The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, December 15, 1904, Image 4

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    ManZan is the Pile Remedy that
P. L. LiveNaoop, Editor and Publisher. Bleeding. Itching or Protruding Piles
Entered at the Postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa.
and want to be cured it is only neces-
sary to use ManZan, the Great Pile
as mail matter of the Second Class. Cure. Sold by Elk Lick Supply Co.
Subscription Rates. :
THX STAR is published every Thursday,at
Salisbury, ( Klk Lick, P. O.) Somerset Coun-
ty, Pn, at the following rates
One year, if paid spot cash in vase. $1.35
If not paid strictly in advange........... 1.50
Bit MORALES. .......... coovrrreirrinrre seins a5
Three MOREHS.....covvnneierunirvennsnanns 50
Single coples. 05
To avoi multiplicity “of small ‘accounts,
all Subse Ipy inne for three months or less
must be d In advance. These rates and
terms will be rigidly adhered to.
av '
Advertising Rates.
Transient Reading Notices, 5 cents a line
each insertion. To regular advertisers, 5
cents a line for first insertion and 8 cents a
line for each succeeding insertion. No busi-
ness incals will be mixed with local news
items or editorial matter for less than 10
cents a line for each insertion,except on
yearly contracts.
es for Display Adysrtisments will be
ade known on applicatio
~ Editorial advertising, invariably 10 cents
A al Advertisements at legal rates.
Marriage, Birth and Death Notices not
exceeding fifteen lines, inserved free. All
additional lines, f'cents e
Cards of Thanks will be Sel: lished free for
prtrons of the paper. oS Noa-pairons will be
charged 10 cents a lin
Resolutions of i will be published
for 5 cents a line.
All advertisements will be run and charg-
ed for until ordered discontinued.
No advertisement will be taken for less
than 25 cents.
Zach Wagner orders THE STAR sent
to his daughter-in-law, Mrs. J. B. Wag-
ner, at Lorain, Ohio.
Rev. Saliday, of Berlin, in. company
- with Rev. A. K. Travis, was a business
visitor at Tar Star office, Thursday
Soldiers of the cival war are dying st
the rate of 150 a day, secording to Pen-
_ sion Commissioner Ware. This is »
higher rate than ever before.
Jonathan J. Weller, an aged and well
known citizen of Summit township,
died recently at his home in Summit
Mills, aged nearly 73 years.
Pugh and Hay’s Mills are two Som-
" erset county postotfices that have lately
gone out of business. The rural free
delivery service has knocked them out.
For cracked hands, chapped lips, and
rough skin, Pinesalve is the nicest,
quickest, best cure. One application
in one night proves it. Sold by Elk
Lick Supply Co. 3-1
The Banby (Minn.) News publisher
declares that a subscriber who will not
pay $1.50 a year for a paper won’t pay
for his groceries, his dry goods or other
When you need a pill it is always
best to buy the best. Dade’s Little
Liver Pills are the best. Try them.
They have a way of theirown. Sold by
Elk Lick Supply Co. 3-1
The fine steel range will be given
away at Lichliter’s store, Thursday,
Dec. 22nd. Come and bring your
tickets. The sealed anvelope will be
opened publicly. 1t.
The celebrated court cases between
Joseph Wagner, Edward Phillips et al.
have been postponed to the February
term. The boys will all know just Low
expensive zome kinds of courting is by
the time it is all over.
Among those who attended court
here, last week, was “Squire” Levi
Lichliter, of Salisbury. The “Squire”
attended the academy here in the 50s,
and has a ready fund of anecdotes of
the denizens of the county-seat of that
One of Ring’s Dyspepsia Tablets after
eating, even if you can eat but little,
will digest the little you do eat, and
eure Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Sour
Stomach, Belching, and Weak Heart.
Sold by Elk Lick Supply Co. 3-1
Last Saturday Mrs. Wm. J. Lichty
was taken to the Markleton Sanitarium;
where she will take medical treatment.
Mrs. Lichty has been in a very feeble
condition for several months, and her
many friends all hope that she will re-
gain her health soon.
Dr. Bruce Lichty,of Meyersdale, re-
cently purchased a very desirable piece
of real estate in that town. Itis a lot
situated between the Dr. W. H. Meyers
and John T. Hocking properties. The
price paid was $3,700, and Dr. Lichty
- will erect a fine residence thereon.
