——— VC wi Gr A. Lichliter is doing business at the old stand. 11) LF lour and = cea With greatly increas- ed stock and facilities for handling goods, we are prepared to meet the wants of our customers in ALL KINDS OF STAPLE GROCERIE 5: Feed, Flour, Corn, Oats, Etc. In short anything to feed man or beast. Furthermore, we are JOBBEIL OF CARBON OIL and can save merchants money on this line, as we buy car load lots. We are also Headquarters Flor Maple Sweets. We pay cash for good Butter and nice, clean Fresh Eggs. what advantages we offer. Come S. A. LICHLITER, Salisbury, Pa. and see | Hi \ Makes A Mos: Accentable Christmas Present. PRICE, No. 5, $35.00; No. 7, $50. For ease of operation, durability, speed and quality of work, this maching has not a superior on the market. Has all the latest improvements and some which are not found on any other type-writer made. These improve- ments all go to make writing easy. We guarantee these machines to be equal in every respect to any type-writ- er made, irrespective of style, name or price. nials. THE BLICKENSDERFER MEG. € Write for catalogue and testimo- 413 Wood St., Pittsburg, Pa. Great Clubbing Offer. THE STAR has made arrangments with the publisher of the “Vermont I? arth Journal?” whieh enables us to make the most remarkable clubbing offer ever be- fore heard of in this section. Here it is: The Somerset County Star 1 year. Vermont NY American Poultry Farm Journal 1 vear. Weekly Tribune 1 year. Advocate 1 year. The Gentlewoman ye Marion Harle rs Cook Book. All For This great combination meets the wants of the entire household. it is your home paper The Vermont Farm Journal and American Poultry Advocate should ill the local and county news: can do without it. Le in the hands of every up-to-date farmer or poultry raiser. “Ten Nights in a Bar Room.” $2.00, Regular Price $5.50. THE STAR gives and no member of the household The “Gentlewoman” is the best paper we know of for the ladies, being very similar in size, make-up and quality to the “Ladies Home Journal.” The New York Weekly Tribune gives you the condensed news of the world in good, clean, readable form, the market reports and lots of other in- teresting matter. It will be eagerly read each week by every member of the family. Marion Harland’s Cook Book contains over 300 well printed pages and more than 1,000 practical recipes; the common people than this; there is no better cook book in print for practical every-day use among it advocates economy in cooking. “Ten Nights in a Bar zoom,” by T. 8S. Arthur, is the greatest temperange novel of the age and the most intense- ly interesting book you ever read; the work is complete and unabridged, printed from new plates on good paper and well hbound—alone worth our price for the combination. Sample copies of papers for a two cent stamp, Address with the cash, HAY'S HOTEL, Salisbury, Penn’a. This elegant NEW - THREE- STORY HOTEL is of the best equipped hostelries in Som- one erset county. Modern IHquipments of all kinds, such as Steam Heat, Warm and Cold Baths, Tele- phone, Fine Bar, ete. : Centrally located with fine sur- roundings. Tables supplieed with the best the markets afford. Rates reasonable. YI HHAY., Proprietor. JOIN W. RINGLER., JACOB GLOTFELTY. RINGLER & GLOTFELTY, —SOLICIT YOUR— COAL HAULING. Ilaving consolidated our coal delivering business, we are prepared to serve the peo- of Salisbury and vicinity better than ever, If you want prompt and satisfactory rervice in this line, give us your orders. TERMS: We settlements cash or at end of cach month, as weare quired to settle every montly at the mines. FOR A GOOD LUNCH or Stew of Oysters, gotothe lunch room in basement of C. T. Hay’s SALISBURY, Pa. nle request by re- business block, BEST OYSTERS IN TOWN, choice Cove Oysters, Baked Sardines, Pigs , Pickles, Cigars, ete. HAY, Proprietor. also Beans, Salmon, Fed 32. I. CMM SHUI best tonsorial work go to Y, The Leading Barber. * OPPOSITE HAY’S HOTEL. Francis J. KooSER., J. A. Cisbury The Dinmond Resturant Al ire Wit Early Riscrs, - littie pills. The Somerset County Star, Elk lick, Pa . KOONTZ. KOONTZ & OGLE, Attorneys=-At-l.aw, SOMERSET, PENN’ Office opposite Court ITouse. ERNEST O. KOOSE} KOOSER & KOOSER, Attorneys-At-lT.aw, SOMERSET, PA. BERKEY Attorney-at-T.aw, SOMERSET, PA. Office over Fisher’s Book Store. A. M: LICHITY Physician and Surgeon, SALIS3URY, PENN’A. Office one door east of P. 8. Ilay’s store. WwW. IT. Expressman and Drayman, WEST SALISBURY, PA. GARLITZ, All kinds of hauling and delivering of goods at low prices. Your patronage is solicited. ’ Salisbury Hack T.ine, SCHRAMM BROS, Proprietors. ScHebULE:—Iack No.1 leaves Salisbury at 8 A.M, arriving at Meyersdale at 8.30 A. Returning leaves Meyersdale at 1p. riving at Salisbury at 2.30 p. 2 TACK No. 2 leaves Salisbury at 1 p. riving nt Meyersdale at 2.30 pov. leav Mey at woo Pp. Returning M. In the basement of the new Me- Kinley block, is the best place ii town to get ~ Fresh Oysters and Lunches, C ‘onfec tionery, Tobacco, pgnrs ete. For Uniontown Steam Laundry. 2: I solicit fourpatronase and guar antee to please you. Prices ver: reasonable JAMES BEAL, Pro. Salisbury, re ad, Pies, Cakes Canned Good M., ur- | Mo AT | pands sdale at 6 P.M, arriving at Sal- | the key to the situation. | Quay men, + dickers, ATS FATE INTHE BALANCE: Secretary Miriin aod and Senator Ma- | gee Hold His Future in Their Hands. HOW QUAY HAS TREATED THEM. The Wretched Record of Quay’s Ac- tions Towards the PittsburgLeaders. His Attack on Martin in the Senate. Quay Stories That a Deal Had Been Fixed Up With Them Emphatically Denied. from Our Own Correspondent.) Harrisburg, Jan. 3.—The fight for the United States senatorship is now on in this city. Politicians of every class and character are gathered here from the four corners of the state. The Quay shouters are here in almost regi- mental strength. The independent, anti-Quay men are here also, working tooth and nail to accomplish the defeat of the senior senator. IN MARTIN'S HAND. As it stands today the fight against Senator Quay is absolutely in the hands of Secretary of the State Martin and Senator C. IL. Magee, of Pittsburg. These two men will decide whether or not Senator Quay will be returned to the United States senate, or whether he will be relegated to the well deserv- ed shades of political oblivion. Noth- ing that can transpire will alter this fact. For the past four years the anti-Quay Republicans of the state outside of the cities of Pittsburg and Philadel- phia have been laboring earnestly and unceasingly to bring about the condi- tion of affairs which exists in the party today. That is, to arouse the Repub- licans of Pennsylvania to the danger that menaces them in the re-election of Senator Quay and the further con- tinuance in power of the blighting po- litical machine that he has built up through long years. The great mass of the people of Pennsylvania have be- come roused. They have sent to the legislature this year, a protest against the further advance of the power of Quay and his machine, 3 representatives who are pledged to op- pose the Quay power. QUAY AND MAGEE PLEDGED. During these years Sccretary Mar- tin and Senator Magee have worked hand in hand with the anti-Quay repre- sentatives. They have pledged their support. They have participated in all of the councils of the anti-Quay ele- ment. They have asserted that when the time came, and it would be in their power to accomplish it, they would render every assistance to retire Senator Quay. Thus the matter stands today. There are many and various reasons why both of these leaders in the great municipalities of Pennsylvania should oppose Senator Quay. Senator Magee himself has suffered at the hands of Senator Quay both humiliation and ostracism. In the last legislature, when Quay was the dominant power, Senator Magee and his political partner, Sena- tor Flinn, were insulted before the peo- ple of the state and their conferrees in the sendate by being given nothing but minor places on committees. Their wishes were disregarded, their feelings were trampled on, they were relegated to small committees and given a place only as followers of less experienced and less worthy men. They marched in the rear ranks and they should have headed the procession. TRIED