The Somerset County star. (Salisbury [i.e. Elk Lick], Pa.) 1891-1929, May 11, 1893, Image 4

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f E
be Somerset Gounty Star.
P. L. LIVENGOOD, Editor and Publisher.
Mrs, P. L. LIVENGOOD, Associate Editor.
Entered at the postoffice at Elk Lick, Pa., as
mail matter of the Second =lass.
THE STAR is published every Thursday.
Lick, Pa., at the following rates:
One copy one Year .....
One copy six months. ....
One copy threc months...
One copy one month .... . aie {aii
Single COPIeST. <i... ..0i.L.. ou viata
at Eik
HOW TO REMIT.—Remit by postoffice
money order, registered letter, or bank draft.
Otherwise Tee will be at sender's risk.
Never send your personal check, if your resi-
dence is far away from here. Make all drafts.
orders, ete., payable to P. L. Livengood.
ADVERTISING. — Transient Local No-
TICES, 10 cents a line for first insertion; 5 cents
a line for each additional insertion. To regular
advertisers, 5 cents a line straight, except when
inserted among local news or editorial matter.
No business locals will be mixed in with local
news or editorial matter for less than 10 cents a
line for each and every insertion.
Epvrroriar Purrs, when requested, invariably
10 cents per line.
MArriaGE AND Data NoTicEs, (except such
mention as the editor sees fit to make as a matter
of news. concerning such events) 5 cents per line.
CARDS oF THANKS will be published free for
patrons of this paper, but non-patrons will be
charged 10 cents a line.
ResoLUTIONS OF REsPECT will be published for
h cents a line.
made known on application.
No free advertising will be given to anything
of a money-making character. Nothing will be
advertised gratis in this paper, except free lec-
tures, free sermons and all such things as are
free to the public.
All advertisements will be run and charged for
until ordered discontinued.
No advertisement will be taken for less than,
25 cents.
JOB PRINTINC.— Tne Star office has
first-class job] printing equipments, turns out all
its work in the best style of the art and at very
reasonable prices. THE Star does all kinds of
commercial work, poster and bill printing. and
in fact nearly every kind ef printing belonging
to the art. All job orders, whether by mail or
otherwise, receive prompt attention.
B. & 0. B. RB. TIME TABLE.
Until further notice passenger trains will be
due at Meyersdaie, as follows:
No. 9—Pittsburg Express....... -
No. 63—Accommodation..
No. 11—Aecommodation..
.2:59 a. m.
..9:20 a. m.
...0:07 p.m.
5:22 p.m.
No. 5—Fast Mail.. aire
No. 6—Fast Mail ..... ..... tes me 3A. mM.
No. 12—Accommodation. ............ 12:02 p. m,
No. 64—Accommodation..... .. .. ....6:01 p. m.
No..10—N. Y. Express...... .....,..... 1:06 8. m.
Buv your Farm Wagons, Grain Drills,
Hay Rakes, Mowers and Binders of 1. T.
Shipley. : tf.
Get your blotters at THE STAR office, We keep
the best.
Buy vour Fertilizers of J. T. Shinley.
Mourning Paper and Envelopes for sale at
THE STAR office,
J. T. Shipley just Forever in carload
of Buggies. af
Old papers for sale at this office at 25 cents a
hundred or five cents per dozen. They make
good wrapping paper, also good cartridge paper
for the miners. They are also good to put under
carpet, on pantry shelves, ete.
A full stock of the Best Drugs at Speich-
er’s Pharmacy. AU fresh. tf
The finest Invitation Cards in the connty, at
Tne Star office.
Speicher handles the bestJewel-
The Blanks We Keep.
TrE STAR keeps constantly on hand all kinds
of blanks, such as Notes, Receipts, Probate
Blanks, Criminal Warrants, Summons Blanks,
Notices of Claims Due, Subpoenas, Commitments,
Bonds, Mortgages, Deeds. Leases. etc., ete. All
these goods are put up in neal and convenient
form and sold dirt cheap. Call and inspect our
stock when in need of such goods.
Final Arrangements for the Sale of Tickets
via the B. & 0. R. R.
