IVE SE ————— § } WE Cuarantee | To show you the most com- plete stock of Men's Boys’ and Children’s Clothing in Somer- set county. 7 to travel quite a distance to have such an elegant assort- ment from which to make your selections. “Nobby Patterns in Children’s Suits; elegant line of Men's pants. Miller & Collins, Meyersdale, Pa. WHEELER And WILSON NEW HIGH ARM Duplex Sewing Machine. Sews either Chain or Lock stitch. The lightest running, most durable and most popu- lar machine in the world. Send For Catalogue. Best Goods. Best Terms. Agents Wanted. Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Don't Forget This. Watch the man that wants to sell yon goods or Marble at 40 per cent. below price. He must have something in view in the future to catch up to a living price: so watch him and his work, and then you | will place vour orders with the old. re- liable firm of J. B. Williams, Frostburg, Md., for first-class work. S. F. WiLsoN, Salesman for J. B. Williams, Read This. Don’t Spend Your Money Foolishiy. Buy your Monuments and Tombstones from the man that does his own work, and not from the man that sits in Lis of- fice and has to pay large wages and pay his agents fifty dollars a month to sell his work. pay for all that. from Geo. W. Grose & Co. Geo. W. Grose &Co., Hyndman, Pa. David Enos, Agt., Elk Lick, Pa. LOCAL IND GENERAL. The Hyndman Bulletin’s Spring Poem. Robbery. On Tuesday night several thefts were Pe committed about town, as follows: A The flowers that bloom in the spring, tra-la! Have nothing to do with the earth. They bloom in the milliner’s shop, tra-la! And cost fifty times what they're worth. The Star’s Spring Poem. The weather's quite inviting, For ‘tis the month of May, And the speckled trout are biting In the cool streams every day: The violet's peeping from the sod: The sweetheart’s at the gate: One liar’s got a fishing rod— Another's digging bait. | John Fresh makes a first-class police- | L. C. Boyer has moved into the Sam- | uel Glottelty house. Mike Lowry was visiting friends in Somerset, last week. We call attention to the new B. & O. to Davenport, Neb.. to take a look at the country. The Samuel Glotfelty sale was largely attended, Tuesday, and goods bronght A goodly number of onr German Bap- tist friends will attend the big annual meeting at Muncie, Ind. puts it. sheriff sale at 2,100 feet.” (Chas. Wegman, of Grantsville. is spok- en of as a Republican candidate for Sher- iff of Garrett county, Md. Jacob Humbert, the contractor who constructed Sand Patch tunnel, died May 5th. in Cumberland, Md. A K. Geist, who used to ran a meat market in this town, is here this week renewing old acquaintance. What is the matter with the Berlin Record? It hasn't putin an appearance at this office for two weeks. A number of young folks had a select ball. in the Opera house, last Friday eve- ning. * A nice time is reported. Will M, Platt, of the Meversdale Reg- ister force, made THE STAR .a fraternal call last Saturday morning. Call again. And still Tae STAR continues to grind out thousands of candidates’ cards. Or- ders come in from all parts of the county. Mrs. Geo. Robison has heen granted a pension. This is what we like to hear, as Mrs. Robison deserves it. Her hus- band was a brave soldier. On Ascension dav the streams, as us- nual, were lined with fishermen. F. S. Enos caught 29 trout, which we believe was the largest catch made this season. E. L. Shoemaker. the alleged rapist, is now safely behind the bars at Somerset, as is also Rev. Robt. Singer. who was arrested last week on a similar charge. Harry S. Kifer, the popular voung clerk in Fisher's book store, Somerset, is to be married today to Miss Emma E. Hoyle, of the same town. THE STAR extends its congratulations. Israel Welfley. of near Confluence, is visiting friends and relatives in Salisbury and vicinity, this week. He is said to be some 80 years old, but is quite hale and ca ity and the merits of our Tablets. Dy Ge. {RFMEMBER "5 AIG fe Show 1] investigation us to our responsibil- gold watch belonging to Mrs. D. I. Hay, also some other articles of jewelry, were stolen from E. McDowell's jewelry shop. the desire for TOBACCO in from 3 tob days. Perfectly harm- nd may be given in cup of tea or coffee without the knowl- destro icknes less; cit : | Double Chloride of Gold Tablets Several