The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, January 28, 1904, Image 3

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Cominodore ‘Somerville Nicholson, of
“United States Navy, in a letter
of 1887 R 8t., N. W., Washington,
D.C, says:
SXour Peruna has been and is now
by so many of my friends and ac-
quaintances as a sure cure for catarrh
that I am convinced of its curative
alts, and I unhesitatingly recom-
‘mend; it to all persons suffering from
‘that complaint.”—S. Nicholson.
The highest men in our nation have
given Peruna a strong endorsement.
Men of all classes and stations are
equally represented.
If you do not derive prompt and sat-
isfactory results from the use of Pe-
runa, write at once to Dr. Hartman,
giving a full statement of your case,
and he will be pleased to give you his
valuable advice gratis,
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O.
Ask Your Druggist for a free Peruna
Almanac for 1904.
Confederate Cotton.
Perhaps no one will.ever know: how
much blockade cotton got to England
in the time of the Civil War. Many
prominent men in the country’s his-
tory, most of them now dead, started
their fortunes with thé proceeds. “Joe”
Brown, of Georgia, was among them.
«There are several Southerners in New.}
York who were attached to the Cop-
federate service in Great Britain. Ail
got home with their pockets lined
with gold. One of the leading bank-
‘ers of the world, whose children are
intermarried with the foremost of.our
great:families socially and financially,
was a Confederate agent in’ Liverpool.
He is’ reputed to beiworth $50,000,000.
‘Confederate cotton! Frais
i ® =
caye in the world. It is Wind Cave at
‘Hot. Springs, extending 20° miles ‘in
different : directions and containing
2,600 chambers.
neapolis, Minn., tells how wo-
man’s menthly suffering may
bepermanently relieved by Lydia
E.Pinkham’sVegetable Compound
‘“ DEAR Ms. EKHAM:—]1 have
never before given my endorsement
‘for any medicine, but Lydia E.
' Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
has udded so much to my life and
happiness that I feel like making an
exception in this ease. For two years
every month I'would have two days of
severe pain, and could ind no relief, but
cne day when visiting a friend I ran
across Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege-
table Compound, —she had used
it with the best results and advised
me to try it. I found that it worked
wonders with me; I now experience
no pain, and only had to use a few
bottles to bring about this wonderful
change. I use it oceasionally now
en I am exceptionally tired or worn
out.” — Miss ALICE M. SMITH, 804 Third
Ave., South Minneapolis, Minn., Chair-
man Executive Committee, Minneapolis
Study Club. — $5000 forfeit if original of above
letter proving genuineness cannct be produced.
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound carries women safely
through the various natural
crises and is the safe-guard of}
woman’s health.
The truth about this great
medicine is told in the letters
from women being published in
‘this paper constantly.
DROPSY Gir iron. fom
s. Book of testimonials and JU days’ wgeatment |,
Dr. BE. HE. GREEN BROWNE Box 3B. Atlanta. Ga.
-—all about Catarrh
and Weak Lungs—
our treatment too,
if we don’t cure you. No matter how long stand-
ingor bow many doctors have failed, we guaren-
tee to cure you or it costs yom mothing.
Write today.
Vistarian Co., 1123 Broadway, New York.
{ a note, and so.he gives his college yells
had been in a class rush, and the third
had been automobile racing.”’—Chicago
“Your money or your life!” cried the
villain as he held the revolver in the
victim's face. = * |
“You'll have to take my money,” an-
swered the man, “my wife has a morte
gage on my life.”
Professor of Rhetoric—“Here is an
item of news I would like in the
City Editor (to office boy) — “Here,
Bennfe, rewrite this—fix it up to print.”
—Cleveland Leader.
~Proudman—“Did you ever hear my
{ittle girl recite? I believe she’ll be an
slocutionistiwhen she grows up.”
{ Hardman—“ONh, it may not be so
bad as that. ; She may. outgrow it."—
Philadelphia Ledger.
ym—Going Round the End.
»“What were’ those blood-curdling
shrieks I Beard last night?”
" “That was Jamison trying to quiet
his new baby. . You see, he can’t sing
as a
‘substitute.”—Cleveland Plain.
