The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, October 30, 1902, Image 8

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    The LYON Improved
Egg Beater
Beats eggs quicker and makes
more material than any other
beater. Unsurpassed as a
creamwhippperand forstirring
up batter for cakes, etc. Has
ball bearings at both ends. No
unsightly outside supporting
frame. Neatestinappearance
and easiest cleaned of all egg
beaters. For Sale by Dealers.
For slicing all kirds of fruit
and vegetables easily, perfect-
ly and rapidly. Double cut—
f one side cutting thick, the
other thin. Reversible handle;
insert in either end. Made
from one piece of solid steel.
For Sale by Dealers.
Sole Manufacturers
Many newspapers have lately given currency
to reports by irresponsible parties to the effect
had entered a trust or combination; we wish
to assure the public that there is neo truth in
such reports. We have been manufacturing
sewing machines for over a quarter ofa centu-
ry, and have established a reputation for our-
selves and our machines that is the envy of all
others. . Our ‘ New Home’ machine has
never been rivaled as a family machine.—It
stands at the head ofall High Grade sewing
machines, and stands-on its ewan merits.
The ““ New Home?’ is the only really
HIGH GRADE Sewing Machine
on the market.
It is not necessary for us to enter into a trust
to save our credit or pay any debts as we have
no debts to pay. We have never entered into
competition with manufacturers of low grade
cheap machines that are made to sell regard-
less of any intrinsic merits. Do not be de-
ceived, when you want asewing machinedon’t
send your money away from homes; callon a
“ New Home” Dealer, he cansell you a
better machine for less than you can purchase
elsewhere. If there is no dealer mear you,
write direct to us.
New York, Chicago, Ill, St. Louis, Mo., Atlan«
ta, Ga., Dallas, Tex., San Francisco, Cal.
A new rifle. 20-inch barrel.
‘Weight 4 pounds. C. B. caps
and .22 short R. F. Has an
cannot be discharged accident-
Price Only $4.00
If these rifles are not carried in stock
by your dealer, send price and we will
send it to you express prepaid.
Send stamp for catalog deseribing com-
[lets line and containing valuable in-
ormation to shooters
THE J. STevENs Anus axD Tool Co.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable. Communica-
tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co.
special notice, without charge, in the
Scientific American.
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir.
culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a
i] four months, $L. Sold by all newsdealers.
NN & Co,zerereevex. New York
Branch Office. 625 F St. Washineton,
Office opposite Court House.
Coffroth & Ruppel Building.
Office in Court House.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office corner Grant and Union Streets.
The Home Bakery!
Having purchased the Salis-
bury bakery of Henry Dersch,
I wish to inform the people of
Salisbury and vicinity that I
solicit their liberal patronge.
The Best
Of Everything
in my line will be sold at rea-
sonable prices, and Mr. Dersch
will run the delivery wagon as
heretofore. Prompt attention
will be given to special orders,
and no efforts will be spared to
please my customers.
John Schramm.
We are now running
a free delivery wagon
and will deliver Grocer-
ies, Flour, Fruit, Bread,
ete., to all parts of town.
>We Sell
heapztor Cash.
Give us a trial and
you will find that it is
to your interest to deal
with us. Our goods
are always fresh and
pure, and our prices
Man Shall Not
That is what our Saviour
said when the devil tried to
tempt him on the mountain
top. No one wants to live by
bread alone. Good MxaT is
wanted by all ug, and even
The Devil
Is Going About
like a roaring lion, seeking
whom he may devour. .But
don’t let the devil put it into
your head that you can buy
better MEAT than is sold at my
shop. I kill good cattle and al-
ways sell as low as current
prices will allow. For the best
Mear and the lowest living
prices, always call on your
x 1
- om
ams acct ©
. Simearman.
are the most fatal of all dis-
Guaranteed Remedy
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recogni by emi
nent physicians as the best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
PRICE 50c. and $1.00.
Salisbury Hack lane,
SCHRAMM BROS. Proprietors.
