TH Lak COUNTY STAR N Livexcoon, Editor and Publisher. Entered at the Postoflice at E vi Lick, Pa, £3 mail matter of the Second class. Subscription Rates. RE Bran is published evary Thursday, at Elk I ok Somerset, Co, Pa., at the follow- ing = “no a: { pail id Spot cash in advance. ..3 df not paid s iv in advance ox Six months, if p Ga spot cash in advance Af not paid strictly in advance. Three months, cash in advanc Sthate coy T'¢ . ain aw ain a wan cee SAD n ultiplie ity of small accounts, prions for ree months or less advance These rates and idly adhered to. br s will beri Adverti I'RANSIENT RE ADING NOTICES, § line each insertion. dver 5 cents a line for first ins @ Hie for cach suc ding ihusiness locals will be mixed PW dtems or editor natter for less than 10 wents a line for each inst rtion, except on FoRrly 1 =ing Rates. “Disrer AY A de know on Sapa Epitorian Pu VERTISEMENTS ion. invariably 10 a line. LA Mi pple S Mot exceedin A onried free. All additic RDS O lished free dor atre ms of th he char LES 1-patrons will R S OF will be pub- dished fc nis a line All ad ents will be rt 1 and charged gor until order ot liscontinued. No advertisement wit be taken for less shan 25 cents Jeffery’s fresh is foremost for Confec- I'ish- Notions, Station- Groeeri pure, tionery,; Tobacco, Cigars, ing Tackle, ery, ete BEST GOODS... Lowest :: Prices! I don’t keep goods of kind, but I sell them variety and quantity. EEF Agent for the Meyers- dale Steam Laundry. Laun- dry sent away every Tuesday. J. T. JEFFERY, Omosite P. 0, SAIISBURY, PA. Wall's Meat Market! This place continues to be any in great headquarters for Tender Steak, Juicy Roasts, Choice Dressed Poultry, Sausage, Pudding and Fresh Fish in Season. I aim to serve my patrons with the best in my line that the market affords. *Thanking the public for a lib- eral patronage, and solicit- continuance of the same, I am ang a Respectfully yours, «€. WAHL, Salisbury, Pa. TISSUE « BUILDERS, URES ae F CHRONIC CongrpxTION WORRY, hEapachE, oYsPEPS IA, LIVER TORPOR, INSOMNIA Ne SLEEPLESSNESS, AND ALS AHD STOMACH DISORDER> AT ALL 10 GRAIN pRUSCIsTS TABLETS. PRICE 25¢. 2 ERT Clny, ; GUARANTEED. OR FURTHER FACTS ADDRESS Tue MODERN - REMEDY CO. WANEE, ILL. New Goods at S. C. Hartley's, Meyers- dale, Pa, Spectacle s for 50 of Have your eyes correctly fitted by a practical optician, wide experijece. r. W.GURLERY, The Jeweler and Optician. Meyersdale, Pa, @ARTRIDGE TAPER !—The miners Lap get enough Cartridge Paper for a few cents, at Tne Srar office, to last bem for seevral months. 3 g@vuLINGy ES AX PAYERS who have not pai for 1889 are hereby not and settie, if they oct not want to settle with another officer and p: 1¥ additional costs. J. GLOTFELT Tax Collector. once 5-10 Notice > to Debtors. “The firm of S. Lowry & Son having sold out and retired from the under- taking business, hereby give notice to all persons indebted to them to eall at once and make se er lement, either by cash or note . Lowry & Sox. April 26h, 1900. 3t. New York and Washington Ladies. In delicate condition derive great benefit from Speer’s Port Wine. Also excellent for the aged and infirm and convalescents. F&F GIRL WANTED !—A good girl for general house work. Good wages for a good, re liable oi W. Smawnaxn, C ting ntal Coal C i; Supt. Meyersdale, Pa. 5-10 Co-operative Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Rereren, Pres. C. A. Froro, V.P. I'rep. Grorr, Treasurer. By giving this company some recog- nition in a small way, you will show your appreciation of a home enterprise whose aim is to give cheaper insurance. Write for information. Jacon J. Zorn, Berlin, Pa. Yy. H. 4-26 ~~ : EE REMEMBER our large stock of Summer Dress Goods. tf Erk Lick Screny Co. -— See a lot of women in another column treading grapes at Do Sexio, Portugal, for wine. Read all about it and about Sneer’s NUI., method and it what is par- ti ularly good fore 5-31 AWE WIL Tr HAVE another Jot of late style Trimmed Hats by the last of the week. tf SLk Lick Sverny Co. EE BALED HAY and Straw for sal by H. C. Shaw, Salisbury, Pa. 0 Dr. Humphrey's Specifies for Chil- dren. Dr. Humphreys’ Specific Manual con- tains a special chapter on the diseases of children. Welcome to any mother. Sent free on request; Humphreys’ Medicine Co. Cor. William & John Streets, N. Y. 1-t JRE AN ELEGANT LINE of Ladies’ Vaists, Ties and Infants’ Hats and Caps. tf E1x Lick Svreery Co. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS J. C. Lowry, of Somerset, was in town on business this week. Trout fishers report very poor suc- cess thus far, in this vicinity. And now Howard Yaist snile: out loud. “It’s a new girl,” he says. There is a great deal of sickness among children in this vicinity at pres- ent. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Welfley,"who had been residing in Westmoreland county, have moved to Salisbury. Casper Wahl, our old reliable butch- er, had the misortuue to cut one of his fingers very badly, last week. Mr. W. II. Boucher, who some time ago fell from a scaffold and broke sev- ercl ribs, is again able to be out, but he still feels very sore. The village of Sand Patch had a neur- row escape from forest fires, on Tues- day. Luckily a good rain set in about the time the village was in the great- est peril. We congratulate the Berlin Record on its new dress and greatly improved appearance. Editor Marshall is pro- gressive, and the Record is one of our most welcome exchanges. “DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are the finest pills I ever used.”—D. J. Moore, Millbrook, Ala. They quickly cure all liver and bowel troubles. Sold by med- cine dealers. We sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. Will McMurdo in the death of their 17- months’old babe, which occurred on Monday night. Funeral took place yesterday from the M. E. church. Peter Pile, an ag>d and respected citizen of New Centerville, died recent- ly of cancer. The deceased was a vet- eran of the C war, and he died at the ripe age of 75 years, 11 months and 23 days. Mr. and Mrs. Zach Faidley, of St. Paul, have our sympathy in the death of their twin babes. The children were aged about three weeks. One died last Saturday and the other on Tuesday of this week. “After suffering from piles for fifteen years I was cured by using two boxes of DeW it s Witch Hazel Salve,” writes W. J. Baxter, North Brook, N. C. It heals everything. Beware of counter- feits. Sold by medicine dealers. Isn’t it about time for that proposed new pavement on North Grant street to be laid? It is a disgrace to the town the way some of our pavements are allowed to go te ruin, while practie- ally no eTort seems to be mude to re- pair them. W. W. Picking, who was reared in Somerset, was recently pro- | moted by the B. & O. Railroad Compg- ny from Chicago City Passenger Agent to General Agent of the I partment of the B. & O. many Somerset county friends congratulate | him agp his success. lon and | | assenger de- His | | Salisbury lias a new brand of so-call- | ed Stalwart Republicans, and the new brand is known as the Royal Turpen- | tine Degree. In order to take this new | degree the applicant must show that | hie can use turpentine in such a way as to commit a penitentiary offense with it. We may give full particulars in a future issue, and if we do, we will give the public some interesting reading. J. Q. Hood, Justice ot the Peace Crosby, Miss, makes the following statement: “I can certify that One Minute Cough Cure will do all that is claimed for it. My wife could not get r breath and the first dose of it re- lieved her. It has also benefited my whole family.” 