Under date of Dee. 6th, in acknowl-
edging receipt of THe Star at her new
home, Newport, Tenn., Miss Marion D.
Buchanan writes: “We like Newport
very much, and feel sure we will enjoy
our new home. Cabbage and turnips
are still growing in the gardens here,
while roses are in bloom in the front
At Minneapolis a young lady dislo-
ested her jaw in laughing at this story:
A man undertook to shave himself, and
* cut off the end of his nose. He drop-
ped the razor and eut off the end of his
There are seven ages to a woman.
She says she’s sixteen when she’s
twelve. Says she’s eighteen when she’s
fourteen. Says she’s eighteen when
she's twenty-five. Says she’s nineteen
when she’s thirty. Says she’s twenty-
one, when she’s forty-five. Says she’s
twenty- -seven when she’s fifty-five, and
thenshe stopssaying, says an exchange.
It is said they have a new game at
Grantsville ealled the “onion game.”
One girl bites apiece off an onion, and
the boys present pay ten cents for the
privilege otf guessing who it is." The
fellow who guesses right, kisses the
other. girls, and the one who guesses
wrong has to kiss the girl who bit the
onion. It is said the game. has its
strong points. t
This paper was misinformed, last
werk, when it stated that Daniel J.
Meyers would take charge of his fa-
ther’s farm, near Berlin. It is correct
that Daniel sold his farm to John M.
Wright, who will get possession of it on
the 1st of next April, but he says he
has not yet decided what he will do
after he leaves the farm. He may re-
main ip this vicinity.
Yesterday Mrs. T. Glotfelty, Mrs. A.
B. Lowry, Mrs. C. W. Stotler, Mrs.
Clarence Statler and Mrs. P. L. Liven-
good, who rank high among the many
good and good-looking Salisbury wom-
en, took advantage of the fine sleigh-
ing and drove to Frostburg, Md.
Joseph Stotler drove the team, and
after reaching Frostburg, the party
took a trolley ride to Cumberland.
The dear “gals” all bad a jolly time.
The health and fragrance and
strength of the great pine forests are
condensed in Pineules—a new: discov-
ery put up in a new way. A cure for
Rheumatism. Pineules rid the system
of impurities. Sold by Elk Lick Sup-
ply Co. 3-1
In the middle west we are not accus-
tomed to thinking of New York as an
Lanark (Ill) Gazette.
Nevin Hay for $1,080.00, he buying the
goods for Somerset parties that have a
view of leasing the mine, so we hear it
rumored. There were but few pros-
pective buyers, and the bidding was
very slow.—Meyeradale Republican.
and Tar—an improvement over al
and the best Cough Syrup. 3-1
was decided, the loser would drop ir
isfactory to the druggist. He answer
Supply Co. 3-1
name to our subscription list. When
great toe. A surgeon was called, and
he misplaced the severed parts. They |
the man had to look in the glass to |
when he wanted to sneeze.
1 Kidney pain« permanently. If you
all Kidney, Blood and Bladder diseases, day night. We were informed that
Baekache, Lumbago and every form of
agricultural state, particularly, but in
some things it leads the union in agri-
culture. Its hay crop this year runs to
a value of about $85,000,000, which is
the full equivalent of our maximum
gold output. That is quite =» snug
item_ for a state that makes no great
professions, And that is only one of
the great specialties of the state.—
In an effort to ascertain tha relative
merits of the Georges Creek, Elk Gar-
den and Quemahoning coals. the con-
verted cruiser “Yankee,” of the United
Statex Navy, was loaded with 5684 tons
divided between the three regions, at
Baltimore, during the week. The ves-
sel wes then sent to Hampton Roads.
whence she was to go on orders, pro-
bably to Pensscola, Florida; on the
road the different coals to be tested
for heat-produstion.—Georges Creek
On Thursday the re‘eree inthe bank- | jt said the coal and coke company’s
ruptcy case of the Continentxl Coal | holdings are options on coal land in
Co., came up from Baltimore and dis- | different sections, which are wholly
posed of the stock of the Glen McLaren | ypdeveloped, and may or may not be
Store Co., at the Keystone mines, A, E.