TO RUIN MAGEL. More than this, Senators Magee and Flinn were threatened with the loss of their political power in Pitts- burg by means of adverse legislation which the Quay power wnrepared for that purpose. It was Quay’s determina- tion to clin the wings of Magee and Flinn to an extent that they would never again figure as leaders in Alle- gheny county. But this scheme failed. As for Senator-elect Secretary of the Commonwealth David Martin, no single man in the state has suffered so much at the hands of Senator Quay as he has. Iver since Secretary Martin chose to follow the dictates of his own political conscience and refused to obey the behests of Senator Quay in the famous Philadelphia maYoralty cam- paign of four years ago he has been a shining mark for the shafts of po- litical malice. Senator Quay himself denounced Mr. Martin on the floor of the senate, and taking the cue from their master, some of the leading Democrat and Quay organs of the state treated MY. Martin in a way that must have chilled the soul of any man. In later years Quay endeavored, with pleasing purpose, to smooth the matter over, but Mr. Martin, still stinging with the burn- ing insults that have been heaped upon him, refused to be placated. MARTIN NOW BOSS. During the intervening years up to as | the present time David Martinhas bided i his time. \ of political events the time must ulti- { mately come when Senator Quay would He knew that in the whirligig With Senator to bring this be in his power. he has labored Magee about. . | All the exigencies of po ities, the advan- | tages of deals with Quay followers , the allurements of office and place, been cast aside by Mr. Martin past when offered by the hand in of is now at hand when Cec- retary Martin has the game in his the fate of Senator the balance and Secretary Martig holds ing the time WHAT MARTIN SAYS. Senator-elect Martin has given every assurance to the indevendents, anti- that he will stand by them bitter end. That no promises, no can swerve him from his pur- Senator Quay showed him no and he ‘has p'edeed his” word will show Sen» o “uay no po- litical merey and that the peonrle of the state vi" Hh ultimate'v rid of the jnct- bus of “may maebine after the 17th of J ™m nast wee’ mo: n aflicar sit: predi the ; and the to the pose. mercy, the at te a1! eorts of cone ring U- | the house would be mere conjectures. | The present week must settlé the mat- | ter. Nothing today seems 80 sure as the defeat of Senator Quay, because the pledged word of Martin and Magee has been given with all the assurances that | could come from men of honor. Kusion | is still in the air. Whether or not I'arr will be elected speaker or Koontz of Somerset will go through on the fusion basis is not clearly established now. Farr is Martin's choice, and it is alleged that Quay, fearing to incur Martin's an- ger, has agreed upon the Lackawanna man. There is no doubt that Senator Quay has been workingamong the Dem- ocrats, and his managers have given names of Democrats who will vote for Senator Quay or oppose fusion. RUMORS OF DEALS. During the past week there have been rumors that both Senator Martin and Senator Quay. That they were to go in- Quay, conclusion that Quay would control enough of the members in the caucus to their appearance in the caucus would be in favor of Quay, because they would Magee. Such action would be, as one neck of each man for all time to come. that there was any such deal on foot, and with that the week ended. letter reaches its readers. story of the fight will be given as it progresses. an you invent or improve ; Io get CA CAT RADE-MARK, COPY IGHT or DESIGN > PROTECHON. Send model, Skoteh, or photo. for free examination and advic : BOOK ON PATENTS Fuss, aoa: 3 fee OTe patent. S$ We, fA. SHOW & CO. S Patent Lawyers. WASHINGTON, D.C. Hi=tablished P.S HAY, —DEALER IN— : € cn Dry (roods Notions, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC. SALISBURY. PA. Have You Seen the line of Dry Goods, No- tions, ITosiery, Underwear Clothing, Overcoats, La- aies’ and Capes, Hats, Joots and Shoes, Drugs, Feed, (‘oats Caps, Iiardware, Groceries, Flour, ete., at