EE - AE YY TTT rom Are you interested in Harness? g! We claim to make the Best ® Harness for the least ST. money. We only re- 3 a quest a sample SEND utiite, order. You will FOR PRICES. All our Harness ; is Hand-made and Hand-sewed. Only the best ‘and | Pd Oak Leather used. Buy direct econ- from: the manufacturers and save two profits. Let us know what you =. want, we will make you a special price. : © All goods can be returned if not satisfactory. CLIMAX VULCANIZER. This new and patented invention is without an equal for manufacturing NB ACRE RUROID mm iN Send for Catalogue without fail to J. F. W. DORMAN & CO. 217 E. German St., Baltimore, Md. r! indow 1g per "| BUYsWAGON:ARE INIT now. The Strongest, Best Made and Lightest Running ) make HICKORY Also manufacturers of st—the AXLES. Carts, Drays, Etc. das LOCUST GET OUR a tick- HUBS. CIRCULAR Tick i : oe ® SELECTED and Prices. MATERIALS GIVE US THROUGHOUT. YOUR ORDER. SALEM WAGON M FG. co., SaLem, Va. St., ad Ay a a” Buy a Good Gash Register. GU. g * THE MERCANTILE, PRICE, $25.00. SS gon. Used and cudorsed by nearly 10,000 progressive Merchants. y A PERFECT CASHIER, NEEDED IN EVERY RETAIL STORE. Lo It has fF the latest improved combination’ It is the. quickest, register to operate, It records transactions in the order made, It records money paid out and received on account, 1t shows who does the work, It educates you in correct methods. It prevents disputes in ease of error. It will pay its cost every month in saving of time and money. Itis Piacties), oY. and reliable. ully guaranteed for two years. WRITE TO THE MANUFACTURERS | FOR FULL PARTICULARS: AMERICAN CASH REGISTER Co, 230 Clinton St Chicago. 00006850000060000000000000800600000- 2006600600000 0 OP SCORCHER BICYCLES. POSITIVELY HIGHEST POSSIBLE GRADE. - Liar, 4 4 4 4 4 < 4 <4 4 <4 4 < 4 4 <4 4 <4 <4 <4 <4 4 4 4 WEeLDLESS QRACEFUL. STEEL STRONG. 4 TusiNG. go 4 Phcumatic Tires, $150.00. BRETZ & CURTIS MFG. CO. 4 SEND FOR CATALOGUE. PHILADELPHIA, PENN. 3 2006000000000 0006049000PV 9099000000090 0VE06PPO0P00PG G4 FARE BICYCLES SFE POPIVPIPVIIITIPIVIVIVIIVIVIIIVIIIIVIIIVIIIIV Rubber .. Stereotypes. K 3 anna . ESTABLISHED PRODUCT Ihe 32 YEARS, 108,000 | BICYCLES \merican ir a ino vier IF YOU WANT ; WE GUARANTEE Rg 100 EASE, COMFORT, TR ‘OUR MACHINES is. RELIABILITY, \ [SUPERIOR TO on to set- SPEED, STYLE, \ | ALL OTHERS OK. QUALITY, AND SJAND WARRANT Avent THE BEST OF ] EVERY ONE pont EVERYTHING, TO BE clor. Sew D D To US. PERFECT. TR COVENTRY MACHINISTS S COMPANY, Lo. il, CHICAGO, BOSTON, - SAN FRANCISCO. ick P. 0.) SEND FOR CATALOGUE. and is in : imodation - just a few 3 § ON advantage THE PEERLES EXTEN i : I aE E. * month ut nl mb 3 3 £ L hotel and liquors. ion. ur patromn- assured. ROPER. mraC—— For BOX OF TABLE LEAVES IS NOT AN CRNAMENTAL PIECE CF £ FURNITURE FOR ANY DINING-ROOM; AND IF PLACED IN i SOME CLOSET, THERE IS ALWAYS MORE OR LESS TROUBLE IN yo GETTINGAT IT. AVOID ALL BOTHER BY GETTING A “PEERLESS” a ABLE IN WHICH THE LEAVES ARE CRATED. 0 —— wy - Nothing to Wear Out or get Out of Order. : 1pe The oftener used the easier it works, Ask your dealer for it or write us for prices, We can suit your pocket-book. THE HILLSDALE MFG. CO., = - = HILLSDALE, Patent d Dec, 23, 537, Patented July 21, 189t, Uther Fate 8 applied for. i0j puag d0 ALAI¥NVA AYIAHT ———i § casement n3ojeie) pojensnyyy o3eg 08 ULL]. q CIOL F L TLSHHONTM 4 SILURIAN SPRING WATER. 1 ’ E bring the bene- NATURE'S fits I wond- GREATEST erful water to our home—bottles ar arrels— retaining ail of its purity and cura- tive powers, Dyspepsia, Bladder, CURE 52 PAGE BOOK . Kidney cr Urinary MAILED FREE. Hroublsl immediately relieved and sured by its use. It isa mild aiterative, purifies thie blood, renews strength and eneigy, Endorsid and re- commended by the physicians of America. { SILURIAN MINERAL SPRING CO,, WAUKESHA, WISCONSIN, eo THE —— LATEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST Is THE rl ltt PD YCLONE {. 