mT rsa For is preferable to oatmeal because Wheatlet is rich in gluten. Oat- meal is starchy. @ Many people cannot eat Oat- meal. Anyone cancatWheatlet. TRY IT. If your grocer does not keep it, send us his name and your order—we will see that you are supplied. There is but one Wheatlet; , avoid the “just as good.” Booklet mailed free. Made only by the FRANKLIN MILLS CO., Lockport, N. Y. Ta BAINSATATATAG NS) Man Shall Not Live By Bread Alone! That is what our Saviour said when the devil tried to tempt him on the mountain top. No one wants to live by bread alone. Good Mzxar is wanted by all us, and even The Devil Is Going About like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. But don’t let the devil put it into your head that you can buy better Meat than is sold at my shop. I kill good cattle and al- ways sell as low as current prices will allow. For the best Mzear and the lowest living prices, always call on your servant. =—==J. T. Smearman. NOT IN ANY TRUST Many newspapers have lately given currency to reports by irresponsible parties to the effect that THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO had entered a trust or combination; we wish to assure the public that there is neo #2 wth in such reports. We have been manufacturing sewing machines for over a quarter ofa centu- ry, and have established a reputation for our- selves and our machines that is the envy of all others. Our ‘ New Home’ machine has never beenrivaled as a family machine.—It stands at the head of all High Grade sewing machines, and stands on its gwen merits. The “ New Home” 18 the only really HIGH GRADE Sewing Machine ) on the market. It is not necessary for us to enter into a trust to save our credit or pay any debts as we have no debts to pay. We have never entered into competition with manufacturers of low grade cheap machines that are made to sell regard- less of any intrinsic merits. Do not be de- ceived, when you want asewing machine don’t send your money away from home; call on a “New Home’ Dealer, he cansell you a better machine for less than you can purchase elsewhere. If there is no dealer near you, write direct to us. THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO ORANGE, MASS. New York, Chicago, Il1., St. Louis, Mo., Atlan. ta, Ga., Dallas, Tex., San Francisco, Cal. Stevens Ideal Rifle. No. 44. TRE PRES Price Only $10.00. Made in all the standard cali- bers both Rim and Center Fire. Weight about 7 pounds. Stand- ard barrel for rim fire cartridges, 24 inches. Tor center-fire cart- ridges, 26 inches. it these rifles are not carried in stock by your dealer, send price and we will : send it to you express prepaid. Send starip for eatalog describing com- {plete line and containing valuable in- {ionmation to shooters. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS: COPYRIGHTS &cC. Avpyone sending a sketch and description may ether an rou special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American, A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a Mi four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealerx. N & Co, 2818reaamay. New York Branch Office. 625 F' St.. Washington, D. C. W. H. KOONTZ. J. G. OGLE KOONTZ & OGLE Attorneys-At-Liaw, . SOMERSET, PENN’A Office opposite Court House. ERNEST 0. KOOSER,, SOMERSET, PA. J. A. BERKEY, SOMERSET, PA. Coffroth & Ruppel Building. R. E. MEYERS, DISTRICT ATTORNEY., SOMERSET, PA. ourt H Office in ( A. F. SPEICHER, Physician and Surceon, SATISBURY, PENN’A. Office corner Grant and Union Streets, The College of Music OF SOUTHERN PENNA, This college is now open. Piano, Vo- cal, Stringed Instrumental, Parson’s Musical Kiedergarten System, Elocu- tion and Physical culture are taught. Harmony, Theory and Sight Read- ing a specialty. For further informa- tion address Helen Harrie Junhin, Mgr. E. A. Cook, Director. KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis- eases. KIDNEY GURE Is a