The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, November 08, 1900, Image 1

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3 5 a W. H. KOONTZ. J. G. OGLE | AY AN T ! . { Rhoads, R.............. .... 46 62 UNITED STATES’ POPULATION. | Attempted to Kill Him.
/ FLAN oT i | Hay. D......... «47 134 oo | 2d wnrd Crak 5
«SPECIAL DRIV ES—~ KOONTZ & OGLE, N herman, P iT 5 a a ia i] Te Ww ard Graham, a young man about, Vote polled in Salisbury, 212; in Elk iY sol A Announcement es Tym i » oo +} £ Disco pt
SOMERSET, PENN’A. 1 Lick, 455 ures a » > A ¢ 3 rostb Md. fire
- TTNYNTS { > 459. = a ro: fast OHY We ywnl 35
F ) T Er | J 4 NK’ er I W I LEE S Office opposite Court House. BE ELECTED. { ' -— The official announcement from Wash- | re S20 rg S man,
1X 1.1 4 \ . | — Who Are the Bolters? ington of the total population of the | 5 Imoth, on Friday evening, and
—— or i ; : : J Inited States is 76.995.290. of | if Mr. Wilmoth had not exer d dis-
. , | Fraxers 1. Koosex. ERNEST O. KOOSER. D 1 S id GREATER VICTORY THAN THAT I.ook at the total Republican vote in 3 i d | Eater for i ks eam he iin : 1 = 24 Is
i SASF y : res ator Fii - » county McKinley, Evans a rich 74,627,907 are contained in the | foi 4 z i
in Clothing, Overcoats, Ladies KOOSER & KOOSEL, 0 Declares Benator 2H and fea he coumy for MeRisles, Beans and | oe Oe F | would undoubtedly buve done him in
Koontz. McKinley received 6,669; | forty-five States, representing approxi- m in
1 Mi S it < t C Attorneys-silow ray Yon Veltnbarg, sreke Evans, 6,353; Koc a 5,580 By ab- mately the population to be used for jury. Graham icting as
‘ / QOQ : ‘oats ‘ S . AV, ey vans, 6,353; Koontz, 5,580. By sub- £ tue 2 as ; 5
ane 1SSC Ss DULTS, oats, apes, SOMERSET PA. Anti-Quay Organizs ation. Ii 1836. tracting you will find that Evans re- | apportionment purposes. There is a rs for Mer. on the
1,2 nea i > vived 316 votes less Kinley, | total of 134,138 Indians not taken. Monday previous he 1 »and that
and Children’s Coats and Reef- ceived 316 votes less than McKinley, | toa SMS no een, ed hr an
PALLY | while Koontz was cut 1,089 votes below The total population in 1830, with : DRC : 1» ATIORY
7:4 BERREY fl i D if h [ R bli ? x Ta i i tl the young man proceeded to get drunk
ers A fio rnoy ntT.ave HE BIG pss A WHIT PH) MIN Large e pub 10an Gains the number cast for McKinley. which the aggregate population of the | =} FURS THE PLOCCH gor dram
= Attorney ni: aw, : Ww Fellow Republicans, you now can see | present census should be compared,was 2 on 5 € . ning he on up 2 y r.
. SOMERSET, PA. zs 43 2 4 st straiz 63,069,956. Taking the 1890 lati 1imoth’s residence and inquired for
WwW e hav ce an e leg rant line of ii vs in the est. which faction dogs the most Straight a i HIG Pophia 5h that gentleman, and said he was going
Office over Post Ofice. He Will Have Less Than One Hun- voting. It is true that there are some | as a basis, there has been a gain in 4 kil Ed 3 RAC Be has whee :
« « PTV , 1 dred Votes on Joint Ballot—AllL mT crooked Republicans in both factions, population of 13,225,464 during the past £0 Ril: him, torrorizing tho iamiyg, who
1¢8¢€ 200ds and iy €¢ our s yecial g S > / » k . : . i im} ‘wioth was at the store
t CSE = « g x 1 or side Drsriter ATTORNEY Sorts of Desperate Tactics Resort- Bryan L 0SeS Neatls All The but the vote shows you plainly with | ten years, representing an increase of blah ] ” ¥ Aol) was at the joss,
. > . E. MEY ERS, $ 4 NEY. . s . SS r twant ve. > Nol CO e 1ien startec r tue store, and Mr.
attention to their sale. ed to in the Camprign, an Evidence Doubtful States, Includ- which faction most of the bolters train. | nearly twenty-one per cent. Wilmoih’s daug! can d : : ol
Attomeyent-Taty, That the Machine Is Frizhtened. . tk Another thing, you know very well that By States the census returns are as | | DS Snngnies a aowa to the
SOMERSET, PA. Ciniis. Must Ne Dise ciiid “se ng Nebr aska. every man who asked you to vote for follows, Pennsylvania's gain, it will be pg ~ » a [or 2 4, Pea ek
. - =. S 9 ’ LL simoaratic candi = fo ste . | seen, being over illion in the past 55 H:ST€ as oon as She ql. © wnid.