1t acts immediately and cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe, bronehitis, and all throat and lung troubles. Sold by medicine dealers. The Somerset Herald last week an- nounced the appointment of Wm. P. Hurst, census enumerator of Somerset borough. The Herald is rather slow in Tne the matter of printing the news. Star mentioned Mr. Hurst’s appoint- ment several weeks ago, also the ap- pointment of a large number of other census enumerators in The primary election mie will now make publ | this county. being over, Tim- ic the appc ments he lied about for political pur- poses several weeks ago. rm La grippe of the most obstinate form has been prevalent in this locality for some time, and it is still raging. About every other person you meet is talking bass, and quinine is in good demand. The editor is having a severe tussle with the malady, and of all the attacks of this disease he has ever had, this one is by far the worst. The easiest and most effective meth- od of purifying the blood and inv igor- ating the system is to take DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for cleansing lhe liver and bowels. Sold by medicine dealers. A charter was granted at Harrisburg recently to “The Windber Water and Power Company,” of Windber, with a capital of $100, The following gen- tlemen are as directors: Ed- named Ward J. Sean, George Patchall, John B Sa) S. I. Meyers, all of Philadel- phia; I . Siege Norristown, N J., and ey L. Krebs, Clearfield. Peter Ott, of chased the Johnstown, Mansion has pur- house in Berlin, and has taken possession of the same A. B. Falknor, has busines His predecessor, Mr. : retired from the of the serious illness of his wife. IFalknor was one of the in Somerset county, friends regret to business. “I had stomach trouble twenty years and gave up hope of being cured till 1 began to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It has done me so much good TI eall it the on account Mr. best hotel men many go out of and his see him savior of my life,” writes W. R. Wil. Kiuson, Albany, Tenn. It digests what you eat. Sold by medicine dealers. James Guptill, of Everson, Pa., several days in Salisbury, last week James is a railroad brakeman. and a very good one, too, but he recently met with an accident costing him his spent that came very near life, and while he wa: here he had his head well covered with bandages and While on : rapidly moving train, some time ago. his head came in contact with a coal chute. He badly hurt, but Jim ean’t be killed with one bump. and wo congratulate him on his escape Better luck to him in the the aid of Congressman Thropp the following named pensioners have recently been benefitted as fol plasters. of course Vas future. Through lows: Mrs. Catharine Stuckey, Rains burg, Bedford county, increase; John Mounts, Tyrone, Blair county, increase dating back to May, 1896; Abram Cart right, Riddlesburg, Bedford county, in- crease; Wm. S. Shannon, Johnstown increase; Henry C. Penrod, Tatesville Bedford county, increase; David Fry Bakersville, Somerset county, originai pension with pay dating back to Feb- ruary, 1891. J. C. Kennedy, “I cannot say too Roanoke, Tenn, says much for DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. One box of it cur- ed what the doctors called an incura ble ulcer on my jaw.” Cures piles and all skin diseases. Look out for worth- less imitations. Sold by medicine deal- ers. The First National of Rock- wood was formally organized at tha’ place last Saturday with the election of the fcllowing President. Penrose Wolfe; Viee President, James McKelvey ; Cashier, James M. Cover Directors, Ireeman VW. Mason, Wm Waite, J. M. Murdock, Harry Swanke Hon. 8. A. Kendall, James McSpadden, James M. Cover, Penrose Wolfe and James McKelvey. The oath was ad- ministered to the officers by Notary Public J. Earl Ogle, of Johnstown. The bank will open its doors to the public sbout June Ist.