FOLEY’S Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and $5.00. Eugene Field’s ‘‘Dyspepsia,’”’ wrote Eugene Field, ‘‘often incapacitates a man for endeavor and sometimes extinguishes the fire of ambition.” Though great despite his complaint Field suffered from indiges- tion all his life. A weak, tired stomach can’t digest” your food. It needs rest. You can only rest it by the use of a preparation like Kodol, which re- lieves it of work by digesting your food. Rest soon restores it to its normal tone. Strengthening, Satisfying, Envigorating. Prepared only by E. C. DEW1TT & CO., Chicago. The $1. bottle contains 2% times the 50c. size, SOLD.BY E. H. MILLER. Cr ape.t place to buy 200 Fr. Ser far pietan, E.EFE.&L. CODER, Jewelers. Fine Watch, Clock and Jewelry re- pairing. We guarantee good work and prompt attention. SALISBURY, PA. Salisbury Hack l.ine, SCHRAMM BROS, Proprietors. SCHEDULE :—Hack No. 1 leaves Salis- bury at 8 a. m., arriving at Meyersdale at 9.30 a. m. Returning leaves Meyersdale at] p.m. arriving at Salisbury at 2.30 p. m. HACK No. 2 leaves Salisbury at 1 p. m. ar- riving at Meyersdale at 230 p. m. Return- ing ledves Meyersdale at 6 p. m. arriving at Salisbury at 7.30 p. m. B.& 0. R.R. SCHEDULE. Winter Arrangement.—In Ef- fect Sunday, Nov. 23, 1902. Under the new schedule there will he 8 daily passenger trains on the Pittsburg Di- vision, due at Meyersdale as follows: Hast Bound. Views on Ambition and Dys. jcTa| LUNG Vv SYRUP The Great “Lung Remedy,” “Throat Healer,” and “Congh Killer.” Consumption in first stages abso- lutelv ev «1. The friend of Singe:s and pubic Speakers. The Golden Remedy for Whooping Courh Bronchitis, Asthma, Quinsy, Coles Hoarseness, Coughs, Etc. It Cures + striking at the root of the discasc. “re vou afflicted ? address ViCTOR REMEDIES CO.. erick, Mary! nd ALFRED SPEER, THE ORIGINAL Port Grape Wine Producer in America. The first native wine sold and used in San Francisco and Sacra- mento was from Speer’s Passaic, . J, vineyards, was shipped around Cape Horn before there was any railroad to California, and are now being used by physi- cians and first families there as the richest and best wine to he had " ‘The juice of the Portugal Port Wine grape grownin N. J. is thick and rich sameas the juice of pears andother fruits grown here. From California pears you can squeeze water as from a sponge; so with all fruits grown in Catton nia; while those grown in New Jersey are solid in substance— less juice but thick and richer. The ew Jersey apples, for instance, make a cider that was always popular the world over. If you want a wine for sickness or for entertainments don't take cheap, watery wines but choose a first class old, full bodied, high grade wine from Speer’'s Passaic vine. yards. _ Sold by Druggists. ~ oy Buy Your Uvercoats At Hartley's. Owing to lateness of the making a Reduction to season we are Por Ge. in price. Big stock select from. S. C. HARTLEY, Meyersdale, Pa. Immense Output of Lumber The Babcock Lumber Company at Ashtola last year smashed the fine record it had made the year before, sending out the following immense quantity of lumber: Hemlock, 39,503,663 feet ; hard wood, 12,254,659 feet, making a total of 51,758,- 322 feet. The company also shipped 15,183,400 No. 10x—Night Express............. 12:57 A. M ee y 4 Inthc 4.4850 gles. T 5 No. 14*— Accommodation ........... 10:54 A. »r | Jath and 4,485,000 shingles. This sur No. 6¢—ThroughMail.............. 11:24 a. m | passes the record of 1901 by some 15,- No. 46—ThroughTrain............. 4:48. mn 000,000 feet of lumber. West Bound. | This, of course, is the product of the Vtwo mills yo f - cate re NO. $*—-Night EXPress.............. A | two mills of the company, located at NO. 47%— ugh Trai 1 A.M | Ashtola and at Arrow. Both are now No. 5—Through Mail.............. £31 P. My heing pushed to the limit, running ; poe 2.1 , g N 4g eC mods 4:58 : 3 Tyr: ~ | No. 49—Ac« ommodation wieoat, 4:55 P. M | night and day.