W. H. KOONTZ. J. G.OGLE KOONTZ & OGLE Attorneys-At-Law. SOMERSET, PENN'A Office opposite Court House. ERNEST 0. KOOSER, Attorney-At-Law, SOMERSET, PA. J. A. BERKEY Attorney-at-Liaw, SOMERSET, PA. Coffroth & Ruppel Building. R. E. MEYERS, DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Attorney-at-L.aw, SOMERSET, PA. Office in Court House. se VIRGIL R. SAYLOR, Attormey-at-Law, SOMERSET, PA. Office in Mammoth Block. — ee ———— E. H. PERRY, Physician and Surgeon, (Successor to Dr. A. F. Speicher.) SALISBURY, PENN’A. Office corner Grant and Union Streets B.& 0. R.R. SCHEDULE. Winter Arrangement.—In Ef- fect Sunday, Nov. 22, 1903. {Under the new schedule there will be 10 daily passenger trains on the Pittsburg Di- vision, due at Meyersdale as follows: Fast Bound. No. l4—Accommodation ............ 11:02 A. M No. 6—Fast Line.........ccceieveeee 11:30 A. M No. 46—~Through train.............. 4:41 P. M No. 16—Accommodation ............ 5:16 P. M M 10—~Night EXpress.............- 12:57 A.D West Bound. No. 11—-Pittsburg Limited..,....... i: M No. 183—Accommodation............ M No. 47—-Throughtrain.............. 10:46 A. M No. 5—Fast Line................ovee 4:28 Pr. M No. 49—Accommodation ............ 4:60”. M W.D.STILWELL, Agent. No. Delicious Coffee EveryDay & the Ee T “EXCERPT Coffee Pot Made in One Minute. Simply pour boiling water through trap and its ready—clear as wine, with a flavor surpassing anything you ever drank before. All aroma preserved ; itively no odor of coffee until it is poured I the cup. ’ If your dealer cannot supply you send us #iz name and we wll send you a copy of a famous picture and facts about ‘‘Excerpta.”” HOUSEHOLD Tr1FG. CO. 99 Dun Building, Buffalo, N. Y. Indigestion Causes Catarrh of the Stomach. For many years it has been supposed that Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion and dyspepsia, but the truth is exactly the opposite. Indigestion causes catarrh. Re- peated attacks of Indigestion inflames the mucous membranes lining the stomach and exposes the nerves of the stomach, thus caus- Ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of the juices of natural digestion. This is called Catarrh of the Stomach. Kodel Dyspepsia Cure relieves all inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the stomach, protects the nerves. and cures bad breath, sour risings, a sense of fullness after eating, indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. Kode! Digests What You Eat Make the Stomach Sweet. Bottles only. Regular size, $1.00, holding 2% times the trial size, which sells for 50 cents. Prepared by E. C DeWITT & CO., Chicago, iil. SOLD BY E. H. MILLER. 50 YEARS’ + EXPERIENCE Parents TrADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. ldest Patents taken through Munn epecial notice, without charge, in the Scientific American, * A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year ; four months, $1 Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co,sereromcer. New York ‘Branch Office. 625 F St.. Washington. D.C. for full information. HN [ER ed teachers; low expenses; new building. New classes every Monday. Write of THE MEYERSDALE COMMER- CIAL COLLEGE will open APRIL 4, 1904. Fine courses of study; experiene- Universal Expositi FREE EX Every person intending to visit the Universal Registry outfit. good for one estimate as to the number Universal Exposition on July 4th, 1904. to the Universal Exposition. Specimens free. Agents wanted. OFFERED BY UNIVERSAL REGISTRY COMPANY. We now include with every outfit ordered a Coupon The person guessing either correctly, or the closest, will receive a free trip Address or call, UNIVERSAL REGISTRY COMPANY, Wolf Building, Philadelphia, Pa. on, St. Louis, 1904. CURSION Universal Exposition, will require a of admissions that will be paid tothe WHY NOT BU Noiseless, tic, ring. Easy, & for the life 4 Pearle; Guaranteed prices. Agents occupied territory. CHUCTANUNDA CARRIAGE CO., \- Amsterdam, N. Y. Surries, Buggies, Road Wagons, &c. all hung on W. 8. Shuler’s Improved Patent me Y THE BEST? amt? Non- Wines are