Dealer. ] "
They were out in the grove searé¢hing
for walnuts.
' “You may have heard it before,” he
whispered, “but once more I must say
I love you.”
* “I'm looking for walnuts,” she said,
with a sweet smile; “not chestnuts.”
—Chicago News.
“Mr. Nozzleton,” she said, “if you try
to hug and kiss me again, I shall call
papa.” 2
“Where is your father?’ he asked.
“He's in the Yellowstone Park, and
will be beyond mail or telegraphic
communication for three weeks.”—
Chicago Record-Herald,
Critic—“I must congratulate you on
the villain of your play. He leaves
the impression of having been drawn
from life.”
Author—“He was. I may say to you
that he is an exact portrait of myself
as my wife depicts me in our hours of
ease.”—Town and Country.
Greene—*“I notice you always turn to
the page with the stock quotations
when you take up a paper. I suppose
you take an occasional fiyer on the
market, eh?’
Gray—‘Never invested a dollar in
stocks in all my life. I find it cheaper
to read the quotations.”—Boston Tran-
‘White — “What is the nratter with
Plunger’s héad?” : :
Grenn—*“Yesterday was his wooden
wedding and he gave his wife a rolling
pin for a present and when he re
turned from celebrating the event she
returned the present with a speech
suitable to the occasion.”—Butte Inter-
Jack—“I hear you are goirg to marry
Miss Prettyun. Permit me to congrat-
ulate you on your excellent taste.”
Tom—“But the engagement is off.
I’m not going to marry her or any one
Jack—“Indeed! Then allow me to
congratulate you on your good sense.”
‘up what?” asked the coldly practical
tion the. military leader candidly re-
tion,allays pain,eures wind colic. 25¢. abottle
The only persons who don’t break good
Jovolutions are’ “those who never make
PurnaM Fappress DYES are fast to
light and washing.
Chronic complaining doesn’t make a hard
lot any softer.
“Don’t you find it tiresome,” said
Marc Antony, “to devote so much time
to literature in addition to your various
ways?’ “Yes,” replied Caesar, “but
it pays. There is nothing like being
your own military critic.” Washington
Star, t :
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward{o=
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure,
F. J. CuENEY & Co., Toledo, O.
We, theundersigned, have known ¥. J.Che-
ney forthelast 15 years, and balieve him per-
fectly honorable in all business transactions
and financially able to carry out any obliga
tions made by their firm. .
Was & TruAx, Wholesale Drugglsts, Tole do,
Warping, KINNAN& MARVIN, Wholesale Dru g=
gists, Toledo, Ohio.” .
- Hall’'sCatarrh Cureis taken internally, act «
.ing directly upon the blood and mucoussur-
facesofthe system. Testimonials sent fres,
Price, 75¢. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists
‘Take. Hall's Family Pills for constipation,
“We will never give up,” said ‘the
South American military leader. “Give
man. And after a moment of reflec-
plied: “Anything we can. get. our”
hands on.”—Washington Star.
Out of every 1,000,000 persons :who
are born inthe same year 213,000 live
for 70 years, 107,000 for 80 years and
881 for 90 years: I Aen
< The Oat Wonder.
The Editor must tell its readers of this
marvel. It originated with the largest
farm seed growers in the world, the John
A. Salzer Seed Co., Crosse, Wis. It
has stiff straw, stands up like a stone wall
is white, heavy, and has long ears, filled
to the tip with fat, ‘plump kernels. It is a
great stooler, 80 stocks from one kernel.
to above address, you will get a sample of
this Oat Wonder, which vielded in 1903, in
40 States from 250 to 310 bu. per acre, to-
gether with other farm seed samples and
their big catalog. [A.C.L.]
It takes heroism to be a good husband
when he has ceased to be a loving one.
Many School Children Are Sickly.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children,
used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children’s
Home, New York, break up colds in 24 hours,
cure Feverishn:ss, Constipation, Stomach
Troubles, Teething Disorders and Destroy
Worms. Atall druggists, 35¢. Bample mailed
Frex. AddressAllenS, Olmsted, Le Roy, N.Y.
Love can neither be bought nor sold,
but it may be exchanged.
