THE SOMERSET COUNTY STAR P. L. Livexcoon, Editor and Publisher. Entered at the Postoilice at Elk Lick, Pa. as mail matter of the Second Class. Rat Subscription es, THE STAR is publishe »d every Thursdav,at Elk Lick, Somerset County, Pa, at the fol- Jowing rates: One year, if paid spot cash in advance. If not paid strictly in advance. 8ix months, if ps id spot cash in advance If not paid stric tly mn advance Three months, cash in advance Single copies. oe: To avoid multiplicity of small an all subscriptions r Xhres monihs o must be paid i 0 Tr 3 rt Ltes s and terms will be ri Advert Rates. ising line for each sue ] ness Iacals will bo i Jems or editorial for less than 10 ¢ents a line for sertion, except on Yearly conti C 3 Rates for Display Advertisments will be known on application. Pufls, invariably 10 cents a made Paid Editorial fine. Legal Advertisements at legal rates. Marriage, Birth and Death Notlices not exceeding fifteen lines, inserted free. All additional iines. 5 cents each. Cards of Thanks will be published free for prtrons of the paper. Non-patrons will be eharged 10 cents a line Resolutions of R espec t will be published for 5 cents a line. All advertisements will be run and charg- ed for until ordered discontinued. No advertisement will be taken for less than 25 cents. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS The crowned heads of every nation, The rich men, poor men and misers All join in paying tribute to De Witt’s Little Early Rizers. H. Williams, San Antonio, Te Little Early Riser Pills are the best 1 ever used in my family. I unhesitatingly X., writes: recommend them to everybody. They eure Constipation, Billiousness, Sick Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaundice, Malaria and all other liver troubles. E. H. Miller. 2-1 Write it 1908. Don’t forget to write it 1903. A young son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H- Menhorn is suffering with tonsilitis. this week. We wish all patrons, friends, enemies, neighbors and the rest of the folks a most prosperous and happy New Year. On the program, Friday night, but eannot talk, much less sing and recite. Did you ever try Victor Lung Syrup for Cough and Hoarseness? We will steal a march on our old friend Lou Smith and announce right away that the next holiday will be Birthington’s wash day Our old friend Jacob Shunk is quite ill. He has been suffering with asthma and stomach trouble. What you must have in your home— food, water and a good Liniment. None surpasses Victor Liniment for any and all accident cases. We are sorry to learn that Frank Petry, Sr., is quite ill. It is reported to THE STAR that he has been confined to the house for a month or more. Wm. Baumgardner is quite ill at his Rome in this borough. We are glad to note, however, that his condition is ‘ rapidly improving. He has been suf- fering with malaria, we are informed. The prevention of consumption is en- tirely a question of commencing the proper treatment in time. so well adapted to ward off fatal lung troubles as Foley’s Honey and Tar. E. H. Miller. Most of our merchants report an immense Holiday trade this year. When it comes to doing business, regardless of season, Salisbury easily leads all the other towns in the county, in proportion to population. The person who will secretly con- spire to injure a neighbor at whose hands he has never received anything but kioduess, and that, too, while professing friendship for his neighbor, is mot fit to live among honorable men. Snakes in the grass should live in an underground colony by themselves. The next examination for mine fore- man and fire boss certificates to be keld in this district will be in Connells- ville, Pa., January 20th, 21st and 22nd, 1903. The examining board will be Bernard Callaghan, minth bituminous district ; wagon and Alfred C. Jones ville. Inspector of the Clair Still- , of Connells- In making good resolutions for the present year, don’t forget to pay what you owe Tur Star. Many subscriptions expire this month. Come and pay what you owe, and then save money by paying in advance. All who pay a year in advance save 25 cents by the oper- ation. That. amount saved is the same as that amount earned. An exchange tells of a boy who grew up to manhood without ever seeing a woman. But in the course of events he saw one of those angelic creatures. “What is that, father?” asked the young man. “That, my son, is a woman,” said the father, And the very next words the young man uttered were: “Father, I want one of those things,” and the boy was not so much different from the | rest of mankind at that rate. | ign ke Absolutely Pure Grape Juice. Speer’s Unfermented Grape Juice is perfectly divesicd of all fermenting | principle by electricity and fumigation ; it is natural juices not cooked. Nothing is | can always be prevented by the use of | | Foley's Kidney Cure. Sold by E. H.| Miiler. 2.1 | | a - Some people will be very friendly to | {a man when they favor, and very profuse in their thanks when they get the accommodations asked for. But at the same time they will knife | their benefactors in the back whenever they get a chance. It is very to occasionally catch double-dealers in a place where they have to show their) true colors. Lord, how color up and squirm! want na amusing | Then, oh they — Pneumonia and La Gripoe. Coughs cured quickly by Folie) Honey and Tar. Refuse substitutes EK. H. Miiler. Pel or { Mr. Business Man. begin the new year with a new home paper. old fogies. the year 1903, and Ly the time the you increase advertisement in your Don’t be classed with ihe Advertise diligently during year the You have will be your closes surprised at in business. lots of things to =ell that the public knows nothing about. Advertising creates a demand, aud all peopie admire a hustler who tries to increase his business. 