scientific instruments were stolen from Dr. Lichty's office, and from Mrs. S. C. Keim’s stable a lot of feed was man. | time card, which appears in this issue. | Arch Livengood, of Milford, has gone | good prices. | | | This is the way the Hyndman Bulletin | “The Elk Lick Oil Co. struck a | the patient, by the use of our SPECIAL be glad to place sufferers from any of 1 1A druggists at § 1.00 per package. Liquor H any of the various nostrums thot are be offered for sale. TABLETS and take no otlicr. Manufactured only by CHIO CHEMICAL CC, 51,53 & 65 Opera Block, LIMA, OHIO. FREE. | i | NT edge of he patient, Su will voluntarily stop smoking or chewing in a few days. DRUNKENNESS and MORPHINE HATIT oon dey arti on the puss or, During treatinent patients are allowed the phine until such time as they shall volmia We send particulars and pamphlet of tion with persons who huve been cured Ly X 'S TABLETS are for sale Ly f your druggist does not keep them. enclose us § 1.00 and we will send you, by return mul, a package ol our Tablets. Write your name and address plainly, and state whether lets are for Totucco, Morphine or pO NOT BE DECEIVED into purchasing Ask for EHILIC’S THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO :—GENTLEMDN :— Your Tablets have performed a miracle in m 1 have used morphine, hypodermicaliy, fur seven years, an@ two packages of your Tablets, and without any effort on wy part. £1 THT OHIO CHE EE hCSrONSIBLE S WAN '2.A GOLD CURE TABLETS. use cf Liquor or Mor- ve tuner up. ixls free, and shall FCRMI A FEW Testimonials g from persons who have been cured by the use of Hill's Tablets. Tre Oaro Cuenican Co.: DEAR SIR: —J have been using your cure for tobaceo harit, and found it would KE do what you claim tor it. 1 used ten cents ol worth of the strongest chewing tobacco a day, and trom one to flve cigars; er I would snioke Fak from ten 10 forty pipes of tobacco. Have chewed and smoked for twenty-five yeurs, nd two puckages of your Tablets cured me so I have no desire for it. . B.M.JAYLOKD, Leslie, Mich. DoBBS FEURY, N. Y. THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO.:—GENTLEMEN :—Some time ago [ sent for $1.00 worth of your Tablets for Tobacco Hubit. 1 received them all right and, although 1 was both a heavy smoker and chewer, they did the work in Jess than three days. Iam cured. 3 Truly yours, MATHEW JOHNSON, P. O. Box 45. ko P PITTSBURGH, PA. ! i 4 THE OHIO CHEMICAL Co.:—GENTLEMEN :—It gives me pleasure to speak a # word of praise for your Tablets. My son was strongly addicted to the use of liquor, and through a friend, I was led 10 try your Tablets. He wus n heavy and constant drinker, but after using your ‘Tablets but three days he quit Grinking, and will not touch liquor of any kind. 1 have waited johny wonth before writing i e know the cure was perinancut. ours truly, Fou, im oer 0 : MRS, HELEN MORRISON. CINCINNATI, O cfour TABLETS. FILST-CLASS ing 7 ave been cured by the W. L. LOTEGAY. Address all Orders to MICAL GO., A TEL: oR 7 AE rtd 51, 53 and 55 Guera Block, LIMA, OHIO, “R i : wT To i a ia a cu SI would fill 3 what it usually publistes book as large as a barn door. Master Geo. Livengood had his nose broken, the other day, while playing ball. He was accidentally struck with a bat in the hands of one of his playmates. A| little daughter of Samuel Glover, of near | Somerfield, was killed, recently, bv being | | hit with a bat while watching a game of | | ball. The ball bat is a deadly weapon. | The Somerset Standard last week con- | tained an excellent portrait and write-up of District Attorney J. A. Berkey. A great deal was said to his credit, but not a bit too much. Mr. Berkey is a man of fine ability and most excellent qualities. He is deservedly popular and is one of the best officers in his present capacity that Somerset county ever had. on Monday morning for Scott City, Kan. months. Mr. Livengood will the mercantile business of Geo. W. Liv- engood, at that place, while George and his family take a trip to the World's Fair and pay a visit to the old home in Salis- bury. the change. Give yom cash orders to yonr home business men and we warrant the asser- and save vour freight and hauling. There is a vast difference in ordering. Suppose von step into a home grocery stare and give vour order for your month's J. D. Livengood