The seals of Newfoundland are not
furbearing, but are killed in large
numbers for their skin and fat. The
skins are used to make patent leather
and “kid” gloves; the fat for fine
The Howard county, Mo., court has
effectually put an end to all “Uncle
Tom’s Cabin’ shows in that county.
In rearranging the license rate for cir-
cuses and shows it was decided to leyy
a tax of $200 a day on all “Uncle Tom”
shows. Howard was the largest slave-
holding county in the state.
J. W. Walls, Super-
intendent of Streets
of i.ebanon, Ry.
“My nightly rest was broken, owing
to irregular action of the kidneys. I
was suffering intensely from severe
pains in the small of my bsdck and
through the kidneys and annoyed by
painful passages of abnormal secre-
tions. No amount of doctoring relieved
this condition. I took Doan’s Kidney
Pills and experienced quick and lasting
relief. Doan’s Kidney Pills will prove
a blessing to all sufferers from kidney
disorders who will give them a fair
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.,
proprietors. For sale by all druggists,
—Chicago Evening Post,
price 0 cents per box.
Butter—Creamery ......
Eggs—Btateand Pennsylvania...
Union Stock Yards, Pittsburg.
Prime heavy, 1450 to 1600 Ibs......$ 500 5 10
Prime, 1500 to 1400 1bs........... 0 465 5 00
Medium, 1200 to 1300 lbs ew 2.05 43D
Fat helfers........ .. BW 49)
Butcher, 200 to 1000 lbs 360 440
Common to fair 300 .- 8.90
Oxen, common to fat 200 400
Common togood fat bu 25 860
Milch cows, each : 25) #00
Prime heavy hogs...... viivaeend DE 530
Prime medium weights....... . 5% 530
Best heavy yorkers and medium... 520 525
Pod pigs and light yorkers........ 4 a $ 5
8, common to good 0
Roughs =... * esses teeaams 203 215
Btags............... 00 oA 850
Extra, medium wethers 475
Good to choice ... 459
fF Medium..." 400
Jomimoxn to fair #55
Spring Lambs. [il 20 000 000 550
Calves, :
Yealoxtea..:..... 0000.00... 0 550 - 8
Veal, good to choice. ........ 350 in
Veal, common heavy
*. .Hopes That Easy Money Mar;
ket Will Help Trade. :
+R. G.. Dun -&: Co’s “Weekly Review
of Trade” says:
-haye furnished the chief influences
‘some ‘exfent traffic has been-hindered,
returns of railway earnings - for .Jan-
uary show an.increase of 3.9 per cent
over 1903. Consumption of fuel wis
increased and rétdil'’ trade in coal
greatly expanded, but no gains at first:
hand is reported, owing to:the.large
supplies held by dealers. Retail dis-
tribution of footwear and heavy wear-
ing apparel felt the stimulds ‘and an-
nual clearance sales removed accumu-
lations of -dry goods, millinery, etc.
Iron and steel plants that resumed at
the turn of the year -have obtained
sufficient business to continue operat-
ing ‘and thus far the adjustment of
wages has not produced ‘the threat-
ened strikes, workmen generally ac-
cepting . the changed conditions. As
to quotations, there is nominally no
alteration. In so far as this new busi-
ness keeps mills active, the situation
has improved. Scrap iron and steel
continue firm and old rails are the
strongest feature. The industry is
naturally in a most unsettled condi-
tion, owing to the numerous and un-
equal reductions in quotations, but
there is a feeling that with the easier
money market will come a better de-
mand and more settled conditions. Or
scarcely less interest than the abnor-
mal price of raw cotton is the situa-
tion as to the size of stocks of manu-
factured goods. Much depends on the
revival of purchasing, thus far, a very
limited amount of new business being
offered. “Increased activity and
strength are reported in the domestic
hide market. Failures this week num-
bered 358 in the United States, against
265 last year, and 33 in Canada, com-
pared with 27 a year ago.
The Pest from the Egg to Its Career
of Activity.
The horrors of Hogarth and Fox’s
Book of Martyrs are outdone by the
circular which has just been issued by
the drainage committee of the South
Orange Village Improvement Society.
The book illustrates vividly the life of
the mosquito from the time the parent
has laid the egg until the new insect,
fully developed, goes forth on its
career of activity.
