Sr owm—— Tbe Fomerset County Star, | P. L. LIVENGOOD, Editor and Publisher. Mrs. P. L. LIVENGOOD, Associate Editor. Entered atthe postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa., as mail matter of the Second class. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Tue STAR is published every Thursday, at Elk Lick, Pa., at the following rates: One copy one year ..... One copy six months. One copy threc months One copy one month .... ties a iS, Single COpieS.v oc. culver ine. chee aid HOW TO REMIT. Remit by postoffice money order, registered letter, or bank draft. Otherwise remittances will be at sender’srisk. Never send your personal check, if your resi- dence is far away from here. Make all drafts. orders, etc., payable to P. L. Livengood. ADVERTISING —TraxsieNnt Locan No- TiCEs, 10 cents a line for first insertion: 5 cents a line for each additional insertion. "To regular advertisers, 5 cents a line straight, exeept when inserted among local news or editorial matter. No business locals will be mixed in with local news or editorial matter for less than 10 cents a line for each and every insertion. EprroriaL Purrs, when requested, invariably 10 cents per line. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS at legal rates. MARRIAGE AND DearH NoTicEs, (except such mention as the editor sees fit to make as a matter of news, concerning such events) 5 cents per line. CARDS oF THANKS will be published free for patrons of this paper, but non-patrons will be charged 10 cents a line. ResoLuTIONS OF REsPecT will be published for 5 cents a line. RATES For DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS will be made known on application. No free advertising will be given to anything of a money-making character. Nothing will be advertizred gratis in this paper, except free lec tures, free sermons and all such things as are free to the public. All advertisements will be run and charged for until ordered discontinued. No advertisement will be taken 25 cents. for less than JOB PRINTING.—Tur Star office has first-class job printing equipments, turns out all its work in the best style of the art and at very reasonable prices. THE STAr does all kinds of commercial work, poster and bill printing. and in fact nearly every kind of printing belonging to the art. All job orders, whether by mail or otherwise, receive prompt attention. Republican Nominations. Election, Tuesday, November 7th. HON. D. NEWLIN FELL, of Phila. FOR JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT. COL. S. M. JACKSON, Armstrong Co.. FOR STATE TREASURER. COUNTY. For Associate Judge, D. J. HORNER, of Somerset Borough, For Sheriff, EpwArp HOOVER. For Prothonotary. F. P. SAYLOR, of Somerset Borough. For Register and Recorder, JacoB S. MILLER, of Quemahoning Twp. For County Treasurer, E. E. PucH. of Somerset Township. For Commissioners, S. U. SHOBER, of Somerset Township. HENRY F. BarNiETT, of Somerset Twp. For Poor House Director, Jaco McGreGor, of Shade Township. For Auditors, SAMUEL C. Fox, of Somerset Township. WM. W. Baker, of Somerset Township. of Berlin Borough. Until further notice passenger trains will be due at Meyersdale, as follows: WEST BOUND. No. 9—Pitisburg Express....... . No. 63—Accommodation.. No. 11—Accommodation. 4:42 p.m No. 5—Fast Mail..................... .5:57p.m EAST BOUND. No. 6—Fast Mail .... ........... eh . Mm. No. 12—Accommodation. ............ 12 m. No. 864—Accommodation..... ..... ... No. 10—N. Y. Express. ..1:06 BUSINES MENTION, WANTS AND finnouncements, The finest Correspondence Stationery in town for Ladies, can always be found at THE Star of- fice. We have some goods in this line that can’t be excelled. Call and see. The Blanks We Keep. | THE STAR keeps constantly on hand all kinds of blanks, such as Notes, Receipts, Probate lanks, Criminal Warrants, Summons Blanks, Notices of Claims Due, Subpoenas, Commitments. | | Bonds, Mortgages, Deeds. Leases. ete., ete. All | these goods are put up in neat and convenient form and sold dirt cheap. Call and inspect our stock when in need of such goods. Stock Sheep For Sale. The undersigned has for sale 20 head | of very fine Stock Sheep and three young | Oxforddown Rams. Call.on or address S. HUFFMEYER. 