The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, December 22, 1904, Image 4

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g. L. Liviexcoop, Editor and Publisher.
Entered at the Postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa.
as mail matter of the Second Class.
Subscription Rates.
Tug STAR is published every Thursday,at
salisbury, ( Bik Lick, P. 0.) Somerset Coun-
tty, Pa, at the following rates:
One year, if paid spot cash in advance.. $1.25
4f not paid strictly in advance........... 1.50
BIX MONDE, .....cccoueeevirerrreracicasnrs 75
Three months .50
Single COPies.... ....oiiiiiiiniaiaesiiiianis 05
To avoid multiplicity of small accounts,
all subscriptions for three months or less
must be paid in advance. These rates and
terms will be rigidly adhered to.
Advertising Rates.
Transient Reading Notices, 5 cents a line
@ach insertion. To regular advertisers, 5
cents a line for first insertion and 8 cents a
tine for each succeeding insertion. No husi-
ness lacals will be mixed with local news
items or editorial matter for less than 10
«ents a line for each insertion,except on
yearly contracts.
Rates for Display Advertisments will be
smnade known on application.
Lditorial advertising, invariably 10 cents
a line.
Legal Advertisements at legal rates.
Marriage, Birth and Death Notices not
exceeding fifteen lines, inserted free. All
additional lines, 5 cents each.
Cards of Thanks will be published free for
prtrons of the paper. Non-patrons will be
charged 10 cents a line.
Resolutions of Respect will be published
for 5 cents a line.
. All advertisements willbe run and charg-
«ed for until ordered discontinued.
No advertisement will be taken for less
*than 25 cents.
It’s an old-fashioned winter we're
A merry Christmas and a happy New
Year to all of our many readers.
Miss Sadie Smith, who is a student
at the State Normal, at California, Pa.,
came home to spend her Christmas
Jacob Glotfelty, one of our Green-
ville township subscribers, recently
. killed a valuable dog of his that show-
«ed symptons of hydrophobia.
Bedford §s to have a hospital in the
near future. An organization of which
John H. Jordan is president was ree
‘ cently effected for that purpose.
Frank Billineyer, the well known
{umberland lumber dealer, was seen
on our. streets this week. Frank is
looking exceedingly well and hearty.
Lonaconing has a population of 5556
dogs. Census of hogs not taken. But
3 dogs make a town happier and
healthier than 1 hog.—Frostburg Jour-
For eracked hands, chapped lips, and
rough skin, Pinesalve is the nicest,
quickest, best cure. One application
dn one night proves it. Sold by Elk
Lick Supply Co. 3-1
The open hunting season for this
year is past, but rabbit and pheasant
hunting continues, just the same, in
this vicinity. Better be a little careful,
A new Jersey man’s wife ran away,
and he offers a reward for her return,
.alive or dead—ten dollars if alive and
a thousand dollars if dead, says an ex-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner are
about the happiest couple in town, be-
cause a handsome little daughter ar-
rived in their large family of boys,
severe] days ago.
When you need a pill it ie always
best to buy the best. Dade’s Little
Liver Pills are the best. Try them.
‘They have a way of their own. Sold by
Elk Lick Supply Co. 3-1
Geo. Yoder, who is a student as well
.as a member of the faculty of Prinee
William Academy, of Brentsville, Va.,
came home last Saturday to spend his
Christmas vacation. George teaches
surveying at the Academy.
Some of our Coal Run subscribers
" .are taking advantage of the rural free
delivery service by having their papers
delivered by carrier instead of having
them sent to the Coal Run postoffiee.
“They get their papers quicker by using
¢he R. F. D.
The Berhin Record, Meyersdale Re-
publican and George's Creek Press
have issued very handsome Holiday
editions, this year, which reflect great
credit on those papers and the enter-
prising business men whose liberal ad-
wertising made such editions possible.
One of Ring’s Dyspepsia Tablets after
eating, even if you can eat but little,
will digest the little you do eat, and
«cure Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Sour
Stomach, Belching, and Weak Heart.
Sold by Elk Lick Supply Co. 3-1
Joseph I. Kauffman, of Davidsville,
this .county, reeently killed what is
supposed to have been the oldest mare
in the state. The animal was 38 years
old, and until recently seemed to be as
good as "a 3-year-old. A short time
ago, however, the mare took very sick
and had to be killed.