The book is illustrated with half-
tone cuts and the eye of the reader
lights first upon the picture of a pool
of water upon which the rain is de-
scending.” A full-grown mosquito is
seen flitting away on the distant hori-
zon, and the text underneath says
that she has just deposited 300 ‘eggs
in this pond during a fall of rain.
Then the circular goes on to relate
that if the sun does not dry up the
pool, or if it is not drained, or if oil
is not spread upon its surface, ail
these little eggs will begin to wriggle
and develop. Another picture shows
these identical wrigglers in the haif
evaporated and now thoroughly poison-
ed water. The last picture of all in
the book shows the 300 pests in full
feather, leaving their cradles to start
on their careers. Much interesting
data concerning the mosquito and the
New Business Keeps Mills. Running. | =
Weather - conditions |
in the general "trade" situation.” To |
- especially at-the East, but. the latest |.
Peruna, I can confidently recom-¢
mend it to lhose suffering from ¢
Such disorders, and have no hési-
tation iw prescribing it to my pa-
3s lients.”’-- Robert R. Roberts.
VRP 999999999999990.
Dr. R. Robbins, Muskogee, I. T., writes:
“Peruna is the best medicine I know of
for Coughs and to strengthen a weak stom-
ach and to
ing it for catarrh, I have ordered it for
weak and debilitated people, and have not
had a patient but said it helped him. It is
.an excellent medicine and it fits so many
“iL have a large practice, and have a
chance to prescribe your Peruna. I hope
you may live long to do good to the sick
and the suffering. :
Dr. M. C. Gee writes from 513 Jones St.,
n Francisco, Cal.:
“Peruna has performed so many wonder-
ful cures in San Francisco that I am con-
vinced that it is a valuable remedy. I
have frequently advised its use: for women,
as I find it insures regular and painless
Jcatarrh by the use of Hartman’ss|
give appetite. Besides prescrib- |
ia pn
a r i. % ab a a eT * =~ : of ak
. - 2 > . r=
3 : : Not n le. : ~ .
1 > e un ; It seems to me,” complained the
4 OF OUR NAVY 3 oy 7 Sem 20d Soapsigued BR who PITTSBURG.
. : ® : ad made several vain attempts to get Grain, Flour and Feed.
: Tr . , around them, “that there’s an ordi- re i tat T Recoms~
: Fe / v, 6 ates reasur
Recommends Pe-ru-na---Other Pre- Jide of nance against more than two per- Wale oad & Of the United S y
® . 3 LEP « sons walking abreast on a public ‘ Corn—Na. 3 vello 53 mends Pe~ru~na.
minent Mea Tesilly. * ; sidewalk, and when there are five of jo. 2yeliow, shel 3
1 j€.. Jou. ne aug husky fellows, sou oen-Re'dwiiie.. 42 | Other Prominent Physicians Use
FP 8 : ake up ‘the whole—I beg your par- . 3 white...... St a
; : Flour—Wint % 450 475 -ru=-na
MAN WANTS BUT LITTLE. don, gentlemen. I hadn't observed Ug Winter patent. 10 4% and Endorse Pe-ru-na.
NY olin net, ™ that you were policemen.” | Hay Ne. timothy. ............... 13 2 H 0 — Sot
: jo." 1. = 31 9 5 ~ x fon
But dis my prayer. terday: Feed—mor fol m 2150 2210 RB ENEILIY OP ans "De.
“Gimme no mo’ JI IS permanently cured. No fitg or nervous- | Brown middlings 202 2100 tne enor 0s Columb Cofege
Den I kin tote away!” ; pessalier first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Bran. bulk .. .i750 B®] P pri gr 4 i. 3 St Do
— Atlanta Constitution. Fertelasiarer, g2trialbottleand treatisefree Say -W heat ... ‘ $3 550 ud ad oyna. sy
- — r.B. H. Kring, Ltd., 981 Arch §t., Phila.,Pa. | 08t...........0..0.. 0... FT 3 .
