Ss! CT. Ts I am Outfits. WV. 1, and econ- ‘DOME, indow 1g per le and 3 now. make st—the ollar's d tick- Tick- ly of & Na. erica g over 10 set IK, rent, ne. EL. P.O) nd is in dation St a few ‘antage outh at lel and juors, Nn. patron - red. JPR. — a or pe, We som Are you interested in Harness? We claim to make the Best Harness for the least money. We only re- 3 quest a sample SEND order. You will FOR PRICES. come again. i ; All our Harness is Hand-made and Hand-sewed. Only the best Oak Leather used. Buy direct from the manufacturers and save two profits. Let us know ‘what you ” want, we will make you a special price. All goods can be returned if not satisfactory. “558% CLIMAX VULCANIZER. . an equal for manufacturing This new and patented invention is without dh * CREB UL OTD ——AND— Send for Catalogue. without fail to 217 E. German St., ARE? Sv BUY sta WAGONARE INIT The Strongest, Best Made and Lightest Running J. F. W. DORMAN & CO. Baltimore, Md. Rutbbet .. Stereotypes. HICKORY Aliso manufacturers of ‘* AXLES. Carts, Drays, Etc LOCUST GET OUR HUBS. CIRCULAR SELECTED and Prices. "MATERIALS - GIVE US . THROUGHOUT. YOUR ORDER. SALEM WAGON’ MFG. co. SaLem, Va. $5 THE MERCANTILE, PRICE, $25.00. * Used and endorsed by nearly 10,000 progressive Merchants. A PERFECT CASHIER, NEEDED IN EVERY RETAIL STORE. It has; the latest improved combination ock. It - pn quickest register to operate. It records transactions in the order made. It records money paid out and received on account. It shows — does the work. Jt edugeates you in correct methods. vents disputes in case of error. i will pay its 4 cost every month in sa; of time money. It is Bat durable and reliable. It is fully guaranteed for two years. | WRITE TO THE MANUFACTURERS FOR FULL PARTICULARS. AMERICAN CASH REGISTER CO. 230 Clinton: St., Chicago. Buy a Good Gash Register. ‘ 5 < BS Pneumatic Tires, $150.00. 6000000000006 0000000¢ SCORCHER BICYCLES. POSITIVELY HIGHEST POSSIBLE GRADE. WELDLESS STEEL TuBinG. ERETZ & CURTIS MFG. CO. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. PHILADELPHIA, PENN. BALL LALLLAALLLALLLL EL LLALELLLL PPVPIPOPPPIPTIPIPIIIPIIIPIPIIIPIPIOIVIIO 008000604 2090099609 0H01 PS ODO O04 ’ - ESTABLISHED 32 YEARS, IF YOU WANT EASE, COMFORT, RELIABILITY, SPEED; STYLE, QUALITY, AND THE BEST OF EVERYTHING, SEND TO US. Lge : 2 COVENTRY MACHINISTS COMPANY, Lro. Ei CHICAGO, BOSTON, SAN’ FRANCISCO. PRODUCT SUPERIOR TO AND WARRANT TO BE SEND FOR CATALOGUE. 108,000 BICYCLES WE GUARANTEE OUR MACHINES ALL OTHERS EVERY ONE BICYCLES SIRE : OLDEST AND LARGEST MAKERS IN THE WORLD. THE PEERLESS EXTENSION TABLE. BOX OF TABLE LEAVES IS NOT AN ORNAMENTAL PIECE OF FURNITURE FOR ANY DINING-ROOM; AND IF PLACED. IN SOME CLOSET, THERE IS ALWAYS MORE OR LESS TROUBLE IN GETTING AT IT. AVOID ALL BOTHER BY GETTING A “PEERLESS” TABLE IN WHICH THE LEAVES ARE CRATED. Nothing to Wear Out or get Out of Order, The oftener used the easier it works. We can suit your pocket-book, E HILLSDALE MFG. CO.,, - Ask your dealer for it or write us for prices, HILLSDALE, MICH | | | | i | 3D pojesjsny)y °8ed 08 | 10} "a HL J 28: 2 3 “0 YY =i Wm 552.8 fF bi BF = 53 rac od ZF p= S 5 0 & == bo = = : Mm zo § yp ee TX pa FEL g.= = OQ O SILURIAN SPRING WATER. , NATURE'S. \\JT bro [he Dene: . GREATEST erful water to Jour home—bottlescr Latte retaining ail : of its purity and cura- powers, 52 Page Book Dyspepsia, , Bladder, MaiLep FREe. Kidney or Urinary troubles Jpmediate} y relieved and cured by its use it isa mild alterative, ines EE blood, rend strength and. energy. Endorsed an 1c commended by the 2 physicians of Amezics.. “SILURIAN MINERAL SPRING CO, WAUKESHA, WISCONSIN, ET BC REPAIRED a Gils a reich CLEVEIAND.O. Ln fal THE “CHICAGC COTTAGE ORGAN” Has ottained a standard of easeliens i which admits of no superior. It contains every improvement tha: Inventivo genius, skill and money cai produce. ORGANS : oF WaR- INTRINSIC. RANTED VALUE AND FOR STER- FE LING \ - MERIT. | . YEARS. comm, These excellent Organs are celebrated for their volume, quality of tone, quick fesponse, variety of combination, artistia design, beauty in finish, perfect construc- tion, making them the most attractive, ornamental and desirable organs in the world for Homes, Schools, Churches, Lodges and Societies, Uatalogues on application, FREER. fhicago (otfage (roan ne 228 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO, When you can have Tom relief, a per- SUFFER fect, speedy, and per- manent cure without WITH THAT pain or soreness, and a remedy which dries CORN instantly and soils = == @ 4 For the en- 3 tire removal Ey | of hard or 4 soft Corns, Galluoses And other indurations of the skin, Cure Guaranteed or Money Returned. 