and family left here | They will remain there for about three | conduct | We hope both tamilies will enjoy | tion they will duplicate any city order | You are the one that has to | Don’t forget this. Buy | They do their own work and will save you money. | active, nevertheless. snpply and pay cash forthe same, as you Jacoh J. Beals. father of Irven Beals. | do to your city merchant; don’t you be- the band teacher, was buried last week | lieve vou will do as well? in Hyndman. Mr. Beals died at Bissell, | note the result. —Ex. Pa . where he had been living with J. H. The Reformed church of this vlace re- Harkness. his son-in-law. cently took a vote on dividing this charge, Onr Grantsville correspondent is a| which is made up of four congregations. hustler for news. His communications | After a bitter contest the Divisionists are so interesting and newsy that the| won, but many of the members are sore | Oakland Republican frequently reprints | 1y dissatisfied, claiming that not a fair representation of the church voted on the | them, giving due credit for the same. Gilbert, of Somerset, question. We are informed that here Ex-Policeman | has been arrested on two charges, viz: | after Salisbury and St. Paul will con- | | Furnishing liguor to a man of known in- stitute one charge and Grantsville and | temperate habits and wilfully permitting New Germany another. {a prisoner to escape just prior to the last | Candidates will find it greatly to their list for trial at next in THE STAR. week's session of court is unusually large | way believe in having the party patrorn- and court will probably be in session all | age divided equally among all the Repub- week. There is no The criminal There are an extra large number | lican papers of the county. | I of serious charges 10 be investigated. — | good reason why one or two printers | g g y Somerset Democrat. | should have all of the announcements to ‘There is another hoy at Ross Lichty’s. | Publish and receive about three prices for snch service, as has always been the He arrived. safe and sound, last Tuesday | morning, and receivell a hearty welcome. | He, is weight. | Mother and babe are doing splendidly.— | gdition of the Pittsburg Post, signed by | Carleton (Neb.) Reporter. Levi Lichliter, of Salisbury, says that the | A Yorkshire vicar once received the | writer will not visit the World's Fair un- | following notice regarding a marriage | less the railroad companies reduce the {from a parish house: “This is to give | fair to and from Chicago to correspond you notis that T and Miss Jemina Ara- | with the rates that were given during | bella Brearly is comin’ to your church the centennial exposition. Mr. Lichliter | on Saturday afternoon nex, to undergo | believes that unless the railroads make the operation of matrimony at your hands. this reduction the Fair will be a finan- | Please be promp, as the cab is hired hy | cial failure.—Somerset Herald. | the hour. | case in this county. of regulation size and A letter published in the Sunday | An exchange tells the story of a boy | Squire Phinney, an old-time character | who was sent to market with a sack of | at Pawtucket, R. I. was a man who be- | roasting ears, and after lingering around | lievea in giving credit where it was due. | town all day, came home without selling | He used to raise the most luscions pears | them. When his mother asked him why [in his neighborhood and send them to i he had not sold the corn, he said that no I the local exhibition, placarded: ‘Raised one had asked him what was in the sack. | by God Almighty on the premises of | There are many. merchants like that boy. | Squire Phinney.” | They buy a stock of goods and never let | A few of our correspondents have athe public know that they have them or | tendency ty delve into personal matter | that they wish to dispose of them. | We do not care for any items of that | | kind and will leave ont all such items as | he an entertainment in | we have reason to believe would create Saturday evening, May 20th, there will the Salisbury strife and enmity. Don’t indulge i eY- : >: | y on’t indulze in per | miles to attend. Bent. Wilson, the sonalities, unless public sentiment or self- protection demands it. . : : : ; pear in a long list of interesting readings. Where is the new passenger service | He