10-26 Savage, Pa. Monrning Paper THE S1AR office. and Envelopes for sale at Notice! Owing to an enforced absence from business, our Salisbury Photographic Studio will not be open on Saturday, Oct. 28th, but will be open every Saturday, as usual, thereafter. Respectfully, E. E. CoxraAD. Ready-printed ball tickets for sale at THE STAR office. They are suitable for any ball. Price too low to put in print. Call and see them; they are dandies. : NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. We, the undersigned, hereby notify and warn all people not to trespass on our lands. Hunt- ing, fishing, gathering nuts, berries, etec., on the same will be strietlv forbidden. The trespass laws will be enforced against all such offenders, also against persons who trespass against us by using our lands for grazing ground for their cat- tle. or by entting timber from the same. J. P. Kinsinger. Demetrius Compton. Phineas Compton. Wm. W. Wagner. J. M. Kretchman. J. N. Davis. E. C. Humes. James J. Dull. F. J. Anspach, Per Dennis Wagner. Elias Hershberger. Jonas Maust. Samuel Baker. J. B. Keim. Elijah Livengood. Ananias J. Folk. F. 8S. Bissell. David H. Keim. Nov. 1st, 1893. Get your blotters at THE STAR office. the best. We keep Caution Notice. I hereby caution merchants and all others not to sell anything to my wife, Mary E. Kolbfleich. on my account. as I will not be responsible for any debts of her contracting, she having left my bed and board without just cause, on Oct. 7th. 1893. Wx. I. KoLBFLEICH. 10 26. Fancy Visiting Cards, of many kinds, for sale at Tur STAR office. Foote-Prints on the Path to Health. Everyone needing a doctor’s advice should read one of Dr. Foote’s dime pamphlets on *0Old Eyes.” “Croup,” “Rupture,” “Phimosis.”” ‘“Var- icocele.”” Diseases of Men, Diseases of Women. and learn the best means of self-cure. M. Hill Pub. Co.. 129 East 28th St., New York. Cabinet Photo. Envelopes for sale at THE STAR office—just the thing you want to send pictures away in. Residence Property for Sale, The fine Residence Property occupied hy Mrs, Evora Smith, in Salisbury, Pa., is for sale. For terms, address Mrs. Arick FARNER. xf. Rockwood, Pa. Don’t get yonr Wedding Cards until you see our samples. Over 100 styles to select from, at Tar STAR office. Old papers for sale at THE STAR office, at only 5 cents a bunch. Twenty papers in a bunch. ‘I'hey make good cartridge paper for miners and are also good for wrapping paper: just the thing to put under carpet, on pantry shelves, etc. The finest Invitation Cards in the county, at THE STAR office. _ If yon want agood high grade bicycle ata medium price, buy the Central. If you wanta good medium grade bicycle at a low price. buy the Ben Hur. This is the best time of year to buy a wheel. You can save money by buying now. P. L. LIvENGooOD, Agt., Elk Lick. Pa. CORRESPONDENCE, . Garrett. The scene at Garrett at this time of the vearisone of grandeur. In the east, west, north and south can be seen the moun- tain tops and sides decked with the rose tinted leaves, and all we lack is the artist and poet to bring to light in artistic and poetic form the scenery surrounding our little town. In connection with the above we have a natural curiosity which we wish to eall special attention to, and that is a natural eave which has recently been discovered and explored. Ttis an opening in the side of the mountain, about 2 mi'es west of Garrett, ranging from three to twenty feet in height and from four to ten feet wide. Tt has been explored a distance of about one mile. An exploring party will investigate, soon, and results will be made known later. Nelson Judy who has heen suffering nearly one year with a broken leg, went to Pittsburg West Penn. Hospital, accom- panied by Dr. Pollard. tion was performed on Mr. Judv's leg By last reports he was getting along very well, and we earnestly hope he will be permanently cured in the near future. A very serious accident befell William Sheeler, a young man of this place, last Saturdav. While out hunting, his gun was accidentally discharged, almost sev- ering his right arm