The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, September 07, 1893, Image 8

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    A mag cone To
@be Somerset County; Star,
| be sure you have a properly drawn agree-
{ ment, and avoid being “roped in."—Lo
P. L. LIVENGOOD, Editor and Publisher. |
Mrs. P. L. LIVENGOOD, Associate Editor.
Don't Forget This.
in the future to catch up to a living price;
so watch him and his work, and then you
will place your orders with the old. re-
Jiable firm of J. B. Williams, Frostburg,
Md., for first-class work.
S. F. WrisoN,
Salesman for J. B. Williams,
II. H. Reitz, three reading notices on
naconing Review.
Tae STAR is not up to its usual stand-
{ ard, this week, owing to the fact that we
. | have been engaged in moving our house
Watch the man that wants to sell you
goods or Marble at 40 per cent. below |
He must have something in view |
hold effects. We are also preparing to
move our office outfit into new quarters,
and it will be several weeks until the task
| of tearing up and moving is completed. |
Tae STAR'S new home will be in Henry |
Loechel’s handsome new business block,
second floor, where we will be pleased to |
| have all our friends call on us and inspect
| the snuggest printing office in Somerset |
4th page H. E. Bucklen & Co., two |
Miller &
Ehm, reading notice on 8th page. Key-
stone Watch Case Co., display ad. on 8th
page. A. .J. White & Son, reading notice
on 8th page.
reading notices on 8th page.
S. C. Loechel is recovering from a se-
vere spell of quinsy.
Sheriff Good was a business visitor in
this city, on Monday.
| week . from a prominent official of that
Russell Hay was on the sick list, this |
week, bat is improving.
| such a move would certainly be speedily
Burgess Welfley, of Somerset, is visit- |
ing his mother, in this city, this week. |
Rev. Enlow and Dr. Bruce Lichty,
hoth of Grantsville, were seen on our
streets today.
Salisbury needs a new name, electric
light. a board of trade and fire protection
just as badly as ever.
Genial Mart Hartzell and his little son,
of Rockwood, made Tor Star a short
but pleasant call, on Wednesday.
There will be Harvest services at the |
St. Paul Reformed church, Sunday next,
at 10 a. m_, condnected by E. S. Hassler,
the new pastor of that charge.
Last Thursday a quartet of our Nim-
rods went out heyond Bittinger, Md., on
a hunting expedition.
Saturday, bringing 68 squirrels with
them, 41 of which were of the grav va-
There is not one empty residence or
I'v it and be convinced.
They returned on |
| Beachy’s hardware store and took three |
| county.
| recovery, but escaped all of the trouble- |
Everything will be equipped in |
fine style and our plant greatly improved
We will then begin to do business in |
“dead earnest” and boom things as they
never were boomed before.
Mr. Samuel Philson, who has been an |
active member of a commitee of Berlin
citizens appointed last vear to throw out
inducements to the Pennsylvania Rail-
road Company to reach out for Berlin
with a branch road, received a letter last
company in which the Berlin people find
much ground for hope. The official
points to the probability that coal opera-
tors will soon begin to develop mineral
resources lying along the foot of the Alle-
cheny mountain in this county and that
followed by a branch of the Pennsylvania
road reaching out for the business that
would then be offered. —Somerset Stand-
La Grippe.
During the prevalence of the Grippe
the past seasons it was a noticeable fact
that those who depended upon Dr. King's |
New Discovery. not onlv had a speedy |
some after effects of the malady. This
remedy seems to have a peculiar power
in effecting rapid cures not only in cases
of La Grippe. but in all Diseases of Throat, |
Chest and Lungs, and has enred cases of |
Asthma and Hay Fever of long standing.
It won't dis- |
appoint. Free Trial Bottles at A. F.
Speicher’s drug store.
nda |
Tm mr |
An Act of Vandalism, |
I.ast night some person or person broke
{one of the large plate glass windows of |
{guns from a rack inside the window. |
business house in Salisbury. which is the |
best kind of evidence that itis a thriving |
metropolis where there are a good many
empty houses.
