A SET, Pa. 7, ET, Pa. m— LKER. v va set, Pa. rt louse. — 7, et, Pa. eople of ice. Sal- asm 3 gy eon, citizens lisbury, ) eon. corner, st-class choice Ir pat- LLEY & ISe, ) P. 0.) d is in dation a few antage nth at ! and 1018. yuage 2 my or. (0 in a g d, in- GNA and day. 1age, the a. an ver vel- Buy a Good Gash Register. 5% THE MERCANTILE, PRICE, $25.00. 5 Used and endorsed by nearly 10,000 progressive Merchants. A PERFECT CASHIER, NEEDED IN EVERY RETAIL STORE. It has he latest improved combination lock. It is the quickest register to operate. It records transactions in the hs made, -It records money paid out and received on It shows who does the work. It educates you in correct methods. It prevents disputes in case of error. It will pay its cost every month in saving of time and money. Itis racial, durable and reliable. It is fully guaranteed for two years. oo WRITE TO THE MANUFACTURERS FOR FULL PARTICULARS; AMERICAN CASH REGISTER CO. 230 Clinton St., Chicago. J THE + “Little Vic” ===Phaeton BUILT BY THE RICHLAND BUCCY cCO., Manufacturers of | The “Richland” Grade of FINE —<_| \” VEHICLES. EGANT STYLES Buggies, Phaetons, Surreys and Carriaess YN), Price List and Catalogue will be sent on application. Write to THE RICHLAND BUGGY CO. MANSFIELD, OHIO. » ANOTHER | NOVELTY. i Our Phaeton Buggy, With Leather Roof and Back Curtain, and Rubber ELide Curtains, Trimming, Green Leather or Fine Broadcloth. WRITE FOR PRICES. “FOE” (Finest on Earth.) \_ R.A. AMES & GO., Wholesale Manufacturers of = £ o\ PLEASURE VEHICLES. p 2 75 5 = <2: = n< = 2° 2S © = >= “5 = 0 0 9 id o © Lo 2 = '3 20 5 9 if & Fe wo 2 ay | | o = 2 = \ — I otner am q notory 0d Stbesrooms, CSVENSDORG, TV Buioers oF - . HAND-MADE pyppece ano nELivERY ® WAGONS ® FOR Bakers, Butchers, Bottlers, Carpenters, Grocers and Everybody. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. : Inter Nos Manufacturing Company, 609 TO 618 WEST FRONT STREET. WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. ie dealers’ profits. We are the oldest Goll znd Inrgest manufacturers in America selling & NN $24 5d Buggies and Harness this way. Ship with priv- $32 = *jioge to examine before any money is paid. We T ray freight both ways if not satisfactory, War- J mE 4 r ™, rant fortwoyears. Why pay an Agent $i0to $50 4 to order for you? Write your own uraer. B wb, / i i Ny } 50 to $35. = a8 sell for $100¢o §130, To cold at 875. Phaetonsut & 3 Ndi Wagons, De QUR i are all No. 4 i pal ELK b-4 A RT CARAGE AND HARNESS 5 C. 07 No.7 fa i arm Harness. Have sold to consumers for 20 years, Mo, 779 Bod Wagon. oxin, free. We take all therisk of damage in Nnas WHOLESALE PRICES. Spring Wagons, 835 to 850. Guaranteed same 5. = B70 to i." 2 same vn gies at ¥ 2; fin 73 tow 100. Wagoner NN ory Wagons snd Read Oasis. \| A a = - TES £ iy Neca, : page ulus h Ad id dress CINZ0LB. PRATT, Sec'y, ELISE as soll for Nrrey s. ¥ should investigate the merits of the JANT A CARRIAGE ¢ GH —_ YOULL APPRECIAT — T= STEARNS most runs its self NRATTLNG NOISE SO COMMON {TO LAWN MOWERS é é 0 SYRACUSE, § TA, rb Svein or EC STEARNS L Nz. Ne Nie Az Al 2. A 7 Ask Your Dealer For “BAD FOR F LIES,” Bissikummer’s Sticky Fly Paper. No Poison. Can be placed anywhere. Once they strike the sheet you know where to look for them. No dead flies in your food. Sold everywhere. PREPARED BY » a BISSIKUMMER MFG. C0., SOLE MAKERS, Oxford, N. Y. ie UN TSAR A A TS Tw ee = bg WIEEL SO EASY TO RUN: NONE. OF THAT TERRIBLE dnd it cuts cisely in HIGH, TOUGH GRASS] 8 Human Wonders, Freais, Diseases New Pamphlet by Dr. FE. B. Foote, Jr. 224 pages, 42 illustrations; in two paris. fl. SEVEN WONDERS OF MAM ANE SOME OF HIS FREAKS, an Illustrated lec ture on the cutlines of popular physiology, more briefly and clearly presented than ever be- fore, and explaining many curiouz anomalies which have become familiar as museum freaks. 