ManZan is the Pils Remedy that
weaches the spot and stops all pile pain
instantly. If you suffer with Blind,
Bleeding, Itching or Protruding Piles
and want to be cured it is only neces-
gary to use ManZan, the Great Pile
Virgil Miller, of Freidens, Pa., who
had been in the employ of C. R. Hasel-
barth & Son for the past few months,
took his departure for home on Mon-
day. He bad been employed to help
the firm during the fall trade, and
while here made many friends. Virgil
is a first rate young man.
When Benjamin Franklin first
thought of starting a newspaper in
Philadelphia, many of his friends ad-
vised against it, because there was a
paper published in Boston. Some of
them doubted that the country would
be able to support two newspapers.
The country has grown some since
then, and newspapers have multiplied
The health and fragrance and
strangth of the great pine forests are
condensed in Pineules—a new discov-
ery put up in a new way. A cure for
all Kidney, Blood and Bladder diseases,
Backache, Lumbago and every form of
Rheumatism. Pineules rid the system
of impurities. Sold by Elk Lick Sup-
ply Co. 3-1
The extremely low condition of the
mountain streams will result in a scar-
city of trout, next year, unless plenty
of rain soon comes, for the animals of
the forest, especially ‘coons, find little
or no diffieulty in catching and feeding
on the finny tribe, says the Altoona
Gazette. The other night a number of
hunters in the east end of Sugar Valley
captured two ’coons. While dressing
the animals next day, large numbers of
trout were found in their stomachs.
John, the 13-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. M. Livengood, of Grantsville,
Md., is not only a good-looking lad, but
he weighs 208 pounds. He is the prize
boy of Western Maryland, and by the
time he arrives at the age of 45 years,
he will weigh about 500. His parents
conduct the National House at Grants-
ville, a most excellent hostelrie, and
they are large as well as large-hearted
people. They have another son aged
about 16 years, who tips the beam at
about an even 200.
Look out for Coughs, Colds, Croup
and Whooping Cough. They are
dangerous at this season of the year.
They lead to pneumonia or consump-
tion. You can prevent or cure all such
complaints with Bee’s Laxative Honey
and Tar—an improvement over all
cough, lung and bronchial remedies:
and the best Cough Syrup. 3-1
The Pope Bicycle Daily Memoran-
dum Calendar for 1905 contains a mem-
orandum leaf for every day in the year,
and 365 original sayings in favor of
good roads, good health, outdoor exer-
cise, snd that great vehicle of health-
giving, the modern bicycle, by our
most eminent living men of marked ac-
complishment. The calendar is free at
Pope Mfg. Co.’s stores, or any of our
readers can obtain it by sending five
2-cent stamps to Pope Mfg. Co., Hart-
ford, Conn., or 143 Sigel St.. Chicago,
Bee’s Laxative Honey and Tar is an
improvement over all Cough, Lung and
Bronchial remedies. It acts on the
bowels—drives the cold out of the sys-
tem, cures Croup, Whooping Cough,
wards off Pneumonia and strengthens
the lungs. Bee’s Laxative Honey and
Tar is the best Cough Syrup for chil-
dren. Tastes good. Sold by Elk Lick
Supply Co. 3-1
An editor going away left his paper
in charge of a minister. During the
minister’s stay in the sanctum the fol-
lowing letter came from a subscriber:
“You know very well that I paid my
subscription to your paper the last
time I was in town. If I get any more
such letters from you as I received last
week 1 will come and maul the devil
out of you.” The minister answered:
“T have beed trying to get that thing
out of the editor for ten years pact,
and if you will really come down and
maul it out of him, then, my dear sir,
1 have 20 members of the church I will
get you to operate on”
Pineules is the name of a new dis-
covery put up in a new way. A certain
cure for all Kidney, Blood and Bladder
diseases, and every form of Rheuma-
tism. Pineules relieve Backache and
Kidney pains permanently. If you
need sueh a remedy let us show you
the wonderful Pineules. Sold by Elk
Lick Supply Co. 3-1
Ali classes of business men can take
a leaf out of the book of experience of
managers of great enterprises like
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey
shows, and then profit by them in ad-
vertising. There are no shrewder
business men in the world, and now we
are informed these enlightened indi-
viduals are to abandon the big, highly
colored, sensational bill board and
window lithograph advertising and
rely more fully upon the most legiti-
mate method of advertising, the news-
papers. They have found out by dear
experience that posters and lithographs
are an expensive method, and do not
give as good results as newspapers.