Remember, we have a full line of Blank- | ome opposite cook & neers store. hers Wifi Bo Re Showire of ; Democratic candidates for Assemhiy being over aamiition In the past |B LTR he dest where Wr
| Husa, Gil Jaut About Everything Republican Ex- | instead of the Republican nominees | ten years: Nh ] er aded
Sf 3 { 3 8 > Yanna t Part of Solid south and was one of these self-styled stalwart 1900, 1890. as and demande
g S — cept Part of Solid routh a Bn ae
als ets and Comfots, Home pun A. M. LICHTY, Th our os n i 9 Hales—Republieans in Full leaders, one of these more holy than Alabama cereieeaaan ] 5 nN 3300 saying oe TH i ii that
6 tis 2 “ Ee arrisburg, ov. §. Senator ill- . . ad re Vie : regularity Arkansas. rei: : 8,17 money in our settlement and if you
Flannel at 39 Cts oy and Hes LV y Fhysicien and Suneon, jam Flinn, Pittsburg, dealt the death Control of Congress. thou Toll Ye halk pay Tan oo California... ....¢.. 1.208.130 | don’ give it to me I'll kill you.” Mr.
Und A 1; { SALISSURY, PENNA. bow 0 the Quy 3 machine claims and | The people have again spoken, and Jat iti saly rep ar ee Goloracs sraceeeecn hp Wilmoth told him he was mistaken he
7 APU OAT “WW \ predictions on ” y last when he 3 > S The verdic im Scull to be regular, a zuls Jonnecticut. 746,258 En del asa
‘nderwear. A New me o Office one door east of P. S. Hay’s store. declared in a public interview that M. Pani rota 2 SUphane Fort when it suits his personal ends to be | Delaware. . 168.493 | did not owe him anything, but as it did
=] N ra 3} vr’ Cl 1 1 » ’s S. Quay would have less than 100 votes | > 1! favor of protection to America irregular. Theyre a great set of ir- Florida. . 92 5,542 391 not quiet Grayham, be dropped down
fen Sy Boy's and C ildren’s bhi on joint ballot in the next legislature. | industries, sound money and national | gu ar. eT coin]. | Georgia. 2,216,329 1,837 behind his desk. Mr. Fike then step-
- : = % - tr 354 By the time this letter reaches its | honor. There will be no hauling down regular regulars, ey an Idaho. . 161,771 84,3 ped up and tried to get him to put the
x ‘ y Shi vaicit re 3 eaders the electi wi y a 3 a self-styled s - inoi 3.826.835 3 Bb ? =
Caps 1m EK ur, I Tush, Y eh ct, Physician and Surgeon, Li rn Clee fon oni of the flag in the Philippines, and the puffed a bigots , he hors ge > . 10h Ta revolver up, when he pointed it at him
5 SALISHURY, PENN'A. 2 cen lield, the presidency fof t2o | nation will continue tagraw and ex-|¥ arts who have allowe im Scull to ang 2,192,404 Sd WE :
S a 1 1 1 N 2 { next feur years established, and the ; 4 confer upon them the title that Gitteau owa.. 1,911,806 | and told him to mind his busine or
cote 1, ete., and Pp ¢ nty 0 Offs corher Grant and Baton Sirsets. legislators who are to elect a United | pand, just as it has always done. For | “ot P yy — | Kansas. .. 427,096 | he would clean the whole store out.
it Mitt Gl Ie : 2 States senator from Pennsylvania will | these things we should all be thankful, Prose Garfie TA as pleas. Rentuely, . ain Ln As he turned his attention to Mr. Fike
K ni qirrens xloves OS=- have been chosen. It is but fair to say | and we firmly believe that McKinley’s ed to confer upon himsell: .ouisiana. 381,627 1,118,587 M Al Sy : oy
J 9 > 3 ~ ~ ~ wa > dloati 5 a SE aN rt... . 694.366 561.086 | Mr. Wilmoth took advantage of the op-
OPT aE Jann arn i Gi oi Tian re-clestion will bring far Detter Toeilts a Rese Ja Mind feraees .. 1 1012390 portunity and slipped into the ware-
1€1 Y , ete. LEADING WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, | chine must be accepted with large al- to the nation and to its millions of peo- persu z ¥ a Massachusetts ..... 2,805,346 2238943 | house, but Grayham saw him as he
An 4 Had > 4th | lowances. ple than it would be possible to give poar title discard your bypoarisyan o Michigan or - 2,093,859 pulled the door shut and fired at him
~rYN ) ~ 77 Salisbury, Pa. 5 ye Quay has Deen By gold | us in the event of Bryan's success. We ily pe for Jourseires Insien Niisisippi Vieheihy 10508 100i oon Do po ates a
| i / . ; : ricks this year. He is claiming men | & ino of blindly following the decrees of the sissippi......... 001,372 1,289, ; A ihe SIS.