—Somerset Stan- dard. Bank officers: Antonia Medina and Andrew Crunzo, two of the Italians suspected of having committed the quintuplet murder which a few weeks ago occurred at Windber, were captured in Cambria county, last week, and are now in the Somerset jail awaiting their trial on the charge of having had a part in the murder of five men. The question is, will they be in jail when they are want- ed for the trial? The present jail man- agement seems to be very loose, and if these criminals don’t make their es- cape it will be somewhat remarkable. Frank Napoloon, the otlier suspect, and who is supposed to have been the chief actor in the Windber tragedy, is still at large. “After suffering from severe dyspep- sia over twelve years and using many remedies: without permanent good 1 finally took Kcdol Dyspeps Care. It did me so much good I recommend it to everyone,” writes J. E. Watkins, Clerk and Recorder, Chillicothe, Mo. It digests what you eat. Sold by medi- cine dealers. The Kingwood. W. Va., Argus says: A young man was in town the other day from Sassafr Fork or Turkey Run, and just before he started his old dad told him: “Now don’t forgit while ye're in Kingwood to git seme o’ them ’lectrie light plants we heern so much about, so we kin jist raise em ourselves arter this an’ save buyin’ kerosene or making candles.” in quiring around t The young man was auld and some one own where he get some of the pl | One Minute Cough C | less remedy sent him down to the Ele setrie Light Plant, d that he wanted to George Williams he could have all he wanted where he explain who told him | if he would dig them up himself, and George set him to work on some horse- radish that was growing around the place. The young fellow dug up all he could carr 1d went home rejoicing. W. 8. Musser, Millheim, Pa.. saved | the life of his litle girl by giving her | re when she was It is the only harm- gives immediate re- cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, grippe, asthma and all throat and lung troubles. Sold by medicine dealers. dying from croup. that sults. It quickly Mr. Henry Yost, a well known farm- er of Garrett county, Md. started today for Germany, native land, from whence he emigrated te Ameriea when yet a young man. He landed in Phila- his | Celphia with only 10 cents in his pock- came to Somerset county, made friends considerable He was highly esteemed for his many good qualities, and while he was joined in wedlo daughter of John C. the editor’s ed later in Garrett county, Md., and for many yea been one of the leading and well-to-do-farmers of that county. He | and a visit to the © later on he where he and also ets, and soon many money. residing here to Sarah, a Livengood, and a le locat- sister of ather. he has is now living a retired life, Fathe d” will do im good. His life is a worthy exam- ple to follow, and it he what a poor boy ean make of himself by being hon- | ght and industrious. | Pt | Sm HERGANTIL F APPRAISHEN. By virtue of my appointment as Mer- cantile Appraiser for Somerset county, Pa., by the Commissioners of said coun- ty, and by virtue of an Act of Assembly passed 2nd May, A.D. 1899,1 have clase- ified, valued and appraised the several venders and dealers in gogls ,-wares and merchandise, ete., of said county of Somerset, as follow s, to wit: ADDISON TOMWNSHIP. Jagustine T. & Meye rs George. BERLIN Bowman B. J. Ball D. M. Bri Her Ga W. BOROUGH. Milling Co ine hy Lewis BR OTHERSY ALLEY TOW NSHIP. Beachly Ira Bucklew Mrs “ iumbert Hen . ireen George. Qayman ULF. 5 C ONEM. AUGH TOWN (SHIP. : “ “ “ “« CONF LUE Augustine Joh ” “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Me “ an Sh Mr “ “ “ Is fhe ii N - Caylor Jesse “ CASSEL Lippart J. C. “ Weimer I. Li. sei a ELK LICK TOWNSHIP, Bender F. W “ Clare J. he arti “ N “ Niver W. K Toe Moe E Yeo . . F AIR HOPE TOWNSHIP. Dorn L. 4 Hontitrer i. 4s Maxwell O EF * Loorbaugh Simon . . . “ Proutman Peter... . “ G ARRETT BOROUGH. Jowman & Hay. o Jowlby Mr # ndy J. H -“ Merrill W. 0d Maton D. K iREENVILLE TOW NSHIP. ’r issinge Tr. George. Shaffer, R ] “ JEFFE Bennett, J. W.. “ Miller, C.. “ Miller, C “ “ “ “ “ “ “ « “ “ Griffith, J. “ Joma, 1 “ “ i 1 A.D. “ felt Geo. “ eR DW “ G “ Sipe 'W. “ Woy M. “ . TURKEYFOOT TOW) ( ae A. Ji n Ric hard. MIDDL ECREEK TOWN Jaron N He (SHIP, MIL FORD TOW Knable Hiram. WwW ME Y E RSD! ALE BOROUGH. Appe 1 illinm.. Glessner Hardy [abel & 2 ‘hilips. np 3 Company . . de NEW B. \L TIMOR 1 BOROUGIL. ler, nb Topper, | over Tornthne. D. OGLE TOW Saheoc k Lumber Co. . . 