Bound and gagged, the maiden was
thrust into a gunny sack, and unable to
move or scream, felt herself carried up
a flight of stairs from the dungeon, and
then driven down the street st a rapid
rate. Ineffegtually she struggled to
release herself from the gag. Alas!
she was bound too securely. Finally
the conveyanee stopped. She was
again carried into a building, and faint-
unmasked, took the gag from her
mouth, his eyes gleaming like coals of
fire through his black mask, released
her and hissed through his tightly
clenched teeth: “There,, my pretty
bird, scream and yell -as long as you
like, no human ear will ever reach you.
You are in my power. Do you hear?
Totally within my power.” “Where
am I?” she gasped. “In a store that
never advertises,” was the cruel re-
sponse. “Alas! Alas!” she moaned.
“No power on earth can save me; no
one will look for me} here,” and the
poor girl fainted. —Ex.
Running like mad down the street
dumping the occupants, or a hundred
other accidents, are every day occur-
rences. It behooves everybody to have
a reliable Salve handy and there’s none
as good as Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.
Burns, Cuts, Sores, Eczema and Piles,
disappear quickly under its soothing
effect. 25¢, at E. H. Miller's Drug
Store. 1-1
fremmm— Sr
Meyersdale’s Fine New Theater.
We attended the opening of the
Donges theater, in Meyersdale, last
Thursdey evening, and we must say
that we were greatly surprised atthe
magnitude and fineness thereof. Mey-
ersdale now has a theater that is mod-
ern in every respect, and it compares
very favorably with theaters in large
cities. The seating capacity is 1000,
and the manager, Oscar Allen, is thor-
oughly up to date in that position.
The opening play was “His Majestey
and the Maid,” a very interasting trag-
edy that was well rendered by a strong
company. A crowd of Salisbury people
were in attendanee, and all were well
We thank Manager Allen for press
courtesies, and \. B. Stevanus for a
free sleigh ride to Meyersdale.
Blunders are sometimes very expen-
sive. Occasionally hfe itself is the
price of a mistake, but you'll never be
wrong if you take Dr. King’s New Life
Pills for Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Head-
ache, Liver or Bowel troubles. They
are gentle yet thorough. 5c, at E.H.
Miller's Drug Store. 1-1
The Pipe Organ Recital.
The opening recital of the magnifi-
cent $2,000-Estey pipe organ, recently
installed in St. John’s Reformed church,
corner Ord and Gay streets, took place
last Friday evening. The audience
was very large, and many people were
in atte ndanee from neighboring towns
and villages. The program was a most
delightful one, and people are loud in
praise thereof.
The organist, Mr. Earl Byron Byers,
of Omaha, Neb , is a musician of great
ability, and each rendition was en-
thusiastically applauded.
The soloist, Miss Emma Craig Saw-
hill. of Allegheny, Pa., is the possessor
of a voice of rare sweetness and per-
fection of tone. Her solos were the
delight of #11 present, and the round
after round of applause that the charm-
ing little lady received, amply attested
the pleasure of the audience.
The following program was rendered :
(a) *Fantasia”.............. GUILMONT.
Cb) “Andantino”... ........... LEMARE.
(a) “Pilgrims’ Chorus”....... WAGNER,
(b) “Spring Song”....... MENBRLSSOHN,
(¢)*VesperHymn,”Transcription, Buck.
(a) largo... . vices he, HANDEL.
(b)"“Offertory InE”.... ....... WEeLY.
{e)"Elegy InG”.............« LEMARE.
(un) “Grand Offertory”........ BATISTE.
(b) “Hymn of the Nuns”....GUILMONT.
{e) “Tocatta”,................. (FRISON,
In addition to the printed program,
Mr. U.D, Miller, a violinist of fine abil-
ity, nlso rendered several very fine se-
lections with organ accompaniament,
which were received with great ap-
plause. )
Tne installation of the magnificent
organ was made possible through the
generosity of Mr. Andrew Carnegie,
together with the energy of the con-
sistory, congregation and friends. It
has a total of 28 stops and 816 pipes.
