{ Hl 13 5 | { 3 | 3 i § a P Ren bid ntl -_ THE SOMERSET COUNTY STAR #. L. Livexcoop, Editor and Publisher. Entered at the Postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa. «as mail matter of the Second Class. Subscription Rates. THE STAR is published every Thursday,at Salisbury, (Elk Lick, P. 0.) Sumersel Coui- ‘ty, Pa., at the following rates: ‘Que year, if paid spot cash in advance.. $1.25 {ff not paid strictly in advance........... 1.50 Vix MONLNS. .....oeviiniiiniriiiaeiiianaens « 75 TRIES TNONLNS......ccoirssrrioavasvsaervses SH “®ingle copi 05 BB... aa shaksennrs narra sr vinnaeis To avoid multiplicity of small accounts, all subscriptions for three months or less must be paid in advance. These rates and germs will be rigidly adhered to. Advertising Rates. “Transient Heading Notices, 5 cents a line each insertion. To regular advertisers, 5 eents a line for first insertion and 3 cents a fine for each succeeding insertion. No busi- mess lacals will be mixed with local news Stems or wditorial matter for less than 10 «gents a line for each lmsertion, except on yearly contracts. Rates for Display Advertisments will be e known on application. Rditenial advertising, invariably 10 cents +m tne. "Legal Advertisements at legal rates. Marriage, Birth and Death Notices not .exceeding fifteen lines, inserted free. All additional lines, 5 cents each. Cards of Thanks will be published free for prtrons of the paper. Non-patrons will be char 10 cents & line. Resolutions of Respect will be published tise 5 cents a line. All advertisements willbe run and charg- .ad for until ordered discontinued. No advertisement will be taken for less rg¢han 25 cents. 10GAL AND GENERAL NEWS. WEWSY [TENS GATHERED HERE AND THERE, WITH AN OCCASIONAL JOKE ADDED FOR SPIGE. Twenty-four rioters are now in jnil at Somerset as ihe result of the Bos- well riot. It has been said that every first class diar owns a dog. Every first class liar also owns a fish rod and a gun. A dog is sometimes better than the ~company he keeps. We do not mean when he is associating with other dogs, put when associating with his master. A Grantsville maiden of suppressed .age made the discovery that what she believed to be a man under her bed was only a dummy placed there by a mischievous boy. She was madder «than a wet hen at the disappointment George M. Hoblitzell, whose serious sillness as mentioned in last week's *STAR, died Saturday morning last. He was a prominent business man of Hyndman and a son of J. J. Hoblitzell, of Meyersdale. He is survived by a «wife and one son. “Bill” Segge called at Tue Star of- «fice on Tuesday with blood in his eye. .He wanted the editor to apologize for -gaying that “Bill” Sexge would be be- hind the bars if he had his dues. We didn’t apologize, but we did promptly fire the evil-eyed William out. Hon. E. D. Miller, of Rockwood, re- cently recovered from a severe attack ~of typhoid fever. He lost about 70 pounds of flesh during his illness, but “hs friends are glad that he recovered. ‘He is again in Pittsburg in charge of this work in the Pure Food office. Last Friday and Saturday some im- -mense ice gorges formed along the river at various points, and as they «were swept away by the high water :farnished much amusement to the crowds awaiting the breaks. Much damage has been done to fences, . bridges, etc., as the ice was the heaviest ithat fermed on the Casselman for rmany years. Miss Mildred Glotfelty was vaccin- .ated about five years ago, and ever -sinee that time the vaccinated arm is +very week and pains her intensely at vt¢imes. Several days ago she suffered «so severely with that arm that she tainted five times during the day. Mrs. Glotfelty says if she had a thou- =sand children, not another one of them «should be vaccinated. Windber is very nearly if not quite