The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, December 07, 1893, Image 6

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be Somerset County; Star.
P. L. LIVENGOOD, Editor and Publisher. |
Mrs. P. L. LIVENGOOD, Associate Editor.
Entered atthe postoftice at Elk Lick, Pa., as
mail matter of the Second class,
‘THe Stan is published every Thursday, at Elk |
Lick, Pa., at the following rafes:
ne copy one year .....
One copy six months...
One copy three months
ine copy one month ..
Single copies
Don’t Freeze when you
can buy yourself an Overcoat
at from $3.00 to $12.00.
We can show you the best
values for the money you ever!
Big line of Children’s Over- |
coats—all ages.
Superb Dining ing Car Service
1852 -_— 1892.
As Jong a time as David reigned, so long has
the Chicago. Rock Island & Pacific Railway run
rains westward from Chicago.
The Rock Island is foremost in adopting any
advantage ealculnted to improve speed and give
that luxury, safety and comfort that popular
patronage ‘demands, Its equipment is thorough- |
Iv complete with vestibu'ed trains, magnificent |
dining cars, sleepers and chair coaches, all the
most elegant, and of recently improved patterns, |
Faithful and capable management and polite,
honest service from employes are important
jtems. They are a double duty-—to the Com-
pany and to travelers—and it
1ask difficult of accomplishment. Passengers on
this line will find little cause for complaint on
that groun
The importance of this Line ean be better un-
derstood if a short lesson in geography be now
What is the great Eastern termini of the Rock
Island Router—Chicago. What other sub-East-
ern termini has it—Peoria. 'T'o what important
points does it run trains to the Northwest ?—St,
Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Water-
town and Sioux Falls, Dakota, To what impor-
tant lowa and Nebraska points?—Des Moines,
Davenport, Iowa; Omaha and Lincoln, Nebras-
ka. Does it touch other Missouri River points?—
Yes: St. Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth and
Kansas Ci Does it run trains to the Foothills
of the Rocky Monntains?—Yes: to Denver, Colo-
rado Springs and Pueblo, solid vestibuled from
Chicago. Can important cities of Kansas be
reached by the Rock Island Route?—Yes; its
capital city, Tokepn, and a full hundred others
in all directions in the State, and it is the only
road running to and into the new lands opened
for settlement in the Cheyenne and Arapahoe
It will thus be seen that a line tapping, as the
oek Island does. sueh a varied territory, has
wueh in that regard to commend it to travelers,
as nll connections are sure on the Roek Island,
and passengers can rely on a speedy journey, as
over a bulk of the system through trains are run.
and it has become, and rightly too, the popular
A very popular train on the Chicago, Rock
Island & Pacific Railw ny jeaves Chicago, daily,
at 10 p. m. It is called *“I'ne Bie Five,”
one day out, and passengers arrive at Denver.
Pueblo or Colorado Springs early the second
The Rock Island has become a popular Colo-
rado Line, and the train above referred to is Ves-
tibuled, and carries the Rock Island’s excellent
Dining Car Service.
For full particulars as to tickets, maps, rates.
apply to any coupon ket office in the United
states, Canada or Mexico. or address.
Genl. Tkt. & Pass. Agt., Chicago, 111
E. ST. JOHN, Genl. Manager, Chicago, Il.
is sometimes a |
is only |
Auction! Auction!
On Tuesday evening, Dec. 12th, at 7 |
o'clock p. m., I will proceed to sell at
auction some goods left at my
the Bob Robison Concert Co. in default |
of a board bill. Goods consist of one
box. two trunks and contents, which
will be sold to the highest bidder
cash. C.T.}
at |
house by |
for |
Jay. |
Reduced Rates for the Holidays.
In pursuance of its usual liberal policy, the |
| Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company announe
es that excursion tickets will be sold between |
all stations on its lines east of the Ohio River |
during the Christmas and New Year holidays at
reduced rates, The tickets will be sold for all
trains December 23, 24, 25, 30, 31 and January 1.
and will be valid for the return journey on all
trains until Jannary 3 inclusive.
