The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, January 08, 1903, Image 4

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i —
Sr SE A aa
Fe rte
| Foley's Kidney Cure. Sold by E. H. |
P. L. Livexcoop, Editor and Publisher. |
Entered at the Postofiice at Elk Lick, Pa.
as mail matter of the Second Class.
Subscription Rates.
THE STAR is published every Thursda v,at
Elk Lick, Somerset County, Pa.,at the fol-
lowing rates:
One year, if paid spot cash in advance..
If not paid strictly in advance.......
Six months, it paid spot cash in advance
If not paid strictly 1m advance
Three months, cash in advance 5
Single copies. . he Waihi 05
To avoid multiplicity of small accounts,
all subscriptions for three months or less
must be paid in advance. These rates and
terms will be rigidly adhered to.
Advertising Rates.
Transient Reading Notices, 5 cents a line
each insertion. To regular advertisers, 5
cents a line for first insertion and 3 cents a
line for each succeeding insertion. No busi-
ness lacals will be mixed with local news
items or editorial matter for less than 10
cents a line for each insertion,except on
yearly contracts.
Rates for Display Advertisments will be
made known on application.
Paid Editorial Puffs, invariably 10 cents a
Legal Advertisements at legal rates.
Marriage, Birth and Death Notices not
exceeding fifteen lines, inserted free. All
additional lines, 5 cents each.
Cards of Thanks will be published free for
prtrons of the paper. Non-patrons will be
charged 10 cents a line.
Resolutions of Respect will be published
for 8 cents a line.
All advertisements will be run and charg-
ed for until ordered discontinued.
No advertisement will be taken for less
than 25 cents.
The crowned heads of every nation,
The rich men, poor men and misers
All join in paying tribute to
De Witt’s Little Early Risers.
H. Williams, San Antonio, Tex., writes:
Little Early Riser Pills are the best 1
ever used in my family. I unhesitatingly
recommend them to everybody. They
cure Constipation, Billiousness, Sick
Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaundice,
Malaria and all other liver troubles.
E. H. Miller. 2-1
Hezekiah Hawn, an old, well known
and highly respected citizen of Elk
Lick township, died last Thursday.
Don’t forget to attend Barchus &
Livengood’s mid-winter clearance sale,
Jan. 10th to 31st. tl,
The Garrett County Bank at Oak-
land, Md., has made application to the
Treasury Department to become a
national bank.
Miss Gertrude Eckerd, who was re-
ported quite ill in Pittsburg, Penna.
week before last, has recovered suffi-
ciently to return home, we are glad to
Barchus & Livengood’s annual clear-
ance sale will commence Saturday,
Jan. 10th, and close Saturday, Jan-
nary 31st. tl.
Mr. John Meager was remembered in
fthe will of the late Major Shaw, of
Baltimore, to the extent of $1,000. We
«congratulate Mr. Meager on his good
fortune. May he live long to enjoy it:
Men’s and boys’ overcoat suits,
underwear and shoes sold regardless of
cost during Barchus & Livengood’s
clearance sale, Jan. 10th to 31st. tf
If you are one of Druggist Millers
good friends and customers you are in
it this week for a nice fat check. It's
An THE STAR, so all you have todo is to
cut it out and get it cashed.
“Hello Central!” Hello! “Please
give me No. 61—Victor Remedies Line.
Baby tas Colic. Victor Infants’ Relief
«cures it.” :
Emery Flesher, who several months
ago moved to Tarrs, Indiana county,
Pa., has again moved back to Coal Run.
The old native heath is still the best,
.and Emery’s friends are all glad to see
«him return.
The prevention of consumption is en-
tirely a question of commencing the
proper treatment in time. Nothing is
so well adapted to ward off fatal lung
¢reubles as Foley's Honey and Tar. E.
TH. Miller. 2-1
Many never traly live,—half eat and
half asleep. Thousands miserable from |
Indigestion and Dyspepsia have been |
cured by Victor Liver Syrup. |
Walter S. Easton has resigned his
m6sition with the Rand Drill Gompany |
.of New York City. He got a good |
salary from the aforesaid company,
buc did not like
Fatal kidney and bladder troubles
Miller. 2-1
Our friend John O. Johnston took an
| eastbound train several dnys ago for—
| where?
| say for here and some for there.
Some say for Baltimore, some
think we could name a fair young lady
in the state of West Virginia that
could tell where John is this very
minute. He went away single, but he
may come back double. At any rate
we hope he will came back.
