SET THE SOMERSET GOUNTY TAR P. L. Livexcoop, Editor and Publisher. Entered at the Postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa. as mail matter of the Second Class. Subscription Rates. THE STAR is published every Thursday,st Salisbury, (Elk Lick, P. 0.) Soierses Coun- ty, Pa. at the following rat One year, if paid spot cash in eavance.. $1.25 If not paid Strictly in RAYARCE L5 Bix months.. Three months. Single copies.. To avoid multiplicity of small ‘accounts, all subscriptions for three months or less must be paid in advance. These rates and terms will be rigidly adhered to. Advertising Rates. Transient Reading Notices, 5 cents a line each insertion. To regular advertisers, cents a line for first insertion and 3 cents a line for each succeeding insertion. No busi- ness lacals will be mixed with local news items or editorial matter for less than 10 cents a line for each insertion,except on yearly contracts. Rates for Display jvertisments will be made known on applicatio Fqisorial advertising, Ion. riably 10 cents al Legal Advertisements at legal rates. Marriage, Birth snd Death Notices not exceeding fifteen lines, inserted free. All additional lines, 5 cents each. Cards of Thanks will be published free ior prtrons of the DApeY: Jon -patrons will b charged 10 cents a lin Resolutions of Rooot will be published for 6 cents a lin All ite aonia will be run and charg- ed for until ordered discontinued. No advertisement will be taken for less than 25 cents. OCH ND GENERAL NEWS NEWSY ITEMS GATHERED HERE AND THERE, WITH RN OCCASIONAL JOKE ADDED FOR SPIGE. N. George Keim, of Elkins, W. Va, was in town this week on business. J. O. Johnston, of ThE STAR printery, visited friends in Stoystown on Friday and Saturday last, We are glad to note that John J. Walker, who had been quite ill fora couple of weeks, is again able to be out. We wish all our friends and enemies a happy and prosperous new year, and may the peace of God dwell in their hearts. Miss Grace Randolph, of Grundy Center, Iowa, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Albert Reitz. She arrived here last week. ve Camery Jonsson: of Altoona, for 3 months. Subscribe today, address, Ne oh ore | rom igh ar eye to The Chicago Review Co., 309 Coca-Cola onday evening, visiting his brother, | y;4ing Chicago. Illinois. Rev. E. 8. Johnston. Michael Rudol, the Austrian who re- sided in the Lowry building at the white potatoes on a farm of 150 acres. porth end of Grant street, moved tol |, . Value, $20,000. Pittsburg, this week. Mrs. L. C. Boyer and daughter Lottie | 1 kill potato beetles. returned from Avalon, Pa., Tuesday | ,¢ the crop Was $7,000 and the profit evening, where they had been visiting | \v,5 $13,000. That is better than being Prof. C. E. Dickey and family. Manager Geo, C. Biser, of the Dull | minister, or to run on the wrong ticket Mercantile Company’s store, is enjoy- ing a visit this week from his uncle, Mr. John Biser, of Frederick, Md. E. Largent, the well known and re- | in mind the fact that the Postoffice de- liable Western Union telegraph line- man, of Addison, Pa., was in Salisbury last week, looking after the company’s interests. For cracked hands, ehapped lips, and | should be remembered that the roads rough skin, Pinesalve is the nicest, | must be kept in good repair, and that quickest, best cure. One application in one night proves it. Lick Supply Co. 3-1 Rev. J. F. Perry and family were visited over - Sunday by one of Rev. Perry’s sons and his. wife, who reside | ery put up in a new way. at New Castle, Pa., where the son is engaged in railroad work. When you need a best to buy the best. Liver Pills are the best. They have a way of their own. Elk Lick Supply Co. 3-1 * Prof. brother Vincent visited Salisbury friends on Monday evening. They went to Keyser, W. Va, next day, where William is teaching and Vincent going to school. Some miscreant stole a watch and : TAs few other articles om 4 ph % develops sufislently to indieate to the | people that ean see only one side of a Joseph. Hoover's b last. Sond physicians where his pedal extremities | thing, and who cannot tolerate the osep (overs uggy, last Bunday | ,,oh¢ to be amputated to save his life night, while Joseph was attending ser-| no vices at the Reformed church. The devil’s agents linger near the