Don’t slight Your Friends,
Why should you when we can provide
vou twelve elegant Holiday Presents for
$3? Think ot it—twelve friends made
| happy by twelve of Conrad's beautiful,
| fadeless. water-proof American “‘Artisto”
Photos.! Could anvthing be more taste-
full and economical? Certainly not, and
Inothing could be more apprecieted.
| Come now, and avoid the rush that al-
| wave occurs just hefore Xmas. Studio
| over Dr. Speicher’s drug store open on
1 W eincsdive s. Respectfully,
16 World's Fair Photos for One Dime.
The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway
has made an arrangement with a first-class pub-
lishing house to furnish a series of beantiful
World's Fair pictures. of a large size, at the nom-
inal cost to the purthaser of only ten cents for
| a port-folio of sixteen illustrations. Nothing so
handsome in reference to the World's Fair has
| before been published. The series would be
| worth at least twelve dollars if the pictures
| were not published in such large quantities, and
| we are therefore able to furnish these works of
art for only ten cents.
Remit your money to George H. Heafford, Gen
eral Passenger Agent. Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Panl Railway. at Chieago. 111., and the pictures
! will be sent promptly to any specified address.
| They will make a handsome holiday gift.
Residence Property for Sale,
| The fine Residence Property
{by Mrs. Evora Smith, in Salisbury,
is for sale. For terms, address
j1f. Rockwood, Pa.
Don't Forget This.
Watch the man that wants
| goods or Marble at 40 per cent.
| price. He mast have something in view
| in the future to catch up to a living price;
| so watch him and his work, and then you
| will place your orders with the old. re-
{liable firm of J. B. Williams, Frostburg, |
Md., for first-class work.
S. F. WiLsoN,
| Salesman for J. B. Williams,
to sell you
A fine display of Watches and Jewelry
[ at Speicher’s drug store. tf.
Don’t make a mistake, but use Thurs-
| ton’s Cathartic Liver Pills, 5-1
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Beachy return to
| their western home today.
Lichliter's handsome new hnsiness
{house is abont ready for occupancy.
| Rev. D. H. Leader has our thanks for
several desirable news items handed to |
!TrE STAR this week.
| Diseases caused by torpid liver are en:
tirely cured by the use of Thurston's
| Cathartie Liver Pills. 5-1
Rev. E. LL. Jones will preach in the
‘Lutheran church, next Sunday evening.
{Turn out and hear him.
Behold T.
W. Gurlev's fiine new ‘‘ad”
| The wise merchant will
| cures.
| Cure.
also to
hand bills printed. |
attend to this in |
your Christmas
| advertisements
| got
[ time. The people will do the most of
! their buying at the stores that do the |
most advertising. It's a way the people
It not only relieves; it does more, it
We refer to One Minute Cough
Suitable for all ages. all condi-
Now that the Holiday season is almost
here, remember that W. J. Lichty always
keeps the best oysters to be had in the
There are oysters and oysters,
but the place to get the best oysters is at
“Soldier Billy's.” That's the reason Billy
Practically all the
town. He holdg every customer he gets.
tions, at all times.
has oyster trade in
Not one minute elapses between the
taking of One Minute Cough Cure and
relief. Why shoulan’t peopie take One|
Manute Cough Cure? They should. |
They do. A. F. SPEICHER.
Edward Bruce, an infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Short, of Rockwood, died
on the 4th inst., of croup. The child
was 6 months and 21 days old. Funeral
services by Rev. Milliron, of Salisbury.
The bereaved family used to be residents
of this town, and their numerous friends |
bere extend their heartfelt sympathy to
them in their sorrow.
Burns are absolutely painless when De
Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve is promptly ap-
plied. This statement is true. A perfect
remedy for skin diseases, chapped hands
and lips, and never fails to cure piles.
Now is the time people are looking for
Holiday advertisements in the newspa-
pers. The men who have attractive
“ads” in the papers will get the bulk of
the trade, while the other fellows wiil get
left, as usual. People will flock to the |
places that are extensively advertised, |
not only is human
hecanse it nature to |
do so, but because it pays.
Holiday week and the boys are making |
great preparations for something supe- |
riorto the average fair and festival. Bills
will he out ip a few days giving further
particulars. Our band is making com-
mendable progress and deserves encour-
agement. Give the boys “a liberal pat-
ronage; they deserve it.
A large numher of the members of the
Reformed church of this place repaired to
the parsonage on the afternoon of
Thanksgiving day, and made their pastor.
Rev. Leader, a generous donation of
things needful and good for food. The
pastor wishes to express his very grate-
ful appreciation of this and many other
kind attentions received at the hands of
these people since he came among them.