SCHEDULE :—Hack No. 1 leaves Salis-
bury at 8 a. m., arriving at Meyersdale at
9.30 a. m, Returning leaves Meyersdale atl
p.m., arriving at Salisbury at 2.30 p. m.
HACK No. 2 leaves Salisbury at 1 p. m., ar-
riving at Meyersdale at 2.30 p. m. Return-
ing ledves Meyersdale at 6 p. m. arriving at
Salisbury at 7.30 p. m.
Summer Arrangement.—In Ef-
fect Sunday, May 18, 1902.
Under the new schedule there will be 10
daily passenger trains on the Pittsburg Di-
vision, due at Meyersdale as follows:
Hast Bound.
No. 10x—Night ExXpress.............
No. 14*—Accommodation ....
No. 6g—Through Mail........
No. 46z—Through Train....... a
No. 16¥—Accommodation............
West Bound.
No. 9*—Night Express.............. 2
No. 13*—Accommodation 4
No. 47*—Through Train.............
No. 5d—Through Mail..............
No. 49%*—Accommodation ...........
*Regular stop. zDo not stop. xFlag stop.
g Stop to take on passengers for Wash-
ington and points beyond. d.Stop to take
on passengers for Pittsburg and west.
Live By Bread Alone!|
Lov Smite is an enormous fool, but
for gall he isv’t in it with his. master,
“Timmie” Scull. It is a well known
fact that both Scull and Smith favored
and worked in conjunction with the
Democratic county committee to set up
a complete fusion county ticket. They
set up a ticket, too, that showed fraud
on the face of it, and when J. A. Berkey
decided to take the dirty schemers in-
to court, then they withdrew their mon-
grel ticket as quick as lightning. ‘‘Lu-
cifer” candidly admitted that he was
sorry that the dirty job came to grief,
but the cowardly “Timmie” is now
claiming that he was for the straight
Republican ticket all the time. What
gall! What impudence ! It took Mr.Scull
from the time the result of the primary
was known until this week to find out
for sure that he is a Republican, and
not until this week did he hoist the
ticket to the masthead of his Herald,or
“Bolters’ Bazoo,” as his paper is usually
called. If Mr. Scull supposes for one
moment that his deathbed repentance
is deceiving anybody, he is sadly mis-
taken. And if he supposes for one mo-
ment that the Republican county or-
ganization, or the rank and file of the
party care a straw what course the
Herald pursues, he is laboring under a
wrong impression. No one even cares
whether Mr. Scull votes the Republi-
can ticket, and it is not believed by
very many people that either be or his
principal henchmen will vote the tick-
et straight. There is some dirty work
going on now that the dirty skunks
think they are keeping completely hid
from true Republicans, but in that they
are also mistaken. The Herald people
are noted for professing one thing
through their paper and doing the op-
posite on the quiet. But let them go
ahead, for they are politically dead
and damned, anyway.
His Life In Peril,
“1 just seemed to have gone all to
pieces,” writes Alfred Bee, of Welfare,
Tex., “billiousness and a lame back had
made life a burden. I couldn’t eat or
sleep and felt almost too worn out to
work when I began to use Electric Bit-
ters, but they worked wonders. Now 1
sleep like a top, can eat anything, have
gained in strength and enjoy hard
work.” They give vigorous health and
new life to weak, sickly, run-down peo-
ple. Try them. Only 50c. at E. H:
Miller’s drug store.
Another Candidate Off.
Everett Republican.
As was announced in the Republican
last week J. C. Lowry. Esq., of Somer
set, was placed on the Demoeratic-Un-
ion ticket for State Senator in: this dis-
trict to run against Hon. W. C. Miller.
Editor Alex. Grof had been pulled off
by the Democratic bosses and General
William H. Koontz put on in his place.
Then Koontz withdrew and J. C. Low-
ry was put on in his place. On Mon-
day of this week Mr. Lowry withdrew
and now there is no one to take his
place. The handwriting iz on the wall.
Hon. W. C. Miller will be elected by
over 4,000 majority and no one wants
to be buried under such an avalanche
of votes.