churches as well as elsewhere. Last Sunday and Monday the air was{ ro 4 that well known hostelrie. all reports are true, the dirty culprit haye keen killed on - the spot. ranse he committed is one of the « we ever heard of, it being ut- as soft and balmy as a day in May, and it looked as though gentle Spring had eome to sit- in the lap of stern old Winter. But on Tuesday morning a howling snow storm came, and once t > teriy wufit to print. more hosry old Winter is “doing busi- Thy ua p ness at the old stand.” At Hyndman, Monday, seyersl men annoyed Correll Crizer by calling him a “seab,” which enraged him, and he | have committed. fired ‘at them. The ball struck the pavement and glanced. time the ball left the pistol it grazed four diferent men, but it injured none 3 to have diphtheria. seriously. Two of the wounded are . 1p = Henry Browning and Joe Divel. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar is an improvement over all Cough, Lung and It acts on the bowels—drives the cold out of the sys- |and make a big ado over nothing. tem, cures Croup, Whooping Cough, wards off Pneumonia and strengthens | damnable and detestable. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar is the best Cough Syrup for chil- | dies mixed with common sense are their use. dren. Tastes good. Sold by Elk Lick | worth more than all the boards of | guaranteed by E. H. Miller. Bronchial remedies. the lungs. Supply Co. 3-1 Sold by Elk | boxes, or mail need not be delivered. pill it is always } Lis Dade’s Little of impurities. Try them. Sold by Wm. Baumgardner and his One of Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets alter eating, even if you can eat but little, will digest the little you do eat, and cure Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Belching, and Weak Heart. Sold by Elk Lick Supply Co. 3-1 A peculiar accident happened at Merchants mine No. 2, the other day. One of the mine horses ran away and went into an old working filled with water, where he floundered about un- til he struck a deep place and was drowned. This is another “happen- stance” that will cause some of the strikers to rejoice for want of better sense. The many friends of E. C. Shaler, the very popular young man who was a partner of E. H. Miller in the Elk Lick drug store, a few yaars ago, will be sorry to learn that Mr. Shaler is suffer- ing with consumption. He went to Denver, recently, in the hope of being benefited by the climate, and we trust that he may yet be restored to health and vigor. Married, Dec. 25th, 1904, by Rev. G. D. Miller, at the Mennonite church, Springs, Pa., Mr. Norman 8. Maust and Miss Mayme Tonal The groom is a well known young man of Elk Lick township, and a son of Simon L. Maust. The bride is a daughter of Wm. J. Kimmel, of Milford township, and is employed ans primary teacher in the Springs schools. ManZan is the Pile Remedy that reaches the spot and stops all pile pain instantly. If you suffer with Blind, Bleeding. Itching or Protruding Piles and want to be cured it is only neces- sary to use ManZan, the Great Pile Cure. Sold by Elk Lick Supply Co. 3-1 Tunison Glotfelty, who has been em- ployed at Merchants mine No. 2 as a carpenter and car repairer, bad the misfortune of getting a wrist broken on Wednesday. He will be off duty for some time, and some of the strikers will gloat over his misfortune. But that will not delay the healing of the arm in the least, and all good people sympsthize with Mr. Glotfelty. A daily paper for $1.00 a year is something the public has long desired. The Chieago Daily Review, a delight- ful family daily giving all important news, market reports and many inter- esting departments for men, women and children, is sent to subseribers for $1 a year, 75 cents for 6 months, 50 cents An exchange says: A farmer in Deerfield, Pa., raised 37,500 bushels of He used 100 tons. of fertilizer and a half ton of Paris green The total cost a Supreme court judge or a cabinet for President of the United States. Persons residing along routes of rural free delivery mail service should keep partment has issued orders to the own- ers of vicious dogs that unless the ani- mals are removed, delivery of mail to those houses will be discontinued. It the snow be shoveled. away from the The health and [fragrance and strength