Finegan, of this place, rcting as xuc- | g; D. Dunbar and F. H. Marshall are
tioneer. The stock was bid in by T.
nomossback. We welcome Mr. Wat-
kins and family to our large family of
readers, and we trust they will like our |
town. :
The practice of selling cheap, trashy |
novels to school children should be |
prohibited. Their publication, in faet,
should be made a crime against the
state. The boy who keeps his head full
of the “heroes” read about in 5c. novels
will not have much capacity, avenif he
has. the desire, for acquiring other
knowledge. These novels injure the
boy by constantly retarding his prog-
ress. and make all sorte of trouble for
his teagher. For the welfare of their
boys, parents should see to it that they
do not read cheap novels.—Somerset
Pineules is the fiame of a new dir-
eovery put up in a new way. A certain
cure for all Kidney, Blood and Bladder
diseases, and every form of Rheuma-
tism. Pineules relieve Backache and
need sueh a remedy let us show you
the wonderful Pineules. Sold by Elk
Lick Supply Co. 3-1
Mr. Hulbert, in his “Historic High-
ways in America,” quotes a highway
law in force in Pennsylvania a hundred
years ago. It provided that on certain
turnpikes no loaded wagons with tires
less than four inches wide could be
used, and weight of loads to be hauled
were regulated by width of tires. And
the maximum number of horses that
eould be attached to any wagon was
eight, and the maximum load was five
tons, on 10-ineh tires. The penalty for
the violation of this law was confisca-
lected by an officer of ‘the state. In
those days all inland transportation
was on wagons, and it is seen that the
present conception of the effect of wide
tires on wagons is not a new one.
Supt. A. G. Smith, of the Somerset
Coal Company, informs us that we
were wrongly informed about the cut-
ting of Conductor Albert Domer, at
Elk Lick mings, a week ago last Satur-
while he was about his duties the stab-
bing took place, but Mr. Smith inform-
ed us that there was no train up over
the branch that night, and that the
real facts were that Mr. Domer was up
there on a pleasure trip, in which some
females living in that vicinity were the
attraction, and that this was what
brought about the trouble. Very nat-
urally Mr. Smith did not like to have
the report go out that it was not safe
for one to come up to the mines when
they were attending to their own af-
fairs, and in order that the public may
know the trath in the matter we make
this correction.—Meyersdale Repub-
The Rockwood Brick Company seems
by the Pennsylvania Coal and Coke
Company, of Pittsburg. Last May, we
believe, the stock of the brick company
was traded for stock of the Pittsburg
concern, whose stock was said to be of
uncertain value. The latter now
claims ownership of the brick plant, we
understand, and the original owners
and builders of the Rockwood coneern
are now wondering what their stock in
the amalgamated company is worth.
worth the paper they are written on.
represented to be all of the Pittsburg
Capital Stock and Sirius FRAR ie imativseree y $ ima
Deposits (over)............... ceaene seeicesieisnaeanaientes sd vines 960,000.00
sess s esses ses estst.sntsscanrsresennse see,
Drafts on all parts of the world.
Accounts of individuals and firms invited.
Deposits sent by mail and all eorrespondence given prompt and careful ag-
This bank is the only United States depository in the George’s Creek Valley.
Bank open Saturday nights from 7 te 10 o’cloek.
Mars Wineland, President. Roberdeasu Annan, Cashier.
Marx Wineland, Duncan Sinclair, Robert R. Henderson:
New Firm!
Sehramm' Bros,
(Successors to D. 1. HAY)
Salisbury, Pa.
Having sold our Hack business and pur-
~..Savings Departement.
we wish to inform the public that we will
«_Three Per Cent. Interest Paid on Deposits. iin ota temee © or
Schramm Brothers.
Timothy Griffith, Roberdeau Annan.
chased the well known store of D. I. Hay,
We invite all of our old customers to
cowe and suy of us, and we also want all
the new eustomers we can get. We will try
to make it pay our tustomers as well. as »
ourselves to deal at our store. Thankipg:.
the public for past favors, we are yours for
tion of one horse of the team, to be se-|'§
King Quality Shoes in all the latest shapes and leathers.