The many friends of G. H. Hausan
Engineer, L. E. & W. RR. R., at present
living in Lima, O., will be pleased to
know of his recovery from threatened
kidney disease. He writes: “I was
cured by using Foley’s Kidney Cure
which I recommend to all, especially
trainmen who are usually similarly af-
flicted.” Sold by E. 11. Miller. 2-
Merchant Joh E.
dent, received prior to Christmas, or-
ders from Pittsburg for 1700 turkeys.
It is doubtful if there were that num-
ber of marketable fowls in the section
of the county from which Mr. Gnagey
draws supplies. He was unable to fill
the order in its entirety, of course, but
did the best he could under the cir-
cumstances by shipping to the market
a few thousand pounds.—Oakland
Gnagey. of Acci-
The peculiar cough which indicates
croup, is usually well known to the
mothers of croupy children. No time
should be lost in the treatment of it,
and for this purpose no medicine hae
received more uniyersal approval than
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Do not
waste valuable time in experimenting
with untried remedies, no matter how
highly they may be recommended, but
give this medicine as directed and all
symptoms of croup will quickly dis-
appear. For sale by E. H. Miller. 2-1
Melissa, a daughter of Demetrius
Compton, of Elk Lick township, died
very suddenly, last Thursday, after an
illness of several years’ duration. She
was in her 25th year. The funeral was
held at the St. Paul's Reformed church
on Saturnay, Rev. E. 8S. Hassler offici-
ating. Miss Compton was a most
excellent young woman and was highly
esteemed by all who knew her. She
used to be one of Elk Lick township’s
brightest teachers, and her untimely
death is greatly regretted.
Mrs. Johanna Sederholm, of Fergus
Falls, Minn, fell and dislocated her
shoulder. She had a surgeon get it
back in place as soon as possible, but it
was quite sore and pained her very
much. Her son mentioned that he
had seen Chamberlain’s Pain Balm
advertised for sprains and soreness,
and she asked him to buy her a bottle
of it, which he did. It guickly relieved
her and enabled her to steep, which she
had not done for several days. The
son was so much pleased with the relief
it gave his mother that be bas since
recommended it to many ethers. For
sale by E. H. Miller. 2-1
Two rural free mail delivery routes
will soon be established in the county.
The routes will be known as No. 1 and
No. 2, one running north from Soserse!
and the other south thnt
These roates have been gramied by the
Post office Department out of s request
made by the people living i» the dis-
tricts reached. The
serve 432 people, while the north route
will reaeh 288 people. The earriers
have not yet been named.
from plae.
south monte will
Joseph Patton, of West Salisbury,
had guite » bad streak of luck wine dny
last week. He was coming diewsn the
Thomas hill, south of town, with a two-
borse wagon, when, owing to the iey
condition of the road, the wagon skid
around and Mr, Parton
bur slightly hurt.bui a valuable gray
mare was thrown and sustained =a
broken leg. The animal had to be
shot. Mr. Patton had a box of dynamite
on his wagon, but luckily it did mot
explode. However, the necrdent was
bad enough, and we sympaghize with
upset. Was
William Smith, postmaster at Devlin, | {jones and Tar.
Lawrence township, killed = pig Jas!
week which when dressed weighed 463
ported to this office this year. The
being away from his | jargest that has come to town was re-
family practically all the time. He is | cently sold to Heller, who paié $56 in
now shifting cars at Tub Mill mines.
The festival held by our local tribe
of Red Men, ‘which closed on New
Year's evening, was a very
boys did themselves proud and were
greatly complimented. They request
Tug Svar to return thanks
liberal patronage given them.
Samuel Meese. n well known citizen
of Garrett county, Md., was prostrated
with a paralytic stroke, Tuesday, and
died the night following. He was aged
about 85 yenrs and was well known to
the people of Salisbury and
Mr. Meese was the the father
many of
of Mrs. John Swartzwelder, of this
Harvey Berkey. aged 26 years, died
of smallpox at Rockwood, Tuesday, at
the home of Dr. Hemminger, where he |
boarded. - He taught school near |
Rockwood and was a son of Levi
Berkey, of Somerset ! ywnship. Ten |
cases of the dre aded disease are now
reported from Roekwood, and the
town is rigidly quarantined.
successful |
affair and nettea a nice profit. The |
for the |
cash for it. This reminds us that in the
| year 1863, when pork was 20 cents a
| pound, an Indiana ceunty farmer
brought over a load of dressed hogs and
one he sold to Richard Mossop, which
| weighed 501 pohnds, and for which Mr.
| Mossop paid him in eash $100.20. This
| is probably the most money ever paid
| for one hog in Clearfield —Raftsman’s
Don’t Worry.
