arn eat ns. on't king 8 in ion few age h at and "on - == — > Are you interested in Harness? We claim to ‘make the Best Harness for the least money. We only re- et quest a sample: SEND order. You will FOR PRICES: come again. oe : | All our ‘Harness Fis Hand-matde and Hard sowed, Only the best Oak Leather used. Buy direct from the ‘manufacturers and save . wo. profits. Let us know what you waht we will make you a special price. All goods can be «eturned if not satisfactory. = CLIMAX VULCANIZER. an equal for manufacturing 14 ml) pest] AND Send for Catalogue without fail to J. F. W. DORMAN & CO. +217 E. German St., This new, and patented invention is without HORLEULOID* Rubber. Ste areoty pes. Baliimere, Md. BUY. WAGONARE INIT The Strongest, Best Made and Lightest Running SALEM WAGON MFG. CO., Sarem, Va. HICKORY Also manufacturers of . AXLES. Carts, Drays, Etc. LOCUST GET OUR HUBS. CIRCULAR SELECTED . and Prices. MATERIALS + - GIVE US THROUGHOUT. YOUR ORDER. Buy a Good Gash Register. THE MERCANTILE, PRICE, $25.00. Used and evdorsed by nearly 10,000 progressive Merchants. A PERFECT CASHIER, NEEDED IN EVERY RETAIL STORE, ‘It has Be latest, improved combination # AERA It ivy quickest register to operate. t. records transactions in the order ale, t records monsy paid out and received on acco It shows a does the work. It educates you in correct ds It prevents disputes in case of error. It wil pay its cost ev ory month in siving f time and mo! Itis practical rani and reliable. It is fully. guaranteed for two years. WRITE TO THE MANUFACTURERS =. FOR FULL PARTICULARS. AMERICAN CASH REGISTER CO., 230 Clinton St Chicago. 5 ! i i NE IEE EE a SCORCHER BICYCLES. PGSITIVEL Y HIGHEST POSSIBLE. GRADE. LigHy. WELDLESS QRACERGL. STEEL Strona. Tubma, Pneumatic Tires, $1 50.00. B RETZ & CU RTI S MEG. CO. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. ! PHILADELPHIA, PENN. DOPOODPSVVPSSVLTVOVIVOVDIODPPHE090II0006 0000000000004 Sold ALALAOEALELNLA004A06880 PPO POPIIVIPIIVIvVIIIvIIvPVIIEPIVYTIYIPTVYeYY OLDEST AND LARGEST MAKERS IN THE WORLD. ESTABLISHED PRODUCT 32 YEARS, 108,000 BICYCLES oe —— IF YOU WANT WE GUARANTEE OUR MACHINES EASE, COMFORT, RELIABILITY, | SUPERIOR TO SPEED, STYLE, ALL OTHERS QUALITY, AND AND WARRANT THE BEST OF ‘ EVERY ONE : TO BE ’ EVERYTHING, ns Dre TO US. COVENTRY SAcHNTETE COMPANY, Lo. SSVER CHICAGO, BOSTON, : ¥ SEND FOR CATALOGUE, A SAN FRANCISCO: THE PEER LESS ; EHTENSION TABLE, CAT EIINT II) AE BOX OF TABLE LEAVES IS'NOT AN ORNAMENTAL PIECE CF URNITURE FOR ANY DINING-ROOM; AND IF PLACED IN SO CLOSET, THERE IS ALWAYS MORE OR LESS TROUBLE IN GETTING AT IT. AVOID ALL EOTHERBY GETTING A “PEE TABLE IN WHICH THE LEAVES ARE CRATED. Plothing to Wear Qut or get Out of © The oftener used the easier it works Ask your dealer for it or w rite We can suit your pocket-book. HH] ~ BR ILLSDALE, HIL LS iH \ THE HILLSDALE MFG. CO., - a2 5 rder. us for prices, eH. | | { | 10] PUG CCL 7 0 ALHIYVA AYdAH rl mamma ojese) pajensnyy 982g 08 | ens ii LLC LE q OTE 0: qu: | omry 4, “CO SIYY DNILYIdIY SPRING WATER. NATURE'S | GREATEST CURE 52 PAGE BOOK K MAILED FREE. Ki tr relieved and clired by it Pat. mild aiterative, purifies the blood, renew strength and emeigy, commended by thé physicians: of America. SILURIAN MINERAL SPRING co. WAUKESHA, WISCONSIN, four home— bottles « drrels= retaining a. PUSHES SILURIAN E bring the bene- fits of tins woud- exful water to of if ra and cura- : Spe Bladder, ‘er Urinary immediuiciy. Itisa Enders. d and re- wo = ® g w £3 -3.