KEEPING HIM QUIET. A bent pin is the easiest thin i er Dairy, Products, “Allow me to express my grati-
8 g imag 3 1
“Why is it Willie is always so quiet | inable to find when you are not looking Bere Esinaresmery Sirs ave ans -3 Ei » tude to you for the benefit derived
When riding in the street cars?’ tb wee Fancy country roll. .... 16 17 | Jrom your wonderful remedy. One
“Why, his pa told him those big 10,000 Plants For 1Gc, Chegss-Onio new anni ih Hi 3 short month has brought Jortk a
straps could be’ detached:”< Philadel- | _ This is a remarkable offer the. John A. Poultly, Ete. vast change and 'I’'nmoiw consider
A phia Record #1 5: 5 Ltt Bs, wt ander _{:Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., makes. sultry, . 15 | myself a well man after months: of
Se a, Xt They will send’ you their big plant and ' HeDS—Der I...............8 I4, suffering. Fellow sufferers, Peruna
fo ———— seed catalog, together with enough seed , eke. vivesied Sar iia i7 will ny you.” Gu .
ers v SEaYIAL San £21500 fine 8¢ lid Cabages Sfeesrh. ad Ohi0: Mesh Hie a : » A conslantly increasing Hier of live 1
: igs Oldion Always Temings, me of 2/000 delicious Carrots, 5 Fruits and Vegetables. = © cians prescribe Peruna in their practice. It
a bargain counter. sf .2.000 Blanching, nutty Celery, Potatoss—Funcy white per bus.->. 7% "80 ] os has proven its ‘merits ko’ thoroughly that:
“Why 7’ ©. get 7) 2,000 rich, buttery Lettuce, Se nbge—per rl. S15 20 | even the:doctors.have overcome ‘their, preju:-
“Sixteen, marked down from’ thirty- 39% Soiendid Onions an Apples—per barrel. . L400 fice against Socalled pafent medicines and,
five.” —Princeton Tiger. “I 7000 3 4 HT 4 ; eb [ar —_— Comineng nto their patients: ¥ =» #h.
Ly -000 gloriously brilliant Flowers. J a j J = Peruna occupies. a unique position, ind
i ——— ’This great offer is: made in’ order to in- ial . BALTIMORE, “. of medical, sgience.., It is the only internal
CRAZY HIMSELF. ou to ‘try their Narranied seeds De inter a ee 53) is sYremit Sal irh rowely rye 38 jue i
“ 5 sp s s | for when you once plan em you Ww. ‘ Wheat<No. 2 r N medical profession :-to-day. ..:Catarr ,» as
a om gi hd Seton grow mo others, and TEE Hf Se od ornmixed. : 2 - 3 every one will admit, is. the, cause of one-
& J SH Je ow, ES crazy “tw * ALL'FOR BUT 16C. POSTAGE, : Baier ranroig ons ii 2s wa | half the diseasé” which afflicts mankind.
7 “How unnecessary,’ remarked Miss s 37 3 ni rth} ; : i Gig ‘Catarrh and catarrhal ‘diseases afflict -one-
j 3 : Poot. =n | ‘providing you. will return -this notice, and | . ered 5 Vi 3 :
5 SBafpe; ¥you Gon’f require ify assist | If vou will send them 20¢. in postage. they “ PHILADELPHIA ~ half of the peopl: of Uni‘ed States...
anee inthet direction,” Philadelphia TATE Fo he Shine a Dc he fa: lout Winer Patens ed HE) is ao FARIRAITR IAN LTT
Press, s §F 2 8 ih kms, Tal. big gwers: nad. ? Viear— o. ered... qa... x 49. s gs obe) - Roberis, M. D., | vashing-g |
: y fF ii * What a’ grand ahd glorious world this Sok fo zmixed rR a i 3 bor: ram .