This is easier said than done, yet it
| may be of some help to consider the
i matter. If the cause is something over
| which you have no control it is obvious
in the least. On the other hand, if
within your control you have only to
i act. When you have a cold and fear
| an attack of pneumonia, buy a bottle of
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and use
it judiciously, and all cause for worry
as to the outcome will quickly dis-
There is no danger of pneu-
| monia when it is used.
| HL. Miller.
This is the largest hog re- |
A Scientific Discovery.
Kodol does for the stomach that
whieh it is unable to do for itself, even
when bat slightly disordered or over-
loaded, Kodol supplies that natural
juice of digestion and does the work
of the stomach, relaxing the nervous | for Consumption is the most infallible
tension, while the inflamed muscles of
that organ are allowed to rest and heal.
Kodol digests what you eat and enables
the stomach and digestive organs to
transform all food into rich, red blood.
E. H. Miller.
eve. Mr. and Mrs. Howard
and’ J. VW.
tended the weddivg.
but we have
some of readers,
man who won her. “Jack”
a girl over there.”
you, “Jack.”
wr —————
Unconscious Form Uroup.
istered and repeated often.
easy and speedily recovered.
Coughs, Colds, La Grippe,
Throat and Lung troubles.
blood. E. H. Miller.
> —_
river at that point.
on the scene to erect it.
Smlisbury, is completed.
‘IT was in bed four weeks
Two small bottles of this
in mg family.”
E. H. Miller.
ie ret lee een
admiration on the strength
whether he has deen
universsiy or not.
Peeumonia amd La Grippe.
Co tigghhs gpickly by
| 8. H. Miller.
| RE. —
| The remains wese laid to mst
of cur readers.
I» Livengood.
| four children, as follows:
Edward, whke reside in
resides in Seattle.
twice married, her first husband being | catalogues on application. 1-8.
Wm. Beaehley, of Meyersdale, who. - ————
| died many years ago. and who was the The Secret of Life
ceased was a
by all who knew her.
i Stop It!
Miss Jennie Conner, a sister, at Mrs.
Howard Meager, was married at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.M.
Connor, at Wells Creek, on New Year's
Corbett, of this place, a!
Miss Connor is a
charming young woman well known {ou
learned the name of the lucky young
reports a splendid time at the wedding
and says all the guests had a fine rime.
We know “Jack” had a good time, for
his young son, who accompanied him,
came home toll his ma that “pop had
The treats are on
During a sudden and terrible attack
of croup our little girl was unconscious
from strangulation, says A. L. Spafford,
postmaster, Chester, Mich, and a dose
of One Minute Cough Cure was admin-
1t reduced
the swelling and inflammation, cat the
mucus and shortly the child was resting
It cures
and all
One Minute
Cough Cure lingers in the throat and
chest and enables the lungs to contrib-
ute pure, health-giving oxygen to the
There was a oig ice gorge at West
Salisbury, last Friday, which threatened
considerable damage ; but by means of
dynamite it was broken up and moved
out wiihout doing rmauch harm. The
ice took the remains of the old Boynten
wagon bridge, same day, so that not
even pedestrians can now cross the
The Salisbury
mails are being carried via Coal Run,
and the only way Boyntom bas to get
mail to thas place is to send a footman
across the railroad bridge and intercept
the carrier mear Coal Rum Junction.
The new iron wagon bridge is on the
ground, but ne one has yet appeared
The new iron
bridge across Tub Mill Run. of West
In Bed Four Weeks With La:Grippe.
“We have receiwed the following letter
from Mr. Rey Kemp, of Angola, Ind
with la
grippe and I tried snany remedies and
spent considerable for treatment with
physicians, but I’ received no: relief
unt} tried Foley’s Honey and Tar.
cure@me and I now ase it exclusively
Take no substiutes.