| St RECEILN ED cep All work neatly and substantially done | oy 5c property who will not vote for firmly believe that the defeat of Mr. a zr ye : os ye Missours 2,679,184 | He thought Mr. Wilmoth had gone
A on short notice. him under any circumstances. Of Bryan has saved our glorious country Hi oy 38 8 They SE fed Montana. Ses 132,159 | home and he started up there, where
etrse, the onti.Quny men ate Hat giv: | an industrial panie of greet magnitude, | Lic at your expense, ive 16¢ | Nebraska .......... 1068001 1,085910 0 37 5 07 Nrilfor found him and
. » > aor; Corral 5 5 3 ic cri sir Liv i 1 Nov == Mars ] 2 placed
another lot of La dies’ Th immed Hats at P I Li d ing away their secrets, and hence it | and it is a pleasure to know that the | 8L the public crib all their iver Poli Norn Wr 45, hit under arrest. ‘The nest morning
im 1Vengoo ’ ils di a 5 a aa: full | great West has repudiated Bryan and | tics 1s a trade with them, ang bey reine Sores a he waived an examination and he was
- 9ON & a x 34 5 showing of hands is made. In the |p. 1. io heories. Following is | 80ing to do just whatever interests | yo. yop [1000 7 ;
$2.25, $3.00, 3.50 and $4.50. Te { T { meantime the people who are interest- | 11S, anarchls 1 HE g 1 st hooks t remarcloss of | NOW OPK 2iiecsss 3= taken to Somerset and lodged in jail.
ee A | N ¢ ed in this fight against bossism must | how the various states will cast their their pocket books most, regardless ol | North Carolina... .. whore ho will wilh the action of the
» | / | Ol d 0 preserve their souls in patience. The | yotes in the electrol college: the welfare of the Republican party. North Dakota. ..... rand jt y —Meyersdale 2 lina
| t ai : anti-Quay people will not reveal the TL asin Don’t be fools and bolters to carry | On SYORG JTF oyerscals (apa
> at reasonable rates and furnish names of the men pledged to them in botihaeRa =ir personal ambitions any long-| 3 CEON «sever, . ol:
1% - oe S sy all Notes, Sale Papers, ete. certain counties, because to do sO | California...........ooiviieninnn.. DHE Halt pe sonal 2 e ¥ OUE” | Pennsylvania. Another Stabbing Affair.
er. They have been weighed in the | Rhode Island.
balance and found wanting—generally | South Carolina.
24 | wanting control of all the ofiices for South Dakota.
would be to direct the corruptionists | Connecticut
and bulldozers of the machine towards | Delaware..
these men and subject them to no end | {llinois..
1.151, Ss Andy Shorney and Harry Koel, who
'398'308 | worked in No. 85 mine and boarded in
When you come to us for your
ale bills, don’t forget that you
A large line of Heavy
can also get a clerk at Tue of annoyance. indiana 15 . s : ; Tennesse 1 197 518 | that vicinity, had a fight at their board-
A J - \ ang 5 | their personal gain, and some of you | : 4 : :
and Dr SS Shoes, Fr oli- Star office. Now i the campaign = about | Towa. . 38 oY have been fools and dupes for Irs 3 | ing house, Saturday night, in which
: : . over the following conc ng the gen- | Kansas 0 : 2 * Shorney received a knife-wound that
] { a Lae : 3 > Salis =~. Pe F atures o Weld lal : : lives. Have they not | Vermont........... J
3 lined Shoes 10T men and Ord Street, Salisbury, A. | eral features of the work of the anti- | Kentucky 13 | them all your lives ay y orn 1655680 | may prove fatal. The injury was in-
Quay organization is made by Secreta-
6 | belied many of their most faithful ser- Virginia. .
8 i W ashington
S | yants year after year, promising them WwW
14 | soft positions, good offices, etc., and
; Maine .................
ry Frederick A. Van Valkenburg, who, | Maryland .
= 3 , . 517,672 349,390 | flicted by Koel, the instrument used
als oa 3 i : ; Pottoralf Ey z we : Fi 958,90( 7 94 ing a large pocket knife. The c
WwWoimneil, also a full line with Hon. A. D. Fetterolf, of Mont Misioghuselts... rad Te being a large pocket knife. The blade
» ND 3 5 gomery county, has been in charge of Michigan ........ SAR So entere he al en and the an’
of ] tubber Boots and . = 5 a . the details for tem months past. Sec- | pan a 9 | then favoring some other fellow, one | WV yoming 92,531 entered the abdomen and the man’s
oo ges yom otruded from the wound
retary Van Valkenburg id: New Hampshire. . 4| who had a little more money, in the | Total for forty- “five intestines protruded from the wound.