of the great pine forests are condensed in Pineules—a new discov- A cure for sll Kidney. Blood and Bladder diseases, Baekache, Lumbago and every form of Rheumatism. Pineules rid the system Sold by Elk Lick Sup- ply Co. 3-1 A bachelor named Sullivan, who lived on the Ridge near Freed’s postoflice in Fayette county, thought he heard chicken thieves one night and ran out in his bare feet to drive them away. He got lost in a blinding snowstorm and did not get back home till the next morning. ‘He is now in the hospital at Mt. Pleasant waiting until gangrene On Christmas one of the boarders at have committed a most outrageous of- Joy’s boarding house is reported to The fellow was taken to the lockup and confined there until sober, when he was fined $5.00 and costs, a sum entirely too small for the hideous offense he is reporied to Walter Williams is in quarantine in From the |g, orset, this week, at the home of J. C. Lowey, whose children are reported We sympathize.| every joint ached and every nerve was with poor old Somerset or any other | racked with pain,” writes C. W. Bell- country town cursed with a so-called | amy, a locomotive fireman, of Burling- board of health. The boards of health | ton, Iowa. “I was weak and pale, with- almost everywhere are used to main- | out any sppetite and all run down. As tain a game of graft for the doctors | I was about to give up, I got a bottle of They are a nuisance, a nuisance most felt as well as I ever did in my life.” One good | Weak, sickly, run down people. always old “granny woman” and home reme- | gain new life, strength and vigor from The Legislature will be asked to pass several bills covering the defects in the present pure food laws. Dairy and Food Commissioner Warren and other officials of the Agriculture Department have had frequent conferences with Gov. Pennypacker. A measure will be presented re-establishing the standard of milk in the state at three and one- half per cent. fat and twelve per cent Legislature will also be asked to make Look out for Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. They are dangerous at this season of the year. They lead to pneumonia or consump- tion. You can prevent or cure all zueh eomplaints with Bee’s Laxative Honey and Tar—an improvement over all cough, lung and bronchial remedies» and the best Cough Syrup. 3-1 Forty thousand quail are being pur- chased in Oklahoma for distribution in Pennsylvania. It is the intention of total solids, there being no milk stand- l \ IN ; : ard in Pennsylvania at- present. The § Asiers (ovary. 1 a specific appropriation to pay chem- istry attorneys, agents, and other at- SAVINGS I PARTE taches of the pure food department. tention. Meat ~~ Market! 50,000.00 \ f Take notice that I have opened a new 960.000.00 | and up-to-date meat market in Salis- Catal stock. .$ Surplus fund.. 60,000.00 - « | bury, one door south of Lichliter’s store. Everything is new, neat and clean, and it is a model in every respect. I deal in all kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats, Poultry, Fresh Fish, ete. 1 pay highest cash prices for Fat Cat- tle, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, Hides, INTEREST POSITS. . THREE PER CENT. PAID ON DE $425 Accounts of individuals and firms invited. etc . 375 Drafts on all parts of the world. Deposits sent by mail and all correspondence given prompt and careful at- This bank is the only United States depository in the George’s Creek Valley. | GUARANTEE TOPLEASEYOU © so Bank open Saturday nights from 7 te 10 o’clock. 350 OFFICERS and want you to call and be con- ~ AER — ee ——.. is Marx Wineland, President. Roberdeaw Annan, Cashier. Vines the] gar best supply your wanis ? | : DIRECTORS: in the meat line. : { 32 Marx Wineland, Duncan Sinclair, Robert R. Henderson. CASPER WAHL, Timothy Griffith, Roberdeau Annan. The Old Reliable Butcher. - 150 the state game commission to stock the state with all kinds of game, and the legislature will be requested to adopt these laws: The state is to raise game for stocking purposes, and to prohibit duck hunting after January 1st. No dogs to be trained until August lst, and then to be kept under control and not-permitted to remain all night in the woods. Deer hunting tocommence November 1st and to continue for fif- teen days, limiting each