25c. at Drug Stores, » Mailed for 30c. J. R. HOFFLIN & CO. * MINNEAPGLIS, MINN. ¢ SABINE'S TET | AB] NE’S Curatine Oil aly vegeta { bie), easy of application, soothing in effect, relieves all kiud$ of intlammation, heals ‘Cus, Bruises, Burrs, Chapped Har as and ali Flesh Wounds, cures Salt Rheum, @& Sore Nipples, In aflamed Bo es, Sores and Ulcers, Yrost Bites, Chilbiains, Bunions, Piles, Eara: he, Daafness, ¢ 1c. etc. What some of cur W arren physicians £1y about it. * 1 haveuseditforz.criz years, jp and bave fund ncthing better.” Dr. D. . Strarahan, “tried it on recommendation of Dr. Bartholomew. Ihave never been disap- pointed in its use. In a practice of over zo hp vears this is the orly testio onial I have ) ever written regarding any preparation.’ § ) Do. E D. Preston, “Iris a good mecicine, and should be kent it every house.” Dr. Reveidy B, « Stewart. MANUFACTURED LY THE SABINE CUBATINE (iL CD. Warren, Pa, FREER EC OC REERRC OEE ED Will Save You. Itisa new and com Bplete treatment, consist- ing of Suppositories, Ointment in Capsules (also Chinen in Box)and Pills. An absolute and d cure for Piles of whatever kind of degree. External, Internal, Biind or Bleed- ing, Itching, Chronic, Recent or Hereditary, many. other diseases and female wea nesses 81 J it is always a great penciit tof to the gen eral h iid ealth. The first medicalcure fender? an operation ith oF he 13 me unneces- heresrel Adis medy has fever be o Sar $1.00 , six for pl no on ‘mail prepaid on re- pat of Pos y sufter from this terrible disease when you can get a guaranteed remedy? JOSEPH R. HOFFLIN & CO., Druggist, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 000000064600060600060600¢ 3 rg i 4 Positively riven b; e Japanese Reme- $ dies Co. Des 4 ® 4 & p when purchased at one time; to refu p the Fda paid if not cured. AG EEO otto tddosd 9000600000000 0000600000 & VoVeeT ad \/ od Ay av, is 3 ne wy # BLODMINRTHY, ILL . Our No. 28 End ae with Drop-Axle both front and rear, is the best looking and most serviceable buggy made for the money. Ask your dealer to show the BLOOMINGTON MFG. CO.’S line of Buggies, Wagons and Carts, and buy no other. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. CYCLES: IB BicCE Bieveis 2 Ne = ANDY La anD PRICES OF INDIARAPOLIS, IND. ARPES OF -HUR # Peete ste teeP |. BicYoLEs ? TAN COOOIRE $100.00 PHEUMATIC TIRE, - - : 75.00 © > CUSHION TIRE, - - - SE = BRUCE & WEST EXTRACTS RRE Unexcelied in purity, strength and == fine flavor. Insist upon your = Bruce & Wast Brand of Extracts. = Hot genuine without our trade mark on labsl. PREPARED BY THE Bruce & West Mi. Co, CLEVELAND, I Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pac- ent business conducted fi or Mooeaste FEES. OuR Srrice 1S OPPOSITI PATENT OFFICE and w secure patent in 16 time than those or ily Washington Send model, Srawirg or photo., with descr tion. We advise, if [risaable or not, free of é charge. Ourfee not due till patentis secured. A PAMPH HLET, “How to Obtain Patents,” with cost of same in the U.S, and foreign coun sent free. Address, OPP. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. kppnensEnag DULL KNIFE ABOUT THE HOUSE WILL 33 BE A THING OF ThE PAST IF YOU HAVE A oO DUPLEX STEEL. IT CONSISTS OF TWO FINELY-TEMPERED AD- JUSTABLE BUTCHERS’ be | STEELS SO ARRANGED i THAT A CHILD CAN A FOR SHEARS AS WELL. bs IF YOUR HARDWARE DEALER DON’T HAVE 3% IT, SEND 75¢. TO THE FOSTER RAZOR CO., FULTON, N.Y. A MARVELOUS DISCOVERY ! cH ECIN| Positively removes pre ELEEIRIC Nig / BONE SPAVIN, Rioghore, Splint, iN 48 GURS, Without Pain. $500 Reward For Failure or » Slightest Injury. This is the Greatest | ! Wonder of the 19th Century, astonish- ing, as it does, the eine Veterinary, Circulars and Sworn Proots Mail- Free. SPAY, UR Dr. Gay Checini, No. 378 Canal St., IN £ New