2.3 . ed POST-HOLE Universally conceded to be the best and only Digger that works to perfection in the soft- est of sand and the toughest of soil, as arranged and made of spring steel, thus allowing them to expand and contract when Ill- ing and emptying same. ## The handle is so arranged ¥ that it can be lengthened to any desired length by adding pipe to it in sections, so that any desired depth can be § reached with these Diggers, Itis Light strong, durable {i and simple fnotidag compli- cated about it), and does twice the work in less time than any other Digger made. Ask your dealer for it, or address CYCLONE DIGGER CO., ST. LOUIS MO. Dont When you can have immediate relief, a pér- SUFFER fect, si and per- manen if 1 Et WITH THAT pain or soreness, and a remedy which dries instantly and soils nothing by using. LIEBIG'S CORN CURE. For the en- tire removal of hard or soft Corns, Galluoses ® And other 138 3 . indurations I8Apg MARK of the skig. Cure Guaranteed or Money Returned. 28¢. at Drug Storesf) . Mailed for 30c. J. R. HOFFLIN & CO. » MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Pr pp THE “CHICAG( COTTAGE ORGAN” Has attained a standard of excellent which admits of no superior. 3s contains every improvement 1h: ventivo genius, ckill and money ca a INTRINSIC VALUE AND These excellent Organs are celebrated for their volume, gw ality of tone, quick 2esponse, varioty of combination, artistic design, beauty in finish, perfect construc- for making them the most attractive, srnamental and desirable organs in the worid for Homes, Schools, - Churches, Lodges ard Socisties, Catalogues on application, FREE. Hiicago fotfage Organ §o. 228 WABASH AVE. CHICAOD, iil. SABINE'S buratlie {18 rs 3 ABINE'S Curatine Oil (purely vegeta- bie), easy of application, soothing in effect, relieves all kinds of inflammaticn, heais Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Chapped Hands & and all Ilésh Wounds, cures Salt Rheum,’ g Sore Nipples, Inflamed Eves, Sores and Ulcers, Frost Bites, Chilblaizs, Bunions, Piles, Earache, Deafness, cic., ete. hat some of our Warren physicians say about it. “1 haveused itforz ¢ riz fears, and have found ncthing better.” Tr. V. Stranahan, “1 tried it on recommendation of Dr. Bartholomew. Ihave never been disap- pointed in its us», In a practice of over 20 vears this is the only testimonial I have g ever wriiten regarding any preparation.” ‘Dr. . Preston “Iris a good hedicine, and should be | kept it every house.” Dr. Reveidy B, Stewart, MANUFACTURFD BY THE SABINE CURATINE LIL €0.. Warren, Pa. 00BERPBS Hit JAPANESE ‘Will Save You. Iti isa new and complete IreatIenN Fonsi 1 of Su posi tories, ntment in ules (also pio Bikar Zing: Box)and Pills. An Sooornte ‘and or degree. External, Internal, Blind or Bleed- ing, Itching, Chronic, Recent or Hereditar 2h and many other diseases and female wea nesses: J it is always a great benefit to the gen- erai health. The first discovery of a medicalcure rendering an operation with the knife unneces- hereafter. This Remedy has never, f.peen k known o fail. “$1.00 per box, si : sent by tol prepaid on re- ceipt of os 3 y sufier from this terrible when you can get a guaranteed remedy? "JOSEPH R. HOFFLIN & CO., Druggist, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. $66066066606000¢0446000¢ VOPPIVYVYVYVYVe $ A WRITTEN GUARANTEE $ & Positively giyeady The Japanese Reme- g p 2 4 > «dies Co. to each purchaser of rend when an by one time, to refi p the §5.00 paid if not 00000006000 ve ‘guaranteed cure rd Pia of whatever kind § | BPO CLTEOH SRECOSHOES STCENTRAL CYCLE MFC. C0. 12214 AAPOLS, 1¥D, > i Jk Geet Dee | BICYGLES | PHEUMATIC TIRE, - - S CUSHION TIRE, - - - a, $100.00 § 75.00 © ~~ ¢ TRICE & WEST EXTRACTS RARE IIE HAE Unexcelled ia purity, strength and fing flavor. Insist upon your = grocer supplying you with the = == Bruce & West Brand of Extracts. = Not genuine without our trade == mark on label. PREPARED BY THE Bruce & West Mig. Co. CLEVELAND, O SHE ELEC RR ERROR RE SR STEHT d Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pac- ent business Condacted! for MosERATE FEES. Cave Our OFFICE IS Orros . S. PATENT OFFICE and we can secure patent. in less time than th, remote from Washin, Send Jnodel, drag po? photo., with descrip- tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of ) charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A PA HLET, oy to Obtain Patents,” with and foreign countries MP! cost of =a same i thie U.S. sent $C. A.SNOW & CO. OPP. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C, ARYLAND oT ER AND “HEAPEST THE STEAM produced by the SEs of cooking cannot escape, is absorbed by the article in the foaster, and; acts as a bas ing; on here ig kame | oration, no drying up or burning, hence no n A hat, Pond all the flavor ard nutritious | qualities vy hea “made tender. and ary article roa | sweeter, healthier and more digestible. Put the food In the roaster, piace the roaster in a well heated oven; the roaster will do the cooking. It requires no at’ tention. $28 only be bought from dealers, the trade oa v 5 BLOOMINGTON, ILL. . 4 Our No. 28 End ay with Drop-Axle both front and rear, is the best looking and most serviceable buggy made for the money. Ask your dealer to show the BLOOMINGTON MFG. CO.’S line of Buggies, Wagons and Carts, and buy no other. SEND FOR CATALOGUE, Consumption. Ballard's Horehound Syrup. No single disease has played such sad havoc with the human race as Consumption. No other disease approaches so stealthily. 1ts early symptoms are ig- nored because it is thought only a Cold or hacking | stages it will give surprising relief. Cough, which is neglected until this grim monster has such a hold that nothing but death ¢an relieve it. Baldr ’s Horehound Syrup has removed the grip of is grim monster from many a throat. Iftakenin on it will effect a permanent cure, and in the wc Try its sooth and healing virtues. Do not put it off until too late. MATTHAI, INGRAM & CO. 120 HANOVER 8T.y BALTIMORE, MD, 64 READE 8T., NEW YORK. = NE CINCINNAT, Or TN URERS=IMPOR A es TERS | | Cees: LE SU Sure es. Blok CTs HS = I WX E55 BICYGES CLES Neuralgia canses much Insanity. The highest medical authorities of Europe and America have recently decided that a large percent: age of cases of insanity is caused by the excrutiating ains of Neuralgia of the head and face. Ifany mem- er of your family suffers this tormentor, induce them to try Ballard’s Snow Liniment. One application will afford immediate relief and you will soon be rid of a dangerous and tormenting disease, Ballard’s | Snow Liniment is the most penetrating Liniment | known. It positively cures Rheumatism. ame Back poisonous matter to the surface, restoring and p moting a natural circuiation of the blood oat the diseased paris. The most rofrishing and plecs- ant soap for the skin. Tula’ for bath and toliot. Oc. por of Lo at all grocory stores, places it within the reach of ovorybody. In- sist on having BELL'S SOAP and don’t take anything else. Put up sr R. YW. cakes in a paper box. DELL MFC. CO, BurFaLo, MN. Y. = 4 pr Te DISCOVERY! Positively removes AEHCEINR =e # ELECTRIC IN 48 HOURS, Without Pain. $500 Reward For Failure or Slightest Injury. &J This is the Greatest oF Wonder of the 19th : Century, astonish- ng, as it does, the entire Veterinary world. Circulars and Sworn Prouis Mail- Free. Dr. Guy Checini, No. 378 Canal St., New York - Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, etc. Pot UR Cation and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO., 361 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Oldest burean : Tor F Seenrjhe patents in America. ery Jats tent taken out by us is brought before Ef lic gun given free of charge in tie Srientific Jmevican dirouistion of as n the hein JIostrated: Aart RS worl man d be a it. Weert 23:00 a oar: dir 361 Br Address N & CO. BLISHERS,, 1 Broadway, New. York City. ; IOI ED S HBR DULL KNIFE ABOUT THE HOUSE WILL BE A THING OF THE PAST IF YOU HAVE A DUPLEX STEEL. : iT CONSISTS OF TWO - FINELY-TEMPERED AD- JUSTABLE BUTCHERS’ ce SN STEELS SO ARRANGED THAT A CHILD CAN FOR SHEARS IF YOUR HARDWARE DEALER DON’T HAVE IT, SEND 75¢. TO THE FOSTER RAZOR CO., - FULTON, N. Y: FOUTZS No Horse will die of Corre. Bots > Lure Fr. VER, if Fontz’s Powders are used in tim Foutz's Powders will enre and prevent Hoa C HOLERA. Foutz's Powders will prevent GAPES IN Fowis. Foutz’s Powders will increase the quantity of milk Contracted Muscles. Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, etc, | { It penatrates and opens up. the pores, drawing ali a) ream twenty per cent.. and make the butter firm { and swe Fouts's s Powders will cure or prevent almost Evry Disrasr to which Horses and Cattle are subject. FouTz's POWDFRS WILL GIVE SATISFACTION. Sold everywhere. DAVID EB. FOUTZ, Proprietor, | BALTIMORE, MD. For sale by J. L. Barchus, Elk Lick, Pa. PINE TAR RE iL