CALL AND SEE OUR Aways a fl fine il We also have hie re ones at $15.00 and upward. Beds at $3.50, $4.50 and upward. COU HIS, fine tufted, wide walls, cord covering, for $7.00, $8.00 and upward. Also fine Leather Couches as low as $25.00. : WE Iron SELL the best standard make of SEWING MA- CHINES at from $25.00 up. delivered. Goods All orders by mail or wire promptly attended to. Rutter & Will, HOUSE FURNISHERS AND UNDERTAKER, 126 Center St, MLYERSDALE, PA. 6 8 JL X a. | ROS Models. —m A few more local agents wanted for the Celebrated, Fast-run- ning Green ANDRALE BICYCLES. Agentsalready established at Johnstown, Uniontown, Connellsville, West New- ton and all other leading cities. | Just ask any Andrae rider. A few more good agents wanted. Catalogues mailed to anybody on application. Write to the JUSTICE CYCLE CO. L't'd., Gen. Agts., PITTSBURG, PA. 714 PRHNN AVI. $125 PER MONTH. WE il A FEW “ea Silesmen the year round. I. eA Sou NTY, “NE RAL nl at once for territory, of :— A. H. HERENDEEN & CO., Geneva, N. Y. SEEDS. $125 PER MONTH. MORE MEN, OUTFIT FREE. IMPORTIED STOCK. SPECIALTIES. of ¥ PERFECTION Mod 9. WHEN APPLIED T9 i Wht. JET] EC WA GULY ED aii a 5 Ns SHOTGUNS alice LE-SHOT. S81 = 8 Pronounced by Experts the Standard of the World. Ask your dealer for WINCHESTER make of Gun or Ammunition and take no other, FREE :--Our new lllustrated Catalogue. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., New Haven, S Ct. o cl. pad | ‘ALL ROADS ARE ALIKE TO A MIORARCH. Perfection is the result of our iong experience. MONARCH AND DEFIANCE BICYCLES are the product of mechanical ingenuity. $40.00 $50.00 $60.00 Monarch Chainless $100.00 Send for 1898 Catalogue. Agents wanted in open territory. MONARCH CYCLE MFG. CO,, Lake, Halsted and Fulton Streets, Chicago. Branchcs—New York, London and Hamburg. Send ten 2-cent stampe for a deck of Monarch Playing Cards illustrating Lillian Russell, Tom Cooper,Lee Richardson and Walter Jones. DYCLEN VEN YOR HOR ih s a Week. 156 Papers a Year. 18 Page FOR ONEDOLLAR:{{ Published every Alternate Day Ex- cept sunday. The Thrice-a-Week Edition of The New York World is first among all “weekly” papers in size, frequency of publication, and the freshness, accura- cy and variety of its contents. It has all the merits of a great $6 daily at the price of a dollar weekly. Its politigal news prompt, complete, accurate and impartial as all its readers will testify. It is against the monopolies and for the people. It prints the news of all the world, having special correspondence from all important news points on the globe. It has brilliant illustrations, stories by great authors, a capital humor page, complete markets, departments for the household and women’s work and other specialdepartments of unusual interest. We offer this unequaled newspaper and THE SOMERSET COUNTY STAR together, one year for $1.90. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. Address orders to THE STAR, Elk Lick, Pa. is GREATEST LIGHT» WHEELS! ON . Twentieth Century Bicycle Headlight eee AND... Driving Lamp. Can be attached to any bicycle or other vehicle and is as far ahead of most other lamps as electric light is ahead of a tallow- dip. It is made of brass, finely nickle plated and polished. No sodder; no smoke; no soot; burns kerosene; never jars out; no leak; simple to understand; easy to handle; hinged front door; finest crystal glass; re- moval aluminum parabola reflector; out- side oil filler; a beauty; a marvel; a won- der. This famous lamp is greatly improved for, 1898 and no wheelman or driver ean afford to be without one. Dirt cheap at $5.00, but ea PRICE ONLY $2.50, 20 Century Mfg , Co., 17 Warren S$, NEW Y ORK. New Brick And Tile Works! [ have erected in WEST SALIS- BURY a steam plant for the manufac- ture of BRICK and DRAIN TILE and wish to inform the public that I can Fill Orders Promp!ly. I have the best of clay for this busi- ness, as a trial of my product will con- vince you. The people of this locality can save money by getting their BRICK and TILE at my WORKS, as there are no heavy freight charges to pay. BUY OF ME AND SAVE MONEY. Address, JOHN A. KNECHT, ELK