It i=well for the ywang man whe bas ; = ne
not enjoyed.the adysntage of a ccilege vise: Graphophones and Flat ;
education to indulge in a little self- Records. ¢
of the
showing made by his own classmates—
those who have not had a college tmin-
ing, but who, neverthedess, have wiclded
power im the world. A eoilege ediaea-
must be highiy prized as: an
auxiliary fo success, but it is only an
auxiliary. The detesmining factos is
in the men, and if the man has: the
right staff in him he: will win suceess
through =a
The greatest things
in the warld’s history have been done
by men who had no wmiversity scikool-
Buen today, when a higher edu-
cation i so commoiv & privilege, one
can findin every walk of life dozens of
leaders who had no college experiemee.
Fudey’s | had
Mrs. Sally Sipe, the twin sister of | in
Mrs. Jobn W. Beaghy, died at hezbhome
in Merrill, Kan., on Thursday, Jan. 1st.
Meyarsdale on Menday, the 5th inst.
The deceased was well known te many
She was a daughter of The Dise Graphophene is made in
Jokw C. Lichty, of Elk Lick township, | three types, selling at $15, $20 and $30.
| whe died about 20 years ago, and she Seven
was a sister of aur fellow toviaspeople
Samuel and David Lichty ané Mrs. J.
She was the mother of | Records were awarded the Grand Prize
Gabriel and | at the Paris Exposition of 1900. ,
Nebraska; |,
| Mrs. Urias Saylor, who resides in ; Penn Avenue, Pittsburg, headquarters
Kansas; and Mrs. Albert Saylor, who | for graphophones and talking machine
Mrs. Sipe was | supplies of every kind, will send you
that worrying will not help the matter | father of her four children. The de-
very highly respectea
Christian lady and was greatly esteemed
Finds Way to Live Long.
The startling announcement of a Dis-
covery that will surely lengthen life is
made by editor O. H. Downey, of Chu-
rubusco, Ind. “I wish to state,” he
writes, “that Dr. King’s New Discovery
remedy that I have ever known for
Coughs, Colds and Grip. It’s invaluable
to people with weak lungs. Having
this wonderful medicine no one need
dread Pneumonia or Consumption. Its
relief is instant and cure certain.” E.
H. Miller guarantees every 50c and $1.00
bottle, and gives trial bottles free.
Indiana’s Tall Men.
According lo reli.ble stalistic: tlie
state of Indiana produces the tallest
men in the world. This curious fact
comes out in the record made in the
war department during the War of the
Rebellion. By carefully prepared sta-
tistics it is shown that out of 114,254
soldiers supplied by Indiana, 15,047
were b feet 10 inches tall, 8,078 were 5
feet 11, 6,679 were 6 feet, 2,614 were 6
feet 1, 1,357 were 6 feet 2, 406 were 6
feet 3 and 330 were above this gigantic
stature. Dr. Gould, actuary of the
United S:ates sanitary commission,
commeniing recently on these unique
statistics, said:
“It is evident from our statistics that
the Indiana men are the tallest of the
natives of the United States, and these
latter the tallast of ail civilized
countries.” These figures seem to re-
fute the oft-repeated statement that in
the standing armies of one or two
European countries the average height
of its men, exceed that of any other
country in the world.—Chicago Tribune.
i —
One Hundred Dollars a Box
is the value H. A. Tisdale, Summerton,
8S. C., places on DeWitt’s Witch Hazel
Salve. He says: “I had the piles for
20 years. I tried many doctors and
medicines, but all failed exeept De-
Witt’s Witeh Hazel Salve. It cored me.”
It is a combination of the healing
properties of Witch Hazel with
antiseptics and emeollients ; relieves and
permanently cures blind, bleeding
itching and protruding piles, sores, cuts,
bruises, eczema, salt-rheum and all
skin diseases. E. Ik Miller.
A Livengood Reunion.
! The Livengoods held a family re-
wnion at the old homestead, Christmas
day, at which all the members of the
family in this neck © woods were
present, except E. P. It was in the
nature of a surprise em Mrs. Fanmie
Liwengood, who is seventy-three years
of sge, bot still spry and active.
was a pleasant occasism, thoroughdy
enjoyed by all.—Lanark (11l.) Gazette.
The Livengoods refermsd to by the
Lannrk Gazette are all descendants off
people who used to reside in the vicinity
of Saitebury. Some of tie Livengoods
settled mear Lanark, Ill., about 40 years {©
ago, and being noted as a prolific!
peopl, they obeyed the seriptural in-
junctibn : “Be ye fruitfud and multi-
ly.” They multiplied rapidly and are:
now a mighty tribe in Cawroll county,
and they represent a geat deal of’
wealtHiand influence in thet locality.