nature’s best remedies | and so pleasant. But oe sure they are Pure, for safety always buy SEVERNE WINES For Medicina! and Family use. Our 240 acre vineyard produces every year sev- eral hundred tons of the] choicest grapes that ever: grew, and every grape goes into Severne Wines. Champagne, Brandy, Port, Sherry, Claret, ) Whiskey, J Unfermented Grape Juice, : &e., &c. W If your dealer don’t have them write us direct. NE WINE CO., SEVE Himred, N. Y. T ‘This is March, be Careful. A bad month for consumptives. This is the time hy nll means to use Speer’s Port Grape Wine freely. Thousands of lives have been prolonged by its use. especially weakly persons, and the aged, more especially consumptives. Looked Like Omission. A little boy hai often heard hix fath- er say that lawyers were dishonest men. One day he was passing a grave: yard with his father. when he noticed on a tombstone the inscription: “John Smith, an goed lawyer and an honest man.” The boy observed to his father: “There are two men in that grave, and they have failed to give the name of the last one.” Put Him Out. “Buffalo Bill,” during one of his visits to Chicago, was the guest of honor at a dinner given by Mrx, Potter Palmer. “Colonel, what would you do in a crouded theatre if a man yelled ‘Fire! ” asked the hostess. “I might take him at his word if I had my side arme with me,” replied the famous plainsman grimly; “but if not. I should do the next best thing in case of fire.” “What is that?” “Put him out.” Both Correct. A schoolmaster one day questions in arithmetic. He was sur- said to the boy, “Correct ; sit down.” questions.” then said: two pence a reel?” Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. | Dr.King's New Discovery NSUMPTION price For { ovens and 50 29100 the schoolmaster. boy. ee ee Children in Peril. ones have the croup. that never fails. “} For All Throat and Lung Troubles. Trial Bottles free. A Perfect Cure: Money back if it fails. | not been for Foley’s Honey and Tar, | writes C. W. Lynch, of Winchester, | Ind. Sold by E. H. Miller. 4-1 ELECTION NOTICE. asked the Washington, D. C., at the request of dunce of the school some very simple Congressman Cooper. Come and get a prised to find that he got the right an-' be had. Come and take advantage of swers, and when he had finished he your “Uncle Samuel's” liberality. The “Now,” said the schoolmaster, “see if our good Congressman’s compliments you have sense enough to ask me some and best wishes thrown in. tf The boy pondered for a moment and “Please, sir, what would] three yards cf calico cost if cotton was “T think you take me for a fool,” said §& “Correct; sit down!” returned the ’ Some of the most anxious hours of a Foley S Honey and Tar mother’s life are those when the little for children,safe,sure. No opiates. Foley’s Honey| and Tar is a safe and effective remedy] 9 My boy would have| I OI€Y’S Kidney Cure died from membraneous croup if it had| Administrator’s Notice. Estate of J. W. Lichte berger, deceased, late of Lower Turkeyfoot township, Somer- set county, Pa Letters of duly granted to the undersigned b Register of Wills, in the estate of J. W. Tichueberget, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment. Those hav- ing claims against the same can present them to the administrator, duly authenti- cated for settlement, in Ursina, on Satur# day, April 16th, 1904, between the hours of 1 o'clock and 4 o'clock P. M. D. W. KUHLMAN, 4-14 Adminietrator. ‘administration having been the Notice is hereby given that the school | directors of the school district of Salisbury | Borough, of Somerset County, Pa. have by ! resolution of the board decided to submit to the electors of said school district a propo- | sition to increase the indebtedness of said | school district. Therefore, in pursuance of {the Act of Assembly, an election will be | held at the election house in said borough, jon | Saturday, March 26th, A. D. 1904, | Between the Hours of 7 o'clock i A. M. and 7 o’clock P. M., for the purpose oi obtaining the assent of | the electors thereto, and the following in- formation