—Windber. Era. *Regular stop., xFlag stop. | 5 o a W. D. STILWELL, Agent. | Pneumonia and La Grippe. aay TEE ; | Coughs cured quickly by Foley's g& WEDDING Invitations at Tug | H 5 1 T rv : butt. % tna : tot ! 18y ¢ f efuse subs ites { Sar office. A nice new stock justre- | tioney ane dar. netuse Susie 4 | ceived. tt. | E. A. Miller. 2.7 “Banquet Hall”’—Applied to the New Baltimore & Ohio Dining Cars. The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad has placed in service, within the past week, three magnificent new dining cars fresh from the Pullman shops. They are more completely equipped than any similar cars built by this famous company. The kitchens and pantries contain every perfected culinary device known, and the dining rooms them- selves are as elaborate and beautiful as it is possible to make them. The interior woodwork is mahogany finished in its natural color, which, to- gether with the green ceilings and terra-cotta carpeting, lends a most pleasing effect. The cars are lighted with both Pintsch gas and electricity, and are also provided with electric fans. An exquisite individual eect is given each table by electric candelabra. While the china, glassware, linen and silver are in perfect accord with the surroundings, that most important feature, the menu—prepared by one of the best dining car services in the country—makes traveling via the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad indeed a pleasure. These cars are operated between Chicago and Garrett, Pittsburg and Connellsville, Keyser and Brunswick and on Chicago and Cincinnati limited trains. In Bed Four Weeks With La Grippe. We have received the following letter from Mr. Rey Kemp, of Angola, Ind ‘I was in bed four weeks with la grippe and I tried many remedies and spent considerable for treatment with physicians, but TI received no relief until T tried Foley’s Honey and Tar. | Two small bottles of this medicine | cured me and I now use it exclusively in my family.” Take no substitutes. | E. H. Miller. Nothing Competes With Them. The best is not only the cheapest, but the best is the only thing that is per- manently satisfactory. This applies to talking machines with as much force as to anything that goes to make up the sum total of daily life. The new High Speed Moulded Records made by { the Columbia Phonograph Company, | pioneers and leaders in the talking | machine art, are far superior to any | records that were ever produced. They have great volume and are smooth, natural in tone and artistic. No | desirable quality is lacking. and by | the moulding process of record making the harshness and metallic quality | which marred the earlier records is thoroughly eliminated. No other records can compete with them. Price: 50c each. $5 per dozen. Write for catalogue. Ask about the new re- producer. The Graphophone and Columbia Records were awarded the | Grand Prize at the Paris Exposition of 1900. | The Columbia Phonograph Ca., 615 Penn Avenue, Pittsburg, headquarters | for graphophones and talking machine ! supplies of every kind. will send you | catalogues on application. 1-29. Te i ct i | It Fits People Around Salisbury, Too. “His pockets empty, but the rest of him full a great deal of the time.” | This an eastern newspaper’s de- | scription of John IL. Sullivan, the ex- | pugilist. It fits a few characters around | Uniontown also. Why will any one | choose to be a bum in this age of grand possibilities and opportunities. Quit | drinkirg: cease dissipation; get to work and be of some use to yourself and others. Don’t be a bum or a drone in this world of action in which success | and happiness are the portion of him | who wills to earn them.—Uniontown | News Standard. 