The people of this community are un-
der obligations to Congressman Hicks.
for the substantial aid he extended to us
in the matter of getting two daily mails
from Meyersdale. Our congressman is
the right man in the right place.
Mr. and Mrs. Letsworth’s little babe
died in Meyersdale, last Sunday, where
its mother had been visiting with her sis-
ter, Mrs. Samuel Gipe. The remains
were brought to Salisbury, on Tuesday,
for burial. Tare STAR extends its sym-
pathy to the bereaved parents.
If Salisbury had electric light, it is not
likely that Beachy’s glass front wonld
have been battered in with a club. Dev-
iltry and darkness are twins. Let us
have electric light. It may make prom-
enading less pleasant for the young folks,
but it will also cause less devilment.
Mr. H. C. White. of Messrs. A. J.
White & Son, tailors and
Chambersburg, Pa., will visit Salisbury
about Sept. 13th. with samples of suit-
ings and overcoatings. Orders filled =at-
isfactory. Prices reasonable.
The contract to put a steam heating
plant into the Salisbury school building,
has been awarded to Mr. Bolden. of Mey-
ersdale, for $575. We believe the Board
did a wise piece of business by deciding
on steam heat. Old-fogy notions have
got to give way to modern improvements.
There will be another mammoth pic-
nic at the Big Spring, on Negro moun-
tain, Saturday, Sept. 16th, It promises
tp be a greater affair than the picnic held
there a few weeks ago, which is saying a
greal deal; but we do not think we are
over-estimating it. Nobody can afford
to miss this picnic, as it will likely be the
Jast as well as the best of the season.
Mr. Hiller will be at Hay’s hotel, Sat-
nrday, Sept. 9th. and Monday, Sept. 11th,
with a complete line of fall and winter
samples, and will take orders for suits
and trowsers. Our prices are lower than
the lowest and we guarantee a perfect
fit. Call and see him, examine his sam-
ples and get his prices.
HiLLER & EnmyM, Merchant Tailors,
Frostburg, Md.
The band boys report a most excellent
time at the big wedding, down at 8. P.
Maust’s, Tuesday evening. They say
they were never better treated in all
their lives. They also report the wed-
ding a very nicely arranged affair and
wish the happy couple a long and pros-
perous life. The contracting parties
were Mr. Daniel Meyers, of near Berlin,
and Mr. Maust’s accomplished daughter
Some few months ago, two men visited
our town, putting lightning rods on dif-
ferent houses with the following terms:
No pay tor one year, and if the parties
who received them did not want to keep
them at the expiration of a year, they
However, we know of a so-called |
| county, has no doubt been one of the
would be taken down without any cost
whatever. And if not taken down, the
sum of $30.00 was to be paid, which in- |
cluded a $500 insurance policy. Shortly
after the departure of our two friends,
the victims of said two, each received a
bill for $54, which they had to pay.
When making a deal of any kind, always
Nothing else is missed, hut the loss as it |
is amounts to about $110. It is plain to
see that whoever did the low-lived deed
had no other object in view than to take
guns, as a heavy cudeel was found out-
side the window, and the same was stick-
ing full of small pieces of glass, showing
at a glance that it was the instrument
used to make the opening. The cudgel
was a large piece of an old wooden sled
sole, which was shaved round at one end,
evidently to enable the user of it to get a
firm grasp on the same.
Nearly everybody in the vicinity heard
the broken glass jingle, and those who
rushed hastily to their windows and doors
saw two men running north, turn west
at the next corner, run down Union street
and disappear in the darkness.
The general opinion is that the deed
was committed by two strangers that
were seen loitering about town during
the afternoon and evening. We hope
the identity of the vagabonds will be dis-
covered and that justice will be dealt out
to them.
