ih ag: is., to @ “Tittle Vic” = Phaeton BUILT BY THE RICHLAND BUCCY CO., 7) Manufacturers of \ S J The “Richland” Grade of V FINE > ————=.... VEHICLES, NINE ELEGANT STYLES Buggies, Phaetons, Surreys and Carriages. Price List and Catalogue will be sent on application, Write to THE RICHLAND BUGGY CO, MANSFIELD, CHIO. If so, DO YOU WANT A CARRIAGE ¢ you should investigate the merits of the CELEBRATED AND ESTABLISHED STURTEVANT-LARRABEE CARRIAGES. If not sold by a dealer in your town send for illustrations and prices. THE STURTEVANT -LARRABEE CO., BINGHAMTON, N. Y. A 2 Ne Ne Nz Nz NV SY oy 7 Ask Your Dealer For aN «BAD FOR FLIES,” | Bissikummer’s Sticky Fly Paper. oT 7 No Poison. Can be placed anywhere. Once they strike the sheet you know where to look for them. No dead flies in your food. Sold everywhere. PREPARED BY a BISSIKUMMER MFG. C0., SOLE MAKERS, Oxford, N. Y, iy. 7S Sie Se Se le? le Sie N z: S % < THE INTER OCEAN IS THE MOST POPULAR REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER OF THE WEST ——AND—— HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION. TERMS BY MAIL. DAILY (without Sunday), $6.00 per year. DAILY" (with Sunday), $8.00 per year The Weekly Inter Ocean, per year, $1.00 As a newspaper THE INTER OCEAN keeps abreast of the times in all respects. It spares nzither pains nor expense in securing ALL THE NEWS AND THE BEST OF CURRENT LITERATURE. The Weekly Inter Ocean Is edited especially for those who, on account of mail service or any other reason, do not take a day paper. In its columas are to be found the week's news of all tte world condensed and the cream of the literary jewtures of the Daily. AS A FAMILY PAPER IT EXCELS 2! Western journsis. It con- sists of EIGHT PAGES, with . A Supplement, Hlustrated, in Colors, of EIGHT ADDITIONAL PAGES, making in all SIXTEEN PAGES. This Supple- ment, containing SIX PAGES OF READING MATTER and TWO FULL-PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS, is alone worth the price charged for the paper. THE INTER OCEAN IS PUBLISHED IN CHICAGO, the news and commer= cial center of all west of the Allegheny Mounta.ns, and is better ade pted wo the needs of the people of that section th n anv paper farther East. itis in accord with the people of thes West both in Politics and Literature. Please remember that the price of The Weekly Inter Ocean IS ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. New York Weekly Tribune ONE YHAR. One Dollar atd Seventy-five Cts. Address all orders to THE STAR. J0J puUaS dHLSHHONTM ‘UsARl MON “00 SINYVY DNILY3d3Y ‘uo DOLLARS [20 PER MONTH IN YOUR OWN LOCALITY made easily and honorably, without capi- tal, during your spare hours. Any man, woman, boy, or girl can do the work hand- ily, without cxperience. Talking un- necessary. Nothing like it for money- muking ever offered before. Our workers always prosper. No time wasted in learning the business. We teach you in a night how to succeed from the first hour. You can make a trial without ex- pense to yourself. We start you, furnish everything needed to carry on the busi- ness successfully, and guarantee you against failure if you but follow our simple, plain ‘instructions. Reader, if you are in need of ready money, and want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send us your address, and we will mail you a docu- ment giving you all the particulars. TRUE & CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine. COVENTRY GROSS CYCLES WEIGHTS 26, 33,36 AND 38 POUNDS. = This Wheel Weighs OT 0 sth 40d 52 9 8503 indgtan, The Three C’s. € What you want. € Whereit is. That you get it. c COVENTRY CROSS CYCLES Are leading and agents should hustle to secure agencies wherever not placed. We hold a large stock at our Chicago stores of high grade machines. Our new Season Catalogue is worth having. Post Free on application. Warman & Hazlewood, Ltd., 2,5 St SOLE AGENTS FOR Foley & Webb’s Celebrated Saddles, Prices given to Jobbers, Dealers, Agents. CYCLES: = SUPPLIES, Res Ea SN." p SUNDA wo pacers: BICYCRES Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pac- ent business conducted for MoperATE FEES. OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U. S. PATENT OFFICE and we can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip- tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A PAMPHLET, ‘How to Obtain Patents,” with cost of same in the U. S, and foreign countries sent free, Address, C.A. SNOW & CO. OFP. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. PRAIRIE BELLE First-class cook stove for coal, wood or natural gas. It has nickel and tile ornamentation, oven shelf and kicker; tin lined oven doors, extra heavy, ventilated, sectional fire-back and front grate and large ash pan. Size of oven 18 x 20 inches. ‘Weight 825 pounds. Its baking qualities are unsurpassed. It is durable and uses fuel economically. Ask your dealer or write to Townley Stove Co., TERRE HAUTE, IND. Manufacturers and Dealers Wood Mantels and Hearth Tiles, Furnaces, Hot-Water Heaters. Cornice Work and Cas Stones. PILLS WiLL Lumbago, Weak, Painfui Back, Rheumatism, Mervousness, Sleeplessness & Female Weakaass. Why go to water cures whan BRIGGS’ KIDNEY PILLS will cure you? In every ease it seores a cure. This New Remedy is the latest discovery of Medical Science. Delay not, but procure a box of this infallible remedy; It will do for you what it has dome tor thousands. Address, E. 3. BRIGGS, Ashland, 0,,U.8. 2. (BY MAIL, $1.00.) VVBVE <2 2102010707020207020 HENRY C. BLAIR'S @ Digestive Tablets $ ARE A SURE INDIGESTION, CUE ACID STOMACH, HEART-BURN, &c. They contain the Anti-Acid Elements of the popular and old-fashioned Soda nt, with the food-digestive properties of Pure Pepsin, and the fat-emulsi- fying principle of the Pancreas, 2 a combination calculated to promptly relieve the various ® forms of indigestion and its con- sequences. They are put up in substantial & metal cases, of convenient size and shape to ca in the vest pocket, thereby affording a rem- edy always at han when needed. & Wo will send a package to any address on receipt of 235 cents Q ‘RY THEM. HENRY C. BLAIR, WALNUT ano 8TH STS., PHILADELPHIA, PA. GL RAL OLALRRLRIRE in P. O. stamps. ABIL ALBL AOL ALA ALATA OLY i i { ws In a B. & 0. R. R. TIME TABLE. Until further notice passenger trains will be due at Meyersdale, as foliows: WEST BOUND. No. 9—Pittsburg Express....... . .m No. 63—Accommodation MM. No. 11—Accommodation................ 4:37 p.m No. 5—Fast Mail........ . 2 . 549 p.m. EAST BOUND. No. 6—Fast Mail .. . No. 14—Accommodation. ...... «1212p. m cers A248 p.m. No. 64—Accommodation..... ..... ....6:7 p.m. No. 10—N. ¥, Express...... ........... 1:06 a. m. 4 CORRESPONDENCE, Savage. D.R. Crisp, from Jenner Cross Roads, passed through here, Inst week, repairing sewing machines and selling medicines, We understand that Cow Boy” had a horse trade and reports to be the loser of $350. He oneght to go to “Old Aunt Kate” and gel some instructions before trading azain. The people up this way are all done butchering, and H. Hawn killed the lare- est porkers hatehered no this vicinity. Ie killed two that dressed 700 pounds. The Standard Oil Co. works its men on Sunday, being in a great hurry to get the pipe line completed. Last Sunday there were 29 men in the ditch, and the blacksmith was kept very busy sharpen ing tools, Farm houses are crowded to their ut most capacity with pipe-liners. The Company can hardly tind room enongh for their men at 75 cents a day. Nov. 27th. 1893. Jack Rirren. | Are You a Sufferer From Catarrh, Hay Fever, Ere.? or if | If you are, go to vour druggist, you ean’t get it where von live, send to us. Get a hottle of Mayers’ Magnetic Catarrh Cure, which we will entirely guarantee to cure any ease of Catarrh, Hay Fever, ete, otherwise vour monev will be returned. For one dollar, one bottle to last for three months’ treat No cure. no pav. Tur Mayers Drue Co Oxnkland Md, it a trial. Maple Glen, The thermometer registered 9 degrees above zero, last Saturday. Harry Holiday and Simon Livengood are on the sick list, N. B. Christner, Norman Ringer and Sam Slaubangh are now working for the Standard Oil Co, La Grippe is prevalent to a consider able extent in this vicinity, the steps of E. J. Egan and Harvey Zim merman, is also attending the college. Will is almost a six-foorer and knows the value of knowledge, The snow storm delaved A.J. Folk's stone hauling for a few days. Old Abe has hauled more stones in his time than any other two farmers. “Jack Ripper” is now butchering large Nov, 27th, 1893. Oup Neb. Ask vour druggist to show vou a hot- tle of Mayers’ Magnetic Catarrh Cure. One hottle to cure anv case. no matter how severe, and will last for 8 months’ N. Brandler, Proprietor. —————" A choice assortment of fresh meat always on hand. If you want good steak, go to Brandler. If you want a good roast, to Brandler. o0 S Brandler guarantees to please the most fastidious. Honest weight and lowest living prices at Brandler’s. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR HIDES. WW. F. Garlitz, Expressmanand Drayman, does all kinds of hauling at very low prices. All kinds of freight and express goods delivered to and from the depot, every day. Satisfaction guaranteed. W.F. EAST, Painterand Grainer House and sign painting and all other work in my line done in a substantial and workmanlike manner. Your patronage solicited and satisfac- tion guaranteed. P.O. Address, BILE LICE, PA. RR. B. Sheppard, Barber and Hair Dresser. All kinds of work in my line done in an ex- wert manner. My hair tonie is the best on earth—keeps the calp elean and healthy. I respectfully solicit your patronage. City Meat Market, | P treatment. Sold evervwhere. Rockwood, | | | | band. A new harber «hop has opened busi ness here for the winter. the Casselman is completed. completed. This is a great improvement to the town, also to the company, hardware store. kept up. the election. A literary society has heen orennized | in our public schools. Following are the officers for the next month: Presi | dent, D. B. Miller; Vice President, Jes- | sie Ward: See., Miss Margaret Koontz; Query Manager, E. T. Critchfield; Editor, | B F.Phillippi. The society holds regular meetings, every Friday afternoon, in! Great advances | the school department. ment is made along educational lines in | this wav, and who knows hut some one of our orators will in the future he a congressman, Everybody is invited to attend the society. Those who attend | are highly pleased with the work. Citi- zens, come and encourage your young ! orators, EE One dollar for a three months’ treat- ment and san absolute guarantee for a | cure is what the Mavers Drug Co., of Onkland, Md., offers to sufferers of ca- tarrh, hay fever, ete. Ask your drug- | gist for a bottle of Mayers’ Magnetic Catarre Curve. Tt has never failed, and will cure you. For «ale by all druggists, or address the above firm. A Proclamation to the Junior Order of | United American Mechanics, Pirrssuna, November 1st. 1893. To WHOM IT MAY coNCeERN:—The National Councilor, Bro. H. A. Kibbe, having designated Sabbath, the Third day of December, as a dav of general Thanksgiving for our order, now, | therefore, I, William T. Kerr, State Councilor of | Pennsylvania, by virtue of the power and author- ity in me vested, do proclaim to all officers and ment, and one bottle to cure. It has | never failed. and will cure you, Give | W. HL. Huffmeyer, who is following | heeves that weigh from 700 to 800 pounds. | Frank DeHaven has returned home | for the winter and has also joined the] The large B. & O. bridge that spans! 1 The B. & O. doubie track is nearly | Rockwood should doubtless have a Our public schools are progressing | finely. The good attendance is being | Business ix getting a little better, since | members of the several subordinate councils in this jurisdiction, that the first Sabbath of Decen- ber, the Third day of the month. be observed as a day of general thanksgiving and praise unto God. for the manv blessings bestowed upon our order and as individuals, that amid the disas ters of the year, we have been so singniar Ly blessed... Our prayers should ascend for an in creased blessing. Pray that our common coun- try will rise still higher in the plane of civilizn- tion, and that prosperity will be showered upon our industries, our institutions and all which «co to make us a nation. Pray that our pniie school system be mainmained and reédéive the support and encouragement of all eitizens. That anarchy and discord be swept from onr midst and our institutions be