comes well recommended by a host that the Commercial said was to go into | of college professors county superintend- | effect on the Salisbury branch, on Mon- | ents and teachers from all over the coun dav? We still have the same old service, | try. which is a little worse than none at all. | Wilson, for he will be sure to please you. What the Commercial doesn’t know about ' See bills. By all means turn out and hear Mr. Try it and | term of court. interest to have their names announced | Tune Republicans over this | opera house that will be worth going | charming Indiana elocutionist, will ap- | A professor, who used to teach fhe) spond sign it as a guarantee of good grandfathers of the present generation | faith. Second, the communication re- of students, objected to the nronuncia- | ferred to is of such a personal nature tion of “wound” as if it were spelled | that it should not appear in print. Third, “woond,” and his students used to hunt | it was not written by our regular corre- for chances to make him explain his ob- | spondent, who signs his name Uncle jections. One day he stopped a student | Joe,” hence the signature was forgery. who was reading to the class, and said: We call attention this week to the po: “How do you pronounce that word?” |litical announcements of Adam Fogle, “Woond, sir.” The professor looked | for County Commissioner, and Elias Cun- ugly and replied: “I have never foond | ningham, for Prothonotary, whose cards any groond for giving it that soond. Go appear in this issue of THE STAR. Mr. on” Fogle is by all odds the most competent Jonas J. Beachy. a prominent farmer | candidate in the field for Commissioner. of Garrett county, Md., spent a half-hour | He is a stone mason‘ and brick layer by at THE STAR office, last Saturday. Mr. |trade, and in that line is quite generally Beachy is a man of strong character and | known throughout all western Pennsyl- the possessor of an active mind. Al- | vania. The tax payers of Somerset coun- though having had but little opportunity | ty certainly can not fail to see the im- in his time to secure an education, he | portance of having a good stone mason has. nevertheless, amassed a great deal in the board of “Commissioners, for with of practical and useful knowledge, and | a man of that kind in the Commissioner’s is. in a general way. a well-read man. office, no contractor could do shoddy He is a good conversationalist and a man work on bridge abutments without being whose society is enjoyed by all who come | detected. Besides that, Mr. Fogle is a man of good, practical business ideas, as The Herald has changed front on the well as an honorable, conscientious and County Superintendent fight. The day upright citizen. We know of no man in | after the convention it announced the lhe county that would make a better | election of Prof. J. M. Berkey hy a vote Commissioner. And Mr. Cunningham— | 0f 94 to 93 for Prof. Pritts, giving as its well, he is just one of the best men in | authority the tally kept by by its editor. the county for Prothonotary. He is in- Last week it gave the result as 95 for teliigent, accommodating and honest. | Berkey to 93 for Pritts on the same au- [hority. Tralv, a wonderful tally. Such 1 5 oy i Vt tears "HE BrST SALVE in the world for Cuts a self : sti 1 ccommodating tall : | a : uljasting and seo 7 atingta ly Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever | shoud he patented. It might come in| g,res Tetter. Chapped ands, Chilblains, handy on the night of June 24th next.— | Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi: Somerset Democrat. tively curds Piles. or no pay required. | Hn ohD _ | It is gnaranteed to give perfect satisfac- Dr. RT. Pollard, of Garrett, was in| jon, or money refunded. Price 25 cents town last Saturday, accompanied by a|per box. For sale by A. F. Speicher. friend from Armstrong county. Many | druggist. of our readers will remember the young Englishman. known as Richard Pollard, who spent his early school days in Salis- bury. This same Richard is now Dr. Pollard. a competent physician and sur- | in contact with him. | Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, New Advertisements, A. F. Speicher. reading notice on 4th Mayers’ Drug Co.; two reading notices on 4th page. H. E. Bucklen & Co.. two reading notices on 8th page. i Miller & Collins, display ad on 8th page. | where he is gaining a good practice. He 'D. J. Engle. administrator's notice on has a host of friends here, and all woe | 41h page. Sundry citizens of Elk Lick glad to see him. He first came here with- | township, trespass notice on 41h page. | out money. education or friends, but now ! page. | | | eon. who recendly located at Garrett. | | he has all of these. It Should Be in Every House, The Commercial thinks Salishury needs J. B. Wilson. 