J. C. Balliet gives us this interesting
bit of news: “On Monday of last week
we left here at 10 a. m. for our new saw-
mill «ite beyond Grantsville. Upon our
arrival there we felled the trees and
sawed the lumber for t houses 16x30
feet, two «tories high, and by Saturday
evening hoth houses were roofed,
er-hoarded and all finished throughout,
with the exception of a few partitions
inside. Frank Petry was the carpenter.”
Miller & Collins,
dale elothiers,
tractive advertisements, and it pays them
well. Their liberal advertising in Tog
STAR is approvingly spoken of by the
paper's numerous friends and readers,
and it has sold them a great many
the hustling Mevers-
are great on getting up at-
Gurley is hustler
| for Salisbury trade and he gets lots of |
on 1st page. a great
it, too.
hand- |
He undoubtedly has |
Dr. Lichty has moved into his
a finer suite of rooms than any
Some new
D. in Somerset county.
Mothers find Thurston's Present Age
| Worm Syrup a perfeet remedy for worms,
It ix sooth-
wind colic and relieves troubles
eansed by children teething.
ing and produces rest. H-1
There a great
grippe in town at presnt,
are many
amount of
said dis-
ense and an enormous job
printing account for the delay in getting |
out THe STAR, this week.
S.C Hanley & Co,
new on 1st page for Salishury
read. It will do its intended work, too,
and don’t you forget it. The people like |
to be informed concerning the new bar- |
Uo + ;
gains, and when informed. they will do
| the rest.
Jesse Jeffery is making preparations to |
put a stock of confections and
in the room vacated hy Dr. Lichty.
sustained in the mines, and being unable
to perform hard labor, he should be giv-
en a liberal patronage.
Hand in the copy early for vour Holi
day advertisements and hand bills, Re-
member there is alwavs a big rush of job
work at Thr Star office, at this time of |
the vear, so don’t wait until the “‘eleventh
nour” and then
work on a moment's notice.
expect us to do your
John Bender was sent to jail, the other
fe. charged with abusing his family and
cutting up devilish pranks in
John elaims to be a small edition of Jesse
but Constable John Fair and his
“King C
him in every time and not half try,
able istant, Jatawba.” ean pull
for inspection. You want to see
Cards and Souvenirs, Toys, Games, ete.
ete. Prices guaranteed with the lowest.
| Now is the time to get your Holiday
other M. |
something |
people to
groceries |
| Jesse is badly crippled from his injuries |
Speicher’s Holiday Goods are now open |
them |
before buying vour Xmas Presents. |
The finest Albums, Toilet and Manicure
Sets, Poems, Story Books, Christmas
of clothes. We can
people themselves.
merchants to
prove this hy the
Liberal advertising
deal with.
| means liberal
| The people know this and govern
{selves accordingly.
Married—On the evening of Thanks:
| giving dav,
The Salisbury Cornet Band has decided | county.
10 have a fair and festival during the [US 10 make this change, but we hope our
| Nov. 30th, 1893, at the par-
| sonage of the Reformed church, Wm.
| Wagner to Annie Eliza Thompson,
Rev. D. H. Leader officiating. The bride
is A twin of Mrs. M. BF. Smith,
| She is a very estimable lady
[Taree of friends. The groom is
Lone of Elk Lick’s substantial farmers and |
[a good man in every sense of the
| Tue Star extends its most hearty
eA Tabs to the conple.
Prof. Howard Miller,
a., who was lately land agent
Union Pacific Railroad Co.,
I pointed general land agent for the Mexi- |
cases of Ia
of Lewishure, |
for the |
has been ap-
| ean government.
lis authority for this and save Mr. Millers
from $5,000 to $8,000 a
vear and expenses. Mr. Miller uced to
| be a resident of this town and for sever-
to fill the pulpit of the
church. He isa very
any eapacity, and
| salary will be
| al years helped
| German Baptist
| able man in almost
[his numerous friends here
| him on his good fortune.
Do not send us lengthy obituary
[ tices, obituary poetry, resolutions of re-
spect, unless vou want to pay adver-
s to have the same published
[1m Tour Star. There are a few people
that seem to have forgotten that our
voted almost unani-
I tising rates
| readers last winter
mously against the obitnary and resolu-
tions of respect nuisance. They decided
hy filling out the ballots printed in Tug
STAR that they want only short mention
made of deaths, preferring live news to
long, dreary, senseless and useless resolu-
tions of obituary notices.