Shoes, Felts, Stockings,
“ a v ar nr States... i.e... 74,6279 62,116,811 | Several physicians were summoned
x ~ The anti-Quay organization went | Nebraska......... coi viiinninrness 8 > States 74,62 207 ,116, pny
2 PF BT I? ont TI g ebraska.................... > x
SOME PEOPLE eat because into this fight to win. The feature has | New Jerse end Te es 32.052 and are doing all they can to save the
Arcties and Overshoes. | they think they ought to, not | been the absence of brass bands, ora- | New ose
. * tory and firev ks until the last two | North Dakota....
. er re to think | Alaska sti 3 g Sak
36 Hereafter stand up and dare 11 Alaska (estimated. . Fre life of the injured man.
because they want to. They do | weeks. We ra fought the fight ft Ohio......
. . a selves. do this, | Arizonz.<.i........
3 | and act for yourselves. If you ) 930,392 It seems the men had some trouble
™ bd ™ ™ : * mm quietly, but effectively, with the result | O
: chy ar 7 ww have ly, e ly, 1e res regon .
> Ni 7 ) v 1t mechani ally. They have HO | that there are in Pennsylvania today Pennsylvania .
x / y \ y i / 5 appetite, but yet they feel they thousands of men Ww king against | R hode Island.
oe + : 5 tui district of Columbia
2 ly ? Ss sed how soon we will Dis . 2 £
you wil bs surprise k 89,990 | in the mine during the day, and the
Hawaii ............
i > ; gov en Inn Territory : :
have a much better county government, | y,4inn Territory In quarrel was renewed at the boarding
‘ell as a more united and harmon- | New Mexico.. 5 = rks
gas wellnsa 61.831 house in the evening with the result
. 61,8:
iA ri: - = Quay and his machine whe are counted | outh Dakota. 4 | ious party. Don’t get your Republi- Oklahoma. alia r
must cat to sustain life. Food upon by them as adherents of bossisn 3 | canism from the Scull family, but rath- Pozsons in ne a iki stale B NC AE at
1 \S Very little cood ul 1 su 1 and corruption. Vermont oy 4 an a Cf darzole vice o t 1e ni ed he police otlicers went at once to
does very 2 g%0 200r SHeh “It was this method of campaigning Washington or got 16 from the great foanhders os ou States stationed the scene of trouble, but Koel escaped
: B eps lio i e npaig ez AsSNINgIoN.. .... co itv eens .e < re : . . S > ) S 3
LI CHI] TE VS. 1.1 C HLITER’S. conditions. that frightened Quay, Stone, | West Virginia *° g| party as handed down to us by the im- 2 il (estima- a and got into the woods, where he stay-
: : x s : : , vost Gh ithe nie al : . . rp g ed)... iii, g vs
: Sometimes a loss of appetite Elkin and the re: g of the mac . Wisc onsin ..........l t 12 mortal Lincoln and the other great wind Ch al an ed until a late hour. Thinking himself
y : : : : TRY AO il AN Wyoming. reeset 3 | pure men of his day, who never intend- dian reservations safe he ventured out, and ofiicer Me
is the beginning of a physical | on his famous huating trip to the and inei- Tol) ToNpTe un Sls a er
5 o phy Maine woods that his political f Total ed that the party and its great prinel except in Indian Mall:n, who had remained watching
. 1 \ i break up. It is then, some | ers really sized up the sit ples should be debauched by Quayism, Torsiiony La 145, Gr Tin nrsste® him oul Tnckedl hin
3 ae . : hk became alarmed. It was because they Scullism and bossism. otal ior seven z SRI
Ss \ yractics ame \ 3 Te ! 37 52.9 up.
imple, practical remedy like] Decemg haivat, the a iinime Sl Territories ... 1,667,313 952,945 | Ul
—— Later—Dr. Hawes, who is attending
IN JAIL FOR HIGHWAY "ROBBERY. Shorney. said yesterday that he would
Lenlil likely recover.— Windber Era.
Charles Lung Charged with Help- : —
Quay on the road as a
3 . tion in the hope of o the work | Colorado
r etm eu . J !
These Tabules stimulate the | that we had done. The average polit- | Florida
flow of gastric juice in the | ical worker in ana 7 vania has not | Georgia
failed to understand
ow attrac- | Arkansas ...
Groceries, Grain, All Kinds of Ground Feed, | Ripans Tabules is needed.
sie Baled Hay, Straw, Oil, Salt and Potatoes
AcuinarLpo might just as well sur-
render now, seeing that Bryan can’t get
into the Presidentizl chair to aid the
Philippine rebels.
’ : laa . : en ’ : , 7 al } : It Never Existed.
We can suit the most fastidious in the line of Flour. We | stomach, create a zest for food, | sition, that it was | Loui -—— ing to Hold Up C. F. Cupler. The © 144 5 o % 1 k
: : Thi Wo a dna death, and that it w < | Mi Truyre and Lucifer are shedding > L 1e Connellsville Courier last wee
handle the following brands—Prrirspunry’s Best, MINNEmAma, whip up the ns and clear out | gine that it put M. S. Quay on the n tonne by thesiop Bushatral ove: Keents ar Ling, son of Patan published the following ftem:
~ 5 r r ~ the intestinal tract. T h e vy | circuit and trotted him around to make | Montana a re oi a ; gi Daisytown, was give » Beating bee The Standard Extract Company’s
PERSIAN, GorLpex Lixk and Exare’s Winter WHEAT FLOUR, also Ha Y | appealing speeches and parade £ | North Carolina. .... ©7777 41 | and Kendall’s victory. Let ‘em weep | fore Alderman Lamberd, Saturday af- plant at Moversdale wa a! anys
Yost brands of Brerwasar Four thd Exvme Wager Prous strengthen and invigorate the | fly tree and talk about fake LAlIOt Te= | NEVA <r vunrvrurenerurrueennnnnn 3 | if it’s any consolation to ‘em. ternoon, on a charge of highway rob- | day night. ss $50,000, partially cov-
I E/ 4 1 an 2 TE X. . . . . ; ' ERE a or y 1 , partia >
: “1 body and make it clean within. fo Satie Quny. Spt Mr Tint South Caroli bery preferred by C. F. Cupler, a Wind- | ered by insurance.
Ad LX=-Sen: tr Quay ana Mr. KlKin
As 10 Oliver Twist Boyer it’s just the
same as with Adam Fogel—the Repub-
licans can spare him if the Democrats
can bear him. Oliver was defeated for
Justice of the Peace, a few years ago,
and like Adam, the other disappointed
candidate, he went over to the Demo-
We buy our goods in car lots and sell at the lowest living prices.
ber boarding house keeper, and was Meyersdale never had an extract
sent to jail at Ebensburg to await trial | plaut. Like the Meyersdale coal region
at court. Another man whose identity | which we sometimes hear mentioned,
is unknown is alleged by Cupler to | it never existed. Salisbury, the hust-
have had a hand in the affair, but this | ling town of the Elk Lick coal region,
offender is still at large. had the extract works.
They cost but little, 10 for 5| have been making ims as to the |
s on es als number of votes Quay will have on
(vazit St., = - Salisbury, Pa. cents, and are genuinely good. | jot ballot. I want to call
3 At all drug stores. tion to the fact that these men
——&A. e - - - - - Re ., 2 standing as
= lous claims
w Liv WANTED: — we of bad health that | Quay’s election two yea
R-I-P-A-N-8 _ not benefit. They banish | inp mind. The declaratio
” od 1 } 5 Cupler was in Johnstown, Monday = ——
in and rolong fife. one Sig pak the same time that he v abso ihn Following is the complete, though | crats, thus leaving the Republican | rj. week, and he says he iit Lung The Candidate.
p A EE a ie re = A on; oe ha a anofficial, vote of Somerset county: | party that much porer here, the latter asking him to ride He kissed the babe and rubbed the
2 1 ag < at he was talking Sh Gash Tieeam Dan — 7 7 : .
25s nes oh Sp Sashnig sol for 5 | about. Mr. Quay is today the victim Moi inlor SD: Dryer, Ml Jaen To ABRAIAM Ths Lowry: No- along to Windber in Copler’s buggy. | hands of Sam and Sue; he swore the
+e cents, forwarded to the | Ripans Chemical | of hallucinations just as he was then. bergh. 6,481; Meek, 2,109; Grow, 6,542; b _- 31 od : oh in a Ch - ; This request was granted, ols at the | twins were beautiful and wished that
¥ No. 10 8 Ar) SR 3 ia 3 2 . wo. Ted SS e with th shc s i A
A Farm Library of unequalled value—Practical, C0: No 10 Suriiee Sty Ney Te Pravienen x ne light of the past | Foerderer, 8.478; Grim. 1,136; Edwards, I Lick 4 aia Pe Johnson House, Walnut Grove, .! “iend | he had two. But that don’t count! He
Up ris ons 20g Lnpishoitive hak —r At 2 7 DR rvank Boadar | 200 For Congress: Alvin Evans, 6,- foie Bastaosewho of citi. | Of Tung asked to be allowed td go | asked about the corn bread, which he
f somely cd and Beautifully Illustrated. > Dy Ys, °T | 853; Walters, Democrat, 2,143. For As- it’s none of ot usi 1
and the rest of t mechine followers
bat all along, which Cupler also permitted. | vainly tried to chaw, and forthwith
zens of Elk Lick elect to office;
Allabout Horses—a Common-Sense Treatise, with over
74 illustrations ; a standard work. Price, 50 ‘Cents
Allabout growing Small Fruits—read and learn how ;
contains 43 colored life-like reproductionsofall leading
varieties and 100 otlier illustrations. Price, so Cents.
All about Poultry ; the best Poultry Book in existence ;
Wall's Meat Market!
This place continues to be
headquarters for Tender Steak,
Juicy Roasts, Choice Dressed
they are. publishing be
cheer up their dishe: rion od followers,
The machine er is in a
will have 150 votes | sembly: W. H. Koontz, Republican, 5,-
r y w that | 580; 8. A. Kendall, Republican, 5,588;
t a false- | pp (0, J. Shank, Democrat, 2,447; Dr
P. P. Ritter, Democrat, 2476. ‘or poor
and it | house director: Samuel Bowser, 6,299;
ts of its | W. . Landis, Democrat and Prohibi-
is iy by orn wring ‘that Quay can- | tionist, 2.602.
For jury commissioner:
Edward Coleman, Honest Government,
the same we’ll challenge you, Mr. A. L.
Lowry, to bob up your head for office
at the next township election. The
Republicans of your township have
been feeding you at the public crib for
about 15 years, yet you worked hard on
the last Presidential election day to de-
The Windber man says that when a
short distance from Walnut Grove,
Lung jumped out of the buggy and
grabbed the horse, while the other man
struck Cupler twice in the face and de-
manded his money, which he got, $24.-
70 in all. *
asked for the receipt—of course that
tickled maw! But Jest before he left,
he stopped and winked, ¢ Bey up his
jaw, and slipping out behind the™an,
he took a drink with paw, and {hats
what ¢
ONC 0 us em
severything : with23 colored life-like reproductions “I want to say with all the emphasis ove font & Lortion of the Republicaniticket Constable Cook, who served the war- | A Few from the Somerset Standard.
ctl) the pal breeds; with 103 other illustrations. Poultry, Sausage, Pudding and van Val- | 2,362; Theodore Rhoads, Majority Rule, ay sovihg Sonrrelt o party Cal rant on Lung, testified at the hearing Ross J. Hillegass, of Allegheny town-
No. 4—BIGGLE COW BOOK kenburg earnestly, ‘that Matthew |2243; W. J.D. Ilay. Democrat, 2,098. : ye > i) Ewa {hat the latter confessed his part in the | ship, has been appointed a clerk in the
efls z All about Cows aud the Dairy Business ; having a great , Stanley Quay has no chance of election | pe net Republican gain in Somerset | tor: and also disgracing the name YoU | gp i put Lung now denies it.—Johns- | office of the Auditor for the war de
sale; contains 8 colored life like reproductions of cach Fr esh F ish 1 in Set ISON. to the United States senate. He a cS bear, that of Abraham Lincoln. Yes; ho AL = e 25
: breed, with 132 other illustrations. Price, so Cent: whipped man, and he knows it. Frank county since 1896, as shown on the face Ho a f town Tribune. pariment.
No. 5—BIGGLE SWINE BOOK I ai wird Reeder knows it, if he would disclose | of the returns, is 810 Mr, Lowry, bob Bp Just one an or —-— The coal developments along the
Justout. All about Hogs—Diceding, Feeding, Butch. aim to serve my patrons with | tne real situation as it has come to Both Coleman and Rhoads, the two | Office. If you do, take Foi wore ov i’ A Thriving New Somerset County | ah ach an i” : 2
ery iseases, etc. ains over 8o beaut - . . «ata hair ; . s le i Ss wi i r Seri ranc ave crease 0 Such
BN tones and other engravings. Price, so Cn a8 the best in my line that as state chairman. Republicans running on nomination that the Republicans will wipe you o Town.
an extent that the railroad authorities
will soon put an extra train crew on,
whose duty it will be to distribute
s “ . ticeable featur
The BIGGLE BOOKS are unique original, useful—you never ‘ affords Another noticeable feature of our
4 =
he face of the earth in a political way
ark vapers, are elected over lay, Demo- t
saw anything like them—=o pre actical, sosensible. They the market PaL y #
campaign which doubtless hundreds of BFS 8 ’ =z a The following item from the Berlin
are having an enormous Record will give our readers some idea
South. Every one who ke
West, North and people over the state have commented | crat, for Ary Commins,
Arter all you can’t blame Adam Fo-
Tors e, Cow, Hog ot upon is that we have not ans 1 any ~ f ; relop ;
Chicken, or grows Small Br iss, ht to send right y . : . D 8 tha e have not ans d any . : : - of the wonderful development now be- iad gn os the lasdad ps
away for the BIGGLE BOOKS.” The so % Thanking the public for a lib- | of the claims in detail that have been Salisbury and Elk Lick. gle much for turning Democrat. You a de IS the Bafta Valley con empties and gather the loaded cars at
made by the machine as to what coun- see, Adam failed three times to get his night
* £ £ solicit- x : ’ 3 : . : ' 1 i 1 7 i > !
eral patronage, and solicit | ties they will carry. We do not, even le JE party’s nomination for County Com- go a the Bliss mani A report reaches us that a railroad
ino \ i ance oO a ay opose Co. z y. Lick. Rely 1 : v the Record, was named after Ex- : NE or 7 i >
ing = contanuance of the 3 nr AL 5) The rey PRESIDENT. missioner, and seeing how he was fool- | OY > will be built in the near future from
re machine will, on ’ : : , | Sheriff Good, president of the Pine Hill
same, I am ed at the | McKinley, B....... .143 302 | ed and belied by the Scull ring, he I
our paper, made for you and not a misfit. It is 22 years until everything is uncov Confluence up White's Creek. The new
: i { es} Coal Company:
3 it 1s the great boiled-down, hit-the-nail-on-the-head,— assembling of the next legislature, be | Bryan, D.. 49 139 | naturally feels sore, and soreness is the road when’completed will reach int
i od; it oun Sti Tr 3 . ett . : a f . £ >. glisiatu » De > . Y . » i; O plete wi reach into
Be moras the biggest LR Hemooi saris Respectfully yours, claiming that members from certain | Woolley, P......... 15 2 | thing that drove even the very leaders | ID 2 trip Monday which brought the | C50 he most extensive timber soc.
3 of America—having over a mill 1 counties are Quay men. We will not | Mall ney, Soe. Lab 2 ne i : i writer home by the way of Goodtown
y sv: 1. v . a ; a : : ;
ra Ey C. WAHI Salisbury, Pa dispute their claim, but we ask the peo- | Debs : Socialist. 4 Ae the Scull ring into voting a portion | je improved the opportunity to stop off | tions of Somerset county.
. : " Y, . spute aim, but we asf yeo- 8, Socialist..... . Sian re. Sarai A
Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL : ple of Pennsylvania who are interested | AUDITOR GE i Siig a goamey Ae as I Attorney A I, @. Hay purchased the
- £ YEARS (remainder of 1809, 100, 1go1, 1902 and 1003) will be sent by mail fn the overthrow of the machine to i > sae | A man shouldn’t go back on his party | 1a€ OCS i Won. | corner lot of the plot of ground
to any address for A DOLLAR BILL. Salisbury Hack Iane, wait and witness results. Quay has | 3 ardenbers R i just because he can’t hold office in it, Sheriff Good and his assistants, Web- 1€ ag of p > gro 4 north
sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIGGLE BOOKS free. SCITRAMM BROS, Proprietors purchased some of the largest gold { Meek, D.............. . : Sr heliht Thaa ster Good and Chas. B. Ellis busy as | of the court house square this week
; £ AM) Rs, s. s S arge 3 5 j ho THAN a 2 2 . . ] 38
AF WUNTD ATION Address, FARM JOURNAL SCIHEDUL to. 1 lonves Salis- | bricks that were ever seen in Fennsyl- jan, 3 ae Tab. 5 but soms men cant, helps, Jou KnOW, fnallers, but polite and obliging and | from Rev. Ira Kimmell, trustree of
: § SHAS. F, JENKINS. PHILADEEPIIA { bry at 5 moarriving at Meversdnle at | vania in this legislative fight. : Eberle, Soc. IL 2 | and Adam is one of them. We repeat | ready to give information and show one | yo.0h Kimmell, deceased. The size of
$ 9.30 hm. Returnin a Meson ati | “Phe minchine i= banking as we | °°% ard, Social 9 | {hat Adam should not be criticised too | around. A wonderful transformation the Toh ie chavo ot ad a on a
! 3 know, upon the purchase of enough CONGHIES : harshly, for in going over to the Demo- has been worked in the neighborhood et A prich
m. Return- Democrats and anti-Quay Republicans | Grow, R....ccooeeiniiin.nn 301 > a . 3 | of Goodtown. A very little over a year | for it $1,800 cash. It is one of the most
i 0 ‘a ‘NOLONIHSYA - “During SUBAF to elect Quay. It never made a greater Foordorer, Be. . iis ogg | crats inn Presidential campaign he} 3g0 the place was a woodland wild. | desirable residence sites in Somerset
i i adds mistake in its existence. Every man | Grim, D 134 | acted in accordance with his natural | Today it is the seat of a mining indus-} 0 A Hay has already secured the
E ( sfourony ued) to whom our organization has given its | Edwards, 134 | disposition, and the Republican party | try renplng but sixth Seven S de- | foe of an arvehitset to draw the
z support is loyal to the anti-Quay cause. | Monro, Soc. 2 i los hing. he Democrats can | Sr¢e of importance in the county. Three | ® 2 = = on Hi
“00 ? SNVAF r HOLDIA B. & 0 R R. SCHEDULE No man need fear to vote for any fu- | Root, Soc. 2 bas Js poh: Si ot os Sonia openirgs have been made, two tipples plans for the new home which he wilk
« Ix. . = =| bear their newly acquired burden, the | y, hree los of road £3 3 Stevi
‘ssoappy “FJ 4 Ldoo odes 107 pusg 5 2 : 2 . erected, two or three miles of railroad | erect in the early spring.