Strength and Health,
If vou are not feeling strong and
healthy, try Electric Bitters. If “La
Grippe” has left you weak and weary,
use Electric Bitters. This remedy acts
directly on Liver, Stomach and Kidneys,
cently aiding those organs to perform
their functions. If vou are afflicted with
Sick Headache, vou will find speedv and
permanent relief hy taking Electric Bit-
ters. One trial will convince you that
this is the remedv von need. Large bot-
tles only 50c, at A. F. Speicher’s drug
This is onr first attempt in contribut-
ing a few items for the newsy SOMERSET
Couxty STAR. and should our first issue
escape the cruel waste basket, we may
muster up sufficient courage to continue
the same. It will not be necessary to
describe our already well-known, thrifty
and popular little burg. To those not
familiar with our town, we will simply
say she is a ‘“‘snorter,” and don’t yor for-
get it.
The good, refreshing rain, of late, has
been a God-send to our town as well as
all over the land. The sultriness and
overwhelming heat, so prevalent a week
ago, has subsided, and instead. we have
the pure, unadulterated air. which cannot
be excelled anywhere for its purity, sur-
rounded as we are by the bright glisten-
ing mountains, which can only be ex-
celled for grandeur by the snow-capped
Pikes Peak. And talk about health! I
believe we can proudly say what no oth-
er town in the county dare say, and that
is, that there is not one single case of
sickness in our town at present, to our
knowledge; but of course we have the
same trouble to contend with that Jurks
in every hamlet in our glorious union,
the cause of which can be better con-
jectured than explained—so at least say
the Democrats, while with the Republi-
cans it’s quite different.
The sad accident, last Tuesday, which
caused the death of one of our most hon-
orable and prominent men of Somerset
| with the grief-stricken family.
ready to eat as soon as he came.
known to the family. This was a very
{ hard blow to his wife and ten children,
all of whom were at home butone, A. J.,
who is married and lives not far from
his father’s residence. The entire com-
munity mourns the loss and sympathizes
The B.
& O. R. R. Co. has shown its generosity
by running a special train from Garrett
| to Meyersdale and return, passing the
funeral party gratis.
Mrs. Mans. Baughman met with a very
painful and serious accident, whiie out
| driving, last week, with her husband.
The horse became unmanageable going
down a very steep grade, upsetting the |
vehicle and throwing Mrs. Baughman on |
a barbed wire fence, cutting a deep and
dangerous gash under her right arm and
bruising her otherwise. Our efficient Dr.
Pollard is in attendance.
Mr. K. Kimmel's new house is com-
pleted. It is certainly a verv neat and
suitable building for hotel purposes and
adds a very important feature to our
Our genial mining boss at Casselman
mine. and his wife, will start for the |
World's Fair, today, Sept. 6th.
Talking about hard times—well, don’t
mention it. We ask no whys and where-
fors. It is entirely unnecessary—a plain
case. Our Democratic friends dare not
kick, and the Republicans, who were so
smitten, last fall, will not kick, bnt just
quietly chuckle to themselves and ‘let
her go calico.”
Garrett was well revoresented at the
picnics at Berlin and Pine Hill, last Sat-
urdav. Although a special train was run
from Berlin to Garrett, leaving at 10
o'clock p.
were left and brought in by private con-
veyance, the next day. One young man
in particular, who apparently had imbibed
too freely in the use of ‘‘iced tea,” and
becoming very exhausted after attempt-
ing very faithfully in the “tripping of
the fantastic toe.” took refuge in some
farmer’s two-horse wagon. The farmer
in the dark overlooked this piece of hu-
man freight and journeyed homeward,
while “Hons” imagined himself tucked
away snugly in the Berlin buffet sleeper;
but to his surprise he woke up at half
past nine, the next morning, in a very
rackety looking wagon shed, in New
Baltimore. This looks very suspicions,
“Hons.” BroTHER NYE.
Sept. 6th, 1893.
Don’t Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life
is the truthful, startling title of a little book that
tells all abont No-to-bae, the wonderful, harmless
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure. The cost is
trifling and the man who wants to quit and can’t
runs no physical or financial risk in using “No-
to-hac.” Sold by all druggists.
