it! be no wheel. ¢ been one of others gment doubt. «© i? ® ynarch ) soon, yunted \! i est and h rider. raining, N models. G&J., bar and Ces . 1erset store burg. } a & yo A a NE Somerset A a a a a a & >» Td Siar gaa, SRR SAT pt rs « et ee er = ¥ Tr oe gi gy rp VOL. VIII. Cy el A al TTR nt Cs coe nr ot Br il — x GComty Star, SALISBURY. ELK LICK POSTOFFICE, PA., THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1902. NO. 15. We ; IZ e A Just received a fine line of Men's Suits in Blue and Black Serge, Fancy Worsted, $8 to 15.00. Youths’ Suits, 14 to 19 years, in hand- some Gray, Brown and Green, Blue and Black Serge and Worsted. They are beau- tos, C 35 to $10.00. Boys’ Suits in the Norfolk Jacket, Roman Blouse and Vest Suits, also the 2 and 3- piece Knee Pant Suits, at from 32 to $6.00. A full line of Men's and Boys extra pants. We invite your inspection. ie... Elk Lick Supply Co. Pre? THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK . OF SALISBURY.