For the benefit of those desiring to attend the
World's Fair, the Baltimore & Ohio railroad will
sell excursion tickets to Chicago and return, at
all stations on its line, at low rates. Tickets will
be on sale until November 1st, and will be valid
for retnrn journey until November 15th, 1893.
They provide for a reduction of 20 per cent. be-
iow regular rates. These tickets will be valid
oaly for continuous journey. Tickets at higher
rates will be sold that will permit holders to stop
over at Baltimore, Washington, or any other
point, going and returning.
Besides the opportunity of visiting Washing-
ton, & privilege afforded by no other route, tour
ists via the Baltimore & Ohio railroad will tra-
verse the historic Potomac Valley, the theatre of
the war between the states. At Cumberland they
will be offered a choice of routes, via Pittsburg, or
across the Allegheny mountains, 3000 feet above
the level of the sea, and via Deer Park and Oak-
land, the famous summer resorts, The scenery
along the Baltimore & Ohio route is the most
picturesque in America. Pullman accommoda-
tions may be reserved in advance of journey. |
For rates and information, apply to nearest B.
& O. ticket Agent, or Chas. 0. Scull, General Pas- |
senger Agent, Baltimore, Md. 5-25
Cabinet Photo. Envelopes for sale at THE STAR
office—just the thing yon want to send pictures
away in.
The finest Correspondence Stationery in town,
for Ladies, can always be found at THE Star of-
fice. We have some goods in this line that ean’t
be excelled. Call and see,
| correspondent,
{in i855. He
225 Dearborn Street, Chicago, Il. i
Where will you stop when you come |
to the Fair? We offer you first class ac- |
commodations at from 50 cents to $1.50 |
a person, two persons in a room. |
Rooms in select guaranteed private |
homes our specialty. Avoid rattle-trap |
hotels with danger, cheapness and incon- |
venience, |
Our rooms are near the Fair Ground. |
They are secured to us hy lease and can- |
not fail us.
We have the highest references.
Send for prospectus, then you
know all. Address P. L. LIVENGOOD. |
Acrt., Ex Lick, Pa
You can make the
with us.
best arrangements |
Classes and Spectacles at Speich-
er’'s pharmacy.
Fancy Visiting Cards, of many kinds, for sale
at THe STAR office.
Have you examined Speicher’s new lot
of 25-cent Books? tf
Don’t get your Wedding Cards until you see
our samples. Over 100 styles to select from, at
THE STAR office,
Chestnut Springs.
The farmers are harrowing and sowing
“for all thats out.” Emanuel J.
Stevannus was working three teams to-
day. Beat that, you who claim to be
J. W. Folk & Miller are making at-
tempts to cut up V. W. Bender's timber.
S. L. Maust & Co. have purchased a
new McSherry grain drill. A big blow
and noise is made about it, but I think
the wind is blowing in the right direction.
It is the best drill ever brought into this
country. :
Jonas Boyd says that your Savage cor-
respondent gives him more of a racket
than necessary, and talks of putting a
handful of bones in W. Js face and
knocking enough meat off of his head to
feed a hound. Then W. J. will think
the governor belt broke and the steam
chest bursted. Boyd says this fun will
end in a bad kind of a style.
Jerry Shoemaker did not get any foxes.
the other Sunday, but it is said that he
was out after them. Jerry is out of that
fool notion which he had in his head
about the §200.
Mrs. @ J. Stevannus slaughtered a pet
‘coon, taking a hatchet and bursting the
animal’s head. He died instantly. The
‘coon had gotten into the bad business of
killing chickens. Mrs. Stevannus savs
his coonship could not talk for himself.
which is a facet, but nevertheless he had
to pay the penalty of his crime.
May 8th. 1893. Joux Tap.
Do hess Questions Apply to You?
They are sure to interest hundreds of
readers of this paper. Nine ont of every
ten people are troubled with tliese symp-
toms, and really don’t know what's the
matter with them. Here are the ques-
tions: :
Are you nervous?
Have you a cough?
Is your throat sore?
Is your appetite poor?
Do von hawk and spit?
Do you take cold easily ?