2. AUTO-TOX-/EMIA, SELF-POISONED BLOOD, exp'aining the origin, relation and treatment of a variety of chronic diseases, such as malaria, saltrheam, cancer, grip, catarrh. rheumatism, Bright's, apoplexy, epilepsy, ete. This pamphlet describes and Disinres the intri- cate human vital machinery, instructs how to ro Ne keep it in running order, explains the disorders causing common ailments, suggests what's to be done for relief. It will enabie every reader to io himself safely through shoals in the sea of ife that beset all and prematurely wreck many. For sale at THE STAR office, at 25 cents per copy. ~ PA EROS ATR 200 0 Sed tg OF )The young—how to choose the best one to marry ;(IN TWO COURSE)The mai ried—how to be happy in marriage; { DAYS YOU )The fond parent—how to have prize babies; ( ONE WANT )The mother—how to have them without pain; (AGENT TO )The childless—how to be fruitful and multiply; ( SOLD KNOW )The curious—how they “growed” and came to be; 49 WHAT )The healthy—how to enjoy life and keep well; (AND HE EVERY {The invalid—how to get well again speedily; ( SAVED BODY )The imprudent—how to regain wasted energy. ($1,100 OUGHT )All who want knowledge that is of most worth (IN ONE TO )Find it in Dr. Foote’s “Plain Home Talk,” YEAR. KNOW. )1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates; 200 recipes; (500,000 READ )Reduced from $3.25 to $1.50; circulars free. ( COPIES P. H. T. )Murray Hill Book Co. 129 E. 28th St., N w_York( SOLD. R. FOOTE’S HAND-BOOK OF MEALTH HINTS AND READY RECIPES, is the title of a very valuable book that gives a great amount of information of the Utmost Importance to Everybody, concerning their daily habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc., i IT TELLS ABOUT Influence of Plants, Parasites of the Skin, Occupation for Invalids, - Bathing—Best Wa cohol as a Fo d What to Eat, How to Eat it, Things to Do, Care of Teeth, Y, fter-Dinner Naps, and a Lungs and Lung Diseases, Effects of Tobacco, Things to Avoid, Medicine, How to Avoid Them, Cure for Intemperance, Perils of Summer, Superfluous Hair, Clothing, What to Wear, Headache, Cause & Cure, How to Breathe, Removing Same, How Much to Wear, To Get Rid of Lice, Dangers of Kissing, Restoring the Drowned, Contagious Diseases, Malarial Affections, Overheating Houses, Preventing Near-Sighted- How to Avoid Them, Croup—to Prevent. Ventilation, ness, Exercise, IT TELLS HOW TO CURE Black Eyes, Boils, Burns, Chillblains, Cold Feet, Corns, Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhcea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning, Moles, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Mouth, Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings aud Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache, Ulcers, Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms in Children. I'l’ WILL SAVE DOCTORS’ BILLS. For sale at THE STAR office, at 25 cents per copy. PAVE RVRVeT LTP COVENTRY GROSS CYCLES WEIGHTS 26, 32,36 AND 38 POUNDS. . 15, This Wheel Weighs or 2 Pounds and is a Safe Roadster. The Three Us. €C What you want. € Where itis. € That you get it. COVENTRY GROSS CYCLES Are leading and agents should hustle tosecure agencies wherever not placed. Lumbago, Weak, Painful Back, Rheumatism, fi Nervousness, Sleaplessnass & Female Weakness. Why go to water enres when BRIGGS’ KIDNEY PILLS willcure you? In every caso it scores a eure. This New Remedy is the latest discovery of lfedical Science. Delay not, but procure a box of this infallible remedy; it will do for you what it has done tor thousands. Address, E.S. BRIGGS, Ashland, 0., U.S.A. (BY MAIL, $1.00.) We hold a large stock at our Chicago stores of high grade machines. Our new Season Catalogue is worth having. Post Free on application, SOLE AGENTS FOR Foley & Webb’s Celebrated Saddles, Prices given to Jobbers, Dealers, Agents. CELEBRATED AND ESTABLISHED STURTEVANT-LARRABEE CARRIAGES. If not sold by a dealer in your town send for illustrations and prices. o VHE STURTEVANT- LARRABEE CO., BINGHAMTON, N. Y. WE WANT Y0 | | outfit and all you need free. It costs notiiing to | try the business. We will treat vou well, and el ten times ordinary wages. Both 8 can live at home aud vork in i 11 the time. Any one any where | can earn a great deal of money. Many hav e | Two Hundred Dollars a Month. No cls of | people in the world are Z s0 much money | without capital as those at work for us. Business | pleasant, strictly hono | any other offered to agents | aeld, with no competition. | everything, and supply printed directions for | beginners which, if obeved faithfully, will bring | more money than will any other business. Im. | € your prospects! Why