LICK, PA. Nutriotone. A pure and safe restorative for farm ani- mals—a Nutrient Tonic. Aids digestion, tones the stomach, purifies the blood, pre- vents and cures all diseases, contains no poison and can be fed with safety to all kinds of stock. PAYS 100 PER CENT. Me. ON COST. Try it. It is beyond doubt the best powder you can get for horses and cattle. We have very flattering recommendations from peo- ple in Salisbury and Elk Lick. For sale by | R. Haselbarth & Son. HUMPHREYS’ Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Humphreys’ Witch Hazel Oil as a curative and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures P1LEs or HEMORRHoIDS, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding—Itching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. It Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulcerationand Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cures TorN, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures Boirs, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREASTS and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures SALT RHEUM, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever "Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three’ Sizes, 25c., §oc. and $1.00. Sold by Druggists, or sent post-paid on receiptof price. HUMPHREYS’ MED. 00., 111 & 113 William 8t., New York. WITCH HAZEL OIL TO INVENTORS. Have you invented, or can you invent anything that you think you ought to have a patent for? If so,send it to me and for a reasonable fee, I will make the ap- plication for you. Sometimes a single invention will bring a fortune to thein- ventor if properly handled. Twenty year’s practice in patent law. Assoeci- ates in all foreign countries. Send two-cent stamp for pamphlet. GEORGE COOK, (registered), PATENT SOLICITOR AND PATENT ATTORNEY, World Building, New York City. 60 YEARS’ fs EXPERIENCE BE Trae MARKS DESIGNS ‘COPYRIGHTS &C. ne sending a sketch and description may oe usceriail our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica- tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for Soruring patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in t Scientific Fimerican. handsomely illustrated weekly. largest cir- culation of oY scientific journal, Terms, $3 a year ; four months, $1. Sold byall newsdealers. MUNN & Co,ze1erosewer. New York Branch Office, 625 F St., Washington, D. C. a hustler. For particu- FREE Sok BICYCLE To Agents as a sample. POWER CYCLE C0., INDIANAPOLIS, IND. This is the opportunity for Salisbury Hack Iiine, SCHRAMM BROS, Proprietors. SCHEDULE: —Hack No.l leaves Salisbury at 8 A.M, arriving at Meyersdale at 10 A. M. Rotini Z leavegMe Yerudale atl p. M., ar- riving at Salisbury at 3 p. HACK No. 2 leaves ry atl pe. mM, ar- riving at Meye rsdale at 3 P.M. Re turning leaves Meversdale at 6 P.M. arriving at Sal- isbury e Sr. M. Notice to Exchanges, Some of Tue Srtar’s exchanges will please take notice that our -post-office address is Elk Lick. Some of our ex- changes are not being received regular- ly, on account of being addressed “Sal- isbury.” tf Tue Srar and the Nickell Magazine, both one year for only $1.50, cash with order. The Nickell Magazine is beauti- fully illustrated, and its contributors are among the best writers in the coun- try. Address all orders to Tue STAR. Elk Lick, Pa. ——— at fe re One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what it was made for. 23d National Encampment G. A. R., Cincinnati, Ohio, September 5th to 10th, 1898. B. & 0. R. R. For this occasion tickets will be sold at the low rate of one fare for the round trip from all points on the B. & 0. R. R. east of Pittsburg, Parkersburg and Wheeling, inclusive, good going on September 3d and 4th. and good return- ing not earlier than September 6thy nor later than September 13th ex- cept by depositing ticket with Joint Agent at Cincinnati, between Septem- ber 5th and 9th, inclusive, and on pay- ment of fee 25 cents, when return limit may be extended to leave Cincinnati, to and including October 2d, 1898. Owing to the great patriotic wave sweeping the country at the present time, great interest will be