Book at Drug Stores or by mail free. Address
The Sterling Remedy Co., Indiana Mineral
Springs, Ind.
WHILE shaking a red flag in front of
the French bull, by his visit to Loraine,
Emperor William makes speeches de-
claring his intention to maintain peace.
His greatest liking for peace probably
arises from the hope that he will some
dav be able to aggravate France into
breaking it.
Tre cholera threw up the sponge and
left Jersey City as soon as it learned that
it would have to compete with *‘Jersey
lightning” for victims.
“UxNcLE SAM'S” last balance sheet seems
‘to indicate that he has heen sending his
family to the World's Fair. He spent
during July and August about $17,000,
000 more than his income during the same
DEADLY poisons are often prescribed
by physicians, in limited quantities, but
only after being thoroughly convinced
that the patient's svstem can stand it.
Are the financial doctors convinced that
our svstem can stand copious doses of
State Bank currency ?
When the I3anks All Bust.
Say, pards, wa'n't it just bully to hear them fel-
lers shout,
'At McKinley were a robber an’ to turn the ras-
cals out!
How them spoutin’ chaps orated an’ talked about
cheap clothes,
How they mopped the perspiration as it trickled
down their nose!
But they were only foolin’ then—jes’ talkin’ fer
the dust—
And we uns do the sweatin’
Hello, Jim Smith! youn mind ye how they told
us 'at tin plates
Couldn’t never be made, nohow, in these ere
United States?
Ye do? then let me ax ye what ails that crowd
0’ men
Goin’ yonder? Eh! gone trampin’, tiil the works
start up again?
How'd they vote? for Grover, did they? took the
Democrats on trust!
Wal, I wonder how they like em
A few
minutes later the sad news was made
m., it appears that some few |
TT ral)
druggists at $ {.00 per package.
| abit.
offercd for sule.
TABLETS and take no other.
Manufactured only by
or Oo, -
resent! Double Chloride of Gold Tablets
Will completely destroy the desire for TOBACCO in from 3 tod days. Perfectly harm -
less; cause no sickness, and may be given ina cup of teaor coffee without the knowl-
edge of the patient, who will voluntarily stop smoking or chewingin a few days.
can be cured at home, and with-
DRUNKENNESS and MORPHINE HABIT 67% cy eiGee” on the part ‘or
the patient, by the use of our SPECIAL FORMULA G2LD CURE TABLETS.
During treatment patients are allowed the free use of liquer or Mor-
phine until such time as they shall voluntarily give them up.
We send particulars and pamphlet of testimonials tree, and shall
be glud to place sufferers from any of these habits in cornmunica-
tion with persons who have been cured by the use of our TABLETS.
TABLETS are for sale by all FIRST-CLASS
your druggist does not keep them, enclose us $1,000
and we will send you, by return mail, a package of our
Write your name and address plainly, and state
whether Tablets are for Toltucco, Morphine or
DO NOT BE DECEIVED into purchasing
any of the various nostrui:s thot tire being
Ask for HHIT.L’S
and invite the most
careful investigation as to our responsibil-
ity and the merits of our Tablets.
{from persons
who have keen
cured by the use of
Hilts Tablets.
DEAR SIR:—I have been using your
cur: for tobaceo hatit, and found it would
du what vou claim for it. I used ten cents
worth of the strongest chewing tobacco 2 day,
and {rem one to five cigars; «r I would smoke
cco. Have chewed
and smoked for twenty-five ye wind two packages [BR
of your Tablets cured me so IL have no desire for it.
B.M.JAYLOKD, Leslie, Mich.
DosBs FenryY, N. Y. 1.
THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO.:—GENTLEMEN (—Some time ago I sent iy
for $1.00 worth of your Tablets for Tobacco Hubit. I received §
them allright and, although 1 was bot ha heavy smokerand chewer,
they did the work in less than three days. 1am cured.
¥ Truly yours, MATHEW JOHNSON, I. O. Box 45.
THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO.:—GENTLEMEN :—It gives me pleasure to speak a gs
word of praise for your Tablets. My son wus Strongly addicted to the use of
liquor, and through a friend. I was led to try your Tablets. He was a heavy and 5
constant drinker, but after using your Tablets but three days he quit drinking,
and will not touch liquor of any kind. Ihave Tait x oy wonth before writing
y i pr know the cure was permanent. ours truly, on
Jousin order 10 ! MAS. HELEN MORRISON.
THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO: —CENTLEMEN :—Your Tablets have performed a miracle in my case. lin
1 have used 1norphine, hypodermicaily, for seven years, and have been cured by the use of
two packages of your Tablets, and without any effort on my part.
Address all Orders to
51, 33 and 53 Opera Bloek. LIMA, QKID.
=: - wo of J) Y
is an arbitrary word used to designate the
only bow (ring) which cannot be pulled off
the watch.
The bow has a groove
on each end. A collar
runs down insidé the
pendant (stem) and
ts into the grooves,
firmly locking the
‘Established in 1880.
Fisher's Book Store, Somerset, Pa.
WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT: This large and heav-
ily stocked establishment is now fully stocked and ready for
the Fall and Winter trade.
The Wholesale department sells to 90 town and country merchants in this and ad-
joining counties and states. The attention of merchants and others in the Elk Lick and Meyers-
dale coal regions is called to our stock, and their orders and the orders of others solicited.
Blank Books, Letter, Legal Cap, Foolscap and Box Paper, Envelopes. Inks, Pens, Pencils, Mucil-
age, Pen Holders, Slates, Tablets, Justice's Blanks, School Books, School Supplies and everything
usually sold at a well organized and well stocked stationery store, at best wholesale prices. The
retail trade is solicited for such goods as your home merchants do not supply. Mail orders prompt-
ly attended to. CHAS. H. FISHER.
bow to the pend s
ws v so that it cannot be
ol Ex pulled or twisted off.
It positively prevents the loss of the
watch by theft, and avoids injury to it from
Jas. Boss Filled or other watch
cases bearing this trade mark—
All watch dealers sell them without extra cost.
Ask your jeweler for pamphlet, or send to
the manufacturers.
KeystoneWatch Case Co.,
Scientific American
For information and free Handbock write to
Oldest bureau for securing patents in America.
Every patent taken out by us is brought before
the public by a notice given free of charge in the
yy @ ° fi °
Scientific American
Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the
world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent
man should be without it. Weekly, £3.00 a
year; $1.50 six months. Address MUNN & CO.,
PUBLISHERS, 361 Broadway, New York City.
GrrAT Guns! Carter Harrison wants
to go to the U. S. Senate; and he has a
Chicago way of getting what he wants.
Look out for him.
What S
Slang is no good. remarked the book
agent, and a man is clean off his base
when he monkeys with it.
As to how? enquired the hotel clerk.
Well, this is how, continued the book
agent. Two weeks ago I went into Bos-
ton with a traveler from Chicago who
couldn’t speak ten words of English pure
and undefiled. At the railroad station
he tackled a hack driver.
Say. hackie, what's the damage to take
me to Parker’s.
No damage at all, sir, replied the hack-
man, with a Harvard accent.
Quite sure, sir, if you go with me.
Then I'll go with you, and he piled in
and I took a street car.
At Parker's the driver opened the door
politely and handed him out.
Are you all right, sir? he enquired.
You bet I am. Never was finer.
Had a pleasant drive?
Bang up.
Arrived here in good condition?
A 1, thanks, and he started into the
hotel. :
Two dollars, please, said the driver,
detaining him.
I thought you said there was no dam-
age, he said in surprise.
There wasn’t, sir. Haven't you just
ang Cost.
Thar's Sandy Scott! Say, Sandy! what makes | said that everything was all »ight and
yer look so glum?