hunter to one deer per annum, ard providing a pen- alty of $100 for shooting deer with buckshot ; bullets only to be used. The Government has made arrange- ments to send the noon time signals from the conservatory at the Capital to ships at cea by means of the wireless telegraph. This will enable sea cap- tains to correct their chronometers if they happen to be too slow or fast. It is daily growing more evident that the wireless telegraph can be put to prac- tical uses. A message has been’ sent from Kansas city to Cleveland, Ohio, a distance of 725 miles; while in Europe one has been sent from Cornwall, England, to Ancona, Italy, a distance of 1,000 miles. Not even the Alps in- terfered. One advantage of the wire- less is that it dosen’t require poles on the right of way. Every man may have a station on his own farm if he wishes.—Ex. Pineules is the name of a new dis- covery put up in a new way. A certain cure for all Kidney, Blood and Bladder disenses, and every form of Rheuma- tism. Pineules relieve Backache and Kidney pains permanently. If you need such a remedy let us show you the wonderful Pineules. Sold by Elk Lick Supply Co. 3-1 Some one asked a woman how it was she kept her youth so wonderfully. Her hair was snowy white, she was 80 years old, and her energy waning; but she never impressed one with the idea of age, for her heart was still young in sympathy and interest. This was her answer: “I knew how to forget disa- greeable things. TI tried to master the art of saying pleasant things. I did not expect too much of my friends. I kept my nerves well in hand, and. did not allow them to bore other people. I tried to find any work that came to my hand congenial. 1 retained the illusions of my youth, nnd did not be- lieve ‘every man a liar’ and every wo- man spiteful. I did my best to relieve the misery I came in contact with, and sympathized with suffering. In fact, I tried to do to others as I would be done by, and you see me in consequence resping the fruits of happiness, and a peaceful old age.” Always remember, gantls reader, that Tue Stax is not printed exclusive- ly for you. Bear in mind that the very things it contains that may displease you, are often things that will delight many other readers who have just as much interest in the paper as you have, and who pay their subscriptions just as promptly. This paper is not intended for ignorant, bigoted, narrow-minded opinions of others. THE STAR is print- ed for generous, broad-minded people —people tolerant in their ideas, who can do as sensible folks do at table—let the dishes alone that they do not relish “ii | and partake only “ofthe “things they" like or that they know will agree with them. If you are too narrow-minded to be tolerant, you should subscribe for no newspaper, 88 No newspaper can be printed that will please all people in all respects. Furthermore, no newspaper ever was printed that always pleased its own editor in all respects. If you are too narrow to tolerate the things in Tar Star that do not please you, pay up and quit reading it. rr ie A VERY CLOSE CALL. “I stuck to my engine, sithough Electric Bitters, and after tsking it, I Satisfaction Price 50 Try them. XIX 3 A RSG p UNG REDUCTION On All Men's and Boys’ =(0Overcoats!=s This is a good chance to secure an up-to-date Over- coat for little money. BARCHUS & LIVENGOOD, oaishuy, Pa. EBABY OD ODED) SSRs OX UY BE 0 BBB BBBOBBBS + ER roe | OUR rea, LIST OF a. A - PERIODICALS or CLASS A 2 a %, at Pearson's Magazine . $1.00 . Success ois . 31.80 R Cosmopolitan . 1. E Leslie’s Monthly Monthly Magazine 1.00 Good Housekiooplag - 1.00 g Tor the subscription scason of 1904-03 We present the following Americas Bey . . 10 : > : & series of special subscription bargains. These combinations CLASS B " and premium offers present incomparable bargains in that Review of Reviews . $2.50 3 which is best in wholesome reading. Outlag . + 3.00 Yo Smart Set . . . 2B ; Three Incomparable lodopondent _. . 1% W are Booklover's Magazines 3.00 ° Seeseripron Bargains | Swwatiisme . 