871 Clay St, Sharpshore, stolen. ing was also entered. learned of anything being stolen there. The cellar of the M. Hay build- but we haven't It looks as though the thefts were com- mitted by persons somewhat acquainted £2 | about the premises, and suspicion points i | strongly to certain persons as the burg- lars. be convicted and brought to justice. In the meantime, be on the lookout for fur- ther depredations. We hope the guilty persons will Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men- tion. sing the same song of praise.—A purer All who have used Electric Bitters medicine does not exist and it is guaran- teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impure blood.—-Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers.—For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters—Entire satisfaction | gnaranteed, or money refunded.—Price 50 cts. and $1.00 per bottle Speicher’s drug store. at A 0B. Hvery buggy sold by agents Las sc dollars added to the manufacturer's | wis We are manufacturers, aud hae ao agents. For twenty ycars have decit wilt the consumer. We ship anywhere, with privilege of examining before buying. We ay freight charges both ways, if 1i0t su - isfactory. Warrant everytinug for two Anyone who can write cn ordera buggy or harness from us as wcll as pay from $10 to $50 for some middie mai to order it for them. We give no credit, and have one price only. Why do you pay two profits on your carriages and harness? Why do you pay som: one $10 to $50 for ordering these thinzs, when yon can do it aud save this mouci? You ran no risk, We let you see tlic goods before you ac- cept them. We pay al the ireight if we fil to suit. Over rwenty 3 5 sommenced to si lim this way, a vor he in business vow if we had not suited. 64 page catalogue free. Address CHART CARDTAGE & HARNESS ITC CG Elkhart, indiana. WE WANT YOU to act as our agent. We furnish an expensive outfit and all you need free. It costs nothing to try the business, We will treat you well, and help you to earn ten times ordinary wages. Both sexes of all ages can live at home and vork in spare time, or all the time. Any one any where can earn a great deal of monev. Many have made Two Hundred Dollars a Month. No class of people in the world are making so much money without capital as those at work for us. Business pleasant, strictly honorable, and pays better than ny other offered to agents. You have a clear aeld, with no competition. We equip you with everything, and supply printed directions for beginners which, if obeyed faithfully, will bring more money than will any other business. Im. prove your prospects! Why not? You can do so easily ‘and surely at work for us. Reasonable industry only necessary for absolute success. Pamphlet circular giving every particular is sent free to all. Delay not in sending for it. GEORGE STINSON & CO. Box No. 488, Portland, Me. POV VV IVIVIVIVV VV VIVVVVVVVYN POPPPVPIPIPVIPVPVIOIVPIvVIVVIVIY y Going to Buy A Dictionary? CET THE BEST, Webster’sInternational. A Choice Gift ." "." "7 °C A Grand Family Educator -.’ A Library in Itself -." "°° The Standard Authority -. PO VN | | : | one in Meyversdale. and adds that the peo- ) Iption : | : Whe. rind 10 oi b I soughs and Colds, that it enred his wif { ; TG Nar re = : A ; ple down there would be glad to give all | wy, was threatened with Pneumonia »f | necessary information. How kind! This | rer an attack of “La Grippe.” when vari- town had a cow insurance companv be- | ous other remedies and several physicians 5 » her 3. ; Ra . fore such a thing was ever dreamed of had done her no good tohert Barber, . al 1 . of Cooksport, Pa... elaims Dr. Toveredale : 3 : fn Meversdaie. but as COWS | Now Discovery has done him more oood were killed. the company was dissolved | than anvthine he ever used for Lung A company of that | Trouble. Nothing like it. Trvit. Free Trial Bottles at A. F. Soeicher's drug store. Laree bottles, 50c. and $1.00 : a cow insurance company similar to the | Pn. savs be will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, very few bv mutnal consent. | kind might be a good thing here, in the long run, but there ave enough intelligent | people here to get it up without asking | for any pointers from Meyersdale. Memorial Day. All are cordially invited to join in the Memorial day exercises in | The several councils of the Jr. O. U. May 30th. All the secret societies and A. M. of Fayette, Greene, Washington | and Somerset counties and a portion of Allegheny county will hold their annual meeting at Uniontown, on the morning of July 4. A parade will take place in the afternoon in which it is estimated that 10.000 members of the order will | and it is requested that all places of bus- { | i Ex The Uniontown council of | iness be closed on that day ont of respect for those of the nation’s defenders who have passed away. Every year the ranks | of the old veterans grow smaller—every year there are more graves to be covered with flowers—and it will not he a great while until every soldier of the great re- bellion will have nassed to the great be- yond, to that great camping ground where the clash of sabres and the boom of cannon and musketry are unheard. We owe much to the brave men who wore the blue, and as their graves be This week we received a communica- | come more numerous, loving hands to tion from Savage, signed ‘Uncle Joe.” | decorate them with flowers should also have | become more numerous. We would like the order has already began making prep- arations for the meeting and have the ar- rangements well in hand. The town will | be beautifully decorated and organiza- | tions from a distance will be given a roy- al welcome by the warm-hearted citizens of Uniontown. It will be a grand affair. —Register. which we can not publish. We several reasons for not publishing it. First. the writer did not give his real | grander style each vear. Therefore, let name. which in all cases should be given, evervbody turn ont. for it is a duty we owe to our noble dead. Let the remain- | even if an assumed name 1s to be pub- | lished in the place of the writer's real | ing old veterans especially turn out and name. Every communication from a | march in a body to the graves of their correspondent should contain the writer's | departed comrades. | real name, whether the name is to be| Bills will be out in a few days contain- published or not. We should have this | ing further announcements and particu- | for our own protection and the writer | lars. King's | Salisbury, | Sunday schools will turn out in a body, | to see this memorable day celebrated in | ALAA LALLALASLELLLLLHLLELEOS PPOOPPOPICIPIIVPIIIVIIIVvVIVIIPY | AAO LLAELEAS ods POCIOPIPPIVIPIVIPPIOPPIYIIPIIPITIIPIIIEE SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. The International is a new book from cover to cover, fully abreast of the times, and is the successor of the authentic $ “Unabridged.” Ten years were spent in revising, 100 edicors employed and over $300,000 expended before the first copy was printed. a Do not buy reprints of obsolete and $ comparatively worthless editions. 4 Send for free pamphlet containing $ specimen pages and full particulars. b G. & C. MERRIAM CO., Publishers, 4 | SPRINGFIELD, MASS, U. S. A. 4 | OODLES VOPPIPVPIPIPPIIIPIIVIPIIVIIOVRE PPPPIPPVOPOOPIIPIVIIPIIIPIVPIIIIPIIPIITIYIV FIVE VY & p p b oid 4 | | | Pl bldllddddlddddtddddldddd N000000000000000000600000600600600 POVPVVPY oe Small 8 1 se DEWITT S oo Cure Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Bilicous- 1ess, Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Dizziness. Easy to L Prompt in Action Take. | Clear the Complexion from Pimples, | Blotches and Sallo viress,. Cure every form of Headache. Amn Excellent After Dinner Pill. | Prevent EA R LY | Nausea. These Little Pills have the most pers | fectaction and pleasant effect of any pill ever made. Soid by Druggists, ox sent by mail for 25 cents. | The Best B Flees | “#111 on Kk S B= rR S Reliuble | Earth. : 2 Safi y SOY Safe. €.C. DE Y.. I & (Q., Chicago, I}. Do not Gripe. —— or m——— a 17 for tic ish ce: pre va are ture gies V Ho: Wa bru and fou traq inel load wi