RT, SET, Pa. cmm—— A\LKER. =r, rset, Pa. irt House. 7» * rset, Pa. rem——— =OXT, ick, Pa. Office, 3 =COIT, %, Mp., people of use. conmmnna—— N, 1 people of fice, Sal- 2, Jeon, » citizens ulisbury, - nv) Jeon. y corner, [=] e requir- “hureh. MEERA JSE, first-class a choice our pat- TALLEY & se, SE) k P.O.) and is in nodation 15t 2 few vantage nonth at otel and iquors. ronage 1S¢ my WG <1 letor. fet pt in a . ing and, in- LOGNA on. be con- f goods. V'tL treat thing to "on will ou. ad il NN ood and a day. ironage, > of the ice and seed Po- arieties mission elusive ys Write N.Y. nha. erican g over fo set- X, rent. 2, SE Buy a Good Gash Register. $6 THE MERCANTILE, PRICE, $25.00. $6 Used and endorsed by nearly 10,000 progressive Merchants. A PERFECT CASHIER, NEEDED IN EVERY RETAIL STORE, It his fhe latest improved combination h is the quickest register to records transactions in the order made, It records money paid out and received 8CCo on unt. It shows who does work. you It prevents d. tes in error. It will pay its cost every month in saving of time money. Itis durable and reliable. Itis guaranteed for two years. WRITE TO THE MANUFACTURERS FOR FULL PARTICULARS: AMERICAN CASH REGISTER CO,, 280 Clinton St., Chicago. H+ THE «3 “Little Vi¢"= ==Phaeton BUILT BY THE RICHLAND BUCCY CO., Manufacturers of | The “Richland” Grade of i FINE VEHICLES, NINE ELEGANT STYLES Buggies, Phaetons, Surreys and Carriaocs. Price List and Catalogue will be sent on application. Write to THE RICHLAND BUGGY CO, MANSFIELD, OHIO. = 1 ) ANOTHER | NOVELTY. Our Phaeton Buggy, With Leather Roof and Back Curtain, and Rubber Eide Curtains, Trimming, Green Leather or Fine Broadcloth, WRITE FOR PRICES, / See our Exhibit at the 2 . World’s Fair. OHPANY, Cincinnati, Ohio. “14%°S (Finest on Earth.) AANA %55 THE DAVES CARRIACE 0 F. A. AMES & 60, T's gary i oy a Sal eSTo0mS, OWENSBORD, I. 2) Wholesale Manufacturers of = 5) £ \ PLEASURE VEHICLES. e 3 = gE = $2 = 2s Be i2 8 2 © 83 xX 3 im qo BM sg © 5S 3 Ti J “« 5 z= —- = PR. A. AMES & CO., n J N BUILDERS OF ® ; HAND-MADE EXPRESS AND DELIVERY WAGONS ® FOR Bakers, Butchers, Bottlers, Carpenters, Grocers and Everybody. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. Inter Nos Manufacturing Company, 609 TO 612 WEST FRONT STREET, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. HHiG WHEEL S0 EASY TO RUN: Almost runs its self NONE. OF THAT TERRBLE A “BAD FOR FLIES,” a Bissikummer’s Sticky Fly Paper. oan No Poison. Can be placed anywhere. Once they strike the sheet you know where to look for them. No dead flies in your food. Sold everywhere. PREPARED BY & BISSIKUMMER MFG. CO., SoLE MAKERS, Oxford, N. Y, TNS I I AN TS ZY And it cuts closely in 7 TOUGH GRASSY crc o£. C STEARNS & Co SEU: Human Wonders, Freaks, Uisease New Pamphlet by Dr. E. B. Foote, Jr. 224 pages, 42 illustrations; in two parts. 1. SEVEN WONDERS OF MAN AN. SOME OF HIS FREAKS, an lliustrated lec: ture on the outlines of popular physiology, more briefly and clearly presented than ever be- fore, and explaining many curious anomalies which have become familiar as museum freaks. 2. AUTO-TOX-/AMIA, SELF-POISONED BLOOD, explaining the origin, relation and treatment of a variety of chronic diseases, such as malaria, saltrheum, cancer, grip, catarrh. rheumatism, Bright's, apoplexy, epilepsy, ete. This pamphlet describes and pictures the intri- cate human vital machinery, instructs how to keep it in running order, explains the disorders causing common ailments, snpgasiy what's to be done for relief. It will enable every reader to foot himself safely through shoals in the sea of ife that beset all and prematurely wreck many. For sale at THE STAR office, at 25 cents per copy. O The he ye you OUNg—LOW TO To choose the best ole to marry ;( 1 NT ry (LN TW 0 COURSE) The mai ried—how to be happy in marriage; AYS YOU )The fond parent--how to have prize bubies; ( ONE WANT )The mother—how te have them without pain; (AGENT TO )The childless—how to be fruitful and multiply; ( SOLD KNOW |. )The curious—how they “growed” and came to be;( 42 WHAT )The healthy—how to enjoy life and keep well; (AND HE EVERY )The invalid—how to get well again speedily; ( SAVED BODY )The imprudent—how to regain “wasted energy. ($1,100 OUGHT )All who want knowledge that is of most worth 5 ONE TO JFind it in Dr. Foote’s “ Plain Home Talk,” YEAR KNOW. )1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 200 recipes; (500, 000 READ Reduced from $3.25 to $1.30; circ J Pe free. ( COPIES P. H.T. Murray Hill Book Co., 129 E. 28th St., New York.