onful der ix etre, Pa. in. he el hdl | A Ad a a So bts puis (hai IY Ye. VY he Somerset VOLUME IIL. SALISBURY, ELK LICK POSTOFFICE, PA, THURSDAY, MARCH o, 1803. NUMBER 1 13. ~ Established 1852. . HAY, —DEALER IN— GENERAL - . MERCHAN DISE. The pioneer. anid leading general store in Solis bury for nearly a half century. . For this Columbian year, 1893, for a largely increased trade. ticipating the wants of the people, my stock. will be replen- ished from time to time and found complete, and sold at pri- ces as low as possible, consistent with a reasonable business profit. valued patronage, I remain yours truly, Salisbury, Pa., Jan. 2d, 1898. Hardware! Thanking you for past favors, and soliciting your very P. S. HAY, ee Do you know that BEACEHY BROS, keep the fullest line of Cook and Heating Stoves on the market—also Guns and Ammunition, Harness, Paints and Oils, Lap Robes, Horse Blankets? ROGERS’ BEST SILVERWARE! Call on us for your Christmas and Wedding Presengs in this line. Buggies, Wagons, Spring Wagons We also have and Road Wagons, which we will sell at this season at bottom prices, (="And don't you forget it we will have Sleighs on hand as soon as the fleecy flakes appear. Headlight Oil only 15 cents per gallon, . Y Mrs. S. A. Lickliter, —Dealer In All Kinds Of — GRAIN, FLOUR And FEED. i CORN, OATS, MIDDLINGS, “RED DOG FLOUR,” FLAXSEED MEAL, in short all kinds of ground feed for stock. “CLIMAX FOOD,” a good medicine for stock. All Grades of Flour, among them ‘‘Pillsbury’s Best,’ the best flour in the world, Vienna." “Irish Patel,” igen Foam” and Royal. GRAYHAM and BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Corn Meal, Oat Meal and Lima Besne, I also handle All Grades of Sugar, including Maple Sugar, also handle Salt and Potatoes. THese goods are principally bought in car load lots, and will be sold at lowest prices. Goods delivered to my regular customers. Store in STATLER BLOCK, SALISBURY, PA. Bargains, Bargains! Cheap Holiday Goods Left Over. See them and you will want them and you will buy them. Ladies’ and Misses’ Fur Muffs I am selling very cheap; also Misses’ and Children’s Alaskas, Men's Winter (aps, Lumbermen’s Outfits, Elegant Dress Goods, Fine Flannels and Woollens, Cold-weather dry goods NEVER BEFORE ©) CHEAP AS NOW. All Domestics at ‘‘low-water-mark” figurés. Prices within the reach of all, and now is the time to buy. Come in and learn what pleasure, satisfaction and econ- | omy there is in trading with Geo. K. Walker, Salisbury, Pa. City Meat Market, N. Brandler, Proprietor. A choice assortment of fresh meat always on hand. If you want good steak, go to Brandler. If you want a good roast, go to Brandler. Brandler guarantees to please the most fastidious. Honest weight and lowest living prices at Brandler’s. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR HIDES. Wahl's Meat Market is headquarters for everything usually kept in a first-class meat market. ‘The Best of Everything to be bad in the meat line always on hand, in- cluding FRESH and SALT MEATS, BOLOGNA and A Fresh Fish, in Season. Come and try my wares. Come and be con- vinced that I handle none but the best of goods. Give me your patronage, and if I don't treat you square and right, there will be nothing to compel you to continue buying of me, You will find that I wiil at all times try to please you. COME ON and be convinced that I can do you good and that I am not trying to make a fortune in a day. Thanking the public for a liberal patronage, and soliciting a continuance and increase of the same, I am respectfully, Casper Wahl. : EF WE MAKE EMBA special efforts will be made’ nremitting and active in an-- J. A. BERKEY, ATTORNEY -AT-T.AR", SOMERSET, Pa. J.C. LOWRY, ATTORNEY -AT-TLAK, SOMERSET, Pa. A. L. G. HAY, AT TORI E T= ATTA —and WOT ART PUBLIC, Somerset, Pa. W. H. KOONTZ, ATTORNEY -AT-TLAR, Somerset, Pa. BRUCE LICHTY, : PE YSICTAIN and STURGEON, | GRANTSVILLE, MD., offers his professional services to the people of Grantsville and vicinity. . &¥ Residence at the National house. A. F. SPEICHER, Physician And Surgeon, Yj tenders his professional services to the eitizens Hardware! of Salisbury and vicinity. Penna. A. M. LICHTY, Physician And Surgeon. Office first door sonth of the M. Hay corner, SALISBURY, PA. Dr. D. 0. McKINLEY, — JD] tenders his professional services to those requir- ing dental treatment. Office on Union St., west of Bretheen Church. Frank Petry, ‘Carpenter And Builder, Elk Lick, Pa. ir you want earpenter work done right, and at ‘| prices that are right, give me a call, ‘Will soon ‘| be prepared to ‘do all kinds .oZ griture r ing. * Watch for my announcement, THE: VALLEY HOUSE, tM LOEGHEL, Proprietor, ; Board by the day, week or month; First-class accommodations. Rates reasonable. nh «THE ONLY Licknsep Hover IN SALISBURY: We take pleasure in trying to