5 ~~ Stop It! A neglected cough or cold may lead to serious bronchial or lung troubles. Don’t take chances when Foley’s Honey and Tar affords perfect security from serious effects of a cold. E. H. Miller Our friend Jacob Glotfelty, who last spring moved onto the 8. K. Weimer farm in Greenville township, while being a good fellow is nevertheless a terror to wildeats. We are reliably informed that Jacob killed two of the aforesaid animals, last week, and that he has his weather eye peeled for more. Whenever he gets after a wild “pussy” the scalp is going to be his every time. That's right, *Jakey,” while you're at the bat, kill every cat and fry out the fat. A Life at Stake If you better knew the eplondtd merit of Foley’s Honey and Tar you would never be without it. A dose or two will prevent an attack of pneumonia or la grippe. It may save your life. E. H. Miller. Here is a puzzle that puzzles every- body: Take the number of your living brothers, double the amount, add to it three, multiply the result by five, add to it the number of living sisters, multiply the result by ten, add the number of deaths of brothers and siaters, and subtract 150 from the re- sult. The right hand figure will be the number of deaths, the middle figure will be the number of living sisters, and the left will show the number of living brothers. Try it and see. In Bed Four Weeks With La Grippe. We have received the following letter from Mr. Rey Kemp, of Angola, Ind “I was in bed four weeks with la grippe and I tried many remedies and spent considerable for treatment with physicians, but 1 received no relief until I tried Foley’s Honey and Two small bottles of this medicine cured me and I now use it exclusively in my family.” Take no substitutes. E. H. Miller. hl gg It is really amusing to note how dirty, sneaking and contemptible : ome people will ailow a little bit of political prej- udice to make them. They will get down on people who never «id ‘Liem a personal in their lives. The man who will allow his political ideas to induce him to do a personal wrong wrong to those who have honest political differences with him, is fit only to dwell among wild beasts. besides, a man of that class is always a greai, big fool, one who sows dragons’ teeth that eventually tound wounding the sOwer. are The many friends of G. H. Hausan, Engineer, L. E. & W. R. R., at present living in Lima, O., will be pleased to know of his recovery from threatened kidney disease. He writes: I cured by using Foley’s Kidney Cure which I recommend to all, especially trainmen who are usually similarly af- flicted.” Sold by E. H. Miller. 2-1 Last week several of our good citizens remembefed our chief of police Mr, Joseph Joy, by handing him their checks for amounts ranging from two to ten dollars. The checks were given as Christmas gifts by people who appreciate a good officer. Right here we wish to say that the gifts were richly deserved and duly appreciated by Mr. Joy. who is an officer our town may well be proud of. Out of chaos and drunken revelry he has brought peace and good order to the town, and the town owes him a large debt of gratitude. wus a Children Poisoned. Many children are poisoned and made nervous and weak, if not killed out- right, by mothers giving them cough | | syrups containing opiates. Foley's Honey and Tar is a safe and certain | remedy for coughs, croup and lung | troubles, and is the only prominent | | cough medicine that contains no opiates or other poisons. E. H;Miller. | and the patronage of his friends. : want to be neutral, and they sre some- | i fearless man of | always more admired than th | Coughs, some men will never do an honest man : a favor? They will take his money year after year and enjoy his patronage But when it comes to granting a favor. no | | matter how small, and notwithstandin ! s | . 1 the fact that it costs them not one | 1 penny, they make all sorts of lame | excuses and are afraid that if they please some one else. They always | | The conyictions times called neuters or sissies. honest is sissy.” EE — The peduliar cough which indicates | the time of it, for this purpose no medicine has well known children. the 10 No treatment croup, is usually mothers of eroupy should be Jost in and recerved more universal approval than | Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. waste valuable time 1n experimenting with untried remedies, no matter how highly they may be recommended. but give this medicine as directed and all | Do not symptoms of croup will quickly dis- appear. For sale by KE. H. Miller. 