Is vour nose stopped up?
Is it always full of scabs?
Is vour breath offensive?
Is your hearing affected?
Is vour tongue frequently coated?
Is your month full of slime upon ris-
ing? :
If yon have. vou have, or are getting.
a bad case of Catarrh. One hottle of
Mayers Magnetic Catarrh Cure is guar-
anteed to cure any case of Catarrh, and
will last for a three. months’ treatment.
Ask vour druggist, who will give you an
absolute guarantee. For sale by drug-
gists. Remember one hottle to cure,
and guaranteed by onr agents. For sale
by A. F. Speicher. Elk Lick, Pa., also
by G. E. Pearce & Co. and A. F. Parker,
Frostburg, Md.
"Shady Side, Md.
H. C. Shaw, of West Salisbury, passed
through this burg on Sundav.
Harry E. Maus made F. J. Folk a short
visit on Sunday.
Mike Durst, the Shady Side hook agent,
He is talking of
hiring J. P. Mil’er for book-keeper.
Wm. Smouse, of Grantsville, was bur-
ied last Saturday. May he rest in peace.
Ally, the shoemaker, has lots of work.
Mrs. Joel Kinsinger is on the mend.
is doing a big business.
| Hope she will soon be able to get ont,
May 8th, 1893. Par.
In almost every neighborhood through-
out the west there or more
persons whose lives have been saved hy
Chamberlain’s Colie, Cholera and Diar-
rhoea Remedy, or who have been eured
of chironie diarrhoea by it.
take especial pleasure in recommending
the remedy to others. The praise that
follows its introduction and use makes it
very popular. 25 and 50-cent bottles for
sale by A. F. Speicher, Elk
Lick, Pa.
is some one
Such persons
Weather very pleasant.
Farmers are very
their spring work.
Our buckwheat farmer
plowed, ready ,to sow. and now
tackled the laurel scrub. There are not
many in this vicinity who would have
busily engaged at
has one field
i undertaken to plow land as rough as that
is, but Christner is built for that kind of
grouud. Rip her through, Norman.
A. J. Folk, one of the leading farmers
of this place, has made a good many im-
provements on his farm in the past three
years. We think the time will come
when he will be one of the most
pendent farmers in the county.
“Harry Columbus,” the new Savage
got so cheap
go to trading watches, which he followed
will | would have
ness or break up. He
conclusion that t
ley in grafting
was born on Spunk Hill,
with his father
until he was 21 years old. He then mar-
ried and went to house-keeping on a lit-
tle farm in this vicinity. He
crops of potatoes on his farm and then
went into the butchering business. After
following that business for about three
years, sheep became plenty and mutton
that he thought he would
raised two
until he
saw that he
some other busi-
then came to the
here might be some mon-
frait which a
a short time
to go
tion he followed two seasons without
success. He thenstarted a broom factory
and made hickory brooms, which he sold
for 25 cents apiece. He followed broom-
making until he became able to buy a set
of shoemaker tools, then he followed that
trade a year or two. Next he traded his
shoemaker tools for a law book, and for
the past three years he has been studying
law. He now obligates himself to bandle
any case that comes before him. The
prospects are that Juke and W. A. will
handle Livengood's fish case at May
Norman Christner better look a leedlp
oud,” for Jonas Boyd is going to throw a
handful of bones at his head.
May 8th, 1893. UNcLE JOE.
A. F. Speicher, the druggist, gesires
us to publish the following testimony, as
he handles the remedy and believes it to
be reliable:
I bought a 50-cent bottle of Chamber-
lain’s Pain Balm and applied it tomy
limbs, which have heen afflicted with
rheumatism, at intervals, for one year.
At thre time I bought the Pain Balm I
was unable to walk. I can truthfully
say that Pain Balm has completely cured
me. R. H. Farr, Holywood, Kan. Mr
A. B. Cox. the leading druggist at Holy-
wood. vouches for the truth of the abuve
Mt. . Nebo, Md.
We look for better weather for the first
on the list.
Daniel Kinsinger
house, last Mondav.
D. and M. Kinsinger are now about to
run their new machines, which they re-
ceived some time ago.