6 Be > H. M frdner, PAINT TOWN NSHIP. & Ralowsky a a ze Baum ilips & Phi tose Sbleom, 1. © A Young, M. Same QUEM: AHOXNING TOWNSHIP. RERE RR RR RRR RRR KR RFARRRERRRRERE Mestoller E. G. Ak Suter Wiliam “ Specht Josiah - ROCKWOOD BOROUGH. Ash Gu 4 “ Boyts William “ Buckman Mary a Pal 1E.E. - iis B. s Xs " “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “« ‘ “ “ Snyde r & Bur - atler & « “ “ “ SALISBURY BOROUGH. Bare lus 2 Live ngood * Ehlen Bre Elk I ply Company “ Glotfelt - Glotfelty d ewman * Hay Peter ed Haselbe th Willinm R. as th C. B. & Son “ L Dryciila “ J. “ . er Lowi “ Jie ehel Henry 5 A uiloh MH. & Co. Limited - Shaw H. " SH ADE TOWNSHIP, Lohr Mrs. M. C. “ Reitz James H. at STON XC REEK TOWNSBIP. ge kerman I. A Restaurants, d&e. ue , Windbe 5 Paint twp. billards $40 00 Barchu 1.1L, alisbury, boro. banker, 30 00 sebeer > P. 1. Some sol boro. public hall 30 00 C Chambers R. B., Windber, restaurant, 5 00 , W inne 5 Paint twp. 5 (0 u Mcyersdale, bankers, 80 (0 in boro. restaurant, D5 0 Meyersdale, bankers, 80 (0 iin horo. reswarant, 5 00 shury bore 5 C0 dber, public hall, a 7 billards, Hay Drucilla Balifnury boro. pub. hai, 3 % Kennel J ( rett boro. restau urant, 5 00 Mills D., W rid r, IP Ring twp. billiards, 40 00 Meyers Milte n, Meyersdale boro. Plitt Anion Me ae restaurant, 5 C0 Philson & Co., lin, boro. bankers 00 Ream Son. Be rlin, bata 5 00 Shader M , Somerset, restaurant, on 5 ieyersdale boro. billiards, 50 0 Meyersdale, re is 00 ymerset boro. billiards, 50 00 alisbury boro. billiards, 40 00 Wahl P. M Ossi fon of Eating Houses or Res- tawrant les of $500 to $1,000. Class 8; Tax Billiards and Ten Pin Alleys.—~One Table or Alley, Li each additional table or alley, $10. 00 Take Notice.—All persons concerned in the above ar praisment, that an ap- peal wili be held at the Treasurer’s Office, in Somerset, on Thursday, May 31st, 1900, when and where you ean at- tend if you think proper. No changes will be made after that date. C. G. SECHLER, Mercantile Appraiser. GEBHARTS, PA. eT The news that George S. Harrison, assistant cashier of the Somerset Coun- ty National Bank, was a victim of ap- pendicitis, brought profound sorrow to his numerous friends in this vicinity. Geogre had not been in very good physi- cal condition for scme time, and after a careful examination made by Dr, H. “ “ “« “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ te z “ Wagner D. “ Yoder S. B. u SOMERFIELD BOROUGH. Conoway Laura “ “ “ “ “« “ “ “ “ “« “ “ “ “ “ We ie or 8.'N. “ SOMERSET BOROUGH. ‘eme Grocery “ Senter rd, M. C. “ M “ » “ “ “ “ “ fivoth, IS ge chee f, Noa “ NT E 4h ‘offroth, (, I “ Dennison, M. y vis, L. H. & Co. “ « Kooser “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “« “ “ “ “ Parkér & Philips “ sifford, - HL Co. u Simps 5) i “ 3 set Busey Co. i. “ “ “« “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ « “ Cook & Bec Wholesale. ST oy STOW N BOROUGH. Adams, BE. Retail. awalt, wr, " Bow mi H. “ “ 2A. “ ugh Brubaker 4 Shockoe Y, C H. “ SUMMIT TOWNSHIP. Hobletzell, J. J. & Son “ Kennel, George u . Ti “ “ “ Agu Ww. W. " SOUTHAMPTON TOW Nene Kennel, J. L. UPPER TURKEYFOOT TOWNSAIP. Dumbauld, J. B. “ De: evi “ . “ Gerhart, J. B. “ Huston, I1. ¢, - Ilenry, > “ SEP “ y RSINA BOROUGH. Albright, & Colborn, oh We. - Colborn, GW. Coder t £ Darr, “ “ “ evy, P. ©“ Sellers I. o WE LERSBURG BOROUG H. 3oyd J. H. Moser Henry “ Shaffer I. P. - Bankers, Billiards, Public Halls and Preserver of health. Runs so light. So easy to learn. Sews so fast. Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine Rotary Motion and Ball Bearings Purchasers say: “It runs as light as a feather.” “It turns drudgery into a pastime.” “The magic Silent Sewer.” Life istoo shortand health too pre- cious to waste with a slow, hard run- ning, noisy machine, when you can have the New Wheeler & Wilson. MANUFACTURED BY Wheeler & Wilson [Mig. Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Send for Catalogue. sale by Rutter & Will, : MEYERSDALE, Pa. For fave you ever used SAVIS’ MECHANICS SOAP? UNQUESTIONABLY “The Createst Dirt Killer.” Bc, a Box of 3 Cakes. If not kept by your dealer, send us his name. Send 202, for 1avge full-sized calce. Pao M Its greatest 4 friends are Mechanics, Machinists, Printers, Painters, Farmeis, and those having dirty work to do. For Toilet. OL CI ALT MICITANC | Agonts wanted Ki rey in MEGHAN every locality. ER. BAviS S347 B , Hakers, HICAQC. Go To ¥ JOHN W. RINGLER, —For Your— COAL -- HAULING AND DRAYING. Prompt servic square “dealing and rea- sonable prices have built up a large patro ge for me, but I can still take care of more. ‘Term=:—Cash or settlements at end of :ach nih, when I am Jequired to square my coal billat the mine ity, JOHN W. RINGLER, SALISBURY. PA [. Marsden, it was learned that he was suffering from catarrhal appendici and he was advised by that physician io enter a hospital. He left over the B. & O. for Philadelphia, where he en- ered St. Joseph’s hospital. An opera- tion for the removal of the appendix was performed upon the young man, Monday afternoon, by one of the well known surgeons of Philadelphia. The surgical ration, which lasted one hour and twenty-five minutes, was en- tirely successful. A message to the family, here, yesterday, stated that Mer. Harrison was getting along as well as could be expectey, and that it was thought he would be able to return home in about one month.—Somerset Standard. Died. Saturday, May 5th, 1900, Miss Emma llay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hay. The deceased was aged nearly 15 years, and for a long time suffered with dropsy of the heart and other complications. Etima was a most estimable little girl, and all who knew her were her friends. Although she sufferefl long and severely, she nevertheless bore her afllictions brave- ly and complained bat little. It is in- deed a hard blow to the family to part with one so near and dear to them, but what is their loss is little Emma’s gain, for she is now at rest, and no longer needs to suffer the tortures of disease in this sorrowful world. She has left this sinful world, pure and spotless,and the world beyond has gained one more innocent and precious soul. The be- reaved parents, brothers and sisters have the sympathy of all, and may a kind providence join them again to- gether in a better and fairer world than this. The funeral services were held at the Reformed chureh, at 10 a. m, Hassler. Sy ope Tuesday, > conducted by Rev. E, 8, Prohibition County Conventios. The Prohibition county convention will be held in the Court house, Somer- set, Pa., Tuesday, May 15, 1900, at one o'clock p. m. A full county ticket will be nominat- ed, 5 delegates to the state convention wiil be chosen and a new county com- mittee elected. Dr. C. H. Mead, of New York, a speaker of national reputation, will lee- ture in the United Brethren church, Somerset, Pa, on the evening of May 15th. All opponents of the legalized liquor traffic are cordially invited to attend these meetings. R. P. CoL1.IxS, FRED GROFF, Sec’ry Co. Com. Ch. Co. Com. Stable and Horses Burned. A very disastrous fire occurred at Meixel’s lumber camp, about 4 miles east of Salisbury, on Tuesday. Forest fires were raging in the vicin'ty, and while the Jumbermen were eating their dinner the flames reached Mr. Meixel’s stable, in which were some valuable draught hors The fire was discovered in time to some of the horses, but not all of save them. IFour of the very best animals Mr. Meixel owned perished in the flames, and those that were saved were so badly stifled with smoke that they staggered when led from the burning building. We sy mpathize with Mr, Meixel in his 1gss. Splendid Showing Of New Spring Styles In Men's Children’s Wear! Boys’ And Men’s New Spring Suits. Perfection in style and workmanship. Newest weaves and combinations of colorings, $5.00, 6.75, 8.50, 10.00, 12.50 and 15.0C. Children’s