manifested at this meeting. Solid vestibuled trains of elegant coaches, Pullman sleeping cars, observation cars and splendid dining car service. Three through trains daily from New York, Philadel- phia, Baltimore and Washinton, and two from Pittsburg. Get full particulars Agent, B. & O: R. R. a from Ticket The Times has a larger criculation by many thousands than any other daily newspaper published in Pittsburg. This is admitted even by its competitors. The reasons for it are not hard to find. The Times is a tireless newsgatherer, is edited with extreme care, spares no ex- pense to entertain and inform its read- ers. It prints all the news in compact shape, caring always more for quality than quantity. It Keeps its columns clean, but at the same time bright. Nothing that is of human interest is overlooked by it. Tt aims tobe reliable rather than sensational. Itbelieves in the gospel of get there,but it gets there with due respect for the facts. Test any department of it you choose—po- litical, religious, markets, sporting, edi- torial, society, near town news—and you’ll find the Times may be depended upon. $3 a year, 6 cents a week. ==] [SIUO)SE JY) —mmmy” P ne Je AAMOOT WAV oS] si, ord Sur ‘00°18 Jo O Old-fashioned Split Chairs, $1.50. High-back Dining Chairs, 45 cents. Johnson & McChulloh, SALISBURY, PA. War With Spain) Reliable War News IN THE GREAT National Family Newspaper. Furnished by Special Corre- spondents at the tront. STHE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE= will contain all important war news of the daily edition. Special dispatches up to the hour of publication. : Careful attention will be given to Farm and Family Topics, Foreign Correspondence; Market Reports, and | all general news of the World and Nation. | : gi We furnish The New-York W Veckly T favorite home paper, {'ribune our Both Year 21.50. OTC tor The Somerset County rs to Tne STAR. PENNA. Send all orders ET housands upon Thousands fell victims to the ravages of the recent plague, famine and earthquake in India. a resuit there are now over twenty thousand orphans. The various missic greatly in need of funds to support them, so we have published a uew Look, en INDIA, the: Horror - Stricken Empire n the same to the ption of the great § ed with over 100 @H and have obligated ourselves to donate a liberal share of our profi India relief fund. This book gives an accurate and authentic de calamity, also the. measures taken to bring relief, and is embelli half-tone illustrations from actual photographs. Like It There is No Other Bock The proprietor of one of the largest religious papers in the country realized the value of this book and asked for a number of “ages in it to advertise his medium. Tho object of this book is not to promote selfish interests but to give to the public a correct report and create a relief fund. It s having an enormous sale. WE WANT AGENTS EVERYWHERE . Every purchaser becomes a contributor. Will you help us to increaso our donation by increasing the sales of this book? Prospectus is now ready. Write at once for our Liberal Terms to Agents. Mennonite. Publishing Co.” Elkhart, Ind. ‘W. H. KOONTZ. KOONTZ & OGLE,, SOMERSET, PENNA. J. G. OGLE. HE ULE B.& 0. R. R. SCHEDULE. Until further notice passenge r trains will arrive at Meyersdale as follows Office opposite Court House. EASE ROOND: No. 10, Daily. No 40, Daily... No.6 Dally. onan nita nin Noe, Dally. lal doa is FRANCIS J. KOOSER. EnrNkEsT 0. KOOSER. KOOSER & KOOSER, r s=At-I.nw, Attorneys-2 LW Xo. 9, Daily SOMERSET, PA. No. DRY. nas i 0S J. A. BERKEY Btiorney at Law, UNDERTAKING! The junior member of this firm has late- ly been taking speicial instructions in the eity of Pittsburg, in the art of FEMBAILDMING. s— We are therefore in a position to give the publi¢ better service inourline than ever before, and we are still doing busi- ness at the old stand. Thanking the ublie for their patronage, and solicit- nga continuance of the same, We re- main S. Lowry & Son. - SOMERSET, I’A. Office over Fisher’s Book Store. A. M. LICHTY, Physician and Surgeon,. SALISSURY, PENNA. Office one door east of P. 8S. Hay’s store. Salisbury, Pa.