A hail storm passed over Mt.
moved into his new
last Monday, which ruined some fruit
We are sorry to state that Mrs. Joel
Kinsinger is very ill yet.
Mav 1st, 1893.
Some of the Grand Army boys may be
interested in the following, from Alex.
B. Pope, A. D. C.. Commander Dep't.
Tenn. and Ga. Ie says: “We have had
an epidemic of whooping cough here
(Stewart, Tenn.) and Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy has been the only medi-
cine that has ie any goad.” There
is no danger from whooping cough, when
It complete
and 50-cent
Speicher, drug
this remedy is freely given.
ly controls the disease. 235
bottles for sale by A. F.
gist, Elk Lick, Pa.
To the People of Pennsylvania:
It has been determined to create a Co-
lumbian Liberty Bell to be placed by the
lovers of liberty and peace in the most
appropriate place in the coming World's
Exhibition at Chicago.
Then it will go to Bunker Hill or Lib-
erty Island, to the battlefield of New
Orleans (1812), to San Francisco, to the
place where any great patriotic celebra-
tion is being held, until 1900. when it
will go, if permitted, first to Jerusalem,
then it will be sent to the next World's
Exhibition, which takes place at Paris,
France. There it will.continue until that
Exhibition closes. After the close of the
Exhibition this bell will pass from place
to place throughout the world as a mis-
sionary of freedom.
When not in use in other places, it will
return to Washington. Washington will
be its home, and from there it will jour:
ney from place to plage, fulfilling its mis-
sion throughout the world.
The following is the proposed
the bell:
set; at nine o'clock in the morning on the
anniversaries of the days on which great
events have occurred marking the world’s
progress toward liberty; at twelve o'clock
on the birthdays of the “creators of liber-
ty;” and at four o'clock it will 10ll on
the anniversaries of their death. By this
means the bell will keep continually in
the minds of those within reach of its
the memories of the men aud
who have led in the work for
liberty and peace, and the anniversaries
of the greav events resylting from their
The responsibility of its production
and the direction of its use have been
placed in the nands of a committee of
women representing each State and Ter-
ritory, one representative from each Re-
public of the world, and a representative
from the patriotic societies—Daughters
and Sons of the American Revolution,
the Lyceum League of America, the So-
ciety of German Patriots, the Human
Freedom League and kindred organiza-
The responsibility of representing Penn-
sylvania upon the General Committee
has been placed npon me, and this circu-
lar is sent to every Church, School, So-
ciety, Company or representative citizen,
asking for his or her personal co-opera-
tion. in making the undertaking success-
ful. In creating the bell itis particular-
ly desired that the largest number of per-
sons possible shall have a part init. For
this reason small contributions from many
persons are to be asked for, rather than
large contributions from a few. They
are to be of two kinds:
First. Material that can be made a
part of the bell; articles of historic inter-
use of
It shall ring at sunrise and sun-
| est will be particularly appreciated—gold,
silver, bronze, copper,
be fused:
tin and nickel can
“It is not to be builded—this bell that we plan—
Of common ore dug from the breast of the land,
But of metal first moulded by skill of all arts;
Built of the treasures of fond human hearts.”
Second. Of money with which to pay
for the pell. In order that the bell shall |
be cast June 8th, we ask everyone read- |
I ing this io act at once.
Superb Dining C Car Service
1852 - 1892.
As long a time as David reigned, so long has
the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway run
trains westward from Chicago.
The Rock Island is foremost in adopting any
advantage calculated to improve speed and give
that luxury, safety and comfort that popular
Jatronage demands. Its equipment is thorough-
y complete with vestibu'ed traing, magnificent
dining cars, sleepers and chair coaches, all the
most elegant, and of recently improved patterns.
Faithful and capable management and polite,
honest service from employes are important
items. They are a double Aon the Com-
pany and to travelers—and it is sometimes a
task difficult of accomplishment. Passengers on
this line will find little cause for complaint on
that ground.