close to the shoulder and lodging the contents of the gun in his side. Drs. Pollard and McKinley were summoned and they at once ampu- tated his arm and dressed up his wounds. Hopes are entertained for his recovery. Samuel Critchfield, with his great herb remedies, canvassed our town, last week, one day. He says his remedies perform wonders. We suggest that Mr. Critch- field and the Lobelia man form a co- partnership. Joan P. St. Joun. Oct. 24th; 1893. where an opera Mayers’ Magnetic Catarrh Cure is the only medicine used by vapor inhalation. and is guaranteed by your druggist. Savage. The Brethren are building a new Buchanan wire fence around the grave- vard at the Peck church. It will make a great improvement. As yet but few wild turkeys have been killed this season. H. W. Holiday wlll be ready to begin | sawing, next week, in “Spruce Hollow.” | move to a place n S. Livengood has lost his thoroughbred | fox hound. He mourns his heavy oss) very much. | A. J. Folk is weather-boarding his fish | dam with inch boards. The farmer is packing up to sar Somerfield. He ‘Be durned! it is dangerous to come home at night from work. on ae- count of them thundren big owls.” Oct. 23d, 1893. OLp Aunt KATE. onion says: speech Restored. For five years I suffered with pain and discharge of the throat, hacking cougn. frontal headache, weak eyes, &c., at times; could not talk above a whisper; lost weight continually, and not able to work. I was treated by the best physi- cians in the countv, but received no re- lief. After giving up all hopes Iwas rec- ommended to use a bottle of Mayer's Magnetic Catarrh Cure. After using it for four weeks my speech returned. All symptoms of Catarrh have disappeared and “I feel like a different person.” Mrs. Ernras HANDWERK, Elk Lick, ~omerset Co., Pa. The above is one of the manv testimo- nials we have received this week, and we will publish every two weeks additional persons having been cured by our mar- velous Try a bottle and be cured at once. medicine. Mayers’ Drug Co., Oakland, Md. For sale by Dr. A. F. Speicher. Elk Lick, Pa., also by G. E. Pearce & Co. and A. F. Parker, Frostburg, Md. Reckwood, Rev. Ellis preached his introductory sermon, last Sunday morning a week; it was both interesting and instructive. Irvin Ream’s new dwelling, on Main street, is rapidly being constructed. The Rockwood Cornet Band has added five new and experienced members to its number. The hand now has twenty-one members. A large number of our young folks at- tended Barnun's show, at Johnstown, Friday a week ago. Philip Wolfersherger, of Mt. Pleasant, Pa., was acting the part of proprietor of the Rockwood house during the absence of D. H. Wolfersherger, who was attend- ing the World's Fair, for a few weeks. Our band appeared on the street, last Saturday evening, for the first time for about a month. They gave us the finest music the Band has given to the public since they organized. Their fine, “out of sight.” Stick to it, boys, we are not ashamed to put you up against anything in the county. Oct. 23d, 1893. music was We could not improve the quality if paid double the price. De Witt's Witch Hazel Naive is the best Salve that experi- ence can produce, or that monev can buy. A. F. SPEICHER. Savage. MR. Epitor:—As I did not see any items from this vicinity in your bright and newsy paper for some time, I will at- tempt to report: and should these few lines be so fortunate as to escape the cruel waste basket, I shall then strive to report again. The farmers of this vicinity present harvesting their corn. port a light crop. Harry Holidav has moved his sawmill in “Spruce Hollow.” near Savage, with the intention of cutting timber for Zenas Holiday’s new house and barn, and also to do some custom sawing. Harry is a hustler in spite of these hard Democratic times. Our onion farmer is going to leave this vicinity as soon as he is done harvesting onions aud threshing pepper. He says he is going to a place where the panthers will not eat his cabbage, this winter. Our home physician is doing a boom- ing business at present. He says he has enough calamus roots for this season. Oct. 21st, 1893. Now AND THEN. are