Now, bear this in mind.
respect and
Bucklen’s Armea Salve,
Tne Brest SALvE in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhenm, Fever
Sores, Tetter. Chapped [Tands, Chilhlains,
Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
«| tively cures Piles, or no pav required.
to give perfect satisfac-
r refunded. Price 25 cents
sale by A. F. Speicher,
Itis guaranteed
| tion, or money
| per box. For
The Pittsburg Times |
and has a!
Will completely
e833; C
be glad to place
druggists at ${.00
EY package.
Liquor Hakit.
any of the various nostruius that
offered tor sale, Ask for FI
TABI ETS and take no other.
Munufuctured only by
A Ho i
If your druggist does not keep them, enclose us §{,00
and we will send you, by return mail, ‘a package of our
Write your name and address plainly, and state
whether Tablets ure for Tolaucco, Morphine or
DO NOT BE DECEIVED into purchasing
are being
have used worpnine,
two puckuges of your Ta
ity and the merits of our Tablets.
invite the most
ul] investigation 1s to our responsibil-
Double Chloride of Gold Tablets
destroy the desire for TOBACCO in from 3 to5 days. Perfectly harm-
«use no rickness, and msy be given in a cup of tea or coffee without tne knowl-
edge of the patient, who will voluntarily stop smoking or chewing in a few days.
7 can be cured at home, and with-
DROUNKENNESS and MORPHINE HABIT out any effort on the part of
the patient, by the use of our SPECIAL FORMULA GCLD CURE TABLETS. 2
During treatment patients are allowed the free use of Liquor or Mor-
phine until such time as they shall voluntarily give them up.
We send particulars and pamphlet of testimonials free, and shall
sufferers from any of these habits in communica-
tion with persons gh pet e been cared by the use of our TABLETS.
are for sale by all FIRST-CLASS
for $1.00 worth of your
word of pra:se for your Tablets.
constant drinker,
and will not touch liquor of any kind.
cure for tobacco havin
do what you claim for it.
worth or ht wing tcbacco rs diy,
and trom one to flve cigars; er 1 would ~moke
from ten to forty pipes of tobacco.
and smoked for twenty-five yeurs, ind two put
of your Tablets cured me so I have no desire
them allright and, although 1 was both a heavy smokerand a ers
they did the work in less than three days.
Truly yours,
My son wus stron
liquor, and through = friend, 1 was led to try your Tablets.
ut after using your Tablets but three days he quit drinking,
I have w
you, in order to Kuow tie cure wus perinanciit.
Your Tablets have performed 4 miracle in my case.
hypodermically, 105 seven years, aul nave been cured by the use of
lets, and without any effort on iy pur
all Orders to
51, 53 and 85 Opera Block. Lise, ORIO.
from persons
who have kaen
cured by the use of
Hill's Table
1cAL Co.
bave been using vour
and foand it would
used ten cents
Humvee chewe
for it.
M. JAYLGOKD, leslie, Mich.
DoBrS Furry, N. Y,
Some time aro 1 gong
Tablets for Tobacco Habit. 1 received
Ian cured.
leasure to speak =a
dicted to the use of
He was» heavy ana
ly a
ted four month betore writing
Jours Is,
Next week Tne Star will
pear in its former size and once more he
as large a paper as is published in this
Ar present it does not justify
again ap-
business men will give us a better adver-
tising patronage than they have been
giving us, for upon that alone will a con-
tinnance of the life of the paper depend.
| Our patrons must remember that we are
not in a position to get any of the coun-
ty printing, which keeps np the majority
of the newspapers of this conuty, hence
we must necessarily have a liberal home
advertising patronage if THE STAR is to
The county printing
all goes to the papers that stand in
the old rotten ring and do its dirty work.
continue to shine.
Deserving Praise,
We desire to say to our citizens, that for
vears we have been selling Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Dr.
King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica
Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never
handled remedies that sell as well, or that
have given such universal satisfaction.
We do not hesitate to guarantee them
every time, and we stand ready to refund
the purchase price. if satisfactory results
do not follow their use. These remedies
have won their great popularity purely
on their merits. Sold by A. F. Speicher
THE STAR greatly ay to announce
that Rev. W. W. Kribbs, our popular Lnu-
theran minister, has banded in his resig-
nation and will in a few weeks depart
from our town. Mr. Kribbs has resided
here a little over two years, during which
time he has greatly endeared himself to the
people of Salisbury and vicinity. He is
a cultured and refined young man, and
for manly principles and genuine worth
has few equals and no superiors. He
has proven himself to be kind, generous
and charitable. always ready to lend a
| helping hand to those who need encour-
agement. A more gentlemanly man we!
have never met. It is therefore with
deep regret that we shall bid him adieu.