I oy [ > x 1 ’ N W. E. Atkinson's? v Te : Special Prices on our Coats, Ladies’ Coats and Capes for fifteen days only. Casm Pap ror Pro- DUCE. “Store in Statler’s Block, salisbury, Pa. out a list of what purports to be the | Senator Magee had perfected deals with | to the caucus and vote against Senator | but as it would be a foregone | secure a majority of the Republicans | be bound by its action. The anti-Quay | leaders have refused to admit or con- | sider that such a movement could be | contemplated by Messrs. Martin and | The | great battle will be on before my next! THE STAR But a full al :—THE GREAT—: National Family «Newspaper For FARMERS and VILLAGERS, and your favorite home paper, The Somerset Count THE X.Y. WEEKLY TRIBUNE Both one Year $1.50. for dl’ has an Agricultural Depar:- ment of the highest merii, all important news of the Nation and World, comprehensive and reliable market: anti-Quay man said, equivalent to. per- reports, able editorials, interesting short stories, mitting Quay to place his heel on the mation, illustrated fashion articles, humorous pictures, and is instructive an | entertainin > eT 7 , Both Senators Martin and Mageedenied | ta g to every member of every family. scientific and mechanical infor- gives you all the local news, political and social, keeps you in close touch with your neighbors and friends, on the farm and in the village, informs you as to local prices for farm products, the condi- tion of crops and prospects for the year, and is a bright, newsy, welcome and in- dispensable weekly visitor at your home and fireside. Send all orders to THE STAR. ELK LICK. PENN Pronounced by Experts the Standard of the World. Ask your dealer for WINCHESTER make of Gun or Ammunition and take no other. FREE :--Our new lllustrated Catalogue. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS Sou New Haven, © Ot. THE WONDERFUL REMEDY FOR It is not a CURE=ALL, ut itisa a for RHEUMATIS ? One hundred and forty-four bottles Cured 100 cases of RHEUMATISM. a medicine taken INTERNALLY, the only method by which TIKO is RHEUM ATISM can be successfully treated, Its price is $1,00 per bottle, fies its remarkable success. It cures the CAUSE, and therein or three bottles for $2.50, and if your Druggist has not got it, it will Ee ent to you, by Express, ALL CHARGES PAID, on receipt of price. Address, >.> oD PD VVV RV VV DVO WRB DDT IT “_- « PURINTON MEDICINE COMPANY, Detroit, is § 0 FRANK PETRY, SR., CARPENTER AND BUILDER, ELK LICK, P.. Contracts taken,estimates promptly furn- 1shed and neat and substantial work anteed. B. KRAUSSE, BOOT & SHOEMAKER. SALISBURY, guaranteed. ne Minute Cog That is what it Wiracwtons Cure of Asthma. The statenrent published below | firms the cl have | the | tha | { man from Beaver. After years of wait- Quay is in | ; aim of Dr. Schiffmann guar- | Repairing a specialty. § a r g con- | that | he has now discovered .an absolute rem- | «dy for Asthma, a disease heretofore baffled the skill of 10ted physicians. Mary Pleasant “I have found your A Mrs, Zachery, ).. SAYS: ire a permanant ¢ure for asthma, for ich I used it 7 ver had the years ago. 1 the your affec- htest return of also found Bronchial slig uble since. I have wdy excellent in I shall itude for the ever have a feeling benelits derived from r{ture.” Sehiffmann’s all Ne. and $1.00- per package, ring to Dr. Schiffmann, Box 804, St. 1, Minn. ckages of + may be obtained at ~—— Tust received, nt Tne Star office, a » line of Visiting Cards. which has | the most | Hill, | sthima | have | of Asthma Druggists or by: 1 have used Ripans Tabules with so much satis. faction that I ean cheerfully. recommend them. Have been troubled for about three years with whaat I called bilious attacks coming on regularly once a week. Was told by different physicians that it was caused by bad teeth, of which I had goaveral. I had the teeth extracted, but the at- tacks continued. I had seen advertisements of Ripans _Tabules in all the papers but had no faith in them, but about six weeks since a friend in- duced me to try them. Have taken but two of the gmall 5 cent boxes of the Tabules and have had no recurrence