please our pat good, orderly house. Lng It Has Cured Others! WHY NOT YOU? The Dr. G. F. Webb Elec- tro-Medical Appliances are the best now made for the cure of DEAFNESS, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Paraly- sis, Loco-Motor, Ataxia, Lost Manhood, General Debility, Seminal Weakness, etc. £5 The only appliance that has been Success- fal in the cure of DEAFNESS. The Dr. G. F. Webb Electrical Ap- pliances cure Sciatica, Prolapsus, Chlorosis, Leucorrhoea, Painful Menses, Sick Headache, Seminal Weakness, Incontinence, Effects of Onanism, Spermatorrhoea, Sterility, Impotency, Paralysis, Diabetis, Nervous Debility, Insomnia, Lumbago, Kidney Complaints, Hernia, Spinal Disease, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Epilepsy, ete., te. o® The only Successful treatment known. Thou- sands of testimonials. Send 10 dents for “Elec- tro-Medical Theory and Practice” which de- scribes treatment. mention this paper. B. B. Bliss, lowa Falls, la. Ss. Lowry. & Son, UNDERTRKERS, at SALISBURY, PA., have always on hand ail kinds of Burial Cases, Robes, Shrouds and all kinds of goods belonging to: the business. Also have A FINE HEARSE, and funerals entrusted to ns will receive | promg ention LMING A SPECIALTY. Office, corner Grant and Union Sts., Salishusys rons, and you will always find THE VALLEY a | The Equitable Society HOLDS A LARGER SURPLUS, writes a LARGER ANNUAL BUSINESS, and has A LARGER AMOUNT OF ASSURANCE IN FORCE than any other company in the world, Its latest form of Policy becomes INCONTESTABLE _ | and grants absolute freedom a to. travel, and ocon AFTER ONE YEAR. | Tt may be surrendered for paid-up assur- ance after three years, and is payable with- out delay in the event of death. F. EB. VANDERSLOOT, AGENT, Somerset, Somerset Co., Pa. TO con SUMPTIVES. The undersigned baying been restored to health by simple means, after suffering for sev- eral vears with asevere lung affection, and that dread disease ConsuMPTION, is auxious to make .| known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. :| To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for CONSUMPTION, AstHMA, CATARRH, BroNcmiTis and all throat and lung Mavapies, -He hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, as it is invaluable, Those desir- ing the preseription, which will cost them noth- ing, and may prove a blessing, will please ad- dress, Rev. EDWARD A. WiLsox, Brooklyn, New York. TOPICS find COMMENT. Hawamn is now pronounced by some people, ‘Ha! wait-there.” Tae Fitty-second Congress was—but why speak ill of the dead? : THE politician recognizes but two class- | es; thie selected and the rejected. SECRETARY GRESHAM! Ex-President Harrison is going to write ‘| a book. THE Congressional investigations of Mg. CLEVELAND received no encore | from bis party for bis remarks anent civ- { il service reform. THE who-ean-write-the-most-words-on- | a-postal-card fiend is again at large. { Johny, get your gun! E - Tax crop of pneumonia from the seed i planted in. Washington, on Inauguration day, _promises to be very large. Tam r revenues of. the government might be considerably increased by putting a tax on the use of the prefix “ex.” toe. Tag tanners who have entered a trust need A good tanning. ‘and the public should endeavor to give it to them. y Em ——— . monopolies now dictate to the dig but the time will come when an aroused people will do the dictating. Tag new Postmaster General smokes cigarettes. That is the gravest charge ever brought against anv member of the ‘new cabinet, Tag tone of the Cabinet comments in some of our exchanges indicates that some editors expected Mr. Cleveland to select a Hill cabinet. ver is going to tigure largely in the finan- cial fight that is going to be made in the Fifty-third Congress. THERE'S much talk about President Cleveland's foolfriends. Wonder ifany- body remembers a President who was not troubled with a similar brood. Ir all the boards of health in the world should agree with the one that has de- nounced kissing, because of its being a spreader of disease, kissing would still go on. Ir it be true that men are governed through their stomachs, Aunt Dolly, the Kentucky negress. whe is to be White House cook, ought to have a big pull on this administration. EveERY patriotic citizen believes in “honest money,” but it seems to be al mighty difficult to reach anvthing like a unanimous agreement as to what con: stitutes ‘honest money.” PROF. DoLsEar says hea is nothing in the nature of things to prevent our ex- changing signals with the other planets. True, professor, but how about under- standing the signals after they are made? THERE must be something wrong about the statement giving the number of hogs as 6.800.000 less than we had last year. Railroad men have been of the impression that the hogs were increasing all the time. Tre