Thé material used in the construction
of the of the very highest
grade, and none but the most expert
workmen were employed in its con-
struction. It is a credit to our town
and to all who contributed to its pur-
chase. The instrument was purchased
through the agency of Reich & Plock,
the well known and reliable Meyers-
dole dealers in musical instraments.
Those who will persist in closing
their ears against the continual recom-
mendation of Dr. King’s New Discovery
for Consumption, will have a long end
bitter fight with their troubles, if not
ended earlier by fatal termination.
Read what T. R. Beall, of Beall, Miss.,
has tosay: “Last fall my wife had
every symptom of consumption. She
took Dr. King’s New Discovery after
everything else had failed. Improve-
ment came at once and four bottles en-
tirely cured her.” Guaranteed by E.
Cure. Sold by Elk Lick Supply Co.|ing, gasping for breath, the sack was H. Miller, Druggist. Price 50c, and
taken from her head. The villian, still i $1.00. Trial bottles free. 1-1
Capital Stock and Surplus Fund....cco..vviuiiereniiiinnnaniieenes $ 100,000.60
DOpOBILE (VEE). cc cocceeceres carnrsinnrnararsrsssssensnssnsasinane 960,000.00
ABBBLE (OVBF)..... ecii c.issrsumcnsrsoansnersoblanne sass vissnsans 1,120,000.00
«..Savings Department....
«_Three Per Cent. Interest Paid on Deposits.
Drafts on all parts of the world.
Accounts of individuals and firms invited.
: Deposits sent by mail and all correspondence given prompt and careful at-
This bank is the only United States depository in the George's Creek Valley.
Bank open Saturday nights from 7 te 10 o’elock.
Marx Wineland, President.
Marx Wineland,
Roberdeau Annan, Cashier.
Duncan Sinclair, Robert R. Henderson.
Timothy Griffith, Roberdeau Annan.
New Firm!
Sehramm Bros.,
(Successors to D. I. HAY)
Salisbury, Pa.
Having sold our Hack business and pur-
chased the well known store of D. I. Hay,
we wish to inform the public that we will
handle a full line of Groceries, Flour, Con-
fectionery, Lunch Goods, etc.
We invite all of our old customers to
come and ouy of us, And we also want all
the new eusstomers we can get. We will try
to make it pay our customers as well as
ourselves to deal at our store. Thanking
the public for past favors, we are yours for
business, .
Schramm Brothers.
All the newest styles in Men’s and Boys’ Suits and Overcoats
are here in large variety.
Men’s and Boys’ long loose Overcoats, with
or without belt, in plain or fancy pattern.
You'll ind here the largest assortment of
arin dependable footwear.
King Quality Shoes in all the latest shapes and leathers.
Barchus & Livengoo
3) QA Pad J y y 7 RN XE
Men’s Walk-Over and
If you are looking for the latest in hats,
you'll do well to see the new styles we have.
B %
Gi :
follows a cold, but never follows
the use of
It stops the cough and heals the lungs
and prevents a cold from settling on your
lungs and resulting in Pneumonia, Pleurisy,
or Consumption.
You are in no danger of serious results if
as it soothes and heals the inflamed air pas-
sages and the cough disappears.
Be sure and get FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR, as reparations
containing opiates stop the cough temporarily by paralyz
in the throat and leave the germs of serious lung troub}
‘he nerves
“a you get
one cold on another because the first one was not cured pu aly.
Saved Her Life From Pneumonia.
“My wife had a severe attack of Pneumonia whieh
followed a severe attack of La Grippe and I believe
that FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR saved her life,”
writes James Coffee, of Raymond, Missouri.
Dr. C. J. Bishop, Agnew, Mich. writes: “I h
used FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR in three ie
severe cases of Pneumonia with good results in every
case.” -
J. W. Bryan
boy was Yoo jow
The j50-cent size contains
small size, and the $1.00 size almost 6
Cured Whea Very how 1 "-.. Puocumeale.
of Lowder, Ir. , writes: “My little
with Pnewsonia. Unknown to
the floctof we gave him FOLEY’S HONEY AND
e result was m
doctor, as it immediate] aie ag ries
and he quickly recovered.’’
Three Sizes, 25¢c, 50c and $1.00
stopped the racking cough
2 1-2 times as much as the
times as much.
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