not? Ygu can do so y and surel t work for us. Reasonable try y ne » for absolute success. | Pamphlet circular giv N ~ L Hl G | free wll. slay se g for it. Brey cLECLeT AIBC oq tl BE a nh You have a clear = a | to act as our agent. We furnish an expensive | We equip vou with | = | Box No. 488, Portland, Me. £ A ee ME SunpA ‘Warman & Hazlewood, Ltd., ‘2h ak= ST ble, aud pays better than ! i" THE Ward Carriage Co. \Zholesaic [lanufacturers. ESTABLISHED 1836. Carriocs, Burgies, Hozd Wagons, &c. Only siiiiied workmen employed. We use the {Incst materials. Send for Catalogue and Price List Every Job Guaranteed. The Ward Carriage (Co NEWARK, OHIO. ° | SH = BRUCE & WEST EXTRACTS 7 EERE RTE RTE RREE CERN rs Unexcelled in purity, strength and fing flavor. Insist upon your = grocer supplying you with the = Bruce & West Brand of Extracts. Not genuine without our trade mark on label. Bruce & West Mfg. Co, CLEVELAND, O. SUR ORRRRRRER ERO RRRRRREA HEHE OCC RE sl Conn, New Haven, FQ4 1.01. WINCHESTER Kinpg vo vou COLLARS? IF NOT, DOES YOUR HORSE ? BUY HOOVER'S SENSIBLE IRISH COLLAR. Superior to any other made. Ifyour dealer does not keep thom send to me for full information before buying. W. H. HOOVER, New Berlin, O. What is This ? ; A Combination Folding Bath Tub with Heater attached. Where Can it be Put ? In any Apartment of your House. What Does it Represent ? A Handsome Piece of Furniture. What is it Used for ? ‘I'o Wash Yourself in. When ? At Least Once a Week. How ? With Soap and Water. Result Health, Vigor and Happiness in your Home, Send for circulars. The FOLDING BATH TUB CO. ManmsHALL, MicH. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pac- ent business conducted for MoperaTE FEES. OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U. S. PATENT OFFICE and we can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington. ¢ Send model, drawing or photo., with desciip- tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain Patents,” with cost of same in the U. S, and foreign countries sent free. Address, C.A.SROW& CO. OPP. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. ve ¢ ‘ ¢ PRAIRIE BELLE First-class cook stove for coal, wood or natural gas. It has nickel and tile ornamentation, oven shelf and kicker; tin lined oven doors. extra heavy, ventilated, sectional fire-back and front grate and large ash pan. Size of oven 18 x 20 inches, Send for EVERY VARIETY OF A T1TTmTmm 11m 80 Page Illustrated Catalogue. v particular is sent | OO EE TO SABINE'S burathe f) FURELY I) “Bley, easy or ms Ol vegeta- : ble), easy of application, soothing in effect, relieves all kinds of inflammation, heals Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Chapped Hands and all Flesh Wounds, cures Sait Rheum, Sore Nipples, Inflamed Eves, Sores and Ulcers, Frost Bites, Chilblains, Bunions, Piles, Earache, Deafness, etc., etc. What seme of our Warren physicians say about it. “I haveused it for 1> or 12 years, and have found nothing better.” oe D. V. Stranahan, ‘I tried it on recommendation of Dr. Bartholomew. Ihave never been disap- pointed in its use. In a practice of over 20 vears this is the only testimonial I have ever written regarding any preparation,” Dr. E D. Preston, *Itis a good medicine, and should be { kept it every house.” Dr. Reveirdy B, { Stewart. | | | | MANUFACTURED BY THE SABINE CURATINE OIL C0., Warren, Pa, ® gi ob an Weight 325 pounds. Its baking qualities are unsurpassed. It is durable and uses fuel economically, Ask your dealer or write to Townley Stove Co., TERRE HAUTE, IND. Manufacturers and Dealers Wood Mantels and Hearth Tiles, Furnaces, Hot-Water Heaters. Cornice Work and Gas Stoncs, 1 D mi e The & ig » VRB RVI DDR V DBRS » ARMSTRONE'S MAGI HNG-BOE SPAT A I A of { i ee. Js CURE. N Infallible Cure for Ring-be RGR DITEND : : Remove all Superfinous Lu Bone Substance. It is put 2 tin boxes, with full dir 3 = using. It contains no « ) applied with the hand. Price $1.00 3 rer box, 5 *% ALSO *» $ Armstrong’s ELECTRIC HO! nd CATTLE POWDERS, 23 Cents a of box. oo HORSE LINIMENT, Half Pints, 50 & Cents; Pints, 81.00 per bottle. PD HOOF OINTMENT FOR HORSES, $1.00 per Pint can, and Li 2: ACORN HOG CHOLERA DEMLDY, é ® 75 Cents per pound. Animal Remedy Co., AKRON, OHID, U.S. A. TVR DVD VHRR TD TE