Iowa preacher who drew such a graphic word-picture of hell and fits vic- tims as to drive one of his female hearers insane, might find it profitable to hold a unbridled imagination. "Do you hear? this session all resulted in the Tegulation. : | way—talk. Pe 'NLESS all present signea shall fail, sil-" seance with himself on the dangers of an | “SENATORIAL comrtesy”’ received a bad wrench when Senator Hill accused Sen- ator Allison of being a conspirator, and was in turn called a blank liar, but mu- tual apologies restored the trolley to the wire without anv casuslities. ONE-FOURTH of the land surface of the globe is in the occupancy of English- speaking people, but the number who speak the English language correctly could be comfortably quartered in a space several million times smaller. Tare Western Union Tellegraph Com pany is said to have decided to compel its employes to leave their labor organi- zations or give up their situations: some people wonder why the sentiment against corporations is on the increase. Groner ALFRED TOWNSEND (*‘Gath”) is no spring chicken. but we did not sus- péct how old ‘he was until informed that he had embodied some of his early ex- periences in a novel, shortly ‘to be pub- lished, under the title of ‘Columbus in Love.” Brcause a President is inaugurated amidst the hoom of cannon, the blare of brass bands and the cheers of thousands. not one of whom would turn his back on a poor homeless office; it does not neces- sarily follow tlfat his administration will be load. WELL. now that we have inangnrated a new President and given his adminis: tration a start in its race for the great popularity stakes, we can all devote a few thinks to the World's Fair and the base ball season, both of which will soon be open. Tar editor who widely advertises the fact that his paper will print no silly sto- ries about baby Ruth, ought to acquire a large circulation, but, owing to the extra- ordinary growth of snobbery in this hima guarantee to that effect. VERY few. are’ aware of the alone the records in the Recorder's office any payments made on the principal, and al- 80 payments of interest. The act wus passed in 1889. —Greenshurg Argus. Goop roads have been built in many parts of the country.’ but fio roads ever remained good wliere waxes were ‘‘worked | out” in repairing the roads.’ Some con- tinuous and intelligent. even if not ab- solutely scientific, supervision of road re: pairs must be had. Giherwise: ali the ing good voads will be thrown away. SR New York Sun. Tar Albany Times, me Democrat- of the 277 electoral votes east: for Mr. Cleveland, that of the 217 members of the next House of Representatives 108. are. from selecting three Bucretaries from the south, therefore. Mr. Cleveland simply recognizes his obligations to that section. ¥ arrose dra litt a eee pest oh Poor, pretty ‘little Princess Kaiulani of Hawaii, heir expectant to Lilinokala- ni's throne, does not take it at all Kindly that she is to be stripped of hem glory and her expectations “and be just a rich young woman in private life. as the United States government and the Ha- waiian commissions propose she shall he. She asks, somewhat pathetically, ‘Have I done anything wrong that this wrong should be done to me?” - Yes; Kaiulani. you have done wrong, and we can. tell you what it is. Even you, innocent and sweet as you are. have been guilty of a crime. Your crime is that you believe in the divine right of kings and queens. You believe that by mere virtue of condescending to be born yon have the right to rule over a nation, and that its people must maintain von in royal state and utter idleness, giving you every luxury. while they toil daily for bread for vou and themselves. You would not give them any equivalent for all you cost them. No king or queen or royal family ever does give such equivalent. They do not govern, for it is only the representatives of the people wh have sense enough io govern. Every king, queen. prince or princess who is thrown out of a job marks one step more in the progress of civilization. That old idea of the hered- itary right of kings to rule must be ex- ploded quickly, and the sooner it is done the better tor the race. It is an idea that has no right to lurk anywhere in this age of the world. The really royal soul builds its own throne by its own deeds, and none other has any right to a throne, SINCE the late election, the Berlin Rec- ord has come to the couclusion that there is danger of THR STAR turning ils end of to the Den what groumi the county over Poy ord bas Still. country, it wonld be a great risk to give | of a law requiring that at least once every: three years mortgages bave entered on | it far greater than the men who some- time, labor and money bestowed on wild ic paper, calls atfention to the fact that. 138 were cast hy Northern | states and 