2-1 The comptroller of the currency has received the report of the receiver of the National Bank of Hyndman, was closed Dec. 19, 1902. The assets at the date of suspension amounted to $101,317. The receiver estimates the doubtful and worthless bills receivable and other assets to be worth $11,500. The liabilities of the bank are reported as $43,032. From the report received, it does not appear probable that the general creditors of the bank will suffer any loss, the late president, J. J. Hoblitzell, having agreed to pay the face value of all claims proved against the bank and thus become practically its only creditor. which —— - Mrs. Johanna Soderholm, of Fergus Falls, Minn. fell and dislocated her shoulder. She had a surgeon get it back in place as soon as possible, but it was quite sore and pained her very much. Her son mentioned that he had seen Chamberlain’s Pain Balm advertised for sprains and soreness, and she asked him to buy her a bottle of it, which he did. It quickly relieved her and enabled her to sleep, which she had not done for several days. The son was so much pleased with the relief it gave his mother that he has since recommended it to many others. For sale by E. H. Miller. 2-1 Ezra L. Milliron, burgess of Rock- wood, and Miss Martha Jane Schrock, of Ursina, were married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Evan Schrock, in Ursina, at 2 p. m,, Christmas day. After a sumpiuous dinner the bridal pair took train 5 tor Pittsburgh. From there the following day they went to Conneaut Lake, Venango county, where they visited the groom’s father, Rev. 8 Milliron. After spending a week at points in northwestern Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. Milliron will return to Casselman, where a new bouse nicely furnished, awaits their home-coming, and where Mr. Milliron is employed as local manager of the Southern and Middlecreek Coal companie .—Rockwood Gazette. A Scientific Discovery. Kodol does for the stomach that which it is unable to do for itself, even when but slightly disordered or over- loaded, Kodol supplies that natural juice of digestion and does the work of the stomach, relaxing the nervous tension, while the inflamed muscles of that organ are allowed to rest and heal. Kodol digests what you eat and enables the stomach and digestive organs to transform all food into rich, red blood. E. H. Miller. During the year endiig 7 June 30, 1902, there were 14,983 persons appointed to positions in U. 8. Classified Civil Service, which was 4.692 more than were ever before appointed in a single year. If you wish information about positions of this kind you can obtain it free by writing for the Civil Service announcement of the Columbian Correspondence College, Washington, D. C. The Civil Service Commission will hold examinations to secure young men and women for these places during Mareh and April, at Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Scranton and Warren. From 3,048 appointments during the first year of Mr. McKinley's administration, they have increased to nearly five times that number. Presi- dent Roosevelt is a firm believer in the merit system, and as long as he is president these appointments will con- tinue to increase. Vnconslvie Form Croup. During a sudden and terrible attack of croup our little girl was unconscious from strangulation, says A. L. Spafford, postmaster, Chester, Mich., and a dose of One Minute Cough Cure was admin- istered and repeated often. It reduced the swelling and inflammation, cut the | broom, when he atincked her, | grant the small favor asked it will dis- | | loss from mucus and shortly the child was resting easy and speedily recovered. It cures Colds, La Grippe, and all Throat and Lung troubles. One Minute | Jough Cure lingers in the throat and chest and enables the lungs to contrib- | | ute pure, health-giving oxygen to the ‘blood. E. H. Miller. Eatal kidney and bladder troubles) “Why is it,” says an exchange, “that | A dog suffering with rabies raised havoe in the cow stable of W. S. Davis, who owns and resides on the Ankeny farm, in Somerset township, on Wednes- day afternoon of last week. Mrs. Davis was alone at home, and hearing the dis- turbance went ta the barn and, dis- covering the enuse, attempted to beat the brute away from the cattle with a and she saved herself from his fangs only the aid the broom. of Rerching the door of the barn, he closed it on the dog and quickly summoned a neighbor, Wesley Barron, who, with a hired nan, drove the eanine inio a corner with piichforks and =hot him to death. Reveral cows, calves and a bull were bitten, the latter and four cows having sittee been killed. Under a Mr. Davis state law, will be recompensed for his the county treasury. It is the cattle Alderneys and said were | very valuable.—Rockwood Gazette. Finds Way to Live Long. The startling announcement of a Dis- covery that will surely lengthen life is | made by editor O. H. Dow ney, of Chu- 1 rubusco, ind. 1 wish to state” he writes, “that Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption is the most infallible remedy that I have ever known for Coughs, Colds and Grip. It’sinvaluable to people with weak lungs. Having this wonderful medicine no one need dread Pneumonia or Consumption. Its relief is instant and cure certain.” E. H. Miller guarantees every 50c and $1.00 bottle, and gives trial bottles free. Of Importance to Mining Interests. In aceordance with the policy of the United States Geological Survey to make available the results of its re- searches as early os possible and in a form suitable to the business needs of the country, a bulletin is in prepara- tion and will shortly be issued which will contain a concise summary of the advances in economic geology made by the Survey during the last