RIL 16. ). Golden tary. said, Even » stand for y—all well lings with re summed ple or sin- en under atient and ly (i., 23; e to face ling with Some be- eplying to s sight of ! his own fore Him 8.” So it but it is and con- le to God. vent up to ., 10-14) it p so much e upon his lL to me, & ouse justi= anked God jen, ltis 1as to our oy the free rough His which He I what He inderstand hey do not could un- e to know oubt there ympathiza nderstood. king unto om t bes anythin, * will 2 t strength ften bring everythin, sees oe Our eyes avenly eye ee clearly. | inasmuch b had Him t we allow orad them promise of is pleading 1, however ring to re- ‘may have 7: Jer. iii, ht dispute d from my just what he uttered now—that 1s person iors god, sinners, Re hn vi,, 37), sness, wis- n, and we in Him (L our friend, ho died in .v have in 17. He is not ot perceive ride in the ptly heeded ympelled to she found Him, but I o, hut He Mauy a y “out of fel- mething or d to come imself. He s fellowship ver walk in e doth work ideth Him- cannot see t verse ara e is another k with Him ot know why say to us as est not now, Aud it will ing” Sonat we ill we know Cor. xii1., 9, that I take.” woth.” Jere- ord, knowest sus taught us “Your Heav- + 32). There- uld not if I h God than [ shall come ould also say, il I trust 1a , Isaigb, Be elivere¥; “J ., 2). —Lessos Armenia. ‘menia is be- Constant ar- 1 in private tween 1,800 in Turkish cement that neral pardon re humbug. f "the Nor- y inerchant, lar who was or of his utes. Mexican Dorestic Animals. The ancient Mexican knew nothing of the use of beasts of burden. The llama was wild and seemingly undesirable for domestic purposes. From the bison, sheep and goat they derive little or no benefit. The dog bas always been a favored animal with the Mexicans, and has been used as a beast of burden to carry their tents and draw their baggage, as among the savage Comanehes of North America. In the days before Cortes and his conquering hosts invaded the Aztec Kingdom the natives kept only the small, dumb dog, which they fattened for the table. The Spaniards introduced horned cattle and horses, which subse- quently roamed wild, aud to this day vast herds and droves occupy the plains of Jalisco, Durango, Zicatecas and Chibuahua.— St. Louis Republic, Not a Failure. ‘Jobnny Gibbs is a youthful philos- opher. He believes that life would be simplified if people would be con- tert to do one thing at a time. The other day Johnny was hard at work with paper and pencil. His mother looked over his shoulder. “Why, Johnny,” she exclaimed, “your spelling is perfectly dreadful Look at that—'siting in a chare.’ I'm ashamed of you!” “But, mamma,” said the little boy, reassuringly, “this isn’t a spelling lesson. It’s a composition.” WHAT becomes ol the money won at pocer? Somebody always wins around a table. It must te loaned to the fellows who lose, and is never paid back. A Complete Newspaper For One Tene. The Pittsburgh Chaonide Telegraph is sold by all News Agents and delivered by Carriers everywhere, for One ent a copy or Nix Centz a week. It contains daily, the news of.the world, receiving as it does, the reports of both the ARsociated Press and the Un ited Press, No other paper which sells for One Cent receives both of these reports. Its Sporting, Financial, Fashion, and Household Departments are un- equal Order it from your News Agent. ~ ¥ Mr, Simeon Staples Four Physicians Failed A Running Sore Five Years Hood's Sarsaparilla Perfectly Cured * Taunton, Mass., Jan, 9, 1893. % C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. * I was troubled with a running sore on my ankle, the doctors pronouncing it salt-rheum, For 5 years (during which time I employed 4 different physicians), I received very little, if any, benefit, and it continued to increase in size. Ithen commenced taking Hood's Sarsa- HOOD’S Sarsaparitla CURES parilla, and using Hood's Olive Ointment, and 1 at the end of 2 years I was completely cured, and have had no trouble with it since.” SiMEON STAPLES, East Taunton, Mass. Hood’s Pills cure liver ills, sick headache, jaun dice, indigestion. Try a box. 25 cents. PNU 25 ‘03 Unlike the Dutch Process No Alkalies Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of W. BAKER & €0.’S BreakfastCocoa which {is absolutely pure and soluble. i Xt has morethan threetimes 2d the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowrcot or 4 ugar, and is far more €co- nomical, eosting less than one cent a cup. It is Zelieions, nourishing, and EASILY DIGES' "Sod by Grocers everywhere. W.BAKER & C0., Dorchester, Mass, This Trade Mark Is on the best WATERPROOF COAT brates in the World! Free. A J TOWER, BOSTON. MASS. OPIU CURES RISING BREAST ET EE DR OST TREES 6 y 59 is the greatest MOTHER S FRIEND blessing ever offered child-bearing woman. I have been a mid-wife for many years, and gh each case where ‘‘Mother’s Friend’’ had been used it has accomplished wonders and relieved much suffering. It is the best remedy for rising of the breast known, and worth the price for that alon Mes. M. M. BRUSTER, Montgomery, , Ala. Sent by express, charges prepaid, on receipt of price, $1.50 per r bottle. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Sold by all druggists. ATLANTA, GA Tlustrated wtal it Cured in 10 % hime Hai y till cu red. BR.J.8TEFHENS, Labanon,Ohio. LATER NEWS WAIFS, LEGISLATIVE. The Ninth General Assembly of Colorado adjourned sine die. The assembly was neither strictly Republican, Democratic nor | Populist, but was a mixture of these politi- cal creeds, the members of which seemed to change their belief whenever the in- fluence was sufficient. They enacted no laws of special benefit to the people, except one giving aid to educational institutions of the State, and possibly one or two others, They generally fought and defeated all bills regulating corporations, pawnbrokers and insurance companies, and in these matters open charges of tribery bave been made against many members, none off which have ever been cenied, All appropriation bills were passed readily. With the excep- tion of the notorious Seventh, the last Assembly goes on record as the cheapest and most - useless in ihe history of the State, The Nebraska senate adopted a resolution impeaching ex-Attorney General Leese for misdemeanor in office. Leese was attorney for four years, and is now a leader of the Populists. W. A. MacDonald, leader of the opposi- tion party in the Manitoba Legislature, ‘was unseated by the courts, for bribery during the late election. a a WASHINGTON. By the direction of Secretary Carlisle the regulations of the Treasury department in relation to the registration of Chinese labor- ers'were to-day modified, dispensing with the attaching of photos to applications of Chipese laborers (or Chinese persons other than laborers) for ‘certificate of residence under the act of May 12, 1892, and render- ing the atiidavit of only one creditable wit- ness of good character to the fact of the residence and lawful status of the applicant within the United States. The Treasury Department is informed that £500,000 in go'd was taken Saturday for export to Europe from the sub-Treasury at New York. During the week the gain in gold has been neariy $1,00).0J0, ‘The usual proclamation prohibiting the in Alaska or in Berinz Sea in the season of 1893, was promulgated by President Cleve land on Saturday. ee FINANCIAL. The Northwestern State Bank, of Sibley, Ia, closed its doors. Parties representing the creditors state that the liabilities are fully $150,000. and that the assets will not axceed $75,000, lied DISASTERS, ACCIDENTS AND FATALITIES At Fall River, Mass., Frank Davis, of Someset, and John Schofield, of Providence who were in the habit of sleeping aboard their yatch, lying in the harbor, were found dead, having been asphyxiated by coal gus. and Leon Styles, were burned to death in the calaboose. They had been arrested for drunkeness late in the evening, and it is supposed they fired the building in order to attract attention and gain their liberty, but relief came too late. ; rn FIRES, y The business portionof the town of Pataha, Wash., was destroyed by fire. Loss $40,000; insurance $25,000, Fire broke out at Sistersville, W. Va.. de- stroying a long trestie of the Ohio River railroad. The loss is about £3,000. Tr ee CRIMES AND PENA L/PIES. Andrew Campbell, a well-known farmer of Bangor, Mich., shot aud Killed his di- vorced wife on Sunday and took his own life. The couple bad been living in the same house and became involved in a quar- vel. Ata German setilement, three miles southeast of Fairbury, Ill., A. Burkhardt seized the 16-month-old child of Mrs. Wing- er, his sister and held it on a red-hot stove. The child cannot recover. Citizens may lynch Burkhardt. Celi CAPITAL AND LABOR. The employes of the Carnegie Steel Com. pany at Homestead (Pa.) received an unus- ually heavy pay on Saturday. About $110,- 000 was divided among the men. AN ANTI-PINKERTON LAw.—The Wiscon- gin Assembly passed an anti-Pinkerton bill providing that the amployment of bodies of armed men to act as militia men, policemen orpeace officers who are not duly authorized or empowered to act in such capacity under the laws of the state, is prohibited and de clared to be unlawful, and no person, firm, company or corporation shall use or employ any such body of armed men for the pro- tection of person or property, or for the suppression of strikes. ee FOREIGN. A severe earthquake was felt in many parts of Servia on Sunday. The village of Veliki Popovitch was tumbled into ruins and several inhabitants were killed. Deaths in wrecked houses are reported from other villages in the kingdom. } MISCELLANEOUS. A magnificent Mormon temple which has been forty yearsin building was dedica- ted at Salt Lake City. Utah, Thursday, The structure is 1864 feet long and 99 feet wide and cost more than $50,000,000, With gran- ite walls ranging from 9 feet thick fat the bottom to 6 feet thick at thesquare the building promises unusual permanency. THE U .8. SENATE ON STRIKES. The Rights of Laborers to be Pro- tected. In the Senate at Washington, Mr. Voor- hees, Democrat, of Indiana, offered a preamble and resolution on the subject of the recent decisions of the United States Judges at Toledo,as tothe refusal of railroad employes to perform service. It instructs the Interstate Commence Committee to in- quire into the question and report to the Senate what action may be necessary, either by the repeal of the tenth section of the Interstate Commerce act of February 4, 1887, or by the enactment of additional leg- islation, for the better protection of the la- patural and inalienable rights and for their greater security from the encroachment of corporation power. The resolution was or- dered printei and was referred to the Committees on Ine erstate Commerce. taking of seals or other fur-bearing animals . At Stanberry, Mo., two men, Lee Newell boring people of the United States in their ; Is It ‘Coal Oil” The ‘‘average man” (and you will find him everywhere in the proportion of about ninety-nine to one) speaks of pe- troleum—refined—as ¢‘coal oil.” This is done primarily because of the general impression that the oil comes from coal, and that coal is of vegetable origin. Geologists and scientists in general, how- ever, take a different view of the matter. To them the oil is a relic of past geo- logical ages, as well as of animals that lived when the earth was young. Inre- ferring to the genesis of ‘‘coal oil” they never think of 1t except as an animal oil. They argue that the great upheavals and downfalls of the ear*h’s crust, which re- sulted in burying bilhouns of tons of vegetable matter, which subsequeatly turned to coal, also covered millions of gigantic animals with hundreds and thousands of feet of sediment, This” sedimentary deposit, in the ages which have clapsed since old nature was racked with those roci-rending convulsions which geologists ars so fond of telling us about, have turned into great strata of sandstone, limestone, etc., the oil com- pressed from the great aggregation of snimal remains settling 1a basins, to be tapped by the ingenious well-sinkers of the last half of the Nineteenth Century. Thus even past ages are made to contrie bute to the welfare and comfort of pres- ent generations.—St. Louis Republic. A duchess now often dresses no petter than her lady’s-maid. A lady of this rank, who, apparently, did not dress up to her title, went into a London shop and ordered a dozen pocket-handkerchiefs, and asked to have them embroidered with a T and & duchess’ coronet. “Oh, ma’am,” said the friendly shopwoman, “St I was you, I wouldn’c have a duch ess’l” AN APRIL COLD: Needs a Spring Remedy to Cleanse the Whole System. A cold is the starting point of more than half of the fatal illnesses from November to May. A cold is the first chapter in the his- tory of every case of consumption. A cold is the first stage of chronic catarrh,the most loathsome and stubborn of diseases. A cold is the legitimate parent of a large family of diseases, such as bronchitis, pleurisy, pneu- monia and quinsy. To neglect a cold is almost suicide. To fail to provide against this well-neigh inevitable evil is ‘dangerous negligence. Pe-ru-na is a safeguard as a preventive, a specific as a cure forall cases of catarrh, acute and chronic, colds,coughs, consumption, etc. Every family should be provided with a copy of The Family Physician No. 2, a complete guide to prevent and cure jira and all other winter diseases; and also the latest edition of The Family Physician No. 3, which is devoted to spring medicines and the bodily disorders peculiar to the spring’ of the year—a book that no one can afford to be without atthis time of the year. Either sent free by The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufact- uring Company of Columbus, Ohio. Intellectual Item. It is said that a man does not reach his full mental power until the age of 25, and the development of talent is 0st marked between the agesy of 30 and 45. THE THROAT.—** Brown's Bronchial Trochgs™ act directly on the organs of tae voice. I have an extraordinary effect in all i do of the ti Every gem known to the lapidary ba been found in the United States. Syrup most 25 cents. The Mississippi and its tributaries have 12,854'miles ‘of navigable water. Beecham's Pills are better than mineral ters. Beecham’ s—no others. 