The importance of this Line can be better un-
derstood if a short lesson in geography be now
What is the great Eastern termini of the Rock
Island Route?--Chicago. hat other sub-East-
ern termini has it¥—Peoria. To what important
pe oints does it run trains to the Northwest?—St.
aul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Water-
town and Sioux Falls, Dakota. To what impor-
tant Towa and Nebraska points?—Des Moines,
Davenport, Towa; Omaha and Lincoln, Nebras-
ka. Does it touch other Missouri River points?—
Yes; St. Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth and
Kansas City. Does it run trains to the Foothills
of the Rocky Mountains?—Yes; to Denver, Colo-
rado Springs and Pueblo, solid vestibuled from
Can important cities of Kansas be
ock Island Route?—Yes; its
capital city, Tokepa, and a full hundred others
in all directions in the State, and it is the only
road running to and into the new lands opened
for settlement in the Cheyenne and Arapahoe
It will thus be seen that a line tapping, asthe
Rock Island does. such a varied territory, has
much in that regard to commend it to travelers,
as all connections are sure on the Rock Island,
and passengers can rely on a speedy Journey, as
over a bulk of the system through trains are run,
and it has become, and rightly too, the popular
very popular train on the Chicago, Rock
Ising & Pacific Railway leaves Shienge, daily,
at 10 p. m. It is called *“I'HE ve,” is only
one day out, and passengers TY at Denver,
Pueblo or Colorado Springs early the rhrnbbi
The Hock Island has become a popular Colo-
rado Line, and the train above referred to is Ves-
tibuled, and carries the Rock Island’s excellent
Dining ‘Car Service.
For full particulars as to tickets, maps, rates,
apply to any coupon ticket office in the United
States, Canada or Mexico, or address.
Genl. Tkt. & Pass. Agt., Chicago, Ill
E. ST. JOHN, Genl. Manager, Chicago, Ill.
To canvas for the sale of
AGENTS WANTEL var Home- Crown
Nursery Sto N w Profit Sharing
Te 195k and expenses
5 13 Nur-
WITH (0 The Geneva
1 sery, Geneva, N.Y.
Establi hed 1846. One of the Largest,
Oldest HAA and Best Known Nurseries
in the United States.
RR. B. Sheppard,
Barber and Hair Dresser.
All kinds of work in my line done in an ex-
pert manner.
My hair tonic is the best on earth—keeps the
scalp clean and healthy.
I respectfully solicit your patronage.
Insurance Agency Of
Wm. B. COOK,
Meyersdale, Penna.
Agent for a full line of the best American
and Foreign companies, representing over
Forty-four Million Dollars of assets.
PROMPT ATTENTION given to sel-
tlement of claims. W. B. COOK,
“M.P. SMITH, Agent.
General Solicitor and Collector.
In forwarding material to be melted in
to the bell, piease =end fullest historical
description. This will be entered care.
full in a book which will accompany the
bell wherever it goes.
Contributions heen re
ceived, or have been promised. of historic
mementoes near to the memory of Wash
ington, Jefferson, Franklin, Hamilton,
Lincoln and other great names in connec
tion American
have already
having historical treasures too sacred to
be sent as a whole, ean send us a small
filing. In illustration, we have applied
to the Regents of Mount Vernon for the
smallest filing from the kev of the Bas-
tile. which General
Lafayette to General Washington,
was presented by
We feel assured of the immediate and
cordial co-operation of every citizen of
Pennsylvania, young and old; for this
bell will ring out for everything that our
civilization represents—@God, Liberty, Hu-
manity and Right. reverence for and
gratitude to the men and women who
founded this Nation, and for the highest
hopes, aspirations and opportunities, for
mankind and for womankind.
As the motto has not yet been decided
upon, any ideas on this subject will be
gratefully received; we will also welcome
suggestions of events to be celebrated
and names to be commemorated.
Contributions of money should be sent
to the Liberty National Bank, corner
Liberty and West streets, New York, and
a duplicate letter written, as a notifica-
tion of the same, to
Very cordially yours,
Miss Minnie F. M1cKLEY,
Mickleys, Pa.
Contributions otf material should be
packed in packages not to exceed ten
poands in weight and marked :——
For Columbian Liberty Bell. Troy, NEw YoORrg.