year. This will not take the place of the more extended reports of the organ- ization, but will place before the public the essential features of the investi- gations of the year in the meralliferous and non-metalliferous deposits of the country, so that those desiring the in- formation may obtain it in concise form without the necessity of search- ing through voluminous reports. By his means the results of investigation will also be made available much earlier than has heretofore been pos- sible. It is probable that a bulletin of this nature will be published an- nually for the benefit of the public. One Hundred Dollars a Box is the value H. A. Tisdale, Summerton, 8. C., places on DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. He says: “I had the piles for 20 years. I tried many doctors and medicines, but all failed except De- Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It cured me.” It is a combination of the healing properties of Witch Hazel with antiseptics and emollients ; relieves and permanently cures blind, bleeding itching and protruding piles, sores, cuts, bruises, eczema, salt-rheum and all skin diseases. E. H. Miller. vise Graphophones and Flat Records. Perfection in Disc Graphophores and Flat Records was quickly achieved by the Columbia Phonograph Company, the pioneers and leaders in the talking machine art, when it demonstrated the wonderful possibilities of the flat in- destructible records. Up to that time nothing important had been accom- plished. The machines were faulty and the records were not in the same class with the cylindrical records used on the graphophone. A knowledge of how to make disc records and the proper material of which to make them seemed to be entirely lacking. The wide experience of the record depart- ment ‘of the Columbia Phonograph Company enabled it to grasp the true principles underlying the making of disc records, and the first product was a great deal better than anything that had been accomplished by others. With the lapse of time the improve! ment that has come with practice has placed the Columbia Dise Records far in advance of all others. They are characterized by smoothness, sweet- ness, clearness and naturalness. And while preserving all these desirable qualities they are the loudest records on the market. The Dise Graphophone is made in three types, selling at $15, $20 and $30. Seven inch records 50c each, $5 per dozen; 10 inch records $1 each, $10 per dozen. The Graphophone and Columbia Records were awarded the Grand Prize at the Paris Exposition of 1900. The Columbia Phonograph Co., 615 Penn Avenue, Pittsburg, headquarters for graphophones and talking machine supplies of every kind, will send you catalogues on application. 1-8. th The Secret of Life Consists in keeping all the main or- gans of the body in healthy, regular ac- tion, and in quickly destroying deadly diseas se ge pms Electric Bitters regulate | Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood, a give a splendid Troubles, Female Complaints, Nervous Diseases, Constipation, Dyspepsia, and. Malaria. Vigorous health and | | strength always follow their use Only | 50c guaranteed by KE. H. "Mil ler | | druggist. with j appetite. | They work wonders in curing Kidney | 30. S. DEPOSITORY # Capital Stock and Sarplus Fund. ..........................0. Lo 0, $ 100,000.C0 Deposits Cover)... .. occ h ever cise eet carta A 819,600.00 Ansel (Over)... aris sass csstaridad: soa. wail ad, 1,0G0,600.00 avtment.... i Pa.d on Deposits. uSavi: ~__Three Per Cont, lt ere Drafts on all parts of the world. Accounts of individuals and firms invited. Deposits sent by-mail and all correspondence tention. This bank is the only United States depository in ihe George Bank open Saturday nights from 7 to 10 o’clock. given prompt and careful at- ’ s Creek Valley. MARX WINELAND, PPESIDENT. ROBERDEAU ANNAN, CASHIER. 20 Per Cent. Reduction —= on Men’s and Boys’ Overcoats. Owing to lateness of season you an buy your winter overcoat at small cost. Remember These Coats ae are all of this season’s styles and here are strictly up to date. Come and try them on. Barechus & Livengood. A A ER A RE : THE WINTER TERM —OF THE— Southern Pennsylvania Cotlege of Music— a Nomerset, Pa., —WILL OPEN— | TUESDAY EVENING, JAN. 6th. Course will be offered in Piano, Voice, Stringed Instru- ments, Musical Kindergarten Culture, Elocution, Har- mony, Theory, Sight Reading and History of Music. Send for illustrated catalogue. HELEN HARRIE JUNKIN, Musical Deft A WhentorDoDe Dig df i 0 OU CAN BE CURED by our combined movement-cure, hrdropathy und Toren treat. ment. We not only maintain but guarantee that vizorons, i . 1 ‘= tained by all who, Jnger our directions, strive fort nn a list of questions which your case 1s uingnose: is specially prescribed Son tors have pronoun y diseases, it will be of vitalinteress to you to communicate Bright's Disease and other Kidney Diseases, Bhen = nesses of Women, Lost Manhood, Bladder Diseases, T eases, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Heart ol 16, Nervous Debility, Sciatica, Asthma, Biliousness and G eral De! iit, and all otler diseases which result from improperliving or igne rnoxlectofilod sure, SERNNY Tr norisciof PMlslawso na ‘‘ The neglect of the Physical well-being increase in insanity and ou decrease in the birti i F : | : : | ws CER Te Fx dn yer Bisa Di i: They cure where o he: