a: THESES i nt SEE 1 “ a ket. | men when they become the proud P. LL. Livexcoon, } i litor and Publisher. athers of their firstborn. It’s a daugh- FOR PRESIDEXT £1 ter in this instanee, and Tae Stir t | { = = = i William MeKinlev.. ........ us Ohio. : Buitered at the Postofiice nt Ik Lick, Pa, "| William MeKinley...... .. 10. | tenders its congratulations to Mr. and | 2s mail matter of the Sceond class. ror¥ice PRESIDENT. ork Mrs. Johnston. | Theodore Roosevelt... .New York. rods . : ; oa pe = BUS th sa This being a Presidential campaign | s=erviption Rates. Biante Ticket, | year, politics naturally take up most of | 5 published every Thursday, at t the follow- FOR AUDIT Edmund B. Hardenbergh.. the average newspaper’s space. It will | not be Ic r, until “Mack” and “Teddy” tors will devote most of their space to | Somerset, Co, Pa GENERAI r, howeve .Wayne. pan] Spot. cash in adyane ©... 8.25% rictly are elected, after which edi- Ae |! CONGRESS-AT-LARG ! Galusha A. Grow...... .Susquehanna. Ta s | obert II. Foerderer.....Philadelphia. small a | < { This is the season when mothers are | | | | i 1 | { | spot c ¢ ash in vanes | printing local and general news. months or less alarmed on account of croup. It is cured by One Minute Cough h children like to take. Mill- r & Shaler. 2¢ i r Ticket, a n vane These rates and | County 4 Lerms will by Nw d to. CONGRESS. | Cure, whic Alvip Evans.................Cambria. | Advertising Rat 1 . 1 | ASSEMBLY. Rev. Homer S. May, who located here recently to preach for the St. John’s | | Reformed congregation, was a welcome ..Somerset. | Meyersdale. wwgeontz..0 S.A. Kendall...... { caller at Ture Star office a few days RECTOR. ept on | S.J. Somerset township. | ago. The editor was not in at the time, but we invite Rev. May to call again,as 2d. Coleman...... Somerset township | we would like to become acquainted with him. | i JURY COMMISSIONER. a riabiy 10} zal rates i NOTILUES on pens I cn Moss eis, at ae rons wi Hi As we are away late in getting out | our paper this week, owing to reasons CARDS OF stated elsewhere in our columns, we | find it useless to print the program for will be | this week's MeKinley and Roosevelt | Club meeting. It is likely that the 1 rtiserents will be ran and cl for iy a red discontinued No wdvertisement wii be than 25 cents. taken for less meeting will be in session by the time our paper is being mailed. New houses are being built for the following named citizens of this bor- ough: John Tedrow, C. M. May, Jeff. Smearman, Henry Smearman avd Ar- thur Sharp. That’s right, gentlemen, for this town needs many more new dwellings. Any man of moderate means who erects a house in Salisbury is worth more to the town than the men who have piles of money and use There will be public meetings held ol 1d with and raw at the various places on the day and |! date designated below, under the aus- interest on. pices of the Republican County Com- | Torturing skin eruptions, burns and mittee, of Somerset county, and the | sores are soothed at once and prom ptly Sh Ai Buon healed by applying DeWitt’s W itch | public is cordially invited to attend. | Hazel Salve, the “best known eure for | Good speakers will be in attendance to | piles. Beware of worthless counter- enlighten the public upon the questions | fei Miller & Shaler. of the day. A silver medal has been awarded to The following are the places and | the Columbia Phonograph Company by | dates selected for these meetings: | the National Export Exposition, which Coal Run—Thursday, October 18, at | was held in Philadelphia, last year. 7 o'clock p. m. | This medal constitutes the highest Windber—Friday, October 19, at 7 | award conferred, and the committee o’clock p. m. | says: “The delay has been caused by Salisbury—Saturday, October 20, at | the desire of the management to make 7 o'clock p. m. a medal that will bear comparison with Hooversville—Tuesday, October 23, | the best ever given as an award by any at 7 o'clock p. m American Exposition, and that should Shanksville—Wednesday. October 24, | | be a worthy sample of the progress of at 1 o'clock p. m. American art in this direction.” Berlin—Wednesday, October 24, at 7 | Mr. EW it only to shave notes mms CD | step into our clegantly ~~ | cquipped Clothing room and see finest and most complete stock of Cloth: ing in Somerset county, PRIGES THE LOWEST, a 3 Seasongood, the new su- perintendent of the American Analine and Extract Works, of this place, call- ed at Tine Star office a few days ago to add his name to our large and rapidly growing list of subscribers. The editor | is sorry he wasn’t in at the time to get | acquainted with the new superintend- ' ’ NEVERSDAL IE, Ph. RIENT THREE TL 110G0 o'clock p. m. Meyersdale—L ‘riday, October 26. at 7 | o'clock p. m. Somerset—Saturday, October 27, at 71 o’cloek p. m. Trent—Monday, October 29, at 1 o’clock p. m. Petersburg—Tuesday, October 30, at 7 o'clock p. m. Rockwood—Thursday, at 7 o'clock p. m. Jenner—Saturday, o’clock p. m. For the names of the speakers at these various meetings, and other in- | formation, see hand bills. By order of ent, who is evidently a good man, judg- { ing from his name. | | | | November 1, | ike our town and enjoy himself here, and we belieye he will, for the name WHEEL November 3, at 1 Seasongood seems to indicate a man who is Livengood at all times. Feelings of safety pervade the house hold that uses One Minute Cough Cure, the only harmless remedy that pro- duces immediate results. It is infalli- ble for colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. 1t will pre- 11. IF. Bagrrox, coughs, Chairman Republican County Com. | consumption. Miller & Shaler. Somerset, Pa., Oct. 16, 1900. ol : a There is always a demand for a great {makes traveling genuine enjoyment. No £& sr I C IAL DRIVES on hn | sacred song. “The Palms,” “The Holy horse to harness and feed. No steam to ets, Comforts, Yarns, Flannels and Un- | and others have been sung by generate. No elect ¥ to store. Justa derwear. . hn ey thousands. Next Sunday, September 21 gallon of gasolene and off you go on a 50 tf ELk Lick Sureny Co. 3 it by ; mile trip, at 2 20-mile-an-hour clip—if you —- ! The Philadelphia Press will give free say so. As easily me horse and a good deal more reliable. Propelled by the famou. sr motor—im- ported from france. Price with fuil equipment, $450. Let us mail you the details. ged as a gentle See a woman in another column pick ing grapes for Speer’s wines. Read a 11 about it. Excellent for weakly persons and the aged, particularly for females. Endorsement of Speer’s Win_s by | | to its readers Arthur Trevelyan’s mag- nificent “Choir Celestial,” one of the most beautiful songs ever written. This supplement is in regular sheet music size, ready to be placed on the music rack. It=has a superbly ornamental frontispiece in six colors, which is b N.Y. Board of Health on Wine. WALTHAM MFG. CO., |} | or ORIENT BICYCLES ORIENT MOTOR BICYCLES V/ALTHAM, | Janes of the New York Board of Health, says: “I take pleasure in testifying to the pan ba 7 the wine produced | the finest piece of sheet musie, both as y Alfred Speer recommend it as a ae \ | LO 8 ratce jue ie com superior wine for the sick and debilita- | to appearance and quality of the co rH Frankly, this is tiful enough to frame. ORIENT AUTOGOS ORIENT AUTOMOBILES MASS ted.” The Port and Burgundy have no position, ever given away to the public, , equal | and it is yours, absolutely free, with A v ~ equal, | 3 : , deren ALWAYS... Soo > =... ..bnexi Sonday’s Press; It will be well L&E YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND | 2 | to order next Y NJ . our store filled with customers, but i : AD! your turn comes next. | <4 4d . tf. Ei x Lick Sgeery Co. Sunday’s Press in ad- vance. IN THL Jeffery’s store is foremogt for DeWiit’s Salve will heal a burn and stop the pain at once. It will cure eczema and skin diseases and ugly : : wounds and sores. [It is a certain cure sonable price. JON Serna. for piles : tounterfeits may be offered =r you. See that you get the original De- NOTICE. ire voter: Hod) sve, Ni x | | It is well to know that | | | | LADIES, I have openel my store in Shaler. | | 1 | | | | Witch Hazel LEG ANE COO TS POR SATE 1 | Nien fase! have foie sale several very fine thor- | ouslibred Game Cocks to sell at a rea- pure, fresh Groceries, Canfee- Tobacco, (igars, Fish- tionery, Station- ing Tackle, Notions, the Dively "Building and have for sale a ery, ere” | large assortment of Trimmed Hats— i | =z BEST GOODS... x cheap—prices are from $1.50 to 1 INC Ld ) -t AC Lowest 7: Prices We will also take orders at the store for I don’t keep goods of any retrimming your old hats. Please leave orders early in the week, | kind, but 1 sell them in great variety and quantity this week very limited, as we put in nearly all of Monday and Tuesday mov- ing our household effects, etc, Gay street to Grant street, having pur- ia so you can get them done by last of : | week. chased the Bonheimer or Rebecca Thanking you for past patronage.and | Walker property and taken possession hoping for a continuance of same, Iam | fhe “ours Truly tf Mans. & THE PLACE TO GET YOUR many good neighbors up on Gravel a, | Coats and Capes, Overcoats and Cloth- | Hill. We must say that we have never J 1 JEFFERY Opposi Ing is | lived at a place where our lot was cast Je 1. ’ fo tf. { p 9 neighborly = a a : . is. | class of people than we had around us SALISH RY, PA. LOCAL AND AL NEWS. | up on Gay street. | were sorry to bid them adieu i | 20 : > were nev P. O'ROURKE. | in a home of our