of the attacks. Ilave never given a testimonial for anything before, but the great emount of good which I believe has been done mo by Ripans Tabules induces me to add mine to the many testimonials you doubtless have in your possession now. A. T. DeWirr. I want to {inform yon, fn. words of highest praise, of the benefit I have derived from Ripuns Tabules. I am protessional nurse and fn this profession aclear head is always reeded. Ripans Tabules does it. Afterone of my cases found myeelf completely run down. Acting en the advice of Lc. Geo. Dow- er, Ph. @., H%8 Newark Ave, Jersey City, I took abu les with 4 “ Ed € 4 < < 5 % % «© tw wu wl] w x « 0 ¥u a ) w z Qo i cine: Mother was troubled with heartburn and sleeplessness, sed by fnligestion, for a good nany veers. Ouc day sho saw7 a testimonial in the paper indorsing Ripans Tabules. She deicrinined to give them a was greatly reiio by their use aud now takes the Lules regularly. Ehekeeps afew cartons Ripans 105 in the house and says she will not be with- m. The heartburn and sleeplessness have disap! ypeared with the indizestion which was former! y so great a burden for her. Our whole fauiily take tlie Tabules regu alarly, especially after al y meal. My mother is fifty years cf age z the bestof health and gpirits ; also meals, an impossibility before she AxTON H.BLAUKEN. 24444 8E4A8 44 3] ears “he arty took Kipans Tabules. Ve ANSAOI EGOS E GoGo d hid iT ow a aE iB RIPAND 2 | [ The modern stand- |» | ard. Family Medi- Cures EEERARLAD common every-day ill of humanity. Be PPP P ITI TOIIIII SVS IBIS A I have been a great sufferer from constipation for over five years. Noting gave me auy reilef. My feet aud legs and abdomen were bloated 80 I could not wear shoes on my feet and only a loose dress. I saw Ripams Tabules advertised in our dally paper. bought some and took them as direct- ed. Have taken them about three weeks and there is such a change! I am not constipated any more and I owe it all to Ripans Tabules. Iam thirty- seven years old, have no occupation, only my houschold duties and nursing my sick husband. He has had the dropsy and 1 am trying Ripans Tabules for him. He feels some better but it will take some time, he has been sick fo loug. You may use ny letter and name as you like. Mrs. Mane GORMAN CLARKE. I have been suffering from headaches ever since I was a little girl. I could never rideina car or go futo a crowded place without getting a headacheand sickat my stomach. I hecardabout Ripans Tabules from an 7p aunt of mine who was {## taking them for catarrh —— i: of the stomach. She had found such reilet from their use sheadvised mo | to tako them too, and I have Leendoingsosineo lust October, and will gay they havo complete 1y cured my headaches. I am twenty-nine years old. You are weicomo to uso this testimonial. Mrs. J. BROCKUYRE, | the | FPPCEPIPOPPY My seven-year-old hoy suffered with pas in his head, constipation and complained of nis stomach. Ho could tod eat liko ehildren of Lis ago do and what ha did eat did not agres with Lim. He wasthin and of a saffron color. testimonials in faver of tipans Tabules, I tried them. Ripans Tabulcs not enly relieved but actuxily cured my yot ster, the headaches have disappearcd, bowels are in good ¢« on and ho never complains of his stomach. Iie is now ared, chubby-faced boy. This wonderfnl change I attribute to Ripans Tabules. I am satisfied that they will benefit any one (from the cradle to old age) if taken accordinz to diree- tions. E. W. Price. © PICU Reaalng somo cf the A new style packet containing TON RIPANS TADULES pacized in a paper carton (without gtass) is now for sale at come drug stores FOR FIVE CENTS. dozen of the fivocent cartons (120 tabul Croareal CONTANY, No. 108 LIPaxs TABULES MAY 280 be sod barber shops. They bai oh This low-priced sort is intended for the poor and the economical. es) can be had by mail by sending forty-cight cents to the RIraxs ruce Street, New York—or a single carton (TEN TA3ULLS) will be sent for five certs. 1 of some grocers, geueral storckeepcrs, rews agents and at some liaucr stores rain, induce sleep and prolong Lic. Cae Oue gives relief.