Deliver to any of the following express
companies, when they will be transported
by their coartesy, free.
American Express Company.
United States Bape Company.
Wells, Fargo & Co.’s Express
iE |
Adams Express Company. |
5 Bargains, Bargains!
Cheap Holiday Goods Left Over.
See them and you will want them and you will buy them. Ladies’ and Misses’ Fur Muffs I an:
selling very cheap; also Misses’ and Children’s Alaskas, Men's Winter Caps, Lumbermen’s Outfiis.
Elegant Dress Goods, Fine Flannels and Woollens. Cold-weather dry goods
All Domestics at ‘“‘low-water-mark” figures.
now is the time to buy.
omy there is in trading with
Geo. K. Walker, Salisbury, Pa.
To the oria s rair
The only consideration is that you buy your goods at L. Morrell's Mammoth Furniture rooms,
where you will find a well selected stock of all kinds of Furniture, Carpet Sweepers, Window
Shades, Wall Paper and border of all descriptions, Queensware, Glassware and everything per
taining to a first-class Furniture and House Furnishing Store. All Furniture Home made and
guaranteed No. 1. You will also find one of the grandest, best and most complete stock of
Organs, Pianos and Sewing Machines
to be found in the state.
Get no other.
a happy home.
The New Home and the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines stand at the head of the list—the
best in the world. Get no other. All goods sold CHEAP FOR CASH Or On easy payments.
Now, remember, on all the above goods you get ROCK BOTTOM cash prices, and every dollar's
worth bought and paid for, before Sept. 1st, 1893, entitles you to one red ticket, and 256 red tick-
ets entitie the holder to one first-class round-trip ticket to the World's Fair, free of charge. Tick-
ets are all transferable, and the lucky holder draws the prize. Do not miss the opportunity of a
lifetime, but come and go with us.
Get your tickets of
Main Office, Meyersdale, Pa. Large branch stores at 63 Balto. 8t., ;
umberiand, Md., and
Masonic Temple, Altoona. Pa.
ELKHART soe Susie
SHR No. 119 Road Wagon.
Ia Americas 9 &
The Chicago Coftage Organ 18 FINE, taking the lead wherever known.
The Gabler and Schubert Pianos are Just 6RAND—what everybody wants to make
ii t $i0to
order {orto rons pa dL
‘We take all the risk of damage in shipping,
A se
as soll fergie 130. Top Bu,
at 875. nd at WJ
A RRA Wagons, Delivery Wa,
FEY ‘Nets.
ind D-.50 illus-
Saga $8 to X20: Baunic Rug
to ate Saddles and
3 per cent. off for cash with «der.
trated Catal gue t ges
Almost runs its self
dnd Jt cuts closcly in HIGH, Tovar, aoass)
cooler £ C STEARNS & Co RASUSE |
‘Jeeuais urwaen ised LIZ "ON
suinG) (e10))f § edkinyeg)
“00 ® NVINHOG "M "4 °F
. HAND -MADE pyoze<s aun pewiveRy
Bakers, Butchers,
Bottlers, Carpenters,
Grocers and Everybody.
Inter Nos Manufacturing Company,
—Manufacturers Of—
Pine, Hemlock and Qak
Painterand Girainer
House and sign painting and all other work in
my line done in a substantial and workmanlike
manner. Your patronage solicited and satisfae-
tion guaranteed,
P.O. Address, ET. LICE, PA.
W. F. Garlitz,
Expressman and Drayman,
does all kinds of hanling at very low prices. All
kinds of freight and express goods delivered to
and from the depot, ev ery day. Satisfaction
guaranteed. :
Having purchased the Beachy tract of
timber, adjoining the borough of Salis-
bury.. we are especially well prepared to
furnish first-class Chestnut Fencing Posts,
John .J, Livengood,
{ which we will sell at very reasonable
| Bill Lumber a a Specialty.
All classes of work turned out in a neat and
tantial manner.and at reasonable prices. 1f
€ not aware of this, we
Can soon convince
you give us your work.
Prices within the reach of all, and
Come in and learn what pleasure, satisfaction and econ-