York TES FO HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS No Wosss will die of CoLic. Bots or. LUuNe Fg. VER, if Foutz’s Powders are nsed in time Foutz's Powders will enre and prevent HOG CHOLERA. Foutz's Powde rs Will prevent GATES IN FowLs. Foutz’s Powders will increase the qnantity of milk and Sream twenty per cent. and mmke the butter.firm and sive: Fonz *owrers will enre or prevent almost EY RY Disease to which Horses and Cattle are subj FouTz’s POWDERS WILL GIVE SATIS a . Sold everywhere. DAVID E. FOUTZ, Proprietor, BALTIMORE, MD, For sale by J. L. Barchus, Elk Lick, Pa HERRERA Or grocer supplying you with the = = ail 'C.A.SNOW&CO.} ant soap for The most refrishing and nN ho skin. OCuitah’ for bath and totlot. Tc. per CF ..0 at all grocery stores, places it within tho roach of overybody. in- sist on having BELL'S PINE TAR ECAP and don't take anyenin; else. Put up 2 cakes in a paper box. R. W. BELL MFG. CO, BUFFALO, N.Y. vi, air Opens May 1st, Closes Oct. 31st. Everybody Should See Ie! ARE YOU GOING? If so, reduce your expenses by calling at our office and getting a membership ticket in the World's Fair Visitors’ Alliance, of Washington, D.C mest | ENTIRE COST ONLY $ii00" Subscribers of this paper will be given the first chance tosecure tickets allotted to us. THE ALLIANCE ; Is an organization incorporated under the laws of Congress at Washington, D. ‘C., by well-known citizens to enable its members to visit the Columbian Expo- ‘sition at reduced rates, and also to pro” vide Headquarters at Chicago for the use - of members free of cost, where they may send telegrams, mail, baggage, etc.,meet friends by appointment, register for identification, cash checks, money or- ders, etc., secure accommodations in advance by letter or telegram without fear of extortion at reduced rates guaran- teed reputable in every way by the Alli- ance,and also receive adiscounton same. : For references the directors refer to any Hotel Proprietor, Bank or Business Man in Washington, alsv any Senator or Member of Congress. Send for circu- lars. Agents wanted everywhere, good pay. Address, enclosing stamp, Lo- renzo G. Warfield, Box 4o1 Wasiing: ton, D. C. Mention this paper A SAFE INVESTMENT. There is no safer or better investment for smail or large sums of mouey than the stock of » The Wright Universal Electric Co. This Company owns some of the most valuable pateuis ever issued by the hie Uglied States Govern- ment for Electric Ligh ting. Electric’ Batterie Electric Motors, Electric Dynamos, and many other valuable ELECTRICAL INVENTIONS. This Company owns the only patent in exist- Slice for a practical ErLecTrIc LAMe for Hou Usz! Tie Company’s Electric Lamps for Family Use can be carried about the house and used the same as a kerosene lamp. There is no smoke, no smeil, no danger, and the have a Beautiful ¥lectric Light instead of 0 Snttering, smoky light of an oil lam: ora Fos ot The Wright Universal Electric Ci omy any has no large factories, both running to their full aci'y. and they are unable to fill their many = ers on time. undreds of orders are turned away because the goods cannot be made. The fompauy must have more Tactory facilities, and for that reason it is compelled to sell a limited amount of Treasury Stock. There is nothing which pays such BIC PROFITS on the amount invested as first-class Electrical Stocks. If you had purchased a few'shares of the Boll Telephone St. ¢k, or the Fdison Electric Stock, | or the Thompson- Houston Electric Stack. when those companies were young. your profits on tie investment would have made you rich. : The stock of the Wright Universal Electric Company affords Just as good an opportunity to MAKE MONEY as any electric stock which has ever been offered to the public. The Wright Universal Electric Stock will increase in value every month, and the price will be raised ¢very ‘month. Yon will never again see the time when you can |: ay it as low as we are now offering it If vou wail to ny a stock which will « fford ™ fect sefely amid pay big profits send f vr onr Prospectus and cain logue to-day. with price ‘of stock. terms Qf par ment and full particulars of our bus. ness Advresy The Wright Universal Electric Co., | 26 Wiitehall §¢t., New ¥ ork, N.Y.