfall an ere will be n no general attack just, ana in} en Hoy be encouraged,._b bah, i @ concepts of the Fat! and destructive of. Ametioan polit 3) ana £1 social ricgipies snd k LH specia Eh2 masses on rivate fortunes on the Es and AN ted Sam sng on 2 Shera be povert A) in faoo oe SXiaore poary | nd nexam gress and ge i Lincoln’ s declaration that a go bond #0 ba) half f free appliesas welltoa aan camnob ong Coli a Lf ‘This must Bone every tho es realizes what enorm Bon RE iy ogi ne on 1 the hands of the Princes of ort 2. > and to what a state of dependence the large proportion of our population is reduced. Pzansox’s will deal with this question—sanely, conservatively, but fearlesaly. By adding $1.00 to the advertised price of any of the above combi- nations or premium. offers—they are available—and also include a year’s subscription to THE STAR. fresh Min a a Rh