189 by Southern states, and the North and 109 from the South. In. are able to determine. During the late election THE Star did not work for nor oppose any candidate of any party. It stated in its initial number that it would be a Republican paper so far as state and national politics are concerned, but added that when jt came to local or county politics, it reserved the right to work for or oppose any eandidaie it saw it to work for or oppese, regardless of ‘the politics of such candidate. And right here we will state that “‘we will fight it out on this line if it takes all summer.” When it comes to borough, township or county offices, our motto is, work and vote for those whom you think will make the best officers. regardless of their politics. So far as local politics are concerned. their is no party principle at stake, and politics should not be considered at borough, township or county elections. The closer the American people live up to this doctrine, the more it will be con: ducive te good citizenship. No fair- minded or intelligent man can success- fully dispute this. Prior to a borough or township election. each candidate usnally runs on a plat- form of his own construction, and while electioneering usually tells his fellow citizens about what his views are on maiters of local interest. [If his ideas and theories are popular in the. commun- ity. of course he will be elected. If un- popular, he will be defeated. Of course, it is well to stick to your party ticket, even in loeal elections providing von think it is as good as any other ticket in the field. But if you conscientiously he lieve that your own party ticket. or any part of it, as the case may be, is not as good ms some other tickef. then it he- comes your daty as an. honest ‘man and a good citizen to vote for whom vou con- sider the best men for the offices. Where is the man who ‘ean raice his hand to high heaven and say that he disapproves of this doctrine from pure and honest motives? ; When it comes to voting for offices that are strictly political, we can not sce how anv honest man ean split his ticket: for we consider the principles we believe times represent them. And on. those grounds, gentle reader, we can not go back on the Republican party whenever there are any party principles at stake. So far as our late borough Election is ‘concerned, we can only say dy some very good men on bath tickets were elected, and some on hoth tickets’ equal ly as good, perhaps better, “were de. feated. We have lost no sleep over ‘the result and would have lost none had the result heen otherwise. ‘But there is no Wangs er of this Tocali ty being tnroed aver ie Democrats and Populiats. Repuh ibiising always sprouts, buds and ‘blossoms in every fence. corner in this locality, whenever party principle is nt stake. and it is altogether key, 10 con-: tinue todo sn. oe. ; : Hemneiable, Tadeo: © We published recently the remarkable literary announcement of an edition. of the Encyclopedia Britannica, for $20.00. the genuine, illustrated, large type. cloth bound work. A sample volume can now be seen at this office; it is certainly the most astonishing bargain ever offered in the book world. - We propose to order a set. and if any of our friends want to join us they can do so and save a little in tronble and expense. See the advertise: ment elsewhere and come in and see the hook. There is an instalment plan for securing the work on pavmenpt of only five cents a day, or $1.00 every twenty days. ' Learn a Trade. Young man, youcan'tdo it. You can't do it. You can’t make your way through this world without work, unless vour way is cut very short. Men have tried before you. They have lonfed arvonnd the street corners, have smoked cignrs, told windy stories, drank whisky, and all that, but did not succeed. You ure probably no smarter than other hove, Wits alone will not bring guecess in life: you had beiter learn a trade of some kind rather than become a chronic, despised loafer. producing nothing for yonrself— “nothing to help the world along.” The world has little use for boys who have no ambition, and who are not willing to pull off their coats and earn theirway to fame and fortune. The good things of this world are not handed to idlers on silver platters. —Ex. He Knows Anatomy. Our heart | is warmed to deep sympathy for our neighbor, Charles Mayo, who un- fortunately received a severe lacerated wound of the thumb and index finger of the left hand, involving the tendons of the extensor primi enternodii flexes brevis pollicis, abductor pollicis, and abduetor pollicis muscles of the first phalanx of the thumb, and the tendons of the fits dorsal en 1 the fist palmar in- terosseous muscles of the base of the first phalanx of the index finger. The wound pollisis, 1. was more an we! complicated by a compound of the parts.—Leon