New Soni Suits. All the newest productions in Vestee, Double Breasted and Blouse Styles, $1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 2.59, 8.00, 3.756 and 5.00. Young Men’s New Spring Suits. Stylish in make and finish, with a view of pleasing the most careful dress- 15 to 19 years, $4.00, 5.00, 10.00, 12.00 and 15.00. ers, Sizes, 7.00, 8.75, Spring Headwear FOR MEX, BOYS,AND CHILDREN. Hats and Caps, latest in shapes, styles Beautiful line of Straw All the new and nobby styles. and colors. Hats. It's worth your while to see our elegant spring stock. Miller & Collins, H You. =e Meversdale, Pa. Want Good Breac try FLOUR, gives the and a sack of LICHLITER 'S GOLDEN LINK you will have it. This Flour Satisfactio of any Flour we have ever handled. N : A Lic ae £5 Salis a bury c teach town foc this pur; doa ut at $3 t q LITY We will se: D YOUR 0A A un ir siroduelng 21 ae this low price i= hi town to represent us neh; ladies, £2 inch. Dest ine. #16. 50 cash in Lh with order we wilt 0, pas ern cyelo- you are not € person nin trade which we end for Barzain List. : SCENE IN A PORTUGAL WINERY, n the mountains, at the Quinto do Sexio, Portugal, a famdus Port Wine district where the custom of treading the grapes for Port Wine is still in vogue. Irom ten to a dozen men or women for cach gang in turn continue the treading, day and night, during the four or five weeks vintage. scparate tucked up, Some of the treading vats are large “enough for three ro of ten men cach, who with their white breeches well their arms on each other's shoulders, raise and tread their fect alternately, with song and shouts to ke eep the lazier ones up to the work, and a band with string instr It is from this district the s Rollers e vines were imported over forty years aga hey Speer, of New Jersey, Use uments enlivens the hours. ea oF Feet, that now fill the vineyards of the Speer Wine Co., at Passaic. At Passaicthe same kind of grapes are crushed between larga rol- lers of rubber, this country where the Oporto grape—and they are revolved by steam. This is the only place in re: it genuine Port Wi ine is made from the grown right in Srerx Ss VINEYARDS. These vineyards extend over ¥5 of a mile along one of the Main avenues of Pas aie, and comprise fifty six rich in iron makes the wine most valuable for Medical use. acres. Ihe soil being SPEEIR'S WINES Are well known to be of the highest character , the oldest and most refined Wines in America, equal if not superior to any wines in the world. They consist of Port, Wines, and % % % Climax Brandy. cellars that he m: de over thirty cig Wines and Brandy are very old, rich, Every family should have Sherry, Burgundy, Claret, a bottle or two of cach varicty of Wines and Brandy always in the home, for sickness or family use, Sauternc Mr. Speer has some Wine in his ht years ago. All of Speer's well rounded, soft and Tetieate, Speer’s Lor Sale by Druggists and Grocers Tw ho Sell High Class Wines, 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE TraDE MARKS DesiGNs CoryRricHTS &C. Aryone sending a sketch and description may ulckiy ascertain our opinion free w rhether, an invention is probably patentable. Communica- Hones Srricels conden iy Hz ndbook. on Patents ent free. 2 patent =, an nts rs akon th 4 recelve special notice, hon ATED in Scientific Himerican. handsomely Hustvated ing Jaros: cir- Sn of any Sotant ] roal. Te: ear ; four months, MUNN & Go, zoremsn Tout | Branch Office. 625 I St., 1538 Just received, at Tun Stan nice line of Visiting Cards. office, a | | WINTE B &0. RR R. SCHEDULE. R ARRANGEMF SUNDAY, NOV. NT, IN EFFECT 19, 1839. Under the new arrangeme 7 there be 0 four daily passenger tr at Meye will ns stopping ale. They will be Ri as follows: WEST BOUND. No. 47, Daily... [ No. 49, Daily... EAST BOUND. | No. 46 Daily... . M. | No. 14, Daily... A.M. Salisbury Hack Tane, SCHRAMM BROS, oI Proprietors. No. 1 leaves Salis- Te HACK N Tivigg at Meye « ledves Moye Salisbury at 7,8 ip. Tr at Pa." * Bw -4- * . 3 4