at They re- All that honesty, experience and skill can do to produce a perfect pill, has been employed in making De Witt’s Little Ear- ly Risers. The result is a specitic for sick headache, biliousness and constipa- tion. A. F. SPEICHER. Berkley. Mandus Walker, who has heen work- ing in the state of Nebraska, has returned and is staying with his mother, Mrs. Lucinda Walker. . Mrs. John Reil is visiting her danghter at McKeesport. She expects to stay a few weeks. Peter Bear had a shooting match, last Friday. They say gambling was carried on in every conceivable form, contrary to the wishes of Mr. Bear. Ed Spangler, of Rockwood, was here one day last week. He reports times pretty dull in that neck of the woods. C. Bonheimer and Frank Dively took in the Pittsburg exposition, a few days last week. W. W. Shumaker has received a part of his fall and winter goods and has add- ed a five-cent counter to his store. He is selling a big lot of goods from said counter. The minks are playing havoc with some of the hen coops here. Mrs. Peg Miller lost twelve hens in one night. John Holtzhouer is the boss potato farmer in this section. He raised 40 bushels on the Reitz lot, an average of nearly 400 bushels to the acre. Nom DE PLuME. All the talk in the world will not con- vince yoy so quickly as one trial of De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve for scalds, burns, bruises, skin affections and piles. | A. F. SPEICHER. | Not to Be Frightened. | A writer in Blue and Gray says that during the civil war he once attempted, unsuccessfully, a practical joke. Not far from the picket line was an old ceme- tery, the writer, who was then a corporal, had been told laughable stories of thie panic into which some of the men had jately been thrown. A rumor had somehow got abroad that a headless horseman had been seen in the neighborhood after dark. One man, it was reported, had been so frightened as to hire a brave camrade to stand his picket for him. and One night, when the writer was post- ing his relief, a little before midnight, it came into his head to try the story on the man wohm he was to leave alone in the darkness. He told it with as much solem- nity as he could muster, but. the picket was not to be frightened so easily. He was just lighting his pipe and replied be- tween his whiffs: “Well (puff), if there's a man (puff) comes round here (puff) tonight (puff) without a head (puff puff), I'll put a head on him.” The picket was not disturbed, and the writer seems to suspect that this was the origin of an obscure slang phrase. Ignorance of the merits of De Witt’s Little Eealy Risers is a misfortune. These little pills regulate the liver, cure headache, dyspepsia, bad breath, consti pation and biliousness. SPEICHER. Institute. The teachers of Eik Lick township and Salisbury borough met in the West Salis- bury school house, Oct. 7th, 1893, and organized a joint institute. The follow- ing officers were elected for the ensuing year: President—D. H. Bender. Vice President—M. J. Phillips. Secretary—Edith Lichliter. Query Manager—John Henninger. After the program was disposed of, the institute adjourned to meet in the Salis- bury schoo! house, Nov. 4th, 1893, at 10 A. m. PROGRAM FOR NEXT MEETING: Song. Address of welcome—Mr. Phillips. Letter writing and composition work— M. H. Fike and John Hemminger. Essay—Miss Clara Zinn. Recitation—Lizzie Livengood. Song. AFTERNOON SESSION. Song. Patriotism in public Bender. M. S. Maust. Essay—Miss McClintock. Essentials of a good recitation—Mu. Weller, Mr. Blongh and H. McClintock. How to teach writing—A. L. Maust, Mr. Stevannus, Miss Milliron and Miss McKinley. Program queries. schools—Prof. will be interspersed with EpiTH LICHLITER, Secretary. Little vegetable health producers: De Witt’s Little Early Risers cure malarious disorders and regulate the stomach and bowels, which prevents headache and dizziness. A. F. SPEICHER. No Foreign Foolishness, New York Weekly. Stranger (in Far Western restaurant). ‘Is it necessary to tip the waiters here in order to secure proper attention?” Native. ‘Not if yeh got a gun. De Wits Witch Hazel Salve cures piles. . De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cures burns. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cures Sores. De Wits Witch Hazel Salve curves ulcers. A. F. SPEICHER. Met With a Serious Fall. “You are very late this morning, Mr. Baldwin,” said a dry goods merchant re- cently to one of his clerks. “Do not let it happen again.” “Verry sorry,” said the clerk humbly. ‘I met with a serious tall.” “Indeed,” replied the merchant, relent- ing. “‘Are you hurt much?” “Principally, sir, in your estimation,” answered the clerk respectfully. **Oh, never mind that, chant kindly. *‘I am very sorry and had no intention to be severe. We are all liable to accidents. How did you get the fall?” “Well, you see, sir,” said the clerk confidingly, “I was called guite early this morning—earlier in fact, than usual.” “Ah!” **Yes, sir; but somehow or other I fell asleep again.” “Go to your desk, sir, and don’t try that on again,” exclaimed the merchant, with an air of severity which was belied by the twinkle in his eye, which d ted that he enjoyed the joke.—New York Herald. One word describes it—* perfection.” We refer to De Witt’'s Witeh Hazel Salve, cures obstinate sores, burns, skin diseases and is a well known cure for piles. A. F. SPEICHER. A Business Hook. Young Fish—There’s a hook with a nice worm on it. Old Fish—Keep away from that. Young Fish—I’ve stolen lots of worms off of hooks. Old Fish—Yes, but there isn’t any fashion plate reflected in the water this time. That hook belongs to a freckled- faced boy, with a ragged straw hat.— New York Weekly. If you can afford to be annoyed by sick headache and constipation, don’t use De Witt’s Little Early Risers for these little pills will cure them. A. F. SPEICHER. y ® said the mer- 2202020202020202070 HENRY C. BLAIR'S Digestive Tablets ARE A SURE INDIGESTION, ACID STOMACH, HEART-BURN, Ce CURE FOR They contain the Anti-Acid Elements of the popular and old-fashioned Soda nt, with the food-digestive properties of Pure Pepsin, and the fat-emulsi- fying principle of the.P: a combination calculated to promptly relieve the various forms of indigestion and uences. ey are put up in substantial metal cases, of convenient size and shape to carry in the vest pocket, thereby affording a rem- edy always at when Ne wil send package to ow send a an; address on receipt of 25 ary in P. O. stamps. RY THEM. HENRY C. BLAIR, WALNUT ano 8TH STS., PHILADELPHIA, PA. WAGON E Seminole Bitters! A purely vegetable tonic. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ALALALALATALLDAIALATALATALAAL VAY Increases appetite, strengthens action of stom- ache. acts on liver, increases action of kidneys and purifies the blood. A FIRST-CLASS ANTI-BILIOUS REMEDY. One of the best medicines in the world. Try it and save doctor bills. Sold at nearly all stores. Prepared by SEMINOLE BiTTERS CoO. RR. B. Sheppard, Barber and Fair Dresser. All kinds of work in my line done in an ex- pert manner, My hair tonic is the best on earth—keeps the scalp clean and healthy. I respectfully solicit your patronage. John .¥. Livengood, GENERAL BLACKSMITH, SALISBURY, PA. All classes of work turned out in a neat and substantial manner and at reasonable prices. If you are not aware of this, we can soon convince you if you give us your work. FO HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS ARERR SRNR AN iE 3 No Horse will die of CoLic. Bors or Lune FE- VER, if Fontz’s Powders are nsed in time. Foutz’s Powders will cure and prevent Hoe CHOLERA. Fontz’s Powders will prevent GAPEs IN FowLs. Toutz's Powders will increase the anantity of milk and cream twenty per cent.. and make the butter firm and swee Fontz's Powders will enre or prevent almost RVKRY Drsrase to which Horses and Cattle are subject. oUTZ'S POWDERS WILL GIVE SATISFACTION. Sold everywhere. DAVID E. FOUTZ, Proprietor, BALTIMORE, MD. For sale by J. L. Barchus, Elk Lick, Pa. WW. F. Garlitz, Expressman and Drayman, does all kinds of hauling at very low prices. All kinds of freight and express goods delivered to and from the depnt, every day. Satisfaction guaranteed. Beprorp County Marble and Granite Works. Menuments and Tombstones of all kinds. Lowest Prices