25 cents a vag Hateh’s Universal Cough prompt, pleasant and effectual. T The Argument Used Y the makers of the second-class baking powders to induce the dealer to push them off on Royal consumers is that they cost less than Royal and afford the dealer much more profit. But you, madam, are charged the same price for them as for the absolutely pure Royal, which is perfectly combined from the most highly refined ‘and expensive materials. others is caused by the The lower cost of the cheap, impure materials used in them, and the haphazard way in which they are thrown together. Do you wish to pay the price of the Royal for an inferior baking powder, made from im- pure goods, of 27 per cent. less strength? If you buy the other powders, insist upon having a corresponding reduction in price. . PHELPS 8. WELLS, Ft. Jackson, N. Y. ESorofula and Salt Rheum Of 25 Years Standing, fA BLOOD PURIFIER THAT GURES. = DANA SARSAPARILLA CoO. GENTLEMEN .—I horehy Certify that I have Deen = vears with Sero = n alt Rheum, es amployed many Physicians and expen many dollars ing proprietary medicines, blood pres alteratives, ar} r last La all of no a or benefit, ==and ven uj hope tia at there was any hel for £0 me. oy ittle faith I purchased a bottle of gl your SARSA ARILLA of my Druggist, which i made him APARIL it I was not benefited he! should refund the money. I left the store think-== ing I should call and get my mony later. No hope! of any benefit as Bo medicine or treatment geemed to red fh n of at bottle when to my surprise I helpin Wikia Have taken two bottles and am CU The Serof- ula Sores are alt healed u and I feel like & ew man. I recom ° en 202E wg fix Q 8 £ w 5 = g S eo "5 8 = DANA’ S SAnMAPARIIIA all who a a iced Purifier that ures. ours ve ruly, ~ PHRLPS §, WELLS. = Jackson, St. Lewrence Co., N, ¥ ENTS Mr. Wells is well-known. in this gec- tion a» and his atement is frue Si E Nicholle, N. ¥. ruggist Dana Sarsaparilla Co.. Belfast, i. —— RE Cures Coaimmptiss Coughs, Croup Sore Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee, with Pastes. Enamels and Paints which stain the rn red. hands, injure the fron and bi The Rising Sun Stove Polish is Brilliant, less, Ura: and the Cons ier ys for > tin or glass package with every re LOOK FOR : Two Beautiful Ladies COMPANION PICTURES You will find one on a box of HOME TACKS, with several apartments, ( and all different sized TACKS, adapted to all the various Home uses —— the other on a box of HOME NAILS, containing several differ- ent sized NAILS, justwhat are needed forevery day use. Made sclely by the Atlas Tack Corp’n, Boston ‘Warehouses, — Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Baltimore, San Francisco Lynn. Sy Factories. —Taunton, Mass. Fairhaven, Mass. ‘Whitman, Mass. Duxbury, Mass, Plymouth, Mass. Every home needs them. Every dealer sells them. MEND YOUR OWN THOMSON'S| SLOTTED CLINCH RIVETS. No tools required, Oniv a hammer needed to drive and clinch them easily and quickly, leaving the clinch absolutely smooth. Requiring no ho e to be made in he leather nor burr for the Rivets. They are strong, tough and durable. Milhons now in use. engths, nniform or assorted, put up in boxes, Jour dealer for them, or send 40c. in stamps for a box ot 100, assorted sizes. Man'td by JUDSCON IL. THOMSON MFG. CO., WALTHAM, MASS. HARNESS MUST HAY Agents AT ON CE. Sample Sashloek (Pat. '92) Treshy mai] for 2c. stamp. Immense. Unrivalled. Only one ever invented. Beats weights. Sales unparalleled 12 a day. Write quick. BROHARD, Phiia., Pa. eases; (0 feed for eggs _, for fatten ng ; which fowls ris 10 save for breeding, dc, &c A BOOK PUS. HOUSE 124’ Leonard Sie K N ¥. Clg. Piso’a Remedy for Catarrh {s the Best. Hasiest to Use. and Cheapest. : Sold by druggists or sent by mail, &] 80o. KE T. Hazeltine, Warren, Pa. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and fends to 0. persenal enjoyment when rightly u The many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adaptin We world’s best products to the nee hysical Boe will attest the value - Pp of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is io to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, gis lling col headaches and fevers permanent, y_ curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and it is perfectly free from gray objectionable substance. yrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- as in 50c pat bottles, but it is man- ufactured by the California Fig Syrup . only, whose name is printed on every “package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not aceept any substitute if offered. 0, the Alexandra TRErored Cream Sep- JUMB arator; capacit; 2500 to 4000 pounds per four § 3 TWO horse power will run it. Aleo 1ew model SER AEATY for the gale of which AGN NTS WANTED in every section. . Manuiacturers of svery Laing in line of machinery and gupplies for butter and eere factories, 8:-ad for catalogue. DAVY RANKIN BUILDING AND MFG. G > 240 Tro A WesT LAKE STREET, CHICAGO, ILLIN Sp ectacles : zilian Pebble Spectacles, with hand. | some Tolle s and bows. Your number eo 0c. a pair, Worth five times | t postpai that amount. fo you dont know the Dumber you need send us your age. Steel-rimmed spectacies, 10 cts. Golden Novelty Co., 578 hn 575 Broadway, NewY HORTHAND BY MALL. Thoroughly taught by reporters. Cat. and first les