Dr. Miller’s record in the Legislature
ix approved by the people of this coun-
ty and the other counties comprising
the district. He supported every bill
in the house calculated to benefit the
farmer, the laborer and the
When the miners’ bills
House in the last sesssion, he, with
other members of the House from the
hard coal regions, did everything in his
power to get the Senate committee 10
put those bills on passage in the Sen.
ate. With him in the Renate the next
session the miners will
friend and supporter.
the Somerset coal regions will give him
hearty support and it is believed the
miners in the Broad Top region will do
the same. Let a man be judged by his
acts. Dr. Miller’s votes in the Legisla-
ture speak for him. He made a mag-
nificent record and is entitled to strong
support from the people of this county.
He is a generous, warm-hearted man
personally. This is shown by the man-
ner in which he has interested himself
in getting help on numerous occasions
for people in distress. Put him in the
Senate and you will have the right man
in the right place, and one who will be
a friend at all times to everyone need-
ing a friend.
passed the
have a firm
The miners in
Forty Years’ Torture.
To be relieved from a torturing dis-
ease after 40 years’ torture might well
cause the gratitude of anyone. That is
what DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve did
for C. Haney, Geneva, O. He says:
“DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve cured me
of piles after I had suffered 40 years.”
Cures cuts, burns, wounds, skin dis-
eases. Beware of counterfeits. E. H.
Several Jolts.
There is a tariff on steel and there is
the “Steel Trust.”
The tariff, it is said, is the mother of
the trusts.
The way to wipe out the trusts, it is
said, is to wipe out the tariff.
There is no tariff on: petroleum, but
there is the Standard Oil Trust.
This gives a jolt to the theory.
There is no tariff on steel rails in
England. But the British steel rail
industries have formed a trust to reg-
ulate the output and to control prices.
Still the only way to wipe out the
trusts, it is said, is to wipe out the
tariff. —Jersey City Journal.
Beware of Labor Tyrants in Dis-
guise—A Few Words of
For a week or two O. W. Kennedy
has been flooding Somerset county with
letters, *circulars, ete. In one set of
the circulars Mr. Kennedy tells who he
is, and among other things he claims to
be a staunch friend of the working
man. It is well enough to take Mr,
Kennedy’s statements with salt.
In the first place, Mr. Kennedy is a
high-salaried officer of the Frick Coke
Company, and everybody knows that
the Frick Coke Company employs more
scab labor than any other concern in
Western Pennsylvania. Of course, the
Frick concern pays some of its skilled
workmen good wages, but the majority
of its work is performed by the most
degraded and poorly paid class of la-
borers that can be found anywhere in
America. Huns and Slavs are employ-
ed to take the place of Americans, be-
cause they cost less money and can be
more easily enslaved and imposed upon
than Americans.
Secondly, the Frick Company em-
ploys no men for officers and bosses
who are staunch friends of the labor-
ing man. If Mr. Kennedy would be
the friend of the working men that he
claims to be. and especially of organ-
ized labor, he couldn’t hold his position
with the concern.
Thirdly, it is generally good policy to
steer clear of these fellows who are
never known to be friendly to laboring
men until they are candidates for office.
That’s the kind of a man Mr. Kennedy
is, and his loving twaddle sounds too
much like a deathbed repentance just
at this time. ;
Any working man whois a Republican
and will allow Mr. Kennedy’s honeyed
words to capture his vote is not very
smart. Vote for Cooper, the Republi-
can candidate, who is a most excellent
man, and who represents the party
that has enacted all the legislation that
was ever enacted for the benefit of the
laborer. A union miner who knows
whereof he speaks has the following to
say in the Meyersdale Republican con-
cerning Mr. Kennedy:
Eprror Repucrnican:—I desire to say
a few words of caution to the laboring
men of Meyersdale and Somerset coun-
ty, as regards O. W. Kennedy, the
Democratic nominee for Congress in
this district. and his attitude towards
organized labor. He has been thebitter
foe of organized labor and by his direc-
tion unionism has been crushed out in
Fayette county.He is against the United
Mine Workers’ organization, and when
men went into Connellsville to hold
public meetings looking towards mak-
ing an attempt to organize, he had men
discharged for merely attending the
meetings, and if necessary, I can furn-
ish the exact dates and the number of
men so discharged. He is now asking
our assistance, when in 1898 he was dc-
ing all in his power to crush us. There
are miners employed in this region to-
day, besides myself, who are fully
aware of what I say, and who, like my-
self. can tell all about Mr. Kennedy's
attitude towards organized labor.