Perfestion in Disc Grapliophones andl
Flav Resords was quickly aehieved by |
the Columbia Phonograph Company,
the pioneers and leaders imthe talking |,
machine art, when it demoastrated the L
wondersul possibilities of the flat in-
destructible records. Up tw that time
nothing. important had Heen accom- |
grt AN
Capital Stock and Surplus Fund................. Titan hay $ 100,000.00.
Deposits (Over)... ou.c.vrvn toorseass vsnsanbrrrvnsnnnessrs 819,000.00
ASSAlS (OVEE)... .... iui anions: sinessisiecas invisibly &ineese vans 1,000,000.00
....Savings Department....
a_ Three Per Cent. Interest Paid on Deposits.»
Drafts on all parts of the world.
Accounts of individuals and firms invited.
Deposits sent by mail and all correspondence given prompt and careful at-
This bank is the only United States depository in the George's Creek Valley.
Bank open Saturday nights from 7 to 10 o'clock.
Saturday, Jan. 10th,
To Saturday, dan.31st.
Men's and Boys’ Overcoats, Suits, Under-
wear, Shoes and all heavy goods will be sold
regardless of cost during this sale.
Barchus & Livengood.
To Eat!
For man and beast. If we don’t
have it, tell us, and we will get it.
Lichliter's Grocery.
plished... The machines were faulty
and the necords were not im the same t
class with the eylindrical records used h
on the gzmphophone. A lwmowledge of £
how to. make disc records and thej
proper material of which to make them:
seemed. to be entirely Jaeking. The |
wide exyperiemee of the raeord depart- |
ment 24 the Columbia :
Company enabled it to gimsp the true |
disc reeords, and the first product was
{a great deal better than anything that f
heen accomplished by others.
With the lapse of time the improve,
ment shat has come with practice bas
placed the Columbia lise Records far
advance of all others. They are
characterized by smoothness, sweet-
ness, ¢learness and naturalness. And
t | while preserving all these desirable
qualities they are the loudest reaords
on the market.
inch records 50c each, $5 per
dszen ; 10 inch records $1 each, $10 per
dozen. The Graphaphone and Columbia
The Columbia Phonograph Co., 615
| Consists in keeping all the main or- |
| gans of the body in healthy, regular ac- |
| tion, and in quickiy destroying deadly
| disease germs. Electric Bitters regulate |
Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify the |
blood, and give a splendid appetite. |
They work wonders in curing Kidney
| A neglected cough or cold may lead | Troubles, Female Complaints, Nervous
| to serious bronchial or
lung troubles.
| Don’t take chances when Foley’s Honey
For sale by E. | and Tar affords perfect security from : 50c, guaranteed by
‘ serious effects of a cold. BE. H. Miller ' druggist.
Diseases, Constipation, Dyspepsia,
and Malaria. Vigorous health and |
strength always follow theiruse. Ouly |
EH Miller |
Phonograph; i
principles underlying tide making of | if
VV Mol Smut Y SY Hel NE) -
2 Guaranteed Linen Collars 25 Cents
The Double Triangle Brand Collars are stylish and
comfortable. The only collar made with a heavy §
ply seam. Sold by up-to:date merchants everywhere
or 2 samples sent prepaid for 25 cents. T..ey equal
any quarter collar made. Merchants should wiite
for our 1902 offer.
Y.., Nip 0
When ToaDa Die, Dig : ce.
OU €AN BE CURED by oar combined movement
ment. We not only mainsain bus guarante
tained by all who, under aur directions, stri
y a list of questions from which your case is diagnosed hy o irs
js specially prescribed for. If doctors have pron ame: [yon Fersgon
diseases, it will be of vital iniersss to you to COM @BRICILE Wit Us i B
Bright's Disease and ether Kidney Uisea es, Blonmiiiog, |
nesses of Women, Lost Manhood, Bladder Bis
eases, Catarrh, Drspansia, Diabetes, Bplicpes, Weart Diissa ie, {uso wala,
Nervous Debility, Suiatiea, Asthma, Bilisumess asd Goooral Debi,
diseases which rezult from improper Living er iguoranu. :
“The neg of the Physics 4g
incre: 7 and a uecred
cure, hydropathy aur
2 that vigoro':s, intox tin
forit by NATUR.
“They eure where othe
‘‘ Their treatment is rational
“Dict, exrreise and water are the three great vi
ng pamphlet of r
sons we have cured, send
timonials of ve p
unpuion, Weak-
“asi Dis-
wT A
of t
if 3