1s Gigantic Plans for P. R. R. Philadelphia, Jan. 7—Tremendous plans have been approved by President A. J. Cassatt for the development and extension of the Pennsylvania railroad, With his chief advisers he is preparing | to put the great railwny system in | position to meet fully the demands upon its transportation facilities and to prepare against probable future re- | | quirements. The financial scheme to empower the management to raise upward of $400,- 000,000 new capital is a necessary preliminary step to carrying out the plans President Cassatt has in mind, Plans under consideration contemplate work that will cost $100,000,000. Among the greatest undertakings proposed is the six-tracking of the line between Philadelphia and New York. This alone will cost $10,000,000. The main line will also probably be six- tracked as far as Lancaster. Work now on hand and under immediate con- templation will cost, in addition to | what has already been spent and pro- | vided for, about $85,000.000, according | torough estimates. Hereisaschedule: | New York terminal. $30,000,000; two | extra tracks to New York, $10,000,000 ; Pittsburg improvements, $8,000,000; | Washington terminal, $ 000,000 ; Marys- ville low line, $3,000,000; New- | portage $1,5000,000 ; Philadelphia improvements, $2,000,000; Wil elevated, $4,000,000; Newark ele $1,500,000; New Brunswick $1,000,000 ; Camden elevated, $ Philadelphia to Pittsburg, $1( | new locomotives, § t $85,000,000. grade line, rated, | elevated, 1,000,000 ; | 0,000,000 ; 1 0; total, | When you spend a dollar you expect to get a dollar’s worth of something in return. If you don’t, you are not likely to spend another dollar for the same purpose. In this particular all men are more or less alike—rather more than less. Look over the advertising culumns of TeE Star and note the firms that advertise week after week. They are not doing this to help THE STAR. it to help themselves. Tt pays them. They are doing Tre Star is read by two classes of people—your customers and your competitor's customers. Use it and you reach both. And the result is you get some trade from your competitor’s customers and more trade from your own. The Somerset County Star. HE ELK LICK DRG STORE LH. Wil, Pope. Gl >= ¢ x eX Q iS] eine oO = sp : : eo AT i 2 of = & 2 an OF = od IS =o o a > > = 0 08 or : as : a o 73 Z = gH. = = 0h 25 ’ -— f Yo Q xD Iz a 2 re I LF 3 EB: — ; = Q ; = Ae of pul > a =r = oO omy - Soe S = My = - ~y = . X Q 4 wk oc Ro B = te ating pl = = G) = og = N —. = > ~ = . ® o nn o> J = oO = a o CG = ” ot = or 'Z —— ~ in 23% 102 06 » pt 37 og 52) . 9 ~ “ CT» _— Dts B = 2 B02 3 = ry = : ~i O28 When YouDo Die Die of Old Ade. OU CAN BE CURED by our combined movement-cure, hydropathy and internal treat- Y ment. We not only maintain but guarantee that vigorous, Intosicaring health can be at- Sajed pyal who, Jnder our Qizections, Soe forit by NATURAL means. We mail you a list of questions from which your case is diagnosed by ourstaft f sicians. Ea 5 is specially prescribed for. If doctors have ¥ 92 Ci¥sloingn, Bashdnge seases, it will be of vital interest to you to communicate with us at once. Bright's Disease and other Kidney Diseases, Rheumatism, Consumption, Weak- nesses of Women, Lost Manhood, Bladder Diseases, Piles, Constipation, Blood Dis- eases, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Heart Disease, Insomnia, Liver Disease, Nervous Debility, Sciatica, Asthma, Biliousness and General Dehility, and all other diseases which result from improper living or ignorance or neglect of the laws of nature, ‘““The neglect of the Physical well-being i increase in insanity and a decrease in the birth rate th DR. F'Ry i ‘“ They cure where others have ‘‘ Their treatment is rational . 1 my judgment resulted in an out the United States. ed they do all they cl —PHII and water are the three great curati AMERICA “Diet o¥er AMERICAN. . . "HEALTH JOURNAL. » containing half-tone and tes- ee to all. Lawrence An interesting j timonials of persons THE INSTITUTE OF 1phlet of our tre have cured, sent CE, ile, Tioga Co., Penn’a.