( SOLD. 24 col. plates; mr — ee — — ERHARL ES ms tn arm HA Have sold Oe ECan Ho. 719 foad Wagon. 0), Eo pata 5 4 Sip wi vihD ih pr: : i). Fast before any money is pay freight both ways if not 3 to andor for.yout Write your own 2 inte 50 Jf foo. Wo take all therisk of ay \ ER eg RL SN 4 rin agon uaran Sama foot Con marreys $70 to 8; Yi), 88, ; ss geil for 100 to $130, an uggics ab fords iy as =60!d at Phanetonaat KTS t0% . Wagone fttesn) ant Delivery We 20d Load Carts. RHARMESS : all Mr 2 Ock-cran: rig. 8 1s KX daub 8 — oie? $8 0 tr 20 Si @ Dugay.s 5 : Reh wi; rd ted Ustel gue 15, Reig AL Hr } ren sheryl investigate the merits of the WANT A CG CELEBRATED AND ESTABLISHED STURTEVANT-LARRABEE CARRIAGES. If not sold by a dealer in your town send for illustrations and prices. THE STURTEVANT-LARRABEE CO0., BINGHAMTON, N. Y. R. FOOTE’'S HAND-BOOK OF INEALTH HINTS AND READY RECIPES, is the title of a very valuable book that gives a great amount of information of the Utmost Importance to Everybody, concerning their daily habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc., IT TELLS ABOUT Influence of Plants, Parasites of the Skin, What to Ea care of Teeth Pork to Has Occupation for Invalids, Bathing—Best Way, ter-Dinner Naps, TB hy bi) as a Food and a Lungsand Lung Diseases, Hitonte of Tobacco, Things » Avoid, Medicine, How to Avo em. Cure for Intemperance, Perils of Summer, Superfluous Hain Clothing, What to Wear, Goadachs, Se & Cure, HE to Breathe Removing Sam How Much to Wear, To Rid of Lice, ers of Kissing, Restoring the Drowned, Contagious Diseases, Maloial Affections, gre heating Houses, Preventing Near-Sig] hted- How 9 Avoid Them, Croup—to Prevent. ness, Exercise, ane WELLS HOW TO CURE Black Eyes, Boils, Burns, Chillblains, Cold Feet, Corns, Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhcea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning, Moles, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Mouth, Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache, Ulcers, Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms in Children. IT WILL SAVE DOOTORS® BILLS. For sale at THE STAR office, at 25 cents per copy. COVENTRY GROSS CYCLES WEIGHTS 26, 32,36 AND 38 POUNDS. This Wheel Weighs ais Se Beit, Lumbago, The Three Cs. Weak € What you want. 2 € Where it is. mi fa Nervousnsss, COVENTRY GROSS CYCLES Are leading and agents should hustle to secure agencies wherever not placed. Sleaplessness & Female Weaknass. Why go to water cures when BRIGGS’ KIDNEY PILLS will cure you? In every case It scores a eure, This New Remedy Is the latest discovery of Medleal Seience. Delay mot, but procure a box of this infallible remedy; it will do for you what it has done for thousands. Address, E.S. BRIGGS, Ashland, 0.,U.8. A, (BY MAIL, $1.00.) We hold a large stock at our Chicago stores of high grade machines. Our new Season Catalogue is worth having. Post Free on application. ‘Warman & Hazlewood, Ltd., 2\:2cs, ot | SOLE AGENTS FOR Foley & Webb’s Celebrated Saddles, Prices given to Jobbers, Dealers, Agents. DOLLARS 120 PER MONTH in YOUR OWN LOCALITY made easily and honorably, without capi- tal, during your spare hours. Any man, woman, boy, or girl can do the work hand- ily, without experience. Talking un- necessary. Nothing like it for money- making ever offered before. Our workers always prosper. No time wasted in learning the business. We teach you in a night how to succeed from the first hour. You can make a trial without ex- pense to yourself. We start you, furnish everything needed to carry on the busi- ness successfully, and guarantee you against failure if you but follow our simple, plain instructions. Reader, if you are in need of ready money, and want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send us your address, and we will mail you a docu- ment giving you all