Mr. Kribbs will spend the winter at
home in Clarion county, and thinks some
Florida, next spring. The
best wishes of the community will go with
May his lot
ever be east in Pleasant places,
of going to
him he may zo.
A Million Friends.
A friend in need is a friend indeed,
not less than
found such a friend in
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
| Colds. —If you have never used this Great
Cough Medicine, one trial will convince
you that it has wonderful curative pow-
| ers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and
| Lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do
all that is claimed or money will be re-
funded. Trial bottles free at A. F.
Speicher’s Drug store. Large bottles 50¢.
and $1.00.
Rev. D. HI. Yandors redial sermon to
the Jr. O. U. A. M., last Sunday evening,
was one of the ablest and most appro-
priate sermons we have listened to for a
long, while. In fact it was the
only special sermon that we ever heard
preached to the Juniors in this town that
was worth listening to. It wasn’t an
abusive and unealled-for tirade against
the Catholic church, such as a minister
from another town once preached here
on a similar oceasion, but it was a genitle-
manly, a scholarly and a genuine Chris-
tian sermon preached by a man who
knows the difference between common
sense talk and a harange full of false
statements that would fill any intelligent
10-year-old school bov with chagrin and
disgust, The Jr. O. U. A. M, as an
order, has suffered almost irreparable
injury at the hands of preachers of the
rabid, ranting, Catholic-hating class that
do not know the true principles of the
order. While itis that this order
teaches some doctrine that the Catholic
church does not sanction, and the Cath-
olic church teaches some doctrine that
the order does not sanction, there is no
occasion for abusive speeches from either
side. Abuse is not argument and hurts
any cause more than it helps it. We all
one million people have |
Dr. King’s New !
! We are about 2% miles from my place of
x roup this winter ” says a customer. Soild
We send postpaid one pack for 25¢ ; Five £1.
“the best poultry paper published, 7 gent free. 1
by drurrists, grocers and feed d
If You Can’t Get it Near Home, Send to Us.
On cians $1.2
CIOHNSON Bx CO., 22 Custom liouse Street,
and healthy; it gets your pullets to lay-
ing early; it is worth its weight in gold
when hens moult ; it prevents all disease,
Cholera, Roup, Diarrhoea, Leg-weakness.
JAN ere Chickens Strong
3 lt is a powerful foad digestive.
vd Large cans are most economical to buy.
1t 18 absclutely pure; highly concentrated; therefore used in
In entity it costs less than one-tenth cent a day per hen.
| Therefore, no matter what kind of feed
you use, mix with it daily Sheridan’s
Powder. Otherwise, your profit this
fall and winter will be lost when thc
price for eggs is very high. It assures
perfect assimilation of the food element:
needed to produce health and form eggs.
small doses: no other kind one fourth as strong:
10; rend six more to pre-
No other ever made like it.
Ask First.
Sar lee copy of
Bosto! —
** One = farce can saved me
Six cans &5, express paid.
have a right to believe and teach what
we please. so long as we remain in the
bounds of the law, and we should thank
God that we live in a country of civil
and religious liberty. Virtue, liberty
and patriotism are the chief things ad-
voeated in the principles of the Jr. O. U.
A. M,, and the man cannot open
his mouth without showing a spirit of
bigotry and intolerance has no business
to speak for the Juniors or to be a mem-
ber of them. THE STAR is glad to state,
that for once a respectable
sermon has been preached to the said
order in this town—a sermon full of
truth, common sense and courtesy, a
credit to Rev. Leader and in accord with
the principles and teachings of the Jr. O.
U. A.M
Don’t Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life
is the truthful. startling title of a little book that
tells all abont No-to-bae, the wonderful, harmless
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure. The cost is
trifling and the man who wants to quit and can’t
| rang no physical or financial risk in using “No-
The Sterling Remedy Co.,
Springs, Ind.