- oS 0 ‘ er at 2 a ma B wg “ Sood | HUNDREDS r I 008388 THE LA T EST, CHE APE ST AND BEST FEY Tg 6 npplied Tony Diode Utes Inionted July di, deeds clay, and unequalled by soil, as the Llades are sical, i expand and contract when + img end emptying same. any desired depth can other Digger made. Ask your dealer for it, or address CYCLONE DIGGER €0., Universally conceded. to be the best and only Digger that works to perfection in the soft- cst- of sand and the toughest of ail others to work in any kind or 80 ~rranged and made of spring thus allowing them to Ai The handle is so arranged that it can be lengthened to any desired length: by adding pipe to it in sections, so that be rcached with these Diggers. It is Light, strong, durable {. and simple (nothing compli- cated about it), and does twice the work in less time than any 87. LOUIS MO. fect, speedy, and per- manent cure AEE WITH THAT asa) by usin For the en- of hard or soft Garns, Calluoses And other indurations of the skin, 3 Thapg MARK ! Cure Guaranteed or Money Returned. 2S¢. at Drug Stores, . Mailed for 30c. J. R. HOFFLIN & CO. 1 * MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. ¢ OO00O0VDOLLLESTL 2 Wh h 3 St rot 2 Ca SUFFERE to CORNE LIEBIG'S CORN CURE. § tire removal $ @ & “CHICAG! . COTTAGE ORGAN” Has attained a standard of ezcellen which admits cf no ‘superior. It: contaieps évery improvement th ‘nventive feonius, ckill and morey cc produce. SERCETIISIIS ORGANS PANS WAR. oF WTRINSIC SF RINTEL VALUE ' ; FOR AND | 3TER- FIVE LING ; MERIT Yes for their volume, quality of tone, quick lesponse, variety « f combination, artistic Jesien, beauty in finish, perfect construe. tion, mali ing them the most attractive, world for Homes, Schools, Lodges apd Societies, ims Catalogues on application, FRER. ihicags fetiece Qroon fo 228 WABASH AVE. CHICAGO Churches, | These excellent Organs are cclcbrated ornamental and desirablo orgars in thee § TIRE, - - $100.00 9 CU2LIeN TIRE hy '= = = 75.00 ¢ mm 2 ou & PHEUMATIO AGENTS WANTED. i’ asd 8 CDE & BRUCE & W te EGG ST = Be 1 EXTRACTS ARE | EVERY FARMER SHOULD GEZ.ONE OX TEE 16] Sloe lich FRG fie 3 ian] (Gs. SIMPLIS IN CONSTRUCTION! Easily and Rapidly Operated! The only Perfect Automatic Fence Ma. chine for weaving Wire and Picket Fence in position to Posts, over even or hilly, gyound. A man and boy can weave 50 t0 60 rods of fence a day; at An averags co.t of less than a0 cents perrod. Will build a strong fence and stop large or smidl animals. The price is within tie veach- of every wI'mer. ; Write for ¢irculars and full informat..n to The felastorn Feng Hastie 6. Ltd ie P.O. Bex, iid Joh nstown, Pa. - gh = voy Rip Unexcelled in purity, sirength an fing flavor. Insist upon your = grocer supplying you with be Bruce & West Brand of Extracts. Hot genuine without our trads mark on [abel PREPARED BY THE Bruce & West Mi. Co. CLEVELAND, A EERE A —— a ! i lil Tr Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pa ent business conducted forMoncRrE FEES. OUR DrFIcE ) 1s ¢ OPPOSITE . PATENT QFrioe arid we can ¢ patent 3 5 time than those remote from ' We A ton. Send Jedd, drawing or photo., with desciip- tion. We advise, if pateniubls. or not, free of chiarge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. ah PAmpHLET, “How to Obtain Patents,” with of Same in the U. S. and foreign countries ~ t free. C.A. .SNOW & CO. ES * JAPANESE ie)” Will Save You. It isa new and complete treatment, consist- ing of Suppress onment in Capsules (also Ointment in Box)and Pills. An absolute and guaranteed cure for Piles of whatever kind or degree. . External, Internal, Blind or Bleed- ing, Itching, Chronic, Recent or Hereditary, and many other diseases and female weak- nesses ; it is always a great benefit to the gen- eral health. The first discovery of a medicalcure rendering an operation with the knife unneces- sary hereafter. This: Remedy has never been known to fail. Bx. co per box, six for $5.00; sent by mail prepaid on re- ceipt of price. Why sufter from this terrible disease when you can get a guaranteed remedy? JOSEPH R. HOFFLIN & CO., Druggist,’ MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. VVPVVVRYFIVFFVFVVFV VV VY € A WRITTEN GUARANTEE & Positively given by The Japanese Reme- ¢ ¢ dies Co. to each purchaser of six boxes, 4 4 when purchased at one time, to refund | » the $5.00 paid if not cured. AAA LALRAESEDDLLLL66000 $660 0¢ oe OPP. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. od FOR MEATS, FON, Fou ETC., BAKING BREAD, CAKES A PUDDINGS SIMPLEST AND "HEAPEST THE STEAM produced by the process of cooking' canuot escape, is absorbed by the ar.icle in the roaster, and acts as a bas ing. Thee is no evap- oration, no dryi gup orbyrning, hence no shrinkage or loss of wei ht, an) ail the flavor aud nutritious qualities of the'f od ara re ained. Tough meats are made tender. and ary article roasted or baked wil! be sweeter, heaithier and more digestible. Put the food inthe roaster, place the roaster’in a well heated oven; the vill do the cooking. It requires no at- tention. Can only be bought from dealers, the trade $0000090906000000000000060 g NEO a, BLOOMINGTON, ILL. Our No. 28 End Spring, with Drop-Axle both front and rear, is the best looking and most serviceable buggy made for the money. Ask your dealer to show the BLOOMINGTON MEG. CO.’S line of Buggies, Wagons and Carts, and buy no other, SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Consumption. Ballard’s Horehound Syrup. No single disease has played such sad havoc with the human race as Consumption. No other disease approaches so stealthily. 1ts early symptoms are ig- nored because it is thought only a Cold or hacking Cough, which is neglected until this grim monster has such a hold that nothing but death can relieve it. this grim monster from many a throat, Iftakeni in time 1t will effect a permanent cure, and in the w | stages it will give surprising relief. T' Ty its soothing and healing virtues. Do not put it off until too late. Ballard’s Horehound Syrup has removed the grip of | | MATTHAL, INGRAM & CO. {20 HANOVER ST.y BALTIMORE, MD, 184 READE 8T., NEW YORK. . THE { A strictly hizh-grade family sewing | marhine, posatsstag wil modern improvements. NE ki ARAATERD QUAL the BEST A au | = : anid make comparisons. { J = 4]. pe | Simi Jrices very reassomable. Obtain them: The aot ant soap for (010 for bath and woiict at ail groces; within thorcac siston having CULL OS PINE =, 2 4 anythi- COAP® and don't take oise. Put up 2 cakes in a paper box R. W. CELL. RFC. CO. BurraLo, N.Y. A MARVELOUS DISCOVERY! Positively removes ICHECING 3 BONE SPAIN, Ringhone Splat, ELECTRIC IN a8 ir RS, Without Pain. $500 Reward For Failure or Slightest Injury. +4 Thi= i= the Greatest Wonder of the 19in Century, astonisi- Me ing, as it does, the ; entire Veterinary world. Circulars a~d Dr. Bis Chuck, No. gan }St., w Yark = Shay CURE: Sclentiic American Agency for ; CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, 2 DESICN PATENTS, = COPYRIGHTS, etc. “Bor information and free Handbouk write to NN & CO., 561 BROADWAY, New YORK otis bureau for securing patents in America. Xrery patent taken out by us is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge intkz Scientific American Largest circulation of anys EI paper in the world. Splendidly illu man Shodid xe with rome 1 “Sean vear; $1.50 si onths. Address MIUNN & CO., FUbLisazns, 361 Broadway; New York City. So Bx a eH es DULL KNIFE ABOUT . THE HOUSE WILL BE A THING OF THE PAST IF YOU HAVE A i A RS x 2 f. 2 RR 55 55 ve 2 STEELS SO ARRANGED (%¢ THAT A CHILD CAN 0 USE IT. FOR SHEARS AS WELL. IF YOUR HARDWARE DEALER DON'T HAVE IT, SEND 75c. TO THE FOSTER RAZOR CO., FULTON, N. Y. 3 FOUTS HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS Sworn procs Mail- - ESSE SEEING $ DUPLEX STEEL.. $B IT CONSISTS OF TWO FINELY-TEMPERED AD- JUSTABLE BUTCHERS 3 i ~ af i A 83 aE | RS RAR RR ER SE i Ea } i 1 i a RA