the particulars. “Bierce TRUE & CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine. Na PRES or Ls LES THE Bo Carriage Co. Wholesale [Lanufacturers. ESTABLISHED 1838. (load V/agons, &c. Only skilied werkmen employed. We use tlic linest materials. Send for Cataloguc and Price List. Every Job Guaranteed. The Ward (Carriage Co. NEWARK, OHIO. nad eli IIE THRE & WEST EXTRACTS ARE REAR RRE RRR Ds gig es adi ig Unexcelled in ey strength and = fine flavor. Insist upon your = grocer supplying you with the = Bruce-& West Brand of Extracts. = Not genuine without our trade mark on label. Bruce & West Mfg. Co CLEVELAND, O. STH ul New Haven, 101 REPEATING ARMS CO, K INpg EVERY VARIETY OF 'INCHESTER A TTMmrm1imni Send for 80 Page Illustrated Catalogue. SABINE'S brane | ~URELY ABINE'S Curatine Oil (purely vegeta- ble), easy of a pplication, soothing in effect, relieves all J tinh of inflammation, heals Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Chap, Hands and all Flesh Wounds, cures t Rheum Sore Ni ples, Inflamed Eves, a and Ulcers, Frost Bites, Chilblains, Bunions, Piles, Earache, Deafness, etc., etc. hat some of our Warren physicians say about it. ‘I haveused it for 1> or 12 cars. and have found nothing better.” Br. D V. Stranahan. ‘I tried it on recommendation of Dr. Bartholomew. Ihave never been disap- pointed in itsuse. Ina practice of over 20 vears this is the only testimonial I have oe written regarding any preparation,” D. Preston, % Itis a good medicine, and should be kept it every house.” Dr. Revesdy B. Stewart. MANUFACTURED BY THE SABINE CURATINE OIL 00, , Warren, Pa. £5 (4 “oean COLLARS? IF NOT, DOES YOUR HORSE ? BUY HOOVER'S DV 1 SENSIBLE IRISH COLLAR. Superior to other made. Ifyour dealer does not keop thom send to mo tall information before buying. W. H. HOOVER, New Berlin, O. 0900000200 HENRY C. BLAIR'S Digestive Tablets § ARE A SURE INDIGESTION, CURE ACID STOMACH, HEARTBURN, They contain 4c Anti-Acid Elements of the popular and old-fashioned Soda nt, with the food-digestive properties of Pure Pepsin, and the fat-emulsi- fying principle of the Pancreas, a combination calculated to promptly relieve the various ors of indigestion and its con- nces. They are put up in substantial metal itm o of convenient size and shape to carry in the vest pocket, thereby affording a rem- edy Jwase at han when Wo. will send a Boor 53 to a address on recel a: 3 contd in P. O. stamps. HENRY C. BLAIR, WALNUT ano 8TH STS., PHILADELPHIA, PA. (RALALRLALALALOY Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pac- ent business conducted for MoperATE FEES. OUR Srrice is ¢ 1S OPPOSITE U. S. PATENT OFFICE and wi secure patent in less time than those Ai Wir. Send odd, Srawing or photo., with desciip- tion. We advise, if Qalertatie or not, free of eRerReL Dus fee not due till patent is secured, A PampPHLET, “How to Obtain Patents,” with cost of & Hi in the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW& CO. h OFF. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. cl PRAIRIE BELLE First-class cook stove for coal, wood or natural gas. It has nickel and tile ornamentation, ovea shelf and kicker; tin lined oven doors, extra heavy, ventilated, sectional fire-back and frong grate and large ash pan. Size of oven 18 x 20 inches. Weight 825 pounds. Its baking qualities are unsurpassed. It is durable and uses fuel economically. Ask your dealer or write to Townley Stove Co., TERRE HAUTE, IND. Manufacturers and Dealers Wood Mantels and Hearth Tiles, Furnaces, Hot-Water Heaters. Cornice Work and Cas Stoncs, as VV ARMSTRONG'S MAGIC BING- BONE + SPAIN & CURIE. AY Infallible Cure for Ring-bone, $ Bone Spavin, Bog Spavin, Curb, Splints, Wind Gall, or Puff, and will Remove all Superfluous Lumps or Bone Substance. It is put up in neat tin boxes, with full directions for using. It contains no acid—can be applied with the hand. Price $1.00 rer box. ¥% ALSO 22» Armstrong’s ELECTRIC HORSE and CATTLE POWDERS, 25 Cents a box. HORSE LINIMENT, Half Pints, 50 Cents; Pints, $1.00 per bottle. HOOF OINTMENT FOR HORSES, 81.00 per Pint can, and ACORN HOG CHOLERA REMEDY, 75 Cents per pound. The Animal Remedy Co., AKRON, OHIO, U. S. A. ELAR IRL OLOLLALOLOIOLY