A Uxrox MINER.
Natural Anxiety.
Mothers regard approaching winter
with uneasiness, children take cold so
easy, No disease costs more little
Jives than croun. It’s attack is so sud-
den that the sufferer is often beyond
human aid before the doctor arrives.
Ruch eases yield readily to One Minute
Cough Cure. Liquities the mucus, al-
lays inflammation; removes danger.
Absolutely safe. Acts immediately.
Cures colds, coughs, grip, brouchitis,all
throat and lung trouble. IF. 8S. McMa-
hon, Hampton, Ga.: “A bad cold ren-
| dered me voiceless just before an ora-
torical contest. 1 intended to with-
draw but took One Minute Cough
Cure. It restored my voice in time to
win the medal.” E. H. Miller.
To Statesmen Out of a Job.
Well, gentlemen, what do you want?
A change? Nominate your poison.
State the remedy for a general condi-
tion of prosperity probably unexampled
in this or any other country. How to
introduce paralysis in the commercial
world, how to stop the hum of machin-
ery, how to reduce the demand for
products of all sorts, how to increase
wants and diminish the means of satis-
fying them, how to kill industry, to
grow paupers to fill charitable institu-
tions and empty workshops—these are
some of the questions to which the
massive minds of ‘‘statesmen out of a
job” are now exclusively devoted.
The leap in the dark has been tried
before. The man who tries it knows
when he strikes the solid earth. In
proportion to the distance he has to
fall is the jar when he stops going
down. Prudent men don’t leap in the
dark. They don’t leap at all after they
have reached a certain age. Old bones
are brittle. It is easy to jump down.
It is terribly hard to jump up.—Chicago
The above is well worth thinking
over, and we wish to warn voters of our
own county and the state to be on
their guard and vote the whole Repub-
lican ticket, state, district and county.
It’s the only safe thing to do. If you
want to usher in another Soup House
administration, then vote for Kennedy
for Congress and for as many other
Democrats as you can find on the bal-
lot. But if you want prosperity to
reign, then vote for Cooper for Con-
gress and for the whole Republican
Though We
Say If urselves—
You can get the largest
and best bottle of Emulsion of
Cod Liver Oil that is to be
found at the
Elk Lick Durg Nore,
Our Emulsion of Cod Liver
Oil contains 50 per cent.
Pure Norweigan Cod Liver
0il, or 16% per cent.
than any other Emulsion on
the market.
Our Emulsion is pleasant
to take, easily digested, and is
highly recommended for Con-
sumption, Coughs, Colds, Bron-
chitis and General Debility.
Your Next
Bottle, Miller's!
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
The Elk Lick Pharmacy.
A Weak
Indigestion is often caused by over-
eating. An eminent authority says
the harm done thus exceeds that from
the excessive use of alcohol. Eat all
the good food you want but don’t over-
load the stomach. A weak stomach
may refuse to digest what you eat.
Then you need a good digestant like.
Kodol, which digests your food with-
out the stomach’s aid. This rest and
the wholesome tonics Kodol contains
soon restore health. Dieting unneces-
sary. . Kodol quickly relieves the feel-
ing of fulness and bloating from
which some people suffer after meals.
Absolutely cures indigestion.
Kodol Nature’s Tonle.
Prepared only by E. C. DEWITT & 00.,0Ohic
Theol, botite containest times the boc. Hiv gd
our new line of La-
dies’ Suits and Wraps.