is given: | Amount of the last assessed valuation of | the taxable property in said district, $195,000. | Amount of existing debt, none. Amount of | proposed increase of debt, $13,000. Percent- age of proposed increase,7 percentum. Pur- pose for which the indebtedness is to be in- creased, erection of a new school house. By order of the board. A. M. LICHTY, Prest. C.S8. LICHLITER, Sec. 8-27 KEEP POSTED ABOUT U. S. Steel Corporation. The White & Kemble Atlas Map and Volume of Statistics should be in the hands of every stockholder. Nowhere else is the same amount of information accessible to the public. This volume shows by a five-color-map the location of plants, ore lands, railroad and steam- ship lines, and gives official statements of earnings, distribution of capital, di- vision of securities, incorporation cer- tificate, full text of bylaws, complete legal digest of mortgages, ete. ete. cor- rected to October, 1903. Price $5 net, to accompany each order FOR SALE ONLY BY DOW, JONES .& CO., 44 Broad St., New York. The oldest News Agency of Wall Street, and Publishers of The Wall Street Journal INVESTORS READ THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. FREE SEEDS FOR EVERYBODY. We have seeds at Tue Star office for | everybody, and they are free to all. | They were seat to us for distribution |by the Department of Agriculture, | package of them while they are yet to |geeds are yours for the asking, with J: B, WILLIAMS CO. FROSTBURRG, MD. Ch-apect place to buy MONUMENTS HEAJSTONES AND IRON FENCING | MSend for prices makes kidneys and bladder right. | Foley’s Honey ana Tar | | heals lungs and stops the cough. ' { i | SEVEN REASONS WHY | FOLEY’'S | HONEY AND TAR| el] is a Household Favorite Everywhere for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, | Grippe and all other Throat and Lung Troubles It qu:ckly stops coughing, tickling in throat, difficult breathing and pain in the chest and lungs. It immediately relieves the spasms of Croup and Whooping Cough and effects a speedy cure. It contains no opiates or other poisons and can be given with safety te children and delicate persons. It contains no harsh expectorants to strain the lungs or astrin. gents to dry the secretions and cause constipation. 1t preve...s Pneumonia and Consumption, strengthens the lungs and cures LaGrippe and its after effects. It will cure Consumption and Asthma in the early stages and give comfort and relief in the most hopeless cases. It is pleasant to take and at once produces a soothing and strengthening effect on the lungs. NOMEN = A Severe Cold For Three Months. The following leiter from A. J. Nusbaum, of Bates- ville, Ind., tells its own story: “‘I suffered for three months with a severe cold. A druggist prepared me some medicine, and a physician prescribed for me, yet I did not improve. I then tried FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR, and eight doses cured me.” SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY KH. HH. MITJ. ER TT.K 1..1IOK PA, A Chattanooga Druggist’s Statement. Robert J. Miller, proprietor of the Read House Drug Store, of Chattanooga, Tenn., writes: ‘‘There is more merit in FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR than in any other cough syrup. The calls for it multiply won- derfully and we sell more of it than all other cougn syrups combined.” = IF YOU ARE ANCHORED __. _§ to a conviction you will avoid much unnecessary work and worry. After you have once tried it, you will know ‘beyond doubt that our print shop can be very valuable to you in your advertis- ing campaign. All circulars, folders and printed matter of that kind usually look alike to the busy man. But ours are distinctive. We make them different. They gain a hearing everywhere. Do you ever send out business invitations, folders, circulars, ete.? They bring business when they are attractive and artistie. We make no other kind. Our standards are high, and no work that falls short of them leaves our shop. Let us show you some of our work. We want your opinion of it. The Somerset County Star. » ~~ A