Sold by A. I. Speicher.
at Stores or by mail free. Address,
Indiana Mineral
From the Fatror: 8 Brother,
The Hllowing is an extract from a per-
written to the editor by his
W. 8S. Livengood, of the editor-
inl staff of the Los Angeles Daily Herald:
“We like our new much.
sonal letter
house very
but the electric cars run near
the door, and I can go the whole distance
on cement sidewalk and paved streets on
my ‘bike,” which takes me only 15 min-
utes, so L am not so far from my work
after all. I generally make two round
trips a day, one in the afternoon on ac-
count of the Chamber of Commerce and
one at night for the Herald. I was both
amused and astonished when I read that
some people back there were scandalized
at the fact that you rode a bicycle on
Sunday. How rediculous! Evérybody
rides bicveles here, Sunday same as oth-
er days, women and children, old
and young, doctors, lawyers, laborers
and even preachers. I simply couldn't
get along without one, at least I wouldn’t.
We had no election here this fall. 1
wish we would have had 1 think
California would have gone as solid
for the G. O. P. as Ohi» and Pennsylva
nia. The Democrats hereabouts
the worst disgusted people I ever
and well they may be. I don’t know
any state that has a bigger kick coming
against the administration than Califor-
nia and the people here are just aching
for a chance to register their indignation
at thie polls. Itis hard to find a man
here who pleads guilty of being a Demo-
crat of the Cleveland variety. Accord-
ing to California notions Andy Johnson
wasn’t ‘in it’ with Grover C. {for impeach-
conduct. There is not a Demo-
in the state that is friendly
unless it is some
editor gota post-
cratic paper
to the administration,
country sheet whose
| office or has the promise of one.
Scientific American
Agewry for
For I eeISD and free Handbook write to
Otdent a On securing patents i
Every patent taken out by us is brought bezore
the public = anotice given free of charge in tke
Scientific American
Largest circulation of anys oh paper in the
world. Bplendidly illust: No HSuigont
man shouid be wi thou. Too Wook ly. 3. 00 a
ear; $1.50 six months. Address MUNN & CO.,
PUBLISHERS, 361 Broadway, New York City.
The Blanks We Keep.
'HE STAR keeps constantly on hand all kinds
of blanks, such as Notes, Receipts, Probate
Blanks, Criminal Warrants, Summons Blanks,
Notices of Claims Due, Subpoenas, Commitments.
Bonds, Mortgages, Deeds. Leases. ete, ete. All
these goods are put up in neat and convenient
form and sold dirt cheap. Call and inspect our
stock when in need of such goods.
And book containing all the Nasby
Letters for One Dollar.
In answer to a general demand from all parts
of the United States, the ToLEDO BLADE has pub-
lished in one volume, cloth bound, all of the
“‘Nasby Letters” ever written by the late D. R.
Locker, omitting perhaps a few unimportant
letters on local or forgotten topics. Only a few
of these letters were ever published in book
form. Everybody has read some of them, but
who has read all of them? The book contains
over 500 large pages, and all the Nasbv Letters
written during a period of twenty-five years; al-
so a portrait of D. R, Locke from his last photo-
graph. It would sell at one dollar or more, but
will never be placed on sale. One hundred thon-
sand copies are now being printed and bound.
and one copy will be sent postpaid by mail, free,
to every person who this winter remits ‘one dol-
lar for the WEERLY BLADE, one year. Everybody
invited to send for a specimen copy of the Werk-
LY BLADE, which will give a full description of
the book “The Nasby Letters.”
THE ToLEpo WEEKLY BLADE is the best and
most popular weekly newspaper published in
this country. It has the largest circulation of
any weekly newspaper, and goes to every state,
territory and nearly every county of the Union.
Only one dollar a year, including the above men-
tioned book free. Send postal to THE BLADE,
TorLEDO, oHIO, for a free specimen copy of the
paper. Send the addresses of your friends also.
If you want a good high grade bicycle ata
medium price, buy the Central. If you want a
good medium grade bicycle at a low price, buy
the Ben Hur. This is the best time of year to
buy a wheel. You can save money hy buying
now. P. L. LiveNcoop, Agt.,
Elk Lick, Pa.
The finest Correspondehce Stationery in town,
for Ladies, ean always be found at THE STAR of-
fice. We have some goods in this line that can’t
be excelled. Call and see.
Cabinet Photo. Envelopes for sale at THE STAR
office—just the thing you want to send pictures
away in.
Get your blotters at THE STAR office,
the best.
We keep
Old papers for sale at THe Star office, at only
5 cents a bunch. Twenty papers in a bunch,
They make good cartridge paper for miners and
are also good for wrapping paper; just the thing
to put under carpet, on pantry shelves, ete.
er re a ER
Don’t get your Wedding Cards until you see
our samples. Over 100 styles to select from, at
THE STAR office.
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