. ] £q be purchased or controlled hy Quav ” Grumbine 5 5 | Republicans can surely spare it. track built and a village of from 150 to ; a
*SI10JSOAUT PUT SI2INIOTINUE SUMMER ARRANGEMENT,—IN EFFECT SUN- = - - Sin Sant = le 200 inhabitants started. And this is Th
ERG = 5 Slayton, Socia 4 9 x BLS There are sweet potatoes and sweet
. PoAMSTO00 ewmof potemoTd £[opIA puB POETS UE ‘QTOOTY LNALY J an], DAY, MAY 20, 1900. Lou Syrrn’s Too to elect i ey Kuppinger, S 3 9 In publishing the account of a chris- hat ins beginning. i will zoos potatoss, bas I. 11 — srho resid wn
Under the new schedule there will be ten ocratic Assemblymen proved to € i Tr diehl’s sc seve about three years, said Superintenden a fosulneon
ut ‘e31eYyo MoYIM ‘972701 1v1224s 9A12001 £1 Sno 300 ude} SUNT da passenger “rains on the Pittsburg | shout as effectiv e as Geo. L. Welling- | i R 138 297 fening 3 Ek a: i Good, to bring the plant up to some- | a farm on Tire Ilill, has a sweet potato
Division, due at Meyersdale as follows: * = VANS, fi. ooeiieeriiiiinaas 297 | weeks ago, we accidentally omitte 1€ | thing like a full working condition, SATVES i
-asuadxo INO 9e oes I0J PISII2APE Sh 3noay) paInods . Yan . 2 g d : Shy that deserves a prominent place among
asad wel 1 DosniesD : 1 > WEST BOUND. ton’s efforts “to carry Maryland for Walters, D.. i.. 46 133 names of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Diehl, | when the town will have a population tho ahites Vail Teoaks nt h oN 8
it guage “1senboz modu Juos juojed © UIEIqo 03 MOF, "ows JO MIMqe Pittsburg Expres x | Bryan. Lucifer and Wellington are | ( lark, 4 5 | who were numbered among the guests. of from 600 to 1,000. The company have Crienitural fronisol he pawn
a 4quejed oy} Sun1e0u00 9917 morurdo 110 9419991 Apdwoad [14 uonuosur Aug an es floundering in the suds together. | Rowley, Soc. 1 coal enough to keep them going for 50 | The other day he went out to raise his
Fred says he don’t want anybody
No.56—Fust Mail........ 418 rv. a | They're a pretty pair, indeed! i 5 "| years under ordinary conditions. crop of the toothsome tubers, and be-
{ jo uo d1osop pus yojens Surpuas suo Auy °[IeJ 9/A JI PIUINJAL 993 INQ No. l1§—Duquesne Limited .......... .08 A.M y protty . Koontz, R.. 258 slighted, adding that he thought he -— fore long came upon one v h persist-
i ESN . . ; y - EAST BOUND. Is THERE any good reason why Tim Pond 28 gave us 2 RE list of Lo It is reported hy a cow in sie ently refused to come out of the ground.
¢ > a > Q Shank, D.. He sent av v < ) e pas : . :
§ oon Fb amgodntion. ey 113 A.M | Seull, Lou Smith, old lobster-nosed Ts 5 ) present, but might have overlooked one county got out o ie pasture fie , An After removing considerable earth Mr.
: :D.
160 : : Soar olin i : ;
bor two. Tue STAR man will take all that in rummaging through a summer 2sh sueceeded in uncovering the un-
3 the blame for the oversight, for we kitchen she found and swallowed an} _... potato, which when measured
think the list given us for publication | umbrella and acake of yeast. The yeast | proved to be just two feet i ]
Ma Gabe Lichty, Oliver Wishy-Washy Boy-
Accommodation : : -M | er, George I. Wellington and pompous
+Regular stop. *Flag stop. §Do ‘not stop. | old H. Clay Showoff McKinley should
Brubaker, 1
sion candidate in the fear that he can Hague, P....
} 3 [Stops me Is for not be tied up in a bundle and carted | Bowser, ogg | was complete. The omission was made | raised the umbrella, and the cow died and ei
=A present duty: Subseribe for THE away as old wolitical garbage? The Landis 144 | in copying after coming home, but it | in terrible agony. Another story comes
/ : : S&F WEDDING. Invitations at THE | should be bound hand and foot and ¢ Landis, 2 | was not done intentionally. Mistakes | from Gravel Hill, in this borough, to
i STAR, Star office. A nice new stock justre- | into the sad ses waves, using old Doe’s | JURY COMMISSIONER. will sometimes lLappen to the most | the effect that John Shunk’s cow 10S a
} : 10 ¥e I ceived, tf. | whiskers for the bandages, | Coleman, B........ hs wets on 45 145 | careful. cently fell down and strained her milk. |
i \ di : a r . Loo i en mn pi
- .