We have your style,
because we have
in Suits and Jackets
for the swell dresser
as well as for the con-
servative buyer. You
won't find fault with
the price. Nobody
Meyersdale, Pa.
Correct Silverware
Correctin character, design and §
is as necessary as
dainty china or fine linen if you
would have everything in good
taste and ony. Knives,
forks, spoons and fancy pieces for
table use will be correct if se-
lected from goods stamped
‘1847 5%
Remember 1847,” as there a
imitation “Rogers.” F a
No.6 address t. o makiore Caislogne
International Silver Co. Meriden, Conn.
| smithing and many other kinds of re-
pair work done neatly, promptly and
substantially. All-work left
Theoph. Wagner
prices, by the undersigncd.
tf Salisbury, Pa.
at the
residence will be |
promptly attended “to, at reasonable |
Wine Makicg in Portugal.
. In great cmcrgency when alk
. the men are demanded in the vine-
| yards, women are called to assist
| in wine treading. Our correspon-
| dent saw young women wear-
| ing their own garments which they
| skilfully gather up around them
until they assume the biggest and
| most abbreviated of Dutchman's
“britchen” costumes, while in the
An improved method of mash-
ing by machinery is adopted
At the Speer Oporto Gr:pe Vineyards,
by which a barrel of grapes a
minute is dumped in the hopper,
that feed two large rubber rollers,
between which the grapes are
The Port Wine from “peer’sVineyards
beats the world for its valuable
| medicinal qualitics. None put
i on the market now,until nine years
| old. Weakly persons, Invalids,
| Females, and Aged persons,
| should always have a bottle in the
| house. If properly used it will
| restore health and prolong life. It
is by all odds the Wine for wed-
dings, social entertainment and
family use. )
To be a man who can excel one hundred thou-
sand men in any one line is good; to be one in a
million is better; but #2, to be the only liv-
ing man, (and the \ second one in the
history of the §&¥ ‘9 world), who has
drawn a perfect § $ single line pic-
This Mr. Fleming,
4) r of ‘Around
*¢ Around the Ca;
Pan,” an
ital,” (82.00 books), has done in his
2 of Mc # .
best Japanese
ington life pen and
five hundred pic-
nent Americans, in-
tures of promi
A men, ambassadors
cluding the states p=
and commanders p, participating in the
-American ‘War—comprising
by far the greates collection of facts
nd faces ever pro Ri §) duced in one vol-
ume in condensed! iy form, will interest
the entire civiliz i world. The draw-
gs equal, if they gd do t s
those of John Ten [§ 18 niel's, for which
wor he was G8 “dow knighted by
ioe vie x SENATO) R QUAY Tor
Thor The Crar of STAY a {SPejagious.
star Feed Grinder
Will grind Ear Corn and all kinds of small
grain into a first-class Chop-Feed. By its
use the farmer saves his grain, toll, hauling |
his grain to the mill; improves his stock and
lines his pocket-book.
Write us for book on Ground Feed and
Agents Wanted
Le Has)
Swedish Asthma
Hay Fever Cure!
Asthma and Hay Fever posi-
tively cured by this medicine.
Hart’s Swedish Asthma Cure Co.,
. Buffalo, N. Y.
Sirs: —If I could, I would like to send
a bottle of your Cure to every sufferer
frour Asthma in the United States as a
Xmas gift. I have taken three bottles
and I knew its value before I had tak-
en one-third of the first bottle. I could
breathe free and sleep like a child. My
weight then was 140 pounds. At the
present time it is 172. Am on the Po-
lice force at night; exposed to all kinds
of weather. Am 53 years old. Am ac-
guainted with a gentleman, Mr. Long,
a jeweler, No. 80 8S. Market St., who has
been a sufferer for years; often not
able to do any work, and it has wrought
wonderful results in his case. I gladly
recommed it; especially to my old
| Army Comrades. W. J. Browx,
195 N. Buckley St., Wooster, O.
| Sold by all druggists or sent
direct, Price $1.50 per bottle.
! themost healing salve in the world.
Ce << Il
Jp |