38 fres] 9, in: PEARSON'S MAGAZINE, One Year oo un AL As = Min Any one of the following clothsdound copy- * Both for $1.25 GC: right movels worth - - 1.850 Souttey Lik 1a Amaia 5.9 Dorothy Vernea of Haddon Hall...... By Charles Major The Mississippl Bubble... Wiss Nome Cour. The Mastor Christian. .....e.... <.By Maric Corellé sev 00 . Ia the Pdace of the King. F. Marion Cranford Narper's Bur . . LO The Vi-iian fl, By Owen Wistor , Periodicals may be sent te The Cris's... «By Winston Chnrchill ‘When Knighthood was in Flower..... By Charles Major ome, or ditfecont addresses, sud The Cav. cvouBy George $F. Cadla Castle Craneycrow......... By George Barr McCutcheon a » end a Sew or resewal NOTB—Theu= books ars not a trashy edition but handsome cloth-bound books most of them originally published at $1.50 J { ¥ (Wx PAY DELIVERY CHARGES.) : TY x Special Combination Offers a tnd evans they pockh ation stata -vélume et edition eon the choicest ' Take and most thrilling of terfu Aas Ss IN 3 One Year 5 2 All for $2.00 Som A in Ching erty wud execution: 2 4 IMPERIAL SHAKESPEARE pe er i: The Wiriers n the Rue Morgue” & The Furia ined fatter ia THE IMPERIA ene servicesble TY s Roget,” the suth ond Be thirty-sizhc gre A SHAN pare EAR a, Jp of the volume hms oe Y dor. eorrectiy Aiiiing Go aries of the human: mind, I Wirt) Jo-hos, strani lmckram binding. (We pay delivery charges.) Han IP ouning sharks Si that {ne meder Rhetiook He A Ten-Volume Set of the Works of deductions si through dL Sherlock Holmes reaches his 2 AE EDGAR ALLAN Stories of adventure, bry of brilliant tive extravaganss, $3.00 SALIH pou gina f A YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION TO PEARSON'S y with elody, such: as Shel Feet uys PE " and the at * with & Ariat shot of ‘he AND life and Heath of ay give the iv conception of the A YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION TO SUCCESS atmosphere is whisk wenderful wri and died. . THE POR SET is a beautiful Libra SETI Is | rEARsows mAcazINE FoR isos ad on the cover; e edito; ey of Pua 's utsh : We pa; charges. a wit! h oacraclivene eR jos pierre i to FERARIONS | OF x inte a - i IER 1 Ofte. Year $:. 1) Tioth for... 91.50 EL ue mae x. 5 upon the ATHY and Stories themselves 1 Anv ether publication in Class “A may SN subetitrtad far Suecean. no oh he Re IL 3 Rxanson's ag the, pafiodisal 2 1. unusual P% AR JON! 3 One Year $ 5) foul mea popula Be hero of the day. The mort fa famous A . i ans - 250 LAR thros for 82.00 RoNSTRUR BY V. THE E INTERNA TIONAL , 8PY, 80d DOR Q. . “ay p .blication iy c'ass “A ™ may be substivated for Ysrper's Basar. author of Cs 5,07 aR bier hye ow iar Historie ns by PATONS OmYewr hm ek led I de aaa Sy i s or oo fen for.....82.09 Ibe a Dryininent eontributor with 8 of As ieee - | MART Snr Se valle amet such semi-sclentifis- lines aE te i to his oe Tota . of ation on the form ef cing oo ( PEARSON'S One Year ’ oo FP BERKELEY wastes new Faassox - , mvizw oF Revizws or Both for..... 88.78 d 2 » : wor X WS pes tora 23 Amr; Sy es 2a li PEARSON'S Ome Your $1.00 Sona Al ns PR EE Cuzmnaxt LiTemaTuns 3 oe All three for $3.00 articles Xd show the Daited States Tn Rueiine anil Bako Rin s Lesuiz’s MonTHLY MAGAZINE" Ye WL Fobteation ia Class ** a may be prt ituted for Leslis’s fT ily {1 draw a between the Ee wink: a these > B y. Magazine. ” ment "of the. Seopie io oe Batyite Kol TEL pad} om Sift ibe 1 PEARSON'S One Y rp hl Succes oar ool an three for 22.00 dowfalt and 19 coves = three for $32, Lh Re seewdd pen | youn whieh 10 Any other publication ia Clase “B* may yr a bstitutad for Outing. which are poreig og hy © Be oer the Sh PEARSON'S One Your ico) CRED sri plies dnd aa Thess tn the Trlied Siok Bisiee . . onLD'e 3.00 All three for $23.38 - unos Vous s Hous [OME Coupanion ! naens on by e thtroe erly tm fa ace of a A Any publi eation in Clade An may be “substituted for Woman's Sselampled ma terial progress and te produce Home Companion. bv 2d Lincoln's a en Xx st half ; applies as wi . condition a fo PEAR N' One, be Sows Year ui This mush aunt every. thoughtful, patriotie mas a Comrav Liz we Ausmica 300 AR four for 30.54 Tay es ~ oF Prien: 3 po ho ha ry ioiey Tented la ® r ow to oS i. Any icatiod in Clase “B" maybe subthicated for World's Werk. rl a Miron of amy porsallotind: maar Sw dot : 2 oe SEN» ALL ORDERS TO + a By adding $1.00 to the advertised price of any of the above combi- THE STAR, Erx Lick, Pa. health (?) in Somerset county. cents. 2-1 nations or premium offers—they are available—and also include a year’s subscription to TE STAB. - > ST : 0 ¥