a te HRT I ER ACA FRA Bs a eral mae RETR TRA Hn FINE tin Fashionable :*: Tailoring! Our stock consists of Grays, Browns, Olive Greens, Black and White Mixtures, Birdeyes, Blue and Black staple goods of all descriptions made to the datest fashion. 2,000 SAMPLES AND STOCK PATTERNS fo select a spring suit from, or :any gentlemen’s wear in cloth- ‘ing, is what we have to lay be- fore the public for inspection. Fit, workmanship and trim- mings guaranteed perfectly sat- iisfactory. Cleaning and re- pairing neatly and promptly «done. The old reliable firm, VW. (. Hiller, liable Sain . vill y » Hitle musician a. thie critical period without the lossof seng. © © | Sold by druggists &bird dealers. Italled for 1364 order to bring out the song of the feathered warbler almost immediately, mix a few a of the Phila. Bird Food Co’s BIRD the bird's ansking water. T infuse new life and vitality into the "Sold by druggists. : A The bint HAND BOOK. * J Beautifully illustrated, descrl and domestic Petsel al any eme sending us re 2 iL A DULPHIA BIRD FOOD ~ goo North ard St., Philadeiphis, Pa. TONICS, NERVE RES- TORERS AND TISSUE BUILDERS, the genuine KUNKEL'’S BITTER WINE of IRON. it brings back the color te the faded cheek. It enriches the blood and es the cause of Nervousness, Neuralgia and Muscular Exhaus- tien. Put up in large So cent bottles. ; Sold by the druggists. E. F. KUNKEL'S signa- ture and Portrait om } each wrapper. Sendfee free circular to depot 400 North 3rd St., Philadelphia, Pa. Nature's Pleasant 10 Dages 10 Cents At all Dingle s or by mined Laxative =""| Guaranteed (‘ure for Indigestion, Constipation, Biliousness. and Headaches 3 Will Not Sicken or Gripe Mavvufoctured mly by THOMPSON-NORTON DRUG CO. Lexington, Ky. MEDICINE Mysterious in its Action? Marvelous in its Effects! Quick in Giving Relief! Used Externally Only! Unsurpassed in Curing RHETMATIESM, Asthma, Sprains, Muscular Tenderness, Pain inthe Chest, Sciatica, Headache, Toothache, LUMBAGO, . Strained TIluscles, and NETRALGIE. Equally useful for MAN and HORSE. None genuine without the signatare snd portrait of D. DODGE TOMLINSON, 400 North 3rd Street, Philadelphia, Ps. on cach wrapper. Prics 25 Crs. LINIMENT. MENT. - (# rt TES oy Se So —— — pean it vy - - ag) SO1 Bl. tie Bl Pie Ne