IS HR MEN, don ot foe od fer
Barchus & Livengood. “
Suits and
All the newest styles in Men’s and Boys’ Suits and Overcoats
are here in large variety. :
Men’s and Boys’ long loose Overcoats, with
or without belt, in plain or fancy pattern.
You'll find here the largest ‘assortment ot
Hoa dependable footwear. Men’s Walk-Over and
If you are looking for the latest in hats,
to have been pretty nearly abscrbed
On account of the great merit and popularity
Coal and Coke Company that is known
to Roekwood people.
tions may issue from the muddle.—
Rockwood Gazette.
Legal complica-
Coughs, Colds and Lung Trouble, several
manufacturers are advertising imitations with
Look out for Coughs, Colds, Croup | knowledges, with many thanks, a copy
and Whooping Cough. They are] of a most charming poetical work, en-
dangerous at this season of the year.
They lead to pneumonia or consump- | Along the Way.” Itisa joint gift from
tion. You can prevent or cure all such | ¢he author, Mr. John 8. MeGroarty,
complaints with Bee’s Laxative Honey | apd the editor’s brother, W. 8 Liven-
cough, lung and bronchial remedies,
Two men went into a Boston drug | many sparkling productions it con-
store and told the proprietor that they | tains are some that would do credit to
had made a soda water bet and would | Any poet that ever lived. The work
have their sodas now, and when the bet | contains the humorous, the pathetic,
and pay for them, if that would be sat- author, John McGroarty, is a natiye of
ed that-it would and after the sodas
had been enjoyed, he asked: “By the proof of his great love and respect for
way, what was the bet?” “My friend the state of his nativity, his country,
here,” said one of the men, “bets that | his church and all mankind. Poet Me-
when Bunker Hill Monument falls it | Groarty is au Irish american Catholic,
will fall toward the north, and I bet it | and the editor’s brother says of him:
Bee's Laxalive Honey and Tar is aR | ¢o))500 T have ever known—a good ed-
improvement over all Cough, Lung and wri 1 :
Bronchial: romadios. 10 acts on (he itorial writer, a natural poet,and grinds
bowels—drives the cold out of the sys- |, h
| tom, wares Croup, Whooping Cough, ave ever read, the poets laureate not
wards off Pneumonia and strengthens | m om: 5% residers to know that the
the lungs. Bee’s Laxative Honey and | p,o¢ MeGroarty’s father recently cele-
Tar is the best Cough Syrup for chil- brated his 99th birthda .
¥, and that he is
dren. Tastes good. Sold by Elk Liek |} 1a and hearty at that great sge,
Mr. Grant Watkins, the new foreman | the anthracite mines for fifty years,
at the Chapman mine, has added his] snd during that half of s century he
ever a new citizen calls, subscribes and | able record for a man engaged sc long
pays for the local paper as soon as he | in such a dangerous occupation. Hon-
locates in a new place, it is always evi- | or and respect to the father, and may
grew together nicely, but ever after | dence that he will prove to be a good | his illustrious. son live as long to do
citizen. It proves, at least, that the | honor to the family name and benefit
pare his toensil, and take off his shoe | { subscriber ‘takes: an interest in the | mankind by the product of his able |
* i
Yesterday was the editor’s 41st birth-
| day, and as a birthday gift he ac-
titled, “Just California” and ‘Songs
1 good, both of the editorial staff® of the
Los Angeles Daily Times. We prize
the book verv highly, and among the
y | the patriotic, the historic, etc. The
. | Luzerne county, Pa., and his book con-
“He is one of the most loyal Pennsyl-
vanians, and withal one of the finest
out some verse that is as good as any I
exeepted.” It may be interesting to
notwithstanding that he dug eoal in
- | never met with an accident—a remark-
tains'a number of poems that give] --
| place he has east his Jat, and that he is ! pen.
similar sounding names with the view of
profiting by the favorably known reputation
We originated HONEY AND TAR as a Throat
and Lung Remedy and unless you get
FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR you do not. get
the original and genuine.
Remember the name and insist upon having
FoLeY’s HONEY AND TAR. Do not risk your
life or health by taking imitations, which cost
you the same as the genuine.
up in three sizes—=25c, 5oc and $1.00.
FOLEY & 00., 92-94-96 Ohis- Strost, Ghisage, llinsis.
for C
to ea