own, we were never- EiLk Lick Sceery Co. among a more clever and GENER consequently we . Good JFoxtablished 1:53. PS. HAY, Mr. G. Santo Panzeea, Salisbury’s | neighbors are more to be desired than Italian fruit merchant, this week mov- ed to Somerset. | purple and fine linen. May God bless | all of our old neighbors, and may we —DEALER IN— | find all our new ones as desirable a | Mr. and Mrs. Albert Musser, of Ber- were the guests of Mr. Silas A. | HS : oy 1 4X Hn os Mr. | ° ry —r— «4 ’ Ore I 3 [¢ x OO] = Wagner and family last Sunday. wore, NT No other pills ean equal DeWitt’s ~N otions, Little Early Risers for promptness.cer- £1 t 1C tainty and eiliciency. Miller & Shaler. Aas Ail OPS, ‘Boots and Shoes, (PNT TIAG GROC ERI a, QUEENSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, class to live among as the old ones Do not get scared if your heart troubles you. Most likely you suffer from indigestion. Kodol the worn out stomach perfect rest. It is the only preparation known that completely digest 1 classes of foods; that is why it cures the worst cases of indigestion and stomach trouble after everything else has failed. It may be taken in all conditions and cannot help but do you good. Miller & Shaler. We are late going to press this week, owing to moving our household effects from Gay street to a new place of resi- dence on Grant street. Mr. Henry Loechel, proprietor of the well known Valley house, sold his hot air apparatus to Dr. H. W. Delozier. A In steam heating plant is now being put into the Valley house. 1 conciseness of statement, in the Fic, | thoroughness with which the ground SAT IEBURY. PA | has been covered, The Biggle Books Foran The best method of cleansing the liv- | have won praises on every hand. The | er is the use of the famous little pills i | | I lhe Taiy 1 boiled-down, common-sense, cream not known as DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. "ATi or Nature in strengthening and recon- | I or sale by Rutter & Will, Is Speers | structing the exhausted digestive or- | gans. It isthe latest discovered digest- | ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in- stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, | Sick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and all other results of imperfect digestion Prepared by E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago. SOLD BY MILLER & SIHALER. E AL RED » PEER, Lis ove ert of vach bottie.] (Socialite) Claret 1 for its richness us a Dry ted for dinner use. lin highs est Table Wine, 8 Sheers ob Y Sherry Is a wine of Superior Character and partakes of | he rich qualities of the grape from which it is 1a | Speer’ S % x % Climax Brandy 1S A PURE distillation of the grape, and stands unrivaled in this country for medicinal purpo and equal in cvery ro spect to the high price te od Cognac Brandies of France, from which it cannot ha distinguished. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS AND GROCERS WHO KEEP FIRST CLASS WINES, MEYERSDALE, Pa. A REAL (RAPHOPHONE| ..FOR..~ a TTT TTY ToTeloT FRR R Ie RRR Te 1 Good Babies Bb iL eels Sond ClLIP1D Simple ALT hor OIL i % ; EALT HY ig i BABIES: sardine POLISH * Are always found in families T NO BOTHER, MUCH FUN. that use All the Wonders and Pleasures of a 3 S 1 p 1 > 1 > 9 p 1 b 1 > 4 p 1 p 4 ) b 3 4 High-Priced Talkin ~ ’ ‘achine. 4 p 3 BROWN S Me G Ww ion ao onpied by a Rogues is 4 b 5 . - 4 sraphophonc e used tg make R. -ords. 4 b oS] rice with Re R du all y +Teething Cordiale on] a scorer S. 750 Lah ones 1 b 3 FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. = to our nearest office, 4 b '" * COLUMBIA PHO! NOGR, APH CQ. Dept. 30; { i [| Pe \ — Ka NEW YOR 4 AnAAnAnnnnnnnnnnnnnns (L MOTHERS oH ST Love d om it before you buy. For { % remember that about one-third of the rk TA ] {| polishing, preventing cracking |} 1 childrendie before they are three years oo A Cuore st {| and water r-proofing shoes it is [} i old, and the cause of this is a lack of > | = Ww. W¥. proper care while the little ones are »% Guary St §| superior to any. € guar- |p ! teething. ‘This large death rate can §| antee that your shoes will last |p i be avoided by using & §| twice as long by using Cupid |p {BROWNS TEETHING CORDIAL 7, > 3 Oil Polish 3 3 which was never known to fail to 3 AYN IN FUTILE, {| Best doles sell it, 15C > give satisfaction. Z 2 posable Practical uetioneer, ov by mail, 15€ Jp $ For sale by all Druggists and Warranted. un 1 { | 4 > : will ery your sales and auctions at rea- | § BE?) 4 A. K. ERCWH HEDIGINE 60. sonable prices and guarantee yon 4 GONGD BLACKING M FG 00. p 2 BURLINGTON, i satisfaction. P.O. addre 4 e3 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. FopTele EY ER rr EE e.g a. ~~ 2 West Salisbury. a a i i i » 8 © b } 1 = H of et