and Best Work. $F" Write us for ESTIMATES before buying else- where. Ceo. W. Crose & Co., Hyndman, Pa. David Enos, Agt., Elk Lick, Pa. WwW. FEF. EAST, Painterand Grainer House and sign painting and all other work in my line done in a substantial and workmanlike manner. Your patronage solicited and satisfac- tion guaranteed. P.O. Address, ELE row, Elle WE ARE OVERSTOCKED —WITH— Bicycles! We are giving our agents Hztra Induce- ments for cash orders. BEN HUR, $75 and $90. OENTRAL, High Grade, $135. Write for Big Discounts to Agents. Address, Central Cycle Mfg. Co., INDIANAPOLIS, IND. P. L. LIVENGOOD, Agt. at Elk Lick, Pa, J. A. BERKEY, ATTORNEY -AT-LAY SOMERSET, Pa. J.C. LOWRY, ATTORNEY -AT-L.AYKY, SOMERSET, Pa. A.L. G. HAY. C. W. WALKER. ATTORITETYTS-AT-LATN, Somerset, Pa. §&" Office on Union St., opposite Court House. W. H. KOONTZ, ATTORNEY -AT-TLAYNA, Somerset, Pa. R. M. BEACHY VETERINARY STURGECYHT, P. O. address Elk Lick, P a. Treats all curable diseases of horses. Office, 3 miles southwest of Salisbury, Pa. BRUCE LICHTY, PIT TSICIAIN and STURGECOCLY, GRANTSVILLE, MD., offers his professional services to the people of Grantsville and vicinity. §# Residence at the National house. W. POTTER SHAW, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, tenders his professional services to the people of Salisbury and vicinity. FF Office, next door to Dr. Lichty’s office. Sal- isbury, Ps. A. F. SPICICHICIR, Physician And Surgeon, tenders his professional services to the eitizens of Salisbury and vicinity. Office, corner Grant and Union Sts., Salisbury, Penna. LH. M. LICEHTY, Physician And Surgeon. Office first door south of the M. Hay corner, SALISBURY, PA. Dr. D. O. McKINLEY, F oN El 2 17, tenders his professional services to those requir- ing dental treatment. Office on Union St., west of Brethren Church. THE VALLEY HOUSE, H. LOECHEL, Proprietor. Board by the day, week or month, First-class accommodations. Rates reasonable. A fine bar room in connection with a choice’ assortment of liquors. We take pleasure in trying to please our pat- rons, and you will always find THE VALLEY a good, orderly house. West Salisbury House, (SUCCESBOR TO THE: WILLIAMS HOUSE) WEST SALISBURY, PA. (Elk Lick P. 0.) This hotel is large and commodious and isin every way well equipped for the accommodation of the traveling publie. It is situated just a few steps from the depot, which is a great advantage to guests. Board by the day, week or mouth at reasonable rates. .This is a licensed hotel and keeps a fine assortment of pure, choice liquors. I respectfully solicit your patronage and will spare no pains to please my guests. R. L. WALTER, Proprietor. Wahl's Meat Marke is headquarters for everything usually kept in a first-class meat market. The Best of Everything to be had in the meat line always on hand, in- cluding FRESH and SALT MEATS, BOLOGNA and Fresh Fish, in Season. | Come and try my wares. Come and be con- vinced that I handle none but the best of goods. Give me your patronage, and if I don’t treat you square and right, there will be nothing to compel you to continue buying of me. You will find that I will at all times try to please you. COME OI and be convinced that I can do you good and that I am not trying to make a fortune in a day. Thanking the public for a liberal patronage, and soliciting a continuance and increase of the same, I am respectfully, (Cas er Wahl e Reliable men to sell our choice and WANTED, hardy Nursery Stock, and Seed Po- tatoes, full and complete line. Many varieties can only be obtained through us. Commission or salary paid weekly, and promptly. Exclusive and choice of territory given. Don’t delay, write at once for terms. Alien Nursery Co., Rochester, N.Y. Insurance Agency Of Wm. B. COOK, Meyersdale, Penna. Agent for a full line of the best American and Foreign companies, representing over Forty-four Million Dollars of assetts. PROMPT ATTENTION given to set- tlement of claims. W. B. COOK, MF. SMITH, Agent. General Solicitor and Collector. ~~ pe. Vd “ea Used AN li £ Bugo T1 RA 0000000¢ “Ll (Finest 0 THE fon @ ua Vall Money. J Send for Catalogue and Prices. [=~] 0 [—] i i | = ; pepe 1 TH