protected from the influence of those whose sympathies are not American. and that the influence of this order shall extend to all portions of our union. shail increase and maltiply. I especially reques councils as a body to attend church, and arrange with ministers of the Gospel to preach a specinl sermon and to that end that no mistaken idens concerning our order may be given. the minis ters should be thoroughly informed. Councils desiring to wear regalia are privileged to do so. Given under my hand and seal of the Siute Council. this First day of November, One Thon- sand Eight Hudred and Ninety-three. W. Tr. Kenn. State Councilor, It's all the same, a slight cold. congested lings or severe couch. One Minute Cough Cure banishes them. A. F. Sericnen. What Cleveland Said on Hearing the Returns from Ohio. Sunday Commercial Gazette, Good Grover Cleveland, As soon as he learned The returns from Ohio Said: “Well. I'll he Adurned! Jumping Jehosaphat ! Great Holy Smoke! Such a plurality Must be a joke! Ring up the Cabinet! Grandmother's eat! Holy Saint Patrick! Where are we at? Shades of old Jefferson! I might a knowed I'd reap just exactly What 1 had sowed! Sackeloth and ashes! Jimminy King! To poor Larry Neal They did not a thing! Sweep up the pieces! Mop up the floor, Bind up my wounds! I'm infernalily sore! Bring me a pick-axe! i Oh, what a pain | I've got in my eranium! ret some cocaine! { Fetch me some landinum! | Syrup of squills! | Also some guinine | And some camomile pills! Read it, Dan. read 1? Well, I'll he lowed ! { | When I was elected : The next day it snowed, | But now it is hailing! | And bless my fat soul | I'he hail is as large | As a big lump of coal! | Shut up the windows! | Pull down the blind! Thunder and lightning! i I'm out of my mind! | Kill Johuny Carlisle! | | Rodents and mice! String up old Gresham! Assassinate Brice! Murder my Cabinet! Oh, this remorse Surely will kill me! | Bring me a horse! Talk about “flushes !™ Bind up my wounds! Melt ail the plate And the souvenir spoons! Buy me a ticket To Kalamazoo. “What in the blazes 1s Grover to do? Vangsuished! Defeated! Bleeding and slain Democrats never Can get there again! Send for a casket! Line it within, And see that the plate Is American Tin! Get me a pistol! ! Republican gains | Really oblige me 1 To blow out my brains! Great “Man of Destiny!” | “Buffalo's pet!” | “Pride of New York!” | | i How I wriggle and sweat! Hang up my shingle! T'll wrestle with the law! Wipe off my chin. Dan! Put erape on the door! Let them embalm me! | Grover—once great-— I've lied all my life And I'll now lie in state! Who said “Thanksgiving?” What's there for me To be greatful and thankful In this "93% } Instead of a turkey And pielets of dough Let Demoerats eat A big dishful of crow. Bring me a rosebush, A willow or two. Bury me deep, Dan. To keep off the dew. Then on my tombstone Have these letters made: “ere lies old Grover. Killed by Free Trade.” Tell good Saint Teter, If he’s no objection— I am dving repentant And ask for “Protection.” I can realize now I am on the wrong track, Take my name off the door. Dan. And substitute “MAC!” 350 REWARD. I will pay £50 for the arrest and conviction of any of the persons who robbed my house on Oct. 15th, 1893. Following is a list of some of the stolen property, some of which I could easily identify. Socks and mittens, spy glasses, 3 watches, razors. 8 silk handkerchiefs, 8 pocket knives. kid™ gloves, pair towels, dental instruments,’ 2 medi- cal books, lantern, suspenders, satchel, 2 small mirrors. Address all fnformation to Jonas J. Beachy, Grantsville, Md. al Contest, We have received from the publishers. the two great rival marches: ‘*‘Protective Tariff rand March,” and ‘Free Trade Grand March. The former is by the well known author, Wiil L. Thompson, of East Liverpool. Ohio, The latter is bv. Wm. Lamertine. an author of equal talent, and both pieces are beautiful, bright and showy marches of medinm difficulty for the piano or organ. Price 40 cents each. They are for sale at all music stores, or may he procured from Mr. Thompson at one-half price One firm alone has ordered 15,000 copies Music mio scent aE satan TO rE AE A PNA ism mA BE