Eh! ain't got no bread an’ butter fer the little
ones ter hum?
y 5 a
Why, I reckoned you was savin’—had money in
the bank!
saddest and most shocking that this town
has ever experienced. Mr. S. J. McKen- |
zie left his home in the morning, in the |
vigor of health, to perform his duties at |
the Casselman coal mines, where he was |
employed as check-weighman. On his|
| the local freight train and instantly killed. |
vas run over by |
return home at noon he
The family had dinner prepared and were |
Can’t get it? Shet up? Busted? Wal, who ye
goin’ to thank?
You voted for a change—why, durn yer eyes,
you was the fust!
An’ now ye got it, ain’t ye,
you were in excellent condition?
Yes, but—
I understand perfectly, sir, interrupted
| the driver. If you had asked the fare I
| should have informed you, but you did
[ not. I presumed that was quite imma-
terial to you so long as yon weré deliver-
led at your destination safely and without
| damage.
| The slangy man didn’t discuss the
point. He handed over the $2, and has
since been more careful of his lingo.—
THEY HAVE GOT to 60! 5, Seco.
HARD TIMES, HIGH PRICES and BIG PROFITS can’t exist in this town, be-
canse I have got the goods and make the prices that save people money. Have you
of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps. Furnishing Goods, Notions, etc?
Give me a call and see my line of Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Fine Shoes, Ox-
ford Ties and Slippers, also a nice line of Men's, Boys’ and Children’s Straw Hats.
Many thanks for past favors. I remain your friend,
C. T. Hay’s Block, Salisbury, Pa.
‘o the World's Fair!
The only consideration is that yon buy your goods at L. Morrell's Mammoth Furniture rooms,
where you will find a well selected stock of all kinds of Furniture, Carpet Sweepers, Window
Shades, Wall Paper and border of all descriptions, Queensware, Glassware and everything per
taining to a first-class Furniture and House Furnishing store. All Furniture Home made and
guaranteed No. 1. You will also find one of the grandest, best and most complete stock of
Organs, Pianos and Sewing Machines
to be found in the state. The Chicago Cottage Organ 1s FINE, taking the lead wherever known.
Get no other. The Gabler and Schubert Pianos are just GRaAND—what everybody wants to make
a happy home. ,
The New Home and the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines stand at the head of the list—the
best in the world. Get no other. All goods sold CHEAP FOR CASH Or On easy payments.
Now, remember. on all the above goods you get Rock BoTTOM cash prices, and every dollar's
worth bought and paid for, before Sept. 1st, 1893, entitles you to one red ticket, and 2566 red tick-
ets entitle the holder to one first-class round-trip ticket to the World's Fair, free of charge. Tick-
ets are all transferable, and the lucky holder draws the prize. Do not miss the opportunity of a
lifetime, but come and go with us.
Get your tickets of
Mai n Office, M eyersdale, Pa. Large branch stores at 63 Balto. St.,
Cumberland, Md., and
Masonic Temple, Altoona, Pa.
i D A veep Chickens Strong
and healthy ; it gets your pullets to lay-
Se ing early; it is worth its weight in gold
= when hens moult ; it prevents all disease,
: Cholera, Roup, Diarrhcea, Leg-weakness,
£ It is a powertul food digestive.
giLarge cans are most economical to buy.
ly oreo ea
Rm S L A
Therefore, no matter what kind of feed
you use, mix with it daily Sheridan’s
Powder. Otherwise, your profit this
fall and winter will be lost when the
) H price for eggs is very high. It assures
perfect assimilation of the food elements
needed to produce health and form eggs.
1t is absolutely pure; highly concentrated; therefore used in sm :
In quantity it costs less than one-tenth cent a day per hen. * One oh doses oe Sina one Dorthes i
vent roup this winter ” gays a customer. Sold by druggists, grocers and feed dealers. fu ‘other ever made like it.
If You Can’t Get it Near Home, Send to Us. Ask First.
We send postpaid one pack for 25¢.; Five 81. One large 0: Qi
the best poultry paper published,” scant free. I. S. JOHNBON 5 Cor, S55, oxproms Pod. table copy of
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