i TT THREE OF \A {KIND.. would :bé. if every. man would follow. the Butter—Creamery, extra 2 u5 “Through my own experience
COMMODORE . Stank ey ol aN a advice he gives to otlfers! . Eggs—Peunsylvania firsts... 3 6143 as well as that of many of mye
A Ja 7 > Vi o ‘were those ee te hee 8 EL AEE ; ast enia | Seve <
i Nicholson | ragged men-up the re 23 BT Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup forchildren | NEW YORK Lo Jrisnds and We :
2 "3 a a8 ° othi i i, » - . ~ * :
ai® fae TS Penn—“One was. a tramp, the other teething, soften the gums, reduces inflamma. Flour—Fatintse. oo... ad Rave been cur or relieved of X
Dr. Llewellyn Jordan, * - |
- Medical Examiner : United States -
: 7 Treasury. ea
menstruation, cures leucorrhoea and Far
ian troubles, and builds up the entire. sys-
tem.” I also consider it’ one of ‘the finest
Ranh remedies I know of.”—M. C. Gee,
Catarrh is a systemic disease curable
only by systemic treatment. A remedy that
cures catarrh must aim directly at the de-
pressed nerve centres. This is what Pe-
runa does.
Peruna immediately invigorates the nerve
centres which give vitality to the mucous
membranes. hen catarrh disappears.
Then catarrh is permanently cured.
If you do not derive prompt and satis-
factory results from the use of Peruna
write at once to Dr. Hartman, iving a‘ful
statement of your case and he will be
pleased to give you his valuable advice
gratis. :
Address. Dr. Hartman, President of The
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
0 \ {
.CASBCARETS today, for you w;
‘right, - Take our advice, start with
GUARANTEED CURE for all bowel troubles, aj dicitis, biliousness, bad breath, bg
‘blood, wind on the stomach, blcated bowels, foul Sng headache, indigestion, iad
pains after eating, liver trouble, sallow skin and dizziness: ¢
‘regularly you are sick. Constipation kills more people than all other diseases together. It
chronic ailments and lose years of suffering.
11 never get well and stay well until you get your bowels
‘When your bowels don’t move
No matter what ails you, start taking
G8atarcts tnany under absolute guarantee to cure or
C. Never sold in bulk. Sample and
money ref The ine tablet p .
booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York.
ad . Perils of the Sea.
Last year the British mercantile]
marine reported 1,483 casualties, of}
which 348 were complete wrecks. The
total loss of life was 5,318, 168 less
than the preceding 12 months, and
1-649 less than the year before that.
In the last 25 years the British marine
has lost 6,221 ships, with a total loss
of 41,267 persons.
80 Bushels Macaroni Wheat Per Acre.
Introduced by the U. S. Dept. of Agr.
t is a tremendous cropper, yielding in
food land 80 bu. per acre, and on dry, arid
ands, such as are found in Mont. Idaho,
the Dakotas, Colo., etc., it will yield from:
40 to 60 bu. This Wheat and pelts and
Hanna Barley and Bromus Inermis and
Billion Dollar Grass, makes it possible to
grow and fatten hogs and cattle wherever
soil is found. *
to the John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse,
Wie., and they will send you free a sample
of this Wheat and other farm seeds, to-
ether with their great catalog, alone
100.00 to any wide-awake farmer. [A.C.L,}
A mean man often has a powerful influ
ence over a good woman.
Piso’s Cure is the best medicine we ever used
for all affections of throat and lungs. — Ww,
O. ExpsLEY, Vanburen, Ind., Feb. 10, 1900.
Ary man is liable to make mistakes, but
it is the other fellow who blunders.
Teosinte and Billion Dollar Grass.
The two greatest fodder plants on earth,
one good for 14 tons of hay and the other
80 tons green fodder per acre. Grows
everywhere, so does Victoria Rape, vield-
ing 60,000 ibs. sheep and swine food per
acre. [A.C.L.]
John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis..
and receive in return their big catalog and
lots of farm sced samples.
Truth is a stranger that a good many
people don’t care to meet.
A heavy dew is the sign of a south-
erly wind.
Lou Caitaso Laura ww deo
without a SILO. If you want
one (or more), or need any
lumber, timber, mill work
to repair or build, or Boxes,
or Crates, write
BOXES, Buffalo, N. Y.,
d get th
ilo agerfte w
Small amounts carefully invested
through us will pay you handsomely.
Bend for our latest booklet ana learn
how it is done.
3817 Third Avenue, Pitt burg: Pa.
P. N.
U. 5, 04.
Best Cough Syrup. ae yAns Use
In